Eagle’s Glory

Sixty-six, first interrogation

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 66, During the first interrogation, Villefort suddenly became the focus of the entire room and had a superior position to guide the atmosphere.

Although his power and force are not worth mentioning here, this senior prosecutor has an aura that makes people admire him in his professional field.

Over the years, he has skillfully played with the law and has sent countless guilty and innocent people to prison and even hell. Over time, he has truly become the incarnation of the law, which is daunting.

Agnes was completely intimidated by the prosecutor's appearance. After all, she was new to the world and simple-minded. In addition, she had already heard about the reputation of this well-known prosecutor, so she subconsciously trusted him and thought he was really good. We are seriously investigating this case.

And she is also the most guilty person here, because she wants to save her master's life, but she also feels guilty for Aiglon who has repeatedly given in. No one hopes more than her to have a best-of-both-worlds method to solve the current impasse and let herself One's conscience can also be contented with itself.

Prosecutor Villefort didn't pay attention to Bianca's uncooperative attitude, and he continued to ask his next question.

This question hit home again, and Bianca could only bite her lip and choose to remain silent to resist the cross-examination.

Villefort was not in a hurry, he just reminded the other party in a good voice,

Because his character worked, Villefort's persuasion was much more effective than Agron's coercion and inducement. Both Bianca and Agnes had their own thoughts in mind.

The reason why Bianca chose to remain silent was precisely because she did not want to implicate her former benefactor. However, if the prosecutor only listened, then with this young man's approach, he would definitely find ways to directly lead the incident to the Duke of Orleans. Isn't this right? Wouldn't it make her all her efforts go to waste?

Bianca suppressed her uneasiness and rebutted Villefort.

Although this was indeed true, Villefort certainly refused to admit it. ….

Villefort's words were very passionate. If Aigron hadn't known the inside story, he might have been deceived by him, let alone Bianca and Agnes? They easily believed the prosecutor's confession—just as many victims in the past had.

After weighing it for a long time, Bianca finally answered.

Villefort immediately asked,

Bianca retorted with a sneer;

Aiglon suddenly interrupted, "Then

When I was assassinated in Milan, I clearly heard her say that she was entrusted by someone. She said that she owed someone a huge favor, and that person wanted my life, so she had no choice but to do it. "

The prosecutor looked at Bianca and asked with his eyes whether what Agron said was true.

Bianca wanted to forcefully deny it, but she really didn't know how to lie, so she blushed and said nothing.

At this moment, she regretted that she had been too proud and believed that the King of Rome was going to die on the spot, so she said those words that she shouldn't have said, which became testimony that she could not dodge now.

However, it was too late to regret it now. In front of the aggressive prosecutor, she could only find a way to remedy the situation.

After seeing Bianca's appearance, Prosecutor Villefort came to this conclusion seemingly fairly,

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Prosecutor Villefort stated in a solemn manner the conclusion he had reached after listening to both sides of testimony.

Unknowingly, he took the initiative of the entire interrogation and guided it in the direction he wanted without haste.

But Bianca was a little panicked now. She didn't expect that she would fall into such a passive situation with just a few words - this experienced prosecutor obviously did not use harsh words or torture, but in just a few questions, he... Aggressively, forcing myself into such a situation...

What annoyed her the most was that the prosecutor looked so at ease and interested, as if he was mocking herself.

What should I do now? The prosecutor is already one step away from revealing the entire truth. If he accidentally continues to expose the inside story, it will be the end of the world. ….

Looking at the flustered Bianca, Prosecutor Villefort smiled and then asked gently.

Bianca glared at the prosecutor;

Villefort nodded slightly, deliberately calming down the other party's mood, and then asked another question.

Bianca, who was already restless, became furious after hearing this suggestive and even insulting question. She stood up from the sofa.

Facing the furious Bianca, Villefort not only showed no fear, but instead smiled like a prey taking the bait.

Bianca was stunned. She instantly understood that she had been tricked by the prosecutor again and admitted something that she shouldn't have said at all. She was originally angry and frowning, but suddenly she felt as if she had been cast by a spell, and her whole body relaxed. He collapsed and sat back on the sofa helplessly.

Agnes was stunned.

Witnessed by her own eyes, the master was completely defeated and in a state of embarrassment. Originally, the master did not look so panicked after being captured by mistake, but today it was an eye-opener for her.

Suddenly she turned to the prosecutor Jane

He was full of admiration.

Bianca sat back down and was stunned for a moment, but no one else spoke. The awkward silence lasted for a while before Bianca spoke again.

All eyes were focused on Aigron - after all, he was the one qualified to make the decision.

Aiglon asked Villefort.

To Aigron's surprise, Villefort, who had clearly forced Bianca into a blind corner, chose to stop there.

Then, Villefort winked at Aiglon.

Although Aigron didn't understand why, he was quite satisfied with Villefort's performance at the moment - since Villefort had proved that he was indeed talented, he didn't mind listening to the other party's opinion.

So he waved his hand, indicating that Bianca could leave.

Agnes breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly left with the embarrassed Bianca. ….

After the master and apprentice left, Aigron asked each other again.

Villefort answered Aigron's question respectfully,

Aigron couldn't help but be amused as he recalled the scene just now.

Aigron's words were clearly a compliment, and if Bianca was present, she would probably burst into anger again.

And the prosecutor also laughed strangely,

Aigron asked rhetorically.

Villefort looked at Aigron's face, and then asked,

What he meant was that if Bianca was interrogated clearly, but it turned out that the Duke of Orleans was not the instigator, then he might cause trouble for Aiglon, so he would rather stop there first.

Aigron did not answer immediately, but frowned.

The prosecutor nodded in agreement.

Aiglon sneered,

Villefort nodded and agreed with Aiglon's statement,

After he finished speaking, he looked at Aiglon cautiously again,

At this time, his face no longer had the iron-faced majesty, but was both respectful and full of expectation, looking like a primary school student waiting for the teacher to give him a grade.

He knew that his future life and death were already determined by this young man's thoughts.

By launching an attack on the Duke of Orleans

The method of attack was used to please the young man, and he took the opportunity to erase his past handles. From then on, he continued to prosper relying on the Bonaparte family, and became an iron-faced judge who played with the law.

But he didn't know that his outcome had already been determined, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was all to no avail.

And the process of extracting surplus value from him was also being silently appreciated by the young man in front of him...


A dream in the palace

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