Eagle’s Glory

Sixty-nine, draw a clear line

The Glory of Young Eagle text volume 69, draw a clear line: "It seems that you two do know each other, so you might as well reminisce about old times..."

After a moment of hesitation, Prosecutor Villefort finally agreed to Chanel's proposal.

Of course, although the two people had an affair ten years ago, that romantic relationship has long since passed, and now Villefort has no idea of ​​"renewing the relationship" - objectively speaking, Emily She still carries the title of "Mrs. Tanglar" on her head, and getting close to her will only bring trouble to herself.

However, even so, Villefort also wanted to find out why Emily appeared here. In this strange environment, he hoped to collect more information for himself.

After making up his mind, he raised his head and made a gesture to Emily, who also nodded after hesitating for a moment.

So the two people walked to a fountain, while Chanel stepped aside and waited so as not to disturb the two people's reminiscence.

After the two people looked at each other face to face, they both had some feelings about "things are different and people are different".

Although they had an old relationship and even gave birth to an illegitimate child, that was a long time ago. They had both gone a long way in their own lives and no longer had any intersection with each other.

"Emily, why are you here?" Villefort asked first after a moment of silence.

"This is also what I want to ask. How did you come here, Prosecutor Villefort?" Emily asked instead of answering the question directly.

She did not use the title Gerald she had used in the past, but the official title "Prosecutor Villefort". She was obviously deliberately keeping a distance between the two people, and Villefort was immediately keenly aware of this.

"What should I call you? Madame Danglars?" he asked half-sarcastically.

This title immediately made Emily's originally beautiful face twitch and twist.

For Emily at this moment, her goal in life is to get close to the big tree of the Count of Monte Cristo and gain a foothold in the court, and the title "Mrs. Danglars" is the nightmare she wants to get rid of as soon as possible. .

This title not only represents her unbearable dark history, but also proves that her current status is precarious. As long as she is Mrs. Tanglar for one day, she is destined to be secretly laughed at by the people here, and she may be ridiculed at any time. abandon.


This title has become her antagonism, and Villefort's ridicule immediately aroused anger and disgust in her heart.

In anger, she looked at Villefort again, her former lover. At this time, his livid face and the stern and cunning look hidden behind his eyes could no longer arouse the slightest bit in her heart. Ripple, compare him with Edmund, there is a world of difference.

"Just call me Madam, Your Excellency." Emily replied coldly, holding back her anger.

"Okay, madam." Villefort shrugged, and then he took the initiative to confess his purpose, "I was invited by His Majesty to come here to handle a case. Please forgive me for not revealing the specific details of the case, but please don't worry. , I have absolutely no intention of causing you any trouble."

After hearing Villefort's explanation, Emily's expression finally softened a little, and then she replied angrily, "After Paris fell into chaos, I was invited by a friend to take refuge here."

Although Emily's words were not entirely true, with Villefort's keenness, he quickly guessed most of the truth.

It seems that after Tanglars escaped, Emily found a new "protector" for herself, and under his protection, she was able to enter Fontainebleau.

Logically speaking, this protector should be a follower of the Bonaparte family and have a very high status.

Having a high status means having friendship value.

"Who is this great friend?" he asked.

Emily frowned and didn't answer.

For Emily, Villefort is just a romance in the past, and the Count of Monte Cristo is the guarantee of her future. She does not dare to let the Count know about her past.

"Don't worry, Emily, I'm just asking this question out of curiosity -" because he noticed Emily's concerns, Villefort explained for himself, "For those things in our past, I hope to put them into perspective more than you do." Buried in the dust of time."

Emily thought the same thing. Prosecutor Villefort had been sanctimonious all his life and worked hard to maintain his character. Once others knew that he had an affair behind his wife's back and even gave birth to an illegitimate child, it would only make him look disgraced. He and he You should also keep secrets yourself.

"That friend is the Count of Monte Cristo. He is His Majesty's favorite and has a high status." So she gave a short answer.

"The Count of Monte Cristo... is a rather strange title." Villefort remembered this title. At this time, of course he had no idea what this title meant to him.

He also knew that Emily didn't want to explain too much to him about her new lover, so he didn't ask any more questions, "You are lucky to have such a protector."

"Yeah, you must not have thought that I could actually get up from the bottom." A mocking smile appeared on Emily's face, "After I was in trouble, you didn't even bother to ask how I was doing... You regard me as the god of plague and avoid me as much as possible."

There was a trace of embarrassment on Villefort's face.

Although the matter between Emily and him was indeed over long ago, after hearing that Danglars had absconded with the money, he was really indifferent, and he never thought about lending a helping hand - for him, The less he has to do with her, the better.

Just when he was about to make some excuses for himself, Emily waved her hand impatiently, and then looked at the prosecutor with cold and proud eyes, "There is no need to pretend to comfort me, I know that we are already unrelated. person, so I have never blamed you for not saving me, but I want to make one thing clear to you - since there is no relationship between you and me, then you should not expect to get any goodwill from me. Don't even think about our so-called old relationship. When I was in the most difficult time, the Count helped me, freed me from the fate of living on the streets, and gave me a new life. In order to repay this kindness, I will I will always be by his side and do my best to take care of him. I have forgotten all the irrelevant things, and I hope you will forget too!"

Villefort was not surprised by Emily's idea of ​​drawing a line between herself and herself - after all, he couldn't give her anything now, and she had her own benefactor.

What surprised Villefort was that the frivolous and flashy Emily could actually look so loyal. Even the sophisticated prosecutor couldn't help but marvel at this moment - women, you are really born actors!

"Of course, I will forget it." He shrugged and agreed, "But since you sincerely hope to draw a clear line with me, why did you come over to talk to me again?"

In his opinion, Emily could just run away and ignore him. With such a clear boundary drawn, he would certainly not be asking for trouble.

Therefore, she must have her own intentions in doing this.

"Is there anything you would like me to help with?" He then asked tentatively.

"Yes, it's convenient to talk to smart people like you." Emily nodded slightly, "I have something very important that I hope you can help me with - I don't want to be Tanglar anymore. Madam, can you help me get rid of this damn title as soon as possible?"

Villefort understood instantly.

That's right, "Mrs. Danglars" is now a terrible negative asset for Emily. She wants to throw it away as soon as possible all the time. This way she can advance to another level, and no matter how bad she is, she can still save herself by retreating. reputation, and no longer have to worry about the huge debt left by Tanglar.

However, even if she desires it so much, the reality is not so easy.

In this era when Catholicism occupies an absolute position in ideology, it is unimaginable for nobles to get divorced. Even if their relationship has completely broken down after years of separation, there are many people who still maintain nominal marriages.

Although Danglars ran away, as long as he was not confirmed dead, Emily would continue to bear this shameful title for a long time.

However, it is difficult to return, but for a legal veteran like Prosecutor Villefort, there is no solution.

For example, you can find problems with the original marriage procedures and documents and declare the marriage invalid; for example, you can find or even fabricate evidence that Tanglar violated the marriage property contract and dissolve the marriage; you can even forge a death document to let Emily regain her freedom. Body——Anyway, Tanglar, who has already fled to an unknown place with money, will definitely never dare to return to France in this life.

Once he figured out the situation and stood in a superior position where the other party wanted something from him, Villefort returned to his former calmness.

"Do you want me to use legal means to dissolve your marriage and restore your freedom?" Villefort asked softly.

"Yes." Emily nodded without hesitation.

"But you just told me that we have nothing to do with it... I don't have any need to take such legal risks for you." Villefort pointed out the facts.

"I really don't need you to help me because of our past friendship." Emily sneered, and then lowered her voice, "I just want a fair deal with you, please do me a favor. I’ll do you a favor too so we don’t have to owe each other anything, what do you think?”

Villefort was silent for a moment, weighing rapidly in his mind. "But what can you do to help me now?"

"I really can't help you with anything now, but if I gain a firm foothold here in the future and win the favor of your two majesties, then I can help you..." Emily replied confidently.

"You want my help now, and then promise me an uncertain future. This is not equal-" Villefort shook his head, obviously not liking Emily's conditions.

"Then what do you want?" A trace of anger flashed in Emily's eyes.

"How about this? You can find a way for me to get to know the Count of Monte Cristo and establish friendship with him, and then we'll be settled." Villefort suggested.

Emily hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to agree or not.

"Don't worry, I never want to disturb your current life, let alone let the past affairs between you and me be exposed - in that case, my future will also be ruined." Villefort comforted her, "For me, since I may be destined to serve the King of Rome next, so it would be good for me to know a few of his favorites.

"Speaking of which, aren't you a royalist? Why are you interested in investigating the case for our Majesty?" Emily asked.

"That is a thing of the past... Now the situation has changed. With the withdrawal of His Majesty the King, my original network has lost most of its value. In order to maintain my position, I must rebuild one - the political stance is against For me, it’s just a coat, and since the climate has changed, I should change it.”

"I thought you never cared about your network? You were famous as a man in the iron mask back then." Emily's doubts disappeared, and then she laughed sarcastically.

"Hmph, do you really think that you can be a good prosecutor in Paris simply by adhering to the law?" Villefort's smile was full of self-deprecation and helplessness. "You can laugh at me, but I have tried my best to uphold the dignity of the law. From what I have seen and heard around me, even if I fall, the person who replaces me will probably be even worse than me..."

Emily was not interested in Villefort's boasts and excuses at all, and she didn't care about legal dignity. For her, it was enough to dissolve this nightmare marriage for her as soon as possible, even if she paid some price for it. No matter what it takes - besides, Prosecutor Villefort's deal conditions are not harsh.

"Okay, I will find opportunities for you two to build friendship, but you must not tear me down... No matter what happened in the past, it is best for us to forget it. After we complete this deal, we The two of us owe nothing to each other, and there is no need to have any more interactions in the future!" Emily warned the other party.

"Of course. Don't worry, I have absolutely no intention of destroying your future happiness." Villefort bowed slightly, "On the contrary, I wish you to clear away the gloom and reach a new peak in your life here."

The prosecutor's compliment made Emily feel more relaxed.

As long as the marriage relationship with Tanglar is dissolved, his biggest weakness and worry will be gone, and he can work harder to pursue his new life in the future.

After completing what she cared about most, she had no intention of continuing to talk to Villefort.

She didn't want to cause any more gossip now, and she didn't want to affect her relationship with the count because of Villefort.

"Okay, I've talked to you long enough, it's time for me to go back..." she said, calmly saying farewell to Villefort, "I wish you all the best."

"I will take care of this for you when I return to Paris - but how will I inform you then?" Villefort asked.

"I will have a way to know when the time comes." Emily left a sentence, then turned around and left without any regrets.

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