Eagle’s Glory

Seventy, complain and complain

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 70, Villefort watched Emily leave without saying a word.

Although Emily's attitude of rejecting him made him slightly dissatisfied, he also knew that this was the best way for the two of them to get along at this time.

Emily wanted to climb a new branch, and he couldn't bear the attitude of his past secrets being exposed, so it would be better to simply cut off all ties with each other and treat each other as passers-by from now on.

However, he also had a vague hunch in his heart that he seemed to have forgotten something unintentionally. It seemed important, but he couldn't remember it.

While thinking hard, he followed the original path and returned to the maid Chanel.

"Your Excellency, did you two have a pleasant conversation just now?" Looking at Villefort's worried look, Chanel asked with a smile, "You don't seem to be in a good state."

"No, we just had a pleasant conversation. To be honest, I was quite worried about her when I heard about the unfortunate events that happened at her home. Now that I see that she is safe and sound, I feel relieved... and I hope that she will be safe in the future. You can live peacefully here." Villefort continued to think while saying his insincere words.

Suddenly, he had an idea and remembered what he had missed——

"By the way, Miss Chanel, I have something to ask you about Mrs. Danglars. Is it okay with you?"

"You are His Majesty's distinguished guest. As long as you have questions, of course I will try my best to answer them." Chanel was slightly confused, but still nodded with a smile.

The maid's gentle and bright smile immediately relieved Villefort's nervousness a lot. He asked softly, "I heard her say that she was brought here by one of His Majesty's favorites. The title of that favorite is His name is the Count of Monte Cristo, right?”

"Yes, Mrs. Emily was introduced here by the Count of Monte Cristo." Chanel nodded again.

"Mrs. Danglars was in danger because her husband absconded with the money. The count generously rescued her in this desperate situation. It is really touching..." Villefort pretended. He praised him a few times, and then revealed his true meaning, "Then what is the surname of the Count of Monte Cristo? If there is a chance in the future, I will know him."

Why did he deliberately spy on Edmund? A trace of doubt flashed through Chanel's heart.


After all, she had been serving in the court since she was a child. Although her position was low, her mind was definitely not pure. What's more, although she didn't know that Prosecutor Villefort was the count's life-and-death enemy, she was also taking care of Father Faria. At that time, I learned some of Edmund's past from him. I knew that Edmund was framed by several enemies and ended up in a dark prison for more than ten years.

Therefore, even if she wanted to protect Edmund, it was impossible for her to reveal such crucial information to Villefort, whom she had just met.

"Sir, your question makes me a little difficult..." Chanel showed an embarrassed and apologetic smile, "I am just a maid, and my normal job is just to do some chores around His Majesty. No one will follow you. What key information should I disclose? The Count of Monte Cristo is His Majesty's favorite, and has been performing many secret and important tasks for him, so I really have no chance to learn his name... However, Your Excellency, you don't have to be discouraged, With your reputation and status, it would be very easy for you to make friends with him, and I think the Earl would be very happy to do so! So when the time comes, you can just ask him face to face."

Chanel's answer was reasonable, and her gentle smile and voice were very contagious. Villefort didn't know Chanel's true status, so he easily accepted Chanel's explanation.

Alas, it seems that I missed it, but it doesn't matter, I will know when the time comes anyway... He thought to himself, so he stopped worrying about the name.

But for some reason, Villefort always vaguely felt that the Count of Monte Cristo, whom he had never met before, would be a very important person to him, so he asked Chanel another question without giving up.

"You just said that the Count of Monte Cristo performed a secret mission for His Majesty. If possible, could you tell me what kind of mission it was?"

"Since it is a secret mission, how can I know?" Chanel still smiled softly, but she blocked everything from her smile, "In short, if you can know, then you will You will know."

These very "philosophical" words completely blocked Villefort, and he had no choice but to give up and ask further questions.

However, in his heart, based on extremely limited information, he had already sketched out a rough image of the Count of Monte Cristo - smart and capable, perhaps murderous, and secretly doing a lot of dirty work for the King of Rome.

And he must be very strong, treating rules as nothing, and even a little arrogant - otherwise, he would not risk being ridiculed by taking the title of "Mrs. Danglars" Emily was brought into the court.

Speaking of which, where did Emily get such great charm that she was able to charm such a big shot to such an extent that she was even willing to risk her own future to bring her here?

Although Emily is beautiful, there are many beautiful ladies and girls in Paris, many of whom are not inferior to her, and they are safer and will not affect his future.

Could it be that there is also a share of her daughter Eugenie...Emily's daughter is probably almost ten years old now, right? An evil and terrible thought flashed through the prosecutor's mind.

"Then did Mademoiselle Eugenie come in with her mother?" he asked, pretending to be casual. "I forgot to ask her just now."

"Yes." Chanel replied matter-of-factly, "How can you bring in a mother but leave her young daughter alone?"

"So, how is the relationship between Eugenie and the Count?" the prosecutor asked, "Generally speaking, the situation would be a bit embarrassing, right? Children always ignore their mother's difficulties and regard those who are close to their mother as bad guys who have taken away their mother's love... "

"You are worrying too much." Chanel shook her head, "As far as I know, Miss Eugenie and the Count get along very well. I don't know the specific life, but every time the Count stays here, Miss Eugenie will Let him show off his singing voice - by the way, Mademoiselle Eugénie does sing beautifully."

Chanelle felt that this kind of thing was irrelevant, so she just said it. However, her words caused huge waves in the prosecutor's heart.

Could this be the truth?

Is this world really so hopelessly corrupt? Villefort felt more and more that his guess made sense.

The reason why he thinks so is that on the one hand, the prosecutor has been dealing with various criminals for many years and has long lost confidence in human nature; but on the other hand, when Emily was in trouble, he had an old love He chose to watch the fire from the other side and turned a blind eye, but the Earl extended a helping hand. In comparison, he looked so despicable - as a prosecutor who is always suppressing himself and always sanctimonious, it inevitably ignited some dark jealousy. I hope the Earl is also a prosecutor. A bad person should be hopelessly bad than himself, so that he can regain some sense of self-esteem.

Of course, the prosecutor also knows that it is impossible to convict someone based on mere guesses. Now it is known that these are just unfounded guesses on his part, and they can even be said to be random thoughts.

But this possibility is entirely possible, and a trace of fear flashed through his heart - after all, he also has a young daughter Valentine.

At this time, Chanel sent the prosecutor back to his residence, and Villefort asked no more questions and stayed in the room to rest.

Chanel returned to the door of Aigron's room along the original path, and then stood there with his head bowed, quietly waiting for the master's call.

"Chanel, are you back?" Not long after, she heard the call of the owner in the room.

She quickly opened the door gently and walked in. "Your Majesty, I'm back."

As she spoke, she glanced around the room and found that Miss Agnes had left.

Originally, she thought Miss Agnes would stay here longer - after all, the relationship between the two of them had developed by leaps and bounds during this period, and His Majesty also took the opportunity to be intimate with her several times.

The two of them were in the same room today, but they didn't expect that Miss Agnes would be let go by His Majesty so quickly.

Chanel did not delve into the reason, but just waited for the young man's instructions with a low eyebrow.

"Chanelle, you just sent Prosecutor Villefort to his residence. Did he do anything unusual?" Aiglon asked.

"No, I treat him as a distinguished guest, and he is very polite to me." Chanel told him truthfully, "But... when he went to his residence, he met Mrs. Emily - and because they were old acquaintances , so the two of them spent some time catching up."

"Huh?" Aiglon was slightly surprised.

The old lovers actually met again under his nose...Aigron wasn't worried about the rest, but if Emily revealed too much information about Edmund, it might disrupt his plan. .

"What did they say?" Aigron asked.

"In order not to disturb them, I stood quite far away and didn't hear what they were saying." Chanel replied, "But... they didn't seem to have a pleasant conversation. Both of them had sullen faces from beginning to end, and they didn't say anything. Any act that was too polite. In addition, after the conversation, Prosecutor Villefort also asked me about the name and position of the count, but I ignored it. "

It seemed that Emily did not reveal Edmund's information - and then Aiglon finally felt relieved.

But he was not surprised that Emily made this choice. After all, the Earl was her all hope now. She was a smart person and knew how to choose.

At the moment, he needs Villefort to work for him and turn his lifelong reputation into his own assets. He is also unwilling to see any setbacks in this plan. Fortunately, as long as Villefort cannot obtain the most critical information, then there will be no affecting his plans.

Villefort seems to have become interested in the Count of Monte Cristo, and it seems that he wants to make friends with the Count. Aigron made a guess in his mind.

In this case... then let's fulfill your wish and satisfy my own evil taste at the same time.

A smile that was both joking and cruel appeared on Aigron's face, "Chanel, you can find Emily later and tell her that if she still wants to stay here, don't cause any trouble to Edmund and me. Also, don’t leak information about the count to anyone who has nothing to do with it, and undermine the mission he is performing. In addition, she is not allowed to go out or move around privately during this period, let alone pass information to the outside world. She should just act as an embellishment here. "

"Okay." Chanel accepted Aigron's order without any questioning. Although she did not understand the master's intention, she would fully implement it - of course, Aiglon's words were a bit harsh, and she would Try to be gentle and take care of your wife's emotions, but that's all.

"Since you want to make friends with Edmund, then I'll let you make friends with him... That's fine." Aigron whispered to himself.

Now that he controls Villefort's information channels, he will create opportunities for Villefort to get to know Edmund. Only in this way will he have the opportunity to see Villefort's painful look when facing the truth.

For Edmond Dantès himself, he has now eliminated two of his three life-and-death enemies. Villefort is also his last "concern". After Villefort's problem is solved, he will also completely cut himself off. All the past, welcome the new chapter of life.

Although there seem to be many unsolvable problems in the "new chapter", at least he comforted his father's spirit in heaven.

In addition to Edmund, there is another revenge drama that is slowly taking shape under his control.

Aiglon clapped his hands and motioned for Chanel to raise his head.

"Chanel, I have one more thing to tell you."

"What's the matter, Your Majesty?" Chanel asked quickly.

"I have asked Prince Talleyrand to help send a letter, urging the venerable Earl Telewin to come back from Instanbul as soon as possible." Aiglon replied.

"Earl Telewin...? Great!" Chanel was surprised at first, and then his eyes flashed with joy.

But she hesitated immediately, "The situation in the country is so chaotic now, will he come back?"

"You are wrong. It is precisely because of the chaos in the country that he rushed back in a hurry -" Aigron shook his head, "Earl Telewin fell out of favor before and was sent to Turkey as an ambassador. He and his teacher Prince Talleyrand They are all eager to make a comeback, and the chaos in the country is a good opportunity for him to realize his wish and seize the position to share the cake... He will come back as soon as he is reminded."

"Will this affect your relationship with His Royal Highness?" Chanel asked.

Aiglon just smiled and didn't answer.

He was just a party member. He only wanted Talleyrand to regain power, and Talleyrand would definitely be happy to pay such a bargaining chip.

"Chanel, as long as he comes here, he will be yours..." Aiglon said cruel words, but looked at his maid tenderly, "The lives of your whole family and the hatred that has been accumulated for a long time have come to an end. Let’s end it all then.”

"Thank you, Your Majesty...!" Tears appeared in Chanel's eyes, and then she hugged Aigron tightly.

Let's settle all the old grudges and it's time to welcome the new era.

Aigron thought to himself while enjoying the warm embrace of the maid.

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