Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-one, farewell

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 71, Farewell In the cold morning, an inconspicuous carriage convoy gathered in the square in front of Duyinleli Palace. Lan

Through the thin morning fog, traces of fighting can be seen everywhere in the square. Some of the gravel bricks even have black blood stains, silently telling the story of the tragedy that happened not long ago.

At the moment of the gunshot, the majesty of the royal power was wiped out, and the rule of the Bourbon royal family also ended here.

At this time, the palace's motorcade was coming to pick up King Charles X and other members of the royal family.

Next, if everything goes well, they will drive directly from the palace to Belgium, and then start their exile life there - if they are lucky, they can get asylum from a big country and then settle down there.

Under the surveillance of the National Guard soldiers, the royal family members and their trusted servants stepped onto the carriage one by one. These young and old, usually enjoy the supreme respect and are flattered by everyone around them. However, at this moment, But their faces were full of sorrow, and they could no longer see the arrogance of the past.

In this miserable atmosphere, some people had dull eyes and numb expressions, some lost their voices in pain, and some reluctantly turned around frequently. No matter how they behaved, they knew very well that this palace, and even this kingdom, would probably never be with them in the future. .

Because of the previous agreement, they could leave with a lot of property and live a prosperous life even in exile. But how could this prosperous life compare to the previous glory and wealth? Lan

But no matter how heartbroken they are, they have nothing to do at this moment but lament that fate has once again abandoned the Bourbon family.

Of the group, King Charles X maintained a relatively calm demeanor.

On the one hand, he is a king after all, and he must maintain his posture and not show cowardice; on the other hand, he has already experienced the exile life 40 years ago, and is quite experienced. Even if the past reappears, he will not despair.

The former imperial brother, Count Artois, was the first of the three brothers to flee France. Now, history has once again forced him to taste the same bitterness. The difference is that at that time, he did not need to be responsible for the country after all. And this time, the person who bears the infamy of the subjugated king is no longer the poor eldest brother Louis XVI, but himself...

Although he had not witnessed the execution of his brother Louis XVI, he had heard about it. At that time, a mob surrounded the guillotine, making loud noises and cheers, mocking the king's fall; but this time, it was eerily quiet around him. , not many citizens were watching around the palace, as if Parisians were indifferent to the historical moment when the Bourbon royal family collapsed again.

Swearing and ridicule are certainly tragic, but this kind of wordless silence and indifference seems to be even more tragic than scolding and ridicule.

This seems to mean that this royal family has lost the qualification to be feared and hated. Lan

With endless pain, King Charles X raised his head and took a deep look at the palace looming in the fog.

He had lived in the palace for many years, where he dealt with state affairs, gave orders, and got angry. At this moment, everything seemed to be just a dream.

He knew that from today on, the Bourbon family's Guo Zuo would be ruthlessly cut off again.

Facing the ruthless wheel of fate, although it struggled hard during the period, resisted fiercely, and was successfully restored through the mercy of foreign monarchs, it was still doomed and collapsed once again.

Can it be restored again? He wasn't sure.

After he fled France last time, it took him 24 years to return to this country. Will he have another 24 years in his life?

He turned his gaze and looked at Henry, his only grandson next to him. Lan

This young child was also the most emotional among the royal family members. He sobbed loudly, grieving that he had to leave the place where he had lived since childhood. Although he had no idea about the country and power, he must have He also knows that he has lost the most important thing in his life...

He is already too old and there is no hope of returning to the country in this life. The crown prince is also mediocre. It seems that the hope of the entire family can only be placed on this child.

He picked up his grandson and used the old man's last strength and tenderness to comfort his grandson.

"Your Majesty, we will definitely come back..." At this moment, he heard voices next to him.

The speaker was the Duchess of Berry, his second daughter-in-law, and Prince Henry's biological mother. She was usually young, beautiful and energetic, but at this moment, her face was twisted with anger and hatred, and she spoke with gritted teeth and murderous intent.

It's no wonder she is so angry, because if there are no accidents, her son, as the only heir of the family, will surely sit on the throne in a generation, and she will also become the supreme queen mother of this country - However, this sudden rebellion, But it took away everything she should have had.

Seeing the king's silence, Duchess Berry continued speaking.

"We must not just admit defeat... let the usurpers take away our kingdom and watch the country be filled with disaster! No, we want to take back everything we have."

As she spoke, her eyes flashed with fire, she looked at everything around her bitterly, and then she softly made an assertion,

"Although we are ousted, those careerists will not stop. They will fight fiercely for power and even kill each other, just like those traitors back then. When the time comes, we only need to raise our arms and those who are loyal to orthodoxy will People will definitely reunite and fight for the royal family and God, and God will definitely let those careerists die a good death, and then return the orthodox royal family to the throne, and no one can take Henry’s throne away!”

The king was not surprised by his daughter-in-law's words, because he had discussed the future with his family members many times during this period, and the duchess had said similar words many times.

Although the Crown Prince and his wife hated the Duke of Orleans and all usurpers, they were pained and tired of everything that had happened, and were deeply disappointed with this capricious country, so after their exile, they just wanted to resign themselves to fate and wait for the opportunity; while the Duchess of Berry Young and energetic, she vowed to take matters into her own hands to seek justice for her family and her son.

Her judgment is that the domestic situation will be chaotic for a long time. The Orleans family, the Bonaparte family and the republicans will fight for power. The people will soon be disappointed with this group of careerists, and when she He took a boat to Wangdai and other areas in the west, raised his troops under the royal flag, and then marched to Paris, taking back the orthodox royal family in one fell swoop.

His Majesty the King was not impressed by his daughter-in-law's plan. Lan

As his imperial brother, he once instigated the rebellion in Wangdai, and even almost landed to personally command the rebel supporters. However, the massive rebellion eventually died down under the suppression of the Paris government.

Now, decades have passed, are the people of Wangdai still interested in sacrificing their lives and blood for the royal family? He didn't have much confidence in it.

But in front of Duchess Berry, he couldn't deny her passion and could only deal with her indifferently. "Let's take a long-term view after we are settled. Now is not the time to discuss this."

Seeing that the king was not enthusiastic about raising troops, the Duchess of Berry wanted to say something else, but seeing the king's face ashen, she couldn't say any more. She just turned around and walked away bitterly, and got into her carriage.

After the surroundings finally quieted down, His Majesty the King stroked his grandson's hair, and then let out a long sigh. His wrinkled face was already filled with tears.

"May God forgive us all!" he murmured.


While the king was grieving for his lost throne, the Duke of Treville, not far away, was also saying his final farewell to his younger brother - of course, his younger brother, the Marquis of Treville, was dressed as a coachman and sneaked in. Into the convoy.

The king was in tears, but the duke was in a good mood.

Although the Bourbon royal family has once again collapsed, and he will have to go into exile with the king, the Treville family has not fallen. On the contrary, it has the possibility of becoming more prominent - the two brothers' plan before the incident, It all came true in the end.

The elder brother defended the palace desperately, showing his loyalty to the king and delaying enough time for the Bonaparte family to intervene; while the younger brother worked for the Bonaparte family and was about to become an important minister of the new empire.

In this case, what does he have to be sad about?

However, the Duke could not help feeling a little sad that he had to flee the country again after fifteen years.

The younger brother standing opposite him, his voice was hoarse due to mixed feelings. Lan

"Philip, after you get settled there, you must find a way to send me a message. If you are short of money, just tell me and I will definitely find a way to solve it for you."

"Don't worry about me. I have already taken care of everything. I have also managed to transfer most of my family's money to the local area. I will not suffer much loss." Duke Treville replied with his usual calm attitude, " On your side, I’m a little worried.”

"Don't worry." The Marquis replied quickly, "I just came back from Fontainebleau. His Majesty wants me to convey something to you. Although he cannot commend you for your achievements in person, he will never forget it. From now on, he will treat our brothers The contributions of both men will be recorded on my head. As long as he is still in office, our family will not be absent..."

"You are such an open-minded man. This is what I have been waiting for. It seems that all our efforts have been in vain." A smile finally appeared on the Duke's serious face, "Now I can go on the road with peace of mind."

"Yes, don't worry... I have everything here." Marquis Treville barely controlled the reluctance in his heart, and then answered his brother with a smile.

Then the Marquis asked, "How is the child?"

Of course Duke Treville knew who his brother was referring to, so he made a gesture to the side. Lan

Soon, his son Philip took out a baby from the carriage.

This child is probably less than two years old. He has short blond hair and looks very cute.

At this time, because he was in an unfamiliar environment, he was obviously a little cowed. He looked at the two old people in front of him and did not dare to speak, but fortunately he did not cry.

"I followed your tips and found this at a nearby farm a few days ago." Duke Treville explained to his younger brother. "The farm owner's family liked him very much and took good care of him. In order to get them to agree to give up the child, It took us a lot of effort to get out.”

The Marquis listened to his brother's explanation and looked at the young child carefully.

This is also the continuation of his bloodline - even though his current name is actually Yinzeril Walter, and theoretically, he should never be a member of his family.

But he was a male, the grandson he had dreamed of, and he was pretty good-looking. He could be traced to the blood of the Treville family. Lan

"Although Edgar is an incompetent bastard, his ability to sow seeds is unparalleled. His children are all so beautiful." The Marquis didn't know whether to praise or scold him.

Then, he walked up to the child, then reached out and wiped his smooth face.

To be fair, when he came into contact with this child, the Marquis of Treville did not feel much of the bond and movement between ancestors and grandchildren. His precious granddaughter Xia Lu was obviously more attracted to him.

But this is the grandson, so it is different after all.

This grandson may carry his life's hard work and achievements.

According to Treville's plan, Yin Zerel will be taken abroad with his brother to be raised secretly, and then he will be treated as a distant relative and included in the family members. Next, let's look at the situation on Edgar's side - —If Edgar and Alice have nothing to do, or only give birth to a daughter, then he will no longer wait and start cultivating the child with all his strength.

"Take good care of him, brother." Lan

"I will do the same without you having to tell me." Duke Treville frowned slightly, "However, Victor, I think you'd better think about it again. If you do this, it will definitely cause disputes within the family... "

"No family disputes are as important as our surnames and the continuation of our bloodline!" The Marquis interrupted his brother, "I know what I am doing...I have given them enough time. If they insist on being incompetent, If they disappoint me, I won’t give them another chance.”

Seeing that his brother was still resolute, Duke Treville stopped trying to persuade him.

Anyway, over the years, he also knew that once his brother identified something, he would fight to the end, even if it was a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire - this was also his advantage.

He hoped that the family would still be prosperous in the future, even more prosperous than when he was in charge of the family business.

So, he gently patted his brother's shoulder as a farewell.

"Victor, the inheritance and future of our family will depend on you... I wish you all the best." Lan

"I will." The Marquis hugged his brother tightly. "No matter what the cost, we will always prosper!"

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