Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-five, step by step

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 75, Step by Step Aigron, who is far away in Fontainebleau, has been paying close attention to the trends in Paris.

From the reports of his subordinates, he already knew the details of the negotiations between his side and Prince Talleyrand, and also knew that Prince Talleyrand had secretly moved towards his side.

And he, with the help of his followers and Talleyrand and others, began to spread the accusation that "the Duke of Orleans attempted to assassinate the King of Rome" everywhere.

Undoubtedly, the law cannot punish a person with the status of the Duke of Orleans at all. This is especially true in the current situation where the dynasty has collapsed and order has collapsed. However, Aigron didn't care about bringing his political opponents to justice. He only needed to use The stigma in public opinion is enough to let the other party bear the blow.

Because he didn't know the truth, he just used this accusation as a means to smear the other party with "mud", and it was impossible to know how much his accusation had shocked the Duke of Orleans and his cronies.

Precisely because he didn't care about the truth, even if he called the famous prosecutor Villefort, he was not in a hurry to urge the other party to find out the case. Instead, he let the prosecutor focus on trying his best to frame the charges and turn the case over. The Duke of Orleans.

The prosecutor also understood this well. He pretended to interrogate Bianca, and each time he deliberately dragged Agnes to listen.

Neither torture nor deliberate questioning was used. He just kept asking Bianca some seemingly insignificant questions, and in the midst of insinuations, he said the conclusion he wanted to say in Bianca's name.

This kind of work seems complicated, but the prosecutor has been so good at it for many years that laymen like Bianca and Agnes can't understand it at all. They are just secretly afraid that this prosecutor is indeed well-deserved. Being able to approach the "truth" step by step when the prisoner is so uncooperative.

Today, there was another interrogation. In addition to Agnes, who attended every time, Agron, who had not attended the previous few times and deliberately avoided suspicion, was also present.

Facing the master he was now loyal to, the prosecutor still put on a ruthless look and controlled the situation with ease.

"Ms. Bianca, based on your previous confession and the situation confirmed after my investigation, I believe that you were entrusted by a certain big shot in France. Based on the intelligence they provided, you tracked the whereabouts of the King of Rome and then assassinated - —And this big shot should be one of the top nobles in our country. Do you have any objection to my conclusion?"

When being questioned by prosecutors before, Bianca had tried to resist by remaining silent, but every time she deliberately remained silent,

Prosecutor Villefort said a piece of his own "inference", forcing Bianca to respond.

"I have an objection!" she replied loudly. "Your inference does not have any substantive evidence, it is just your own groundless speculation."

"You have provided me with a lot of evidence, madam. Although you may not feel so." Prosecutor Villefort responded calmly, "Admittedly, judging from the situation you have provided so far, it is difficult for me to accuse you. to a specific person, but at least I have enough to determine the scope of the suspects - if you want to overturn my conclusion, you can provide negative arguments, please say so!"

Bianca is not good at lying to begin with, so how can she weave a self-justifying narrative? So she hesitated for a while, but didn't say anything.

"It seems that it is difficult for you to overturn my conclusion." After she finished speaking, Prosecutor Villefort responded coldly, "Madam, you can despise me, but you have nowhere to hide in front of the law! "

After he finished speaking, he looked at the fierce female swordsman in front of him with solemn and cold eyes, and the evil spirit he had cultivated from facing criminals over the years actually calmed Bianca, who was already guilty.

Agron was secretly amused when he saw Bianca's confused expression, angry and unable to refute, but on the surface, he had a look of resentment and dissatisfaction, "Your Excellency Prosecutor, I thank you for your tireless efforts. , gradually solved the mystery that has puzzled me for a long time. So, now that the inference has been reached to this point, we might as well continue to explore... Who is the instigator behind the scenes? There are only a few suspects, it should be It’s still easy to guess, right?”

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. I cannot make unreasonable guesses about which of these suspects is more likely to be suspected, because they are all famous figures. I cannot tarnish their reputations without sufficient evidence." The prosecutor pretended to be reserved. to answer.

"How interesting!" Aigron couldn't help laughing. "Not long ago, the palace was besieged, and then the poor King was forced to give up his throne. In this case, what is his reputation? What's the point? Who respects his reputation? Let's switch to the Duke of Orleans. He colluded with the rebels, besieged the palace with bloody methods, and finally ended a dynasty with his own hands... What reputation does he have? Since None of them take their reputation seriously, can't we guess in private which person caused me to be seriously injured and comatose?"

Eggron's rhetorical question made the prosecutor too embarrassed to answer immediately.

Indeed, things have turned upside down now, and the political power of a country has collapsed, let alone those so-called royal relatives and dignitaries?

"Although there are all kinds of accidents, at least legally, I can't easily convict people." After a while, Prosecutor Villefort reluctantly answered. "Ms. Bianca is unwilling to clearly identify the instigator behind the scenes, so I can't draw a conclusion based on the information I have now. Your Majesty, since you invited me here and entrusted me with this case, please Respect my judgment, otherwise please hire someone else!"

Under the prosecutor's protest, Agron had no choice but to wave his hand. "Well, since you are so determined, let's not make groundless speculations and let's explore it carefully."

In front of the two masters and apprentices, Aiglon and the prosecutor sang in harmony and continued to play a double act, making them both believe in the prosecutor's impartial stance, and Bianca was secretly glad that she had delayed again.

However, she would never have thought that Aigron had already announced to the outside world that she had confessed everything and had testified against the Duke of Orleans himself. The so-called interrogation was just used by Aigron to stabilize her and to expose Aigron. It's just a way to bring down Nisi and others.

Agron didn't mind using such despicable methods on Bianca. After all, Bianca once caused him to be seriously injured and her life was in danger. It was already a great mercy for him to spare her life. He would slander her reputation and use her as a What does a spearman mean?

After Aigron's little episode, Prosecutor Villefort started his interrogation again. He asked some seemingly insignificant questions over and over again. Every time Bianca chose to remain silent, he took the initiative to avoid going around. Open, and from time to time intersperse some of your own inferences to make it impossible for the other party to avoid.

After several interrogations, Villefort had completely taken control of the situation, and Aiglon also enjoyed the show.

In the afternoon, the interrogation finally ended, and Bianca was returned to Agnes's residence, while Agnes herself was left behind by Agron.

"Your Majesty, do you have any other orders?" Agnes asked him.

"Agnes, now that things have happened, do you think I have fulfilled my promise to you?" Agron asked straight to the point without showing off.

"Of course you fulfilled it completely." Agnes was a little confused about Agron's question, but she still answered him seriously, "I have no objection at all to this."

"Okay, then do you think this investigation is fair?" Aigron asked again.

"Of course..." Agnes nodded, "I have been listening to the prosecutor's investigation and interrogation. You have not taken any torture measures against the master. Everything is fair."

"Then can I consider that I have done everything I can do for you?" Aigron asked hotly.

This question seemed a little ambiguous, but Agnes nodded again without any hesitation. "The favor you have given me is something I could never have imagined...and I am grateful for it."

Great, she's taken the bait.

After paving the way for the first three questions, Agron was convinced that he had mobilized Agnes's mentality of "repaying a favor", so he decided to start closing the net.

"Since I have done everything I can, I also hope you can do something for me."

"You can just tell me!" Agnes replied briskly, as if she had been looking forward to this moment. "I have long wanted to repay your kindness and relieve the guilt in my heart a little!"

"Then let's continue the topic we just left off..." Aiglon smiled slightly, "Through the prosecutor's series of investigations, I have roughly concluded the murderer behind the scenes... I think all this is Orleans The Duke did it, do you believe it?"

Of course Agnes believes it, because she already knew it from her previous communication with the master.

However, in order not to cause trouble to her master, she could only avoid answering.

"I...I don't know much about this matter, but didn't the prosecutor just refuse to make a conclusion? I'm afraid it's not good for us to draw conclusions like this...?"

"The prosecutor is a rigid old scholar. He only cares about his broken legal procedures. Even if he is 90% sure, he will not dare to make a conclusion if it is less than 100%. But we are different. I am not a lawyer who talks about words... I just Just make a judgment based on the known facts." Aigron replied flatly, "Now I think this was done by the Duke of Orleans, do you believe me or not?"

Facing Aiglon's aggressive gaze, Agnes felt guilty and guilty.

To be fair, if the master was not involved, she would not care about the life and death of the Duke of Orleans and others. Since this was "guessed" by Aigron himself, what does it have to do with her?

"Of course I believe you." So she replied softly.

Agron looked at Agnes carefully. He didn't know at the moment whether Agnes' approval was due to the information or inference she had, or whether it was out of respect and obedience to him. But this is not important. What is important is, After playing so many tricks, he finally bypassed the hurdle of "forcing Bianca to submit", gained Agnes's approval, and placed her among the accomplices who would accuse the Duke of Orleans in the future.

And that's enough.

"Okay, as long as you believe me, then I'll be satisfied." So, he reached out his hand and hugged Agnes gently, "Thank you."

Agnes did not resist Agron's intimacy. She had already been used to it these days. She just closed her eyes gently and enjoyed the tenderness between the two people. "Why do you need to thank me? This is what I should do." , I should thank you... Everyone can see how much you have made concessions for me."

"Well, we no longer need to guess who is behind the scenes. The prosecutor just told me that he will issue a report in two days, listing the intelligence he obtained during the investigation of this assassination case, and the information based on the intelligence. The conclusions drawn... You promised me before that you would sign the final investigation report." Aigron hugged her and whispered in her ear, "Just sign your name then."

"Don't worry, I will sign it, as many as you want." Agnes blushed slightly, and then replied obediently, "As long as it can be exchanged for the master's life, I will be happy to do it."

"Of course! As long as I can find out the instigator behind the scenes, I have no intention of embarrassing Ms. Bianca anymore. I can pardon her. Of course, a period of imprisonment is unavoidable." Agron replied matter-of-factly, "However, Agni Si, if she still doesn’t repent and continues to plot to murder me in the future, then I won’t be polite!”

"I won't let her do that." Agnes replied quickly, "Master has no enmity with you. After this turmoil, there is no need for her to get involved in the dispute again. I will Watch her!"

"If you are always by my side to protect me, then I really don't have to worry." Aigron replied with a smile.

"Protecting you...?" Agnes felt a little funny, "There are so many guards around you, and you are also very skilled, so why do you need my protection?"

"That's different." Aigron shook his head, and then looked at her stubbornly, "The guards can't get close to me, but you can. Maybe at some point this can save my life."

Agron's words seemed serious on the surface, but in fact they were very funny, and Agnes suddenly felt greatly embarrassed.

"You...how can you say such a thing?!"

"Why can't I say it?" Aigron admired her embarrassed look, and then responded with a smile.

However, he also knew that Agnes was not yet mentally prepared to be "within a short distance", so he was only gradually building her up mentally.

As the saying goes, a drop of water penetrates a stone. Rather than enjoying the pleasure of bed, he is enjoying the process of picking the fruits step by step.

Because Agnes was too embarrassed, she struggled to break away from her arms, but Agron held her hand tightly and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Agnes asked, giving up her struggle.

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