Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-six, court personnel

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 76, Court Personnel "Where are you going?"

Agnes' question was tinged with horror.

Although she had gradually gotten used to intimacy when the two of them were alone, it still made her feel extremely ashamed to show this extraordinary relationship in front of other people.

But she also knows that this is nothing more than self-deception. After all, here, this young man is the focus of everyone's attention, and his every move attracts everyone's attention. Sleep? I'm afraid that the vast majority of people here already know about it.

But even if she was deceiving herself, at least it helped her get some psychological comfort, allowing her to avoid the psychological shock.

Judging from the behavior of the young man at this time, it seems that she can't hold back the last sliver of luck...

However, even in panic and panic, she was powerless to stop her. After her slight resistance was ruthlessly defeated by the young man, she was already at a loss and could only follow the young man's actions, and then resigned herself to fate.

Where is he taking me? At this time, the girl was full of anxiety.

No...you won't really drag it to the bedroom, will you? She couldn't help thinking of the worst guesses.

Anyway, isn't that too much? She also knew that after arriving at the Palace of Fontainebleau, under the strong request of Princess Teresa, Aigron chose to live in the queen's bedroom. It means to be in front of Princess Teresa... Even if this young man is really daring, it shouldn't be so outrageous.

...Moreover, and I was not prepared at all! Besides, what would others think?

The more frightened she was, the more Agnes couldn't help thinking about the worst.

If that is the case, what should I do? Continue to submit or desperately resist? Logically speaking, one should definitely choose to resist desperately, but is it really useful to resist desperately...

All kinds of thoughts flooded Agnes's mind, so much so that she had no time to take care of her surroundings, and just mechanically followed Aegron along the resplendent corridors.

When she came to her senses, she found that she was already standing at the door of a room.

At this time, Aegron turned around and found that Agnes was blushing and seemed to be in a trance.

"What's the matter with you, Agnes?" so he asked.

"I...I'm fine." Agnes replied subconsciously, then she came back to her senses and looked around cautiously. Fortunately, what she was most worried about didn't happen, this young man didn't really put himself Drag it to his bedroom.

But even if it wasn't his bedroom, it seemed scary...

"Your Majesty, what do you want to do?" Agnes suppressed the panic in her heart, and asked the young man in a low voice.

"You'll find out soon." Aigron seemed interested, and then he turned and knocked on the door.

He is going to knock? That means someone is inside. Agnes instantly felt extremely grateful that the thing she feared the most did not happen.

However, her rejoicing didn't last long, and she soon heard a question from inside.

"Who's out there?"

The voice was soft and pleasant, and it sounded like a well-bred lady, and Agnes immediately recognized that it was the voice of her sister Alice.

Your Majesty wants to bring me before my sister? What is he trying to do?

A wave of ups and downs rose again, and Agnes's originally slightly calm mood suddenly became turbulent.

This is definitely not a situation she wants to face-how can she explain what she has done to her sister?

Thinking of this, she hurriedly wanted to struggle.

However, her awakening seemed to be a little too late. While she was still thinking, Aegron had already responded to the inquiry inside.

"it's me."

"Your Majesty!" Although Aigron didn't have his own registration number, the noble lady inside the door naturally recognized Aigron's voice. Her originally calm and calm tone became a little flustered, and then she hurried to the door and opened it. .

As the door was quickly opened, Alice's pretty face appeared in front of Aigron. She originally had a welcoming smile on her face, but when she saw Agnes behind Aigron, a little doubt appeared in her smile.

But even so, she did not forget her manners, and bowed her knees to salute the young man.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming, so I didn't prepare early..."

"It's okay, Alice, I just wanted to come and take a look temporarily, and you don't need to make any preparations in advance."

Agron said while dragging Agnes inside.

In front of her sister, Agnes naturally did not dare to lose her composure, so she had to give up resistance and walked in with Aegron.

After walking inside, Aigron could smell the fragrance of powder and perfume, but it was more of the smell of books and ink. Although the room was covered with exquisite carpets and expensive crystal lamps, there were not many luxurious ones. The breath of life, there are a lot of paperwork on the desk, and there are many bundled documents in the cabinet next to it. If it weren't for the flowers and incense on the desk, it would look more like a small civil servant's office .

But in essence, the two are similar - after being entrusted with important tasks by Aigron and Teresa, Alice has become a hot and important figure in the court.

For Teresa, Alice has a dignified personality and acts cautiously, and in order to avoid suspicion, she is not good at appointing Austrians around her, so she regards Alice as her confidant and agent here.

Now, because Teresa is pregnant for the second time, Alice can be responsible for more and more things, so she is even busier.

Alice did use her actual actions to repay the trust and love of the two majesties. She devoted all her energy to various busy affairs, from personnel recruitment, fund allocation and transfer, to various tasks. The maintenance and repair of all places, she can be seen almost everywhere.

It can be said that without Alice's efforts, the palace would not be up and running so quickly, let alone show an orderly situation in a short period of time.

As a rising and popular power figure, Alice knew that she must be hated by many people. In order to avoid being replaced by others, not only did she not be arrogant and domineering, but she also became more cautious and low-key in her actions, and treated people normally. She is also humble and gentle, not at all contemptuous because of the low status of others, her performance has also earned her praise from all parties, and she has gradually stabilized her position.

Aigron walked into the room, and then sat directly on the sofa next to the coffee table.

And sisters Alice and Agnes looked at each other.

Alice didn't know the situation very well, so she wanted to ask her sister to explain her doubts; but Agnes was embarrassed and blushing at this time, and didn't dare to speak at all. In other words, she didn't know how to explain the current situation to her sister.

"Two, please sit down." Although this is Alice's office, Aegron assumed the posture of the master, spreading his hands and motioning for them to sit down beside him - of course, he is the master of everything here . new

After all, this was His Majesty's order, so although the two sisters hesitated, they sat down separately.

"Alice, the reason why I brought Agnes to bother you is because I heard that you have hired her?" After they all sat down, Agron finally got to the point.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Alice quickly responded, "Not long ago, in view of the fact that there are mixed fish and dragons in the palace and the situation is chaotic, in order to better maintain the safety of the palace, I decided to appoint Agnes. After all, although the palace guards There are many, but there are many places that are inconvenient to approach, and she is a woman, so she has less worries..."

After a pause, she smiled apologetically, "I have to be honest in front of you, so I don't deny that I also have some selfishness - my sister had a fight with me because of some things, so I also hope Keep her by my side in this way to resolve the conflict between us. Please forgive my selfishness."

The reason why she said this is because this matter is always a bit of "private giving and receiving", even if His Majesty doesn't mind, she still has to put on a gesture of guilt for it.

"Alice, don't be nervous, I am very satisfied with your work, and I am not here to interfere with your work today." Aigron waved his finger again, expressing that he did not care about such selfishness at all, "Besides, I think your The appointment is very reasonable, we have all witnessed Agnes's skills, she is fully qualified for this job! I am a little thankful to you, after all, without your help to persuade, I am afraid she would not have agreed so easily."

Then, he changed the subject again, "However, it's not that there are some inappropriate things..."

"What are you saying is inappropriate?" Alice felt a little nervous and asked quickly.

"You just hired her, but you didn't specify her job." Aigron replied with a smile, "For example, what is her salary and rank? Which area is she in charge of? How long is she working? How should she be evaluated? ? What kind of rewards should be given for outstanding performance? None of these have been determined. In this case, even if Agnes has enthusiasm and wants to do a good job in this job, it may be difficult to do it."

"This..." Alice was stunned for a moment, and finally she could only smile apologetically, "You're right, I did something wrong."

During this period of time, she has been in charge of the personnel work of almost the entire palace. Naturally, she is also very familiar with the details of the "ranks and duties, allowances and assessments" of the various tasks mentioned by Aigron, and it can even be said that she is responsible for them. Participated in the formulation. But on Agnes' side, she didn't do so in detail - after all, for her, hiring Agnes was just a private offer, and there was no similar "job" to refer to to clarify the details.

Besides, if Agnes is short of money, she can just ask her for it, and she will give whatever she wants, so why bother to decide on salary and allowances?

But she didn't expect that Aigron wanted to go a step further on the basis of his private giving and receiving, and organized Agnes' "job".

Could this be Agnes' own request? She wants to seek status? So begging His Majesty to intercede with her?

She flashed this idea, and then she immediately denied it, because she knew her sister too well, she was definitely not such a person.

Besides, she looked at her younger sister again, and found that Agnes was also in a daze - obviously she didn't know what happened, but was forcibly pulled over by His Majesty.

However, even after guessing this, Alice has no way to object to Egron's will.

"Your Majesty, how do you think we should clarify Agnes' work?"

"I just made this request, and I'll leave it up to you to implement it." Aegron shrugged, looking uninterested, "There is only one thing, in terms of remuneration, we can't wrong Agnes My identity and talent, otherwise I would lose my dignity."

"I understand, Your Majesty." Alice nodded immediately.

According to His Majesty's intention, it is to give Agnes a generous salary and treatment, and of course Alice will not object.

Since His Majesty doesn't care about it, he can just give his sister a little more pocket money - although Agnes certainly doesn't care about it, what's the harm in having some money?

Then, she urged her younger sister who was still a little dazed with her eyes, telling her to thank her quickly.

Under her sister's urging, Agnes could only thank Aegron softly.

"Thank you for your great love, Your Majesty. I will definitely do my best to do my job well and repay your kindness."

In a few words, Aegron regulated Agnes to stay by his side, but he remained calm and continued talking. "In addition to salary and treatment, we should also be clear about work. Agnes is responsible for the security near the queen's bedroom. You also said that she is a woman after all, and she walks in places where there are many female relatives. It is also more convenient to…”

Because this reason was reasonable, Alice couldn't refute it, but she soon realized that something was wrong—after all, His Majesty and the Queen lived together, how could Agnes be responsible for the security here, wouldn't that mean, She was justifiably drawn to her side by His Majesty?

After thinking about this, she became sensitively aware of the seriousness of the problem, because His Majesty didn't care about the so-called court personnel affairs at all, and she was responsible for these things before.

Therefore, the reason why he cares about these things is because of Agnes...

She suddenly had a sense of enlightenment.

Then, she was keenly aware of another fact.

In fact, His Majesty brought Agnes to come to him, not to ask her about her job, but... to ask him to help, so that Agnes could not refuse his arrangement.

Why did His Majesty do this?

If she still can't guess the reason at this point, then she has lived for so many years in vain.

For a moment, she fell into hesitation, not knowing what to say.

Her eyes wandered among the boys and girls in front of her, they were all so handsome and lovely, she had imagined that they would get married.

But... She never expected their fate to continue in this way.

In order to maintain the position she finally obtained, she should obey His Majesty's will, but should she really agree...?

She was caught in a painful tangle.

"Your Majesty, can I have a private talk with Agnes first?" After a moment of silence, she asked in a low voice.

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