Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-eight, willful

"Your Majesty, can I have a private conversation with Agnes first?"

After a moment of silence, Alice asked Egron.

Originally, Aigron could completely ignore this request, but the blond and blue-eyed beautiful woman in front of him had a gentle temperament, which made the young man unable to bear to rudely refuse.

It didn't matter anyway, so Aigron agreed to her.

"Of course, I'll go out first."

"No, no, how can I drive you out?" Alice hastily kept Aegron, "Agnes and I will go inside, just wait a moment."

The so-called "inside" refers to her small room in this suite, which she has opened up as her own lounge, and she will take a short rest when she is tired.

"Okay." That being the case, Aigron had no objections. He half-lyed on the sofa, then picked up a document on the table, and browsed casually.

Alice got up from the sofa, and motioned for her sister to come with her. Although Agnes still looked a little embarrassed, she still obeyed her sister's call.

Soon, the two sisters came to the room together. There was a reclining chair in the room, and incense was placed in the closet. The window was facing the garden, and the warm spring breeze poured in continuously from the window, mixing the fragrance of flowers and incense. , is refreshing.

But Alice didn't have this leisurely mood at the moment, she looked at her sister nervously, and then asked a question. "Agnes, what's going on?"

"I don't know more than you." Agnes replied with a wry smile, "Your Majesty will not discuss with me what he wants to do."

"But you are the person concerned." Alice was a little puzzled, "Didn't he discuss it with you beforehand?"

"No." Agnes replied honestly, "maybe he's sure I won't object at all."

"Then would you object?" Alice asked.

Agnes was silent for a moment, but quickly responded, "...No."

"Why?" Alice asked.

"Is there any other reason for this?" Agnes was rather puzzled.

"He is His Majesty, and our family is also giving allegiance to him. He wants to arrange my right to do things, I just need to do it."

Alice didn't know how to respond to her sister's answer.

Logically speaking, this is indeed an irreproachable and correct answer, but she knew that if it was her former sister, she would definitely not think so.

But what can she do?

My sister is right, now her natal family and her husband's family are already loyal to His Majesty, and she herself is also indebted to His Majesty's favor. In this case, since His Majesty has made it so clear, she cannot overthrow it at all, and she has no qualifications To overturn Eggron's opinion.

But let her shut up, but she felt that she couldn't do it.

She worried that her sister was too young and naive to see the danger in it.

So, she carefully reminded her sister.

"Agnes, things are not as simple as they seem on the surface..." She tried her best to keep her voice down so that the young people outside could not hear her. "Do you really think that he put you by his side just for the so-called 'defense'? There are guards around him, and he is so good at it. Why do you need to take care of him all the time?"

Before her sister could answer, she continued, "Obviously, he coveted you, so he just wanted to find a plausible excuse to keep you by his side..."

Maybe because she felt that what she said was a bit "disrespectful", she quickly went back and made amends, "Of course, I don't mean that His Majesty must be planning to do something wrong, but think about it, what will outsiders think? If I think Something is wrong, and outsiders will only have more vicious speculations. When the rumors spread, what will happen to your reputation? Agnes, this is not a joke, you better weigh the consequences carefully. "

After speaking, she looked at her sister eagerly, waiting for Agnes' response.

Unexpectedly, even though she spoke so bluntly, Agnes did not show any anxiety or anger, but looked at her sister with gratified eyes, "So, you are persuading me to refuse ?”

"That's not what I said... I just advise you to think carefully and not be dazzled by the superficial honor." Alice dodged instinctively, but her words already hinted at what she meant, "I I know, because of the previous incidents, you have been angry with me all the time, but on this matter, I ask you to trust my judgment, this will definitely cause you to fall into trouble and ruin your reputation...Why do you bother Asking for trouble?"

Having said that, Alice is already committing the following crimes, and she is really trying her best to persuade.

She also sincerely hoped that her younger sister would not fall into the pit of fire—after all, she was different from her father and father-in-law who wanted to use Agnes to flatter and favor her. Without the trust and reuse of the two majesties, she has no motive or need to "sell her sister for glory".

However, her efforts are destined to be useless at this time.

Because in her eyes, the most pure sister, the least likely to go with the secular world, will eventually undergo some changes in this sinister world—or, in other words, make some inevitable choices.

"Too late," Agnes whispered.

"What's too late?" Alice asked with some doubts.

"First of all, I would like to thank you. Faced with the pressure from His Majesty, you still mustered up the courage to persuade me to refuse, which shows that you still love me as much as before..." Agnes smiled slightly. In this smile, There is both relief and helplessness, "But I am also a little dissatisfied, because you have always regarded me as a child, an ignorant child, thinking about everything for me, or hiding everything from me. But I am afraid you have forgotten that even I, I will also grow up slowly - do you think that I am just being coaxed by His Majesty, and I can't notice anything...?"

"Agnes!" Alice was shocked when she heard this. "So you know?"

"Although I can't figure out his thoughts at all, and I don't bother to think about it, I can still see how he treats me and wants to treat me." Agnes couldn't laugh anymore, but Still mustering up the courage to answer to my sister, "He has pestered me several times during this period of time, and now he probably wants to go a step further."

"Has it reached this point yet?" Alice gasped, she was already shocked in her heart.

Because my sister's words meant a terrible possibility for Alice—since Agnes already knew everything and was ready to agree, wouldn't that mean...she had tacitly agreed that she would commit herself to His Majesty?

It's not that "becoming His Majesty's lover" is terrible, even if Agnes really became His Majesty's lover, it wouldn't make Alice feel ashamed. Being a lover of a married man is no longer shocking the world, and being His Majesty's lover is not a disgrace—it can even become the glory of the whole family.

The really scary thing is, how did Agnes become like this? How could she make such a choice?

Is it for the sake of wealth and glory? Although these things are indeed enough to confuse people's minds, Alice is unwilling to believe that her sister will become such a person anyway.

She blinked her eyes, and looked at the most familiar sister in front of her in bewilderment, but she was gradually becoming unfamiliar. It felt like the world was collapsing.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" She tremblingly asked her sister, "Did you be forced by your father? Or did he coerce you with kindness?"

Seeing her sister's appearance, Agnes was moved, but also a little funny, "It's not like this, it's my own decision. Of course my father wanted to do this, and he explicitly hinted in front of me several times that I would find a way to please His Majesty. But he can't tie me up, can he? And Your Majesty... Your Majesty never forced me, all of this is voluntary, I made my own decision."

"Decisions can be divided into right and wrong." Alice replied in a low voice, "This decision is of course the right one for those women who like prosperity and wealth, but it's different for you, you don't covet those things at all! Since you don't need those at all, then why do you bother to smear yourself with mud and face all kinds of right and wrong? With your appearance and talent, even if you don't depend on His Majesty, you can still live a good life!"

"Then have you considered an additional factor?" Agnes asked softly.


"I like him." Agnes replied in a voice that was hard for both of them to hear, her lips moving slightly.

"Huh...?!" Alice was caught off guard and almost choked.

"Strange?" Agnes asked.

Alice didn't know how to reply for a while, but when she thought about it carefully, it didn't seem so strange that a girl fell in love with His Majesty—or rather, it seemed a little natural. Regardless of appearance, talent, or other things, it is enough to make a girl's heart fall.

She looked at her sister carefully, trying hard to find traces of lying on Agnes's face - but, based on what she knew about her sister, she really wasn't lying.

If she had heard this when she first met His Majesty, she would have been very satisfied, but everything is very different now.

"Okay, I accept this reason. But...things in this world are not so simple, and you can ignore everything as long as you like it." She thought for a while, and then carefully reminded her sister, "What would Her Majesty think?" She's not such a magnanimous person, she once made a big fuss in spite of her manners when you were a little ambiguous, if you go further now, what would she think?"

"Even if you ask me about this kind of thing, I don't know how to deal with it. I don't have the slightest experience." Agnes smiled wryly and shook her head, "I have no malice towards her, and I never thought of taking the initiative to stab her." Hurt her, and I never took the initiative to seduce Your Majesty—but if Your Majesty wants to get close to me, how can I refuse? Whether it's from my father, from the family, or from my own perspective, I can only accept it, can't I? ?”

Perhaps these words have been brewing in Agnes's heart for a long time. After her sister triggered an opportunity, Agnes suddenly said, "I like him, and it just so happens that he also likes me. I stay by my side, and he is His Majesty, the person we all should obey, and the benefactor of our whole family, every one of my relatives is relying on him... If that is the case, then I will satisfy him! There is nothing wrong with it What about it? Even if it really doesn't work, it's beyond my control. If Princess Teresa insists on getting angry, then I can't help it. She can do whatever she wants. The husband is her own, and she can't control it. Can you still blame me?"

What Agnes said made Alice, who had always been clear-headed, a little confused.

She wondered if there was something wrong with her sister's brain circuit, but she couldn't find any problem in a hurry.

Theoretically speaking, since it is His Majesty who is loyal to him, he should really try his best to satisfy all his wishes, and even Alice may benefit from it, so he should support him vigorously.

However, Alice is not the same as her father after all. Her father can abandon her family affection and completely treat her daughter as a "tool" for flattery and favor; but she can't completely treat her most beloved Yaomei as a tool—— Even though she has cheated and used her before, she still has an unbroken family affection after all.

"You're still too young, because you're so young that you'll make muddy choices. You don't know the cruelty of fate, and you don't know that things that seem glamorous often have to pay a huge price..." Alice said As he spoke, he almost choked up, "I really can't bear to watch you take a wrong step and regret it for the rest of your life..."

"As I said just now, you have always treated me like a child, thinking that I don't understand anything and can't think of anything." Agnes retorted her sister, "But I can see all this myself! You are just saying that in the future He may dislike me and abandon me, but so what? I also say that I may abandon him... I don't ask him for anything, and I won't be afraid of losing my support, because I can become I can rely on myself! I can bear all the costs of my own destiny, and accordingly, I can do whatever I want! Sister, I have grown up and can make decisions for my own life, whether it is right or wrong , I will be responsible for myself, you don't have to worry about me so much anymore."???

How can you not worry? Alice's heart throbbed.

"Okay, let's stop arguing about this matter, and you don't have to take the risk of offending His Majesty for me, just let him do what he wants." Agnes laughed suddenly, and her tone became light , "Maybe you think he is playing with me, but from another perspective, I also want to taste the taste of playing with the emperor~ Those ladies laugh at me every day for being an untalented big bastard, but they will probably be jealous of me to the point of going crazy Well, they will never be able to achieve my achievements in their lifetime..."

Alice knew that her sister said this on purpose to comfort herself, and her tears rolled down quietly, but in the end she didn't say anything, and hugged her sister tightly.

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