Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-six, considerate

"But I just promised him that I would stay with him until I want to leave."

Agnes's answer was like pouring another bucket of cold water on Teresa.

From the beginning, she believed that it was not only her husband who was philandering, but Agnes was also deliberately seducing him, and now Agnes's performance convinced Theresa of this.

"So, that is to say, you don't want to leave now, and it's not for family or other reasons, just because you don't want to reject him, right?" Her eyes became colder, and then she asked softly.

Agnes knew that her answer would definitely make Princess Teresa even more furious, but at this moment, she did not want to lie. She had to face her heart and could no longer find other excuses to cover herself up.

"Yes." She nodded slightly, "I like him, so I want to fulfill his wish and stay by his side - but if he expresses that he wants me to leave, I will immediately turn around and leave. Go, and I will never linger any longer. Your Majesty, I am really sorry, but this time I cannot meet your request..."

Her tears at this moment, as well as this sincere reply, would undoubtedly have been very touching to anyone else, but for Teresa, this would only double her anger.

"You...you are really much better than I expected. You can actually...you can say that you like her husband so confidently in front of a wife! Miss Agnes, your usual integrity and pride are gone." Where have you gone!?" Teresa was so angry that she laughed, "Then, should I applaud and praise your love?"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I know that I have committed a crime, and I am not qualified to expect you to forgive me. If you want to rebuke me or punish me, just come and I will never resent you for this." Agnes While shedding tears, she answered with a cry, "At this point, any excuse is meaningless. I can only assure you that I have never taken the initiative to seduce His Majesty at any time before, let alone thought of relying on him. I never expected to get any glory or wealth by getting close to him; I never expected to be noticed by others, and it will be the same in the future. I just... just fell in love with him. I even knew that this must be a mistake, but... God, if If I could decide freely, how could I be willing to make such a mistake? I have no choice!"

Although she was very angry in her heart, when she saw Agnes, who was originally proud, showing such a rosy look in front of her, Teresa could not continue to blame her for a moment.

She had witnessed Agnes' dazzling moment with her own eyes. The girl had defeated the young soldiers who came to challenge one by one under the watchful eyes of everyone. How could she have imagined at that time that one day this girl would be so weak?

for a moment,

She thought of herself not long ago. At that time, she seemed to be a completely different person. She said some inappropriate words in front of her husband angrily. That moment was just like this moment.

It was he who tortured himself and Agnes, and made us change beyond recognition, but he only thought about his own romantic and happy life!

She didn't sympathize with Agnes, but when she thought that she was suffering the same torture as herself, it was hard for her to blame her harshly.

"Oh, please stop crying. This is really inappropriate and will make me feel that I have done something wrong." She sighed and her tone softened a lot. "Since you are unwilling to agree to my conditions, then I respect With your will, you can assume your current position, and I believe that with your talents, you can do a good job."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Agnes apologized again.

"You are indeed sorry for me." Theresa did not mean any humility. "I'm afraid you are aware of what will happen in the future. I don't expect you to change your wishes for me. But... if you really If you feel guilty in your heart, I ask you to consider my feelings for a little... before you do anything inappropriate."

Perhaps because she touched on a painful point, Teresa's eyes suddenly became moist, "I don't want to say any harsh words to you, it is not in line with my upbringing, and it goes against my personality; but , can't you just let me bear everything? I don't know why I encountered this unreasonable disaster. Did I do something wrong? Or was there something I didn't do well enough or not attentive enough?

I am not very old, but I already have to play the role of wife and mother with trepidation, and I have to consider whether I meet the expectations of the French and whether I am worthy of the title of queen; of course, for your highness and for the happiness I dream of, I am willing I try my best to do everything I should do. I am happy with my efforts and sacrifices, because these are the necessary bricks and stones for my dream, but... why are there these extra things that make me sad and distressed? ? Am I willing to play the villain in front of you, or in front of anyone else? I just want to protect everything I own and love. Is this wrong? "

Teresa asked a series of questions, but she didn't expect anyone to answer her. She just wanted to vent the pent-up anger in her heart.

However, even though she poured out a lot of bitterness due to her emotional outburst, she did not cry after all.

After all, she was different from Agnes. It would be too pitiful and ridiculous for her to rely on tears to win sympathy.

Deep down, she also has a stubbornness that even her father cannot shake, and she also has the pride of the royal family. She will use her own efforts to solve all the problems she faces, instead of whining to others with tears.

Because both of them were touched to a sad point, the atmosphere in the room became extremely depressed and gloomy. At this time, Chanel, who had been silent in the corner, finally boldly walked over.

"Your Majesty the Queen, you have done nothing wrong. We all see everything you have done. No matter how picky you are, no one can find your shortcomings. I can assure you with my conscience. !" Chanel said while carefully comforting Teresa to prevent her from being too emotional and hurting her fetus. "This matter is all His Majesty's willful action. To be honest, I think it's a bit too much."

Then, she looked at Agnes again, "It's not easy for Miss Agnes. How much pain has she endured? In this case, falling in love with the only person who is willing to lend a helping hand and who can save her, and Is there anything surprising? I also believe that Miss Agnes will never try to please His Majesty for the sake of glory and wealth, she is just loyal to her heart..."

Although she was indeed extremely loyal to Aiglon, she admitted the fact and would not forcefully defend her master by confusing right and wrong at this time.

Besides, even if she wanted to smooth things over for Aiglon, she had to gain the trust of these two people first, and at least stand on their side theoretically.

Under her comfort, Teresa's excitement slowly calmed down, and she didn't want to lose her composure and become the butt of jokes for no reason.

Then, she looked at Agnes again, "Miss Agnes, I have never made many demands on others. I know that I have received too many things since the moment I was born, so I have no right to criticize others and others." I act the same...but I want to get the respect I deserve, even if you reject my request, I still hope you can respect me. Can you do it?"???

Teresa didn't specifically point out what the "respect" she needed meant. She believed that Agnes should be able to understand it - if she didn't understand it, it would only mean that she didn't deserve her respect. At that time, she Everything you do makes sense.

"I know what I should do." Agnes nodded slightly, "I am sorry for you. Although this is not my intention, but in reality, I owe you too much... I dare not I regard myself as your protector, but from now on I will do my best to protect your safety. As long as I am alive, your life will not be in danger. Only in this way can I ease my guilt towards you."

Sigh...Miss Agnes is so honest, Chanel thought to herself after witnessing this scene.

She had clearly witnessed that Princess Teresa did not feel so guilty when she snatched His Majesty from her first master.

However, Agnes's honesty is actually beneficial in this situation. Compared with the tense situation between Theresa and Sophie, the two girls are now much less hostile to each other.

Teresa didn't particularly care about Agnes's promise, but she at least knew that Agnes would indeed respect her and would not deliberately use Agron to humiliate her. This saved her from what she hated and worried about the most.

Of course, this alone was not enough to heal the anger in her heart, nor was it enough to make her forgive, but at least she chose to remain silent about it all now.

"Alas...fate always plays tricks on us." Teresa sighed.

Now that the words have reached this point, she doesn't want to continue to pester her, so just let everything calm down quietly.

"Chanel, the interview is over. Go and familiarize Miss Agnes with the place." She nodded slightly to Chanel, indicating that she needed to rest.

Chanel secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Her Majesty the Queen did not get angry, and the two of them did not quarrel and cause a conflict. She had completed her mission.

As long as Theresa acquiesces, it will become a fait accompli that Miss Agnes will accompany His Majesty from now on, and she will no longer be hindered.

So, what's the cost? She saw part of it with her own eyes today.

Can the sorrow and tears of two girls really be wiped away by the sweet words of a boy? She didn't know the answer, but she could only stand on His Majesty's side. From the beginning, she had no other choice.

Of course, this does not prevent her from conscientiously treating them as kindly as possible when it does not affect His Majesty.

She sighed in her heart while carefully waiting for Theresa to rest, and then she took Agnes out.

As soon as she went out, she took out the silk and wiped the tears on Agnes's face. However, the red and swollen corners of the girl's eyes could not be eliminated for the time being.

"Miss Agnes, please come with me."

After finishing speaking, she took Agnes around the two majesties' chambers, as well as the surrounding corridors and rooms.

If all kinds of emotional entanglements are eliminated, this is actually a very cost-effective job. The work is quite leisurely. You only need to patrol a small area around Aiglon and wait for orders. The salary is high and the status is high. Perhaps others could only dream of it - but at this time, Agnes couldn't be happy about it.

"Chanel, I usually... rarely communicate with the people here. How should I get along with them in the future?" Agnes asked.

"You don't have to worry about this. Under His Majesty's instruction, you have a high rank and you can even give them direct orders. Normally, you can talk to them if you like. It doesn't matter if you don't. No one will bother you. "Chanel replied quickly.

Of course, this is a fact, but she did not mention another fact - her order priority is higher than Agnes, and the person Agron trusts most in the world is actually her.

"So..." Agnes hesitated, and then asked in a low voice, "Have they been talking about me recently?"

Chanel just smiled.

There is no doubt that the scandal surrounding the couple and Miss Agnes must have become the subject of whispers throughout the palace, but as long as the parties involved remain silent about it, these rumors will soon subside - after all, in In the palace, no matter how bizarre things happen, something as trivial as His Majesty finding a lover is hardly news.

What's more, neither His Majesty and his wife, nor Miss Agnes, are people that people can easily offend. In order to avoid disaster, no one dares to keep talking about this matter.

After all, Agnes has little experience, so she might be so entangled in this kind of thing.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." She comforted the girl gently and kindly, "If you have any problems in the future, just ask me, I will try my best to help you..."

"Thank you, Chanel." Feeling the maid's kindness, Agnes' mood finally improved a lot.

While the two were talking, Chanel brought Agnes to Aigron's study, and Aigron was already waiting here.

After Chanel knocked on the door and entered, Agron quickly noticed something unusual about Agnes at this time.

"Agnes, did you cry just now? What happened?" He asked Chanel quickly.

"Your Majesty, they didn't quarrel." Chanel replied, "It's just that Miss Agnes was a little emotional just now..."

"Oh, that's good." Aigron finally felt relieved.

Then, he looked at Agnes again, "Agnes, you're here just in time. Prosecutor General Villefort has completed his report. Come and take a look at it. If there are no questions, you can sign it. "

However, to his surprise, Agnes suddenly walked up to him, then stood on tiptoes and kissed him.

"Ah..." He was caught off guard.

"Ah!" Before he had time to enjoy this sudden beauty, he cried out in pain again. Because his lip was bitten.

Fortunately, the bite was not severe, but he was still puzzled by it.

"What are you doing?"

"Your Majesty, no matter what you want to do in the future... you can't do it here." Agnes looked directly at him, as if she had made up her mind. "Otherwise, I will turn around and leave."

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