Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-seven, sharing weal and woe

Agnes's words still confused Agron, but he vaguely guessed what she and Theresa had said when they met just now.

So, he cast a searching gaze on Chanel.

However, with Agnes present at this moment, it was naturally not convenient for Chanel to explain everything clearly.

So Aigron could only nod his head and agree to Agnes' conditions. "I know, and I won't deliberately embarrass Theresa."

Then he held Agnes's hand again, and then ignored Agnes's struggle and held her in his arms.

"Agnes, I won't punish you for being rude just now, but you should also understand that you are serving me now... you can't treat me like this."

"Yes, I am working for you, and I will obey your orders, not only because I am your servant, but also because I like you..." Although Agnes struggled in vain, she was still in Agnes. Long Huai looked at him sternly, "But I also have my own will. I can't do everything you want, let alone obey your orders like a walking corpse. Maybe one day you will be tired of it." I, maybe one day I am tired of myself, and on that day, I will say goodbye to you, and I will leave with my blessings to you..."

After saying that, she seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden in her heart, and suddenly relaxed, "I hope you can also respect my will. Although it may be difficult for you, please do this for me. "

"Yes, I will." Aigron agreed without thinking. "I promise you I will never force you to do anything."

To be honest, he liked this about Agnes, and of course he didn't want to destroy her last stubbornness and pride. Otherwise, there would be so many beauties willing to bow to him for fame and fortune, so why would he bother to keep Agnes by his side?

After getting his final promise, Agnes looked at him with eyes that were no longer full of resentment and resistance, but gradually turned into helplessness and obsession, "You are really a bastard prince, but now I am also a bastard..." …God will not forgive our depravity, but I will experience hell with you!”

After saying that, she closed her eyes, and of course Aigron understood this hint, so he lowered his head and kissed the girl in his arms again.

This time, he was not attacked. Agnes seemed to have resigned herself to her fate, enjoying this depraved happiness with a self-destructive mentality, and soon became addicted to it.

She didn't know how long it took before she finally woke up from this ecstatic feeling.

Then, she withdrew her tongue, and then gently pushed Aigron away. "Your Majesty...here, we can only go so far. This is the limit."

Although she tried hard to remind the young man of her current bottom line, the blush on her face and the uneven tone of her voice were enough to reveal her true mood at the moment.

"How about it? Hell isn't that scary, right?" Aigron teased proudly.

Agnes couldn't reply, so she could only stare at him with a blush on her face.

"Okay, you should take a rest first, and we will go to see Prosecutor Villefort together later." Aigron stopped stimulating her, but considerately asked Chanel to take her to the next room to rest and wait for her to recover. .

Then, after Chanel came back, he asked Chanel again, "Chanel, did they quarrel just now? Why is Agnes becoming a little strange."

"They did not quarrel. On the contrary, they understood each other, Your Majesty." Chanel answered truthfully, and then relayed the conversation between the two to Aigron.

Only then did Agron realize that Teresa's complaint just now aroused Agnes's sense of guilt, but in the end she could not let go of her love for him, so under the pull of the pros and cons, they finally did A compromise was made that was not a compromise - "unsightly" things should not happen around Teresa. And this is exactly what Agnes said just now.

Undoubtedly, this can only be called a cover-up, so Agnes still felt guilty in her heart, but at least several people were temporarily relieved, and the original turmoil was temporarily covered up.

In the final analysis, they were the initiators of all this, and they were either helpless or resentful, but in the end they all chose the compromise that was most beneficial to him.

This is exactly the situation he wants to see. After all, his original plan did not include "solving" Agnes here. As long as Agnes is willing to submit and Theresa is willing to acquiesce, he will do it. It's a "big victory".

Hey, I really have sinned a lot. If there really is a God, how will she punish me? Perhaps, God will reward me for my cruelty, cruelty, greed and tyranny, because didn’t she do the same in the Bible? Aiglon thought.

In short, he has long been accustomed to acting arbitrarily, and the occasional moment of guilt will soon disappear with the wind.

"Chanelle, you will work with Agnes from now on." After a long silence, Agron spoke again, "Her mental state has been unstable recently. If you have time, please help her... She She has suffered enough, we should treat her better from now on."

"Of course I will do this, Your Majesty." Chanel replied softly, "But don't forget that most of her troubles come from you. Now she has calmed down, but if you change your ways in the future If you irritate her, I'm afraid even I won't be able to comfort her...and the same goes for Princess Teresa."

"Uh...what do you mean?" Aigron was a little confused.

"Of course you understand what I mean." Chanel replied with a wry smile, "Whether it is Miss Agnes or Princess Teresa, it is already difficult for them to tolerate each other. If you push your limits, you will have to make even bigger mistakes. If you want to have fun, then no matter how capable I am, how can I possibly eliminate the trouble you brought upon yourself?"

What a coincidence. Do you want to know about my other ulterior plan? Aigron did not say this.

He just smiled and shrugged, "I'm a very picky person, Chanel... now let's do the things in front of us first."

However, how could his perfunctory words be concealed from the maid who was always with him? Chanel could only look at her master with doting and helpless eyes, "You are really irritating, but I can't be angry with you... Your Majesty, no matter what happens, no matter whether the reason is valid or not, On your side, no matter what personal opinions I have, I will always only serve you. I may not be able to move mountains and oceans for you, but I will try my best for you at any time."

After speaking, she bowed to show her loyalty.

"Yes, I never doubted that."


After resting for a while, Agnes, who had regained her composure, was brought to Agron again, and this time there was an outsider - Prosecutor Villefort.

Seeing Agnes wearing the new uniform, Prosecutor Villefort was stunned for a moment. After all, it was a bit novel.

However, Villefort was well-informed after all, and he knew in his heart that the princess must be His Majesty's favorite, so he immediately pretended to turn a blind eye and did not make any comment.

The prosecutor is fully aware of the court's survival rule: the more you talk, the faster you die.

He just sighed secretly in his heart. After all, the young emperor was different from the old king. He knew how to play too much.

He soon focused his attention on his task. "Your Majesty, I have completed my investigation report."

Then, as if he were a student facing a teacher, he carefully handed his "homework" to Aiglon.

Aigron took the report and glanced through it quickly.

In this report, Prosecutor Villefort first listed Ms. Bianca’s main confession, and then listed various deeds from his own investigation. Then, combined with his careful logical reasoning, he finally came to a conclusion-The Duke of Orleans There is indeed a serious suspicion in the assassination of the King of Rome, and it is necessary to cooperate with the investigation.

It has to be said that the prosecutor is indeed sophisticated. Although he did not clearly identify the Duke of Orleans as the mastermind behind the scenes, he did guide him in this direction intentionally or unintentionally, making it difficult to refute.

Moreover, in order to maintain a false "neutral" persona, he only claimed that the Duke of Orleans had major behind-the-scenes suspicions, but did not convict him.

On the surface, this gave the Duke a chance to defend himself, but in reality, how could the two men file a lawsuit against each other? As long as the news that "the Duke of Orleans is suspected of assassination" spreads, it will be enough to cause the Duke's already shaky reputation to suffer a heavy blow, and this also means that Aigron will use this to gain the advantage of public opinion and push neutrals to further lean towards it. Own.

"You did a great job, thank you, Mr. Prosecutor. Because of your efforts, I believe I will be able to seek justice soon." After reading it, Aigron thanked the prosecutor.

Then, he handed the report to Agnes, "Agnes, take a look and put forward any comments you have."

Agnes took the document and scanned it. "I have no opinion."

Although she did not care about politics, she could certainly see with her intelligence that this document pointed directly at the Duke of Orleans.

However, on the one hand, she already knew that this matter was closely related to the Duke, so she did not have any resistance.

On the other hand, in her eyes, Prosecutor Villefort is a professional and a law enforcement officer with an outstanding reputation and uprightness. She subconsciously believes that the other person's legal opinions are much better than hers, so there is no such thing. Give him ideas for advice.

In the final analysis, she didn't care about the life or death of the Duke of Orleans and his men, as long as her master was not implicated.

"If you have no objection, can you sign your name?" Aigron asked.

"Of course." Agnes replied without thinking.

"Okay, let's use this as a basis for publicity." Aigron made the final decision.

Seeing that the "assignment" he handed in was passed, Villefort was half relieved and half annoyed.

Naturally, he was gratified because his efforts finally led to his successful self-rescue, but he was upset because he racked his brains to complete this report, which contained insinuations but could not be grasped by others. It can be said that he concentrated his "lifetime" "Skill", coupled with the fact that this incident involves two top nobles competing for the throne, it is conceivable that it will leave its name in history and become a legendary masterpiece.

However, in the face of such a masterpiece, the boy and girl were so careless, which really hurt his self-esteem.

Fortunately, he is not a perfectionist after all, and he is aware of his current situation of being dependent on others, so he was only annoyed for a moment and then let go.

"If you two approve my report, please sign it on the cover and at the end of the report, and I will take it to Paris and make it public at the Supreme Court."

Aigron took the pen and wrote his name briskly in two places. To him, it didn't matter whether the Duke of Orleans was innocent or guilty, as long as he used Prosecutor Villefort's lifetime reputation to discredit him. The purpose has been achieved.

Then Agnes didn't have any self-consciousness about signing on the historical document and signed her name casually. She didn't care about these or the so-called consequences at all.

Only Villefort himself solemnly signed his name in correct handwriting.

Next, he will take this report, as well as Bianca's previously signed confession, as well as Aiglon's accusation and other documents, to make trouble for his new master in Paris.

Although Bianca's self-confession letter has little power when taken alone, when combined with this series of documents and her own signature, it can easily create the impression that "Bianca has confessed the Duke of Orleans as the chief envoy." This impression further consolidated Aiglon's public opinion offensive. Come to think of it, even if the Duke of Orleans is really innocent, he may not be able to withstand such an offensive in a hurry.

After finishing all this, Agron waved his hand and asked the prosecutor to leave, and then he looked at Agnes again. "Agnes, you are already in the whirlpool. From now on, except for me, you may have nowhere to hide."

"Isn't this the result you want?" Agnes asked.

"Yes." Aigron nodded honestly. There is no point in denying it at this time anyway. "In the future, we need to face and bear it together, whether it is blessing or disaster. But I can assure you that you will not really need to Face any trouble, because... I will hold up this sky, and no one can stop me!" biqupai.c0m

Seeing the young man's confident look, Agnes sighed secretly. At this moment, she suddenly felt that it would be good to stay by his side.

However, rather than always taking shelter from others, I am probably more willing to "share weal and woe".

By some mistake, she blurted out.

"If you need to go into exile, I will leave with you..."

then. She was shocked to realize what she had said, quickly covered her face, and quietly ran out of the door.

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