Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-eight, friendship

Agnes's shy appearance made Agron a little stunned. This little girlish attitude was almost completely different from her usual appearance, but because of this, it was particularly moving. Ling

Agron has no doubt whether her words are true, because Agnes almost never lies. Since she said this, she is really mentally prepared to go into exile with herself if she loses. .

This was tantamount to her admitting that her love for herself had reached the point where she was willing to follow him without any regrets.

Aigron understands this deep friendship, and he will also cherish the girl's innocent love - even though he cannot fully respond.

Now, he has achieved his wish and captured the girl's heart. He is only one step away from tasting the last sweet fruit. He is not in a hurry to take this last step - the temporary waiting will make the fruit sweeter.

But now, he has another thing to do.

Shortly after Agnes left, Aiglon's guards brought Edmond Dantès, who had secretly returned to Fontainebleau, to Aiglon.

When Edmund came back, he first debriefed, reporting to Aiglon his activities during this period, as well as the intelligence collected, for Aigron's decision-making reference. Ling

After he finished speaking, Aigron spoke to him. "Edmund, you did a great job. Now I have something I want you to do."

"Please give me your instructions, Your Majesty." Edmund bowed obediently.

"Prosecutor de Villefort has completed his mission and is about to return to Paris."

Upon hearing the name, Edmund immediately became alert.

Of course he knew about this - in fact, he was the one who asked the Marquis of Noirtier to call his son here.

And he knew Aigron's purpose well.

"So he has accomplished his mission?" asked Edmund. Ling

"Yes, I have to say that he is indeed a very capable professional... It didn't take him much effort to understand my needs, and then based on his knowledge and means, he concocted a product for me in a short period of time. A document with insinuations and attacks on the Duke of Orleans. I am sure that with this document and his reputation as a guarantee, it will definitely create waves in public opinion in Paris and even the country." Aiglon answered confidently.


His Majesty. "Edmund quickly thanked Aigron.

"However, you can rest assured, Edmund, although he is indeed very useful, but since he is your life and death enemy, I will not deliberately protect him because of this value. After he completes this task, then he It's yours." In order to dispel Edmund's possible doubts, Aigron explained to him again.

"Your Majesty, I have never worried about this..." Edmund quickly defended himself, "Although I will never forget my hatred, I will never forget my loyalty to you. When you are in need, I will not do anything harmful to you...even if it is my enemy, I can treat it calmly."

"Then you can do that now." Aiglon responded according to his words, "Edmond, later you will be responsible for transporting Villefort back to Paris, and by the way, you will be responsible for protecting his safety."

Aiglon did not explain why he did this, because Edmund must have figured it out himself - as long as such a report is released, Prosecutor Villefort will immediately become a thorn in the side of the Duke of Orleans, and his personal safety will also be affected was threatened—especially since the militia supporting the Duke of Orleans now held temporary control of Paris.

Eggron doesn't mind if the prosecutor dies, but at least he can't die now, so he needs a trustworthy subordinate to protect him in Paris, and Edmund is obviously the best candidate. Ling

Edmund obviously understood this. He nodded and agreed without any hesitation, "Your Majesty, I will carry out your order and protect Mr. Prosecutor. He is not my enemy at this moment. If I want revenge, I will do it later." There’s a chance.”

"Thank you, Edmund." Aigron patted the other party's shoulder, "The so-called politics is to deal with people you don't like all the time. From the perspective of your future future, you really need to learn this now. It’s one o’clock. Prosecutor Villefort is a very good training device.”

Edmund can feel His Majesty's ardent expectations for him. Although he is not that enthusiastic about power, he also knows that there are not many people that His Majesty can truly trust and rely on. He has the obligation to take on more responsibilities and serve His Majesty. Support the empire.

Therefore, he can put aside his personal interests, honor and disgrace, and accomplish anything no matter how difficult it is.

For this reason, what does it mean to face your enemies calmly? Once the three-year appointment is over, he is destined to become a dead man, so there is no need to get angry on his own.


At this time, Villefort was anxiously waiting for His Majesty's permission to let him go. Ling

He had not been home for a long time since he was forced to come to Fontainebleau, and he had never missed Paris as much as he did now.

He also missed his daughter. Although he was cold and selfish, cunning and evil, Villefort had not completely lost his humanity. As a father, it was impossible for him to not have any feelings for his young daughter.

Although he had made proper arrangements for his daughter before leaving Paris, how could he not be worried when there was no news for such a long time, especially when the situation was still so chaotic?

In order to please the owner here, he worked hard and racked his brains to help His Majesty frame his political opponents. He was praised by His Majesty for his excellent completion of the task. He believed that he had proved his worth and successfully passed the "test" "In the future, those dark histories will be buried in darkness, and I can still be the prosecutor of the empire with dignity.

While he was waiting anxiously, a tall man appeared in front of him.

This man looked to be in his early thirties, with a dignified appearance, elegant and reserved, and a shrewd and capable aura in his movements. At first glance, he looked like a big shot who was used to seeing the world.

Just from a face-to-face meeting, Villefort knew that this person was definitely not a mortal, and he might be a close associate of His Majesty, so he quickly faced the other person seriously. Ling

The visitor seemed quite friendly to him. After looking at him carefully, a relaxed and calm smile appeared on the man's hard-lined face.

"Your Majesty the Prosecutor, I am sending you back to Paris on your Majesty's order; during the next period of time, I will do my best to protect you and your family's safety."

It seems that this is indeed His Majesty's cronies - Villefort judged in his heart.

"Thank you for your care, Your Majesty, and thank you for your protection, sir." He respectfully thanked the man in front of him, and then asked him casually, "How should I call you?"

Edmund still maintained his calm smile, and then replied to the other party, "Thanks to your majesty's love, I have been named the Count of Monte Cristo."

"Count of Monte Cristo!" This name made Villefort's eyes light up.

Previously, he learned from Emily's mouth that Emily had recently attached herself to a big shot named the Count of Monte Cristo, and it was with the help of this big shot that she was able to enter Fontainebleau. Ling

He had become interested in this important man at that time, but he did not expect that he would actually meet the earl at this point in time.

"My Lord Earl, I have admired your name for a long time. With you here to protect the safety of me and my family, I feel completely at ease." He greeted the Earl quickly and diligently.

"I have also admired your name for a long time, Your Excellency." Edmund replied calmly, "In this era of rampant filth, as an honest and upright prosecutor, you uphold the dignity of the law and punish all guilty people. It's really amazing. I charge into battle for His Majesty, but I only destroy, and you are maintaining the edifice of civilization... You are much stronger than me."

Although he knew that the other party was just saying polite words, Villefort was extremely helpful - he always liked to boast of this image.

Judging from the earl's attitude, he believed that his majesty did not tell the earl about his secrets - this is also very normal. After all, the less people know about the reasons for holding him hostage, the better.

This means that at least in front of this count, he can play his original sanctimonious image.

"You are very flattering, Count." He replied pretending to be humble. "There are many people in this world who are pure and upright, and do not waver in their principles because of poverty. I have witnessed many of them with my own eyes. Compared with them, I really can't. It’s nothing, because I have never tasted the pain of hunger due to poverty since I was a child. They stick to their morals and principles and do not degenerate into criminals. They need to overcome too many temptations and difficulties, so they are particularly respectable; and people like me , I only need to adhere to some precepts that humans should abide by, and to be praised by others... I really feel ashamed." Ling

"You just need to stick to some of the precepts that humans should abide by! It's easy to say, but it's perfect to do!" Edmund raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Villefort with approval, "Everywhere in my life, From what I have seen and heard, wealth often breeds greed instead of restraint; it often breeds arrogance instead of humility; it often breeds evil instead of charity... You were born in a wealthy family, but you are able to avoid the negative effects of wealth and instead treat yourself as a person. They have devoted their whole body and mind to the great cause of safeguarding justice and safeguarding civilization, how respectable this is!"

"You are really flattering." Villefort almost felt embarrassed after hearing this exaggerated praise, and could only refuse.

But in his heart, he was extremely happy with it - after all, how many people don't like to hear other people's flattery?

In addition, he did not expect that this Earl looked tough and simple, but was actually so articulate and approachable. No wonder he could win His Majesty's favor at such a young age and be entrusted with important tasks to become his confidant.

This person will achieve great things in the future. Villefort came to this conclusion in his mind.

During his many years of legal career, Villefort has experienced countless cases and has seen all kinds of religions, so his vision has become quite vicious. It's easy to tell.

This earl is shrewd and quick-witted. He is also good at observing people's emotions and his verbal responses are extremely fluent. Now that he has gained an advantage in front of His Majesty, how could he not become famous? Ling

Now that he knew that he was bound to prosper, Villefort became more determined to make friends with him - after all, with the collapse of the Restoration Dynasty, his original network and protective umbrella had basically been wiped out. In order to ensure his future status, he One must also be rebuilt.

It's certainly not easy to make friends with the Earl, but Villefort also has Emily to help him.

Of course, Villefort would not be so stupid as to say that he knew Emily in front of the count. Right now, he wished he could completely cut off his relationship with Emily. The less people would suspect their affair, the better.

"If we want to maintain order, we can't just rely on mediocre people like us. We need people like you who can use weapons." Villefort felt inspired and responded to the earl by the way, "The reason why our laws can be effective , first of all, there must be the deterrence of weapons. Laws without deterrence will not be enforceable... Sir, only if we cooperate closely can the empire building be as stable as a rock."

"Of course." The Earl also agreed with this. "Then let us join hands to serve the empire from now on. I believe your Majesty is also very happy to see this."

In this way, Villefort and Edmund had a good conversation when they first met. In the prosecutor's view, he had laid the foundation for their future "friendship".

Moreover, he himself also knew that after submitting this report, he would immediately become the political enemy of the Duke of Orleans. During this period, even to save his own life, he should hug the count's thigh tightly. Ling

While chatting and laughing, the two people quietly returned to Paris in a carriage, and then came to Villefort's apartment.

Of course, during this period, it will not be safe here. Villefort will take his family to temporarily move to the residence prepared by the count for refuge to avoid becoming victims.

For the current prosecutor Villefort, his "family" only has his daughter Valentine, and he doesn't have many belongings to take away, so it is extremely difficult to move.

He returned home with the count, and after hearing the news that his father had returned home, Valentine, who had been thinking about her father, immediately ran out of her room and warmly welcomed her father who had just returned from a long journey.

"Dad! I miss you so much!" Valentine cried while hugging her father tightly. "I haven't heard any news from you during this period. I was worried to death. All day and night I’m having a nightmare...wow..."

As she spoke, she cried louder and louder.

Looking at his daughter's appearance, Villefort was also quite moved. Ling

"Valentina, good child...Daddy had no choice but to go away on a mission. In fact, daddy has been missing you." He picked up his daughter and kissed her cheek lovingly.

Seeing the warm scene of father and daughter embracing each other, Edmund felt a little different in his heart.

His revenge inevitably creates victims among the next generation.

Eugenie was a victim before, then Albert was a victim, and in the future... Valentine will also be a victim.

Why doesn't he feel pity for this?

It's just...some things are destined to be so helpless.

All I can do is try my best to make amends. Ling



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