Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-nine, hiding place

Looking at the heartwarming scene of "a loving father and a filial daughter" in front of him, Edmund next to him was quite touched and had mixed feelings. He was not a cruel person. Although he hated his enemies with gnashing teeth and sworn sworn hatred, he still had a lot of feelings for him. Their children did not have any hatred, because after all, these children had no enmity with him, they just inherited the same surname.悂

This was the first time he had met Valentine, but he had a very good impression of the child. Although Prosecutor Villefort was hypocritical and vicious, he had no problems with his daughter's education. His "sanctimony" invisibly became the Valentina is the role model for her daughter, so Valentina behaves elegantly, is quiet and gentle, and has a beautiful appearance. Although she is less than ten years old, she can already be seen as a lady from a famous family.

I don’t know why, although his three main enemies are all hopelessly bad, their children all have good character and outstanding appearance. Does God always like to favor the evil ones?

No matter it was Eugenie, Albert or Valentine, he could not hate them.

However, as long as he succeeded in his revenge, no matter how he tried to remedy it, these children would suffer irreparable harm, which made him feel quite sad.

He didn't care that these children hated him after knowing the truth, but he didn't want this drama of "revenge" to go on endlessly, so deep in his heart, he also wanted to remedy it in some way.

The Count knows better than anyone how easy it is to become corrupted in this world. He also knows how difficult it is for a helpless child to grow up healthily in this world surrounded by wolves, so he He plans to secretly fulfill the responsibility of a guardian so that the children of his enemies can grow up healthily and become kind and generous people according to their original life trajectories. At that time, he will truly be freed from the drama of "revenge" Out.

At the same time, Prosecutor Villefort was also immersed in the excitement of the reunion between father and daughter, but he suddenly realized that the Count of Monte Cristo's eyes were falling on his father and daughter - and mostly Valentine.悂

When seeing such a child for the first time, he would definitely pay more attention to it. This was originally not surprising, but Villefort always felt that something was wrong with this sight.

He didn't know whether he was suspicious of ghosts or whether the count really had some strange and terrifying hobby.

When he met Emily before, he had been curious about what Emily, who was already over thirty, relied on to capture the powerful Earl, so that the Earl dared to risk becoming a laughing stock and put "Dangla" "Madame" was received in the Palace of Fontainebleau in a grand manner - even if he was favored, this would definitely have a political blow to him. The prosecutor asked himself, he would never do such a thing, at most he would do it secretly Just keep Emily in the outer room.


This in the end is why? Could it be that the earl is actually an infatuated person? The prosecutor does not believe that there really is such a person in France. His Majesty is not one. How could one of his cronies be?

Therefore, he guessed at that time that Emily was using another "chip" - her young daughter.

Although he has deliberately not interacted with Emily these years, he has also met Eugénie. This Mademoiselle Danglars is probably the same age as his daughter, and has inherited her mother's appearance. She is a beauty at first glance.

After he had this speculation in his mind, he couldn't help but doubt this aspect.悂

After meeting the count, Villefort was impressed by the count's charm and began to gradually shake his suspicions. After all, the count did not look like a devil with special habits. However, after so many years of legal career, Villefort made prosecutors Guan has seen too many "impossible things" really happen, and how many demons walk in the world wearing masks. He has a deep understanding of how low the moral bottom line of human beings is.

Precisely because he believed in the inherent evil of human nature, he instinctively clung to his doubts.

Today, facing the Earl's secretive and terrifying sight, he became more convinced of his suspicion - beneath the elegant, calm, smart and capable exterior, there really was a devil with special habits hidden.

How did he manipulate Emily and Eugenie's mother and daughter? Just thinking about the scene made all the cells in the prosecutor's body tremble with fear, but he also felt a secret sense of excitement.

When he came to his senses, he couldn't help but shiver.

The matter of Emily's mother and daughter has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't want to care about it. After all, it should be considered a "fair transaction". It's not his turn to talk, but his daughter cannot fall into the clutches of the devil!

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Valentine in her arms felt her father's body suddenly stiffen, so she asked worriedly.悂

"It's nothing, Valentine... I'm just too happy." Villefort smiled hurriedly, hiding his uneasiness.

Then, he deliberately moved his body slightly to block the Count of Monte Cristo's gaze on Valentine, and finally felt a little more at ease.

There is no doubt that he wants to please the earl and hopes to be protected by this imperial dignitary in the future, but this does not mean that he is willing to pay any price and offer his young daughter for honor, even if it is him. I feel like it's too much beyond the bottom line.

He secretly made up his mind that no matter what happened in the future, he would never let the count get close to his daughter.

The count had no idea what Prosecutor Villefort was thinking at the moment, otherwise he might have drawn his sword and started to attack. Since his line of sight was now blocked, he didn't care for himself. He withdrew his line of sight and waited for their father and daughter to finish.

After comforting their daughter, Prosecutor Villefort and his servants began to pack their luggage and urgently packed the things that needed to be taken away. For the next period of time, they needed to live in a secret location to prevent the family from becoming the Duke of Orleans in revenge. The goal.

After nightfall, this urgent work was finally completed. The luggage, servants, and Valentine were all transferred to several carriages. Then Prosecutor Villefort got into the carriage with the Count of Monte Cristo.悂

"Where are we going next?" the prosecutor asked.

"I'm afraid you have been to that place." the count replied, "it was the original residence of the banker M. Danglars..."

"Danglar!" the name made the prosecutor exclaim. "Is his mansion in your hands now?"

Of course he knew what happened to this old acquaintance - he went bankrupt, fled with the money, and abandoned his mother and daughter who were burdened with huge debts.

"Yes, I was not interested in Tangglars Bank. I just took a fancy to the mansion. After I heard that Mr. Tanglars absconded with the money, I wanted to buy it, so it belongs to me. ”

"I see..." After the count's explanation, Prosecutor Villefort roughly deduced the entire plot.

Tanglar went bankrupt and absconded - Emily was burdened with huge debts and the house was auctioned by creditors - the Count of Monte Cristo secretly purchased the mansion and then met Emily - in order to avoid living on the street, Emily used various methods The means have a new backer.悂

The whole logic was so coherent and reasonable that he believed it was the truth.

Of course, on the surface, he continued to pretend that he didn't know Emily, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Is it safe there?" He asked a question, "Will someone take advantage of the chaos to come and harass you?"

"There will be no problem, don't worry." The count made a gesture to dispel the other party's doubts.

Placing the Villefort family in a mansion does seem a bit ostentatious, but this mansion is located in a wealthy area with good security and low traffic. Moreover, it has been properly protected during this turbulent period, and there are very few If the militiamen come to disturb us, it is objectively suitable to hide.

Moreover, the mansion is large enough and there are many places to hide without worrying about the outside world. Therefore, if the prosecutor and his family hide there, they will be very safe.

Since Emily and her daughter moved to Fontainebleau, this mansion has been deserted and only guarded by two or three of the Count's own confidants. The Villefort family will never be leaked if they are packed in.悂

Edmund briefly explained the situation to the other party, and Villefort was also a smart man and quickly accepted the idea.

Relatively speaking, hiding in that place, at least the living conditions of their family would not be too bad.

"Okay, then I will listen to your arrangements, sir. Thank you for protecting our safety." Villefort thanked the Earl seemingly sincerely.

Then, he seemed to suddenly remember something and spoke again, "By the way, may I ask your surname? I forgot to ask..."

This was a deliberate surprise attack, but who was Edmund? He had been wary of this move for a long time, so he answered calmly, "Due to my work needs, I don't like to reveal my name to others, but since you want to ask, I will make an exception for you... I His name is Joseph Faria, please do not spread this name outside."

Because he had been prepared, it could be said that there was no flaw. Even a veteran like Villefort quickly believed his words.

The reason why Edmund is so smooth is that on the one hand, he has already developed some of the politician's acting skills under the influence of his eyes and ears. On the other hand, in his heart, Father Faria is so kind to him, and he is like another father. , he is psychologically completely able to accept playing his son.悂

"Faria..." Villefort thought for a moment, "This doesn't seem to be a French surname."

"You are right, we are an Italian family." Edmund replied calmly. "Previously, the elders of my family joined the emperor's service because they longed for the unification of Italy. Although the emperor failed, our family did not change our original intention. When the King of Rome regained his banner, I came to serve him."

"I see..." Villefort nodded repeatedly, "Your loyalty is truly exemplary! And your French is so good that I can't hear the foreign accent at all."

Then, he continued to seem to be in the mood, chatting with the Count of Monte Cristo in the carriage. It seemed to be aimless chatting, but he still tested the Count from time to time, and sometimes even chatted with the Count in Italian.

Of course Edmund knew Villefort's little thoughts. In order to dispel the other's doubts, he deliberately chatted with the other person fluently and spoke authentic Italian. When he was a sailor, Edmund had already shuttled back and forth to various ports along the Mediterranean coast. , learned the languages ​​​​from various places. After more than ten years in prison, after the patient teaching of Father Faria, he even learned the rhetoric and tone that nobles should have, and he even understood the situation of the Faria family. He knew everything, so when chatting with the prosecutor, he answered fluently and picked up all kinds of local anecdotes, just like a truly native-born descendant of a famous Italian family.

Edmund's response should be said to be 120% effective, but he didn't know that Villefort had actually met Emily and communicated with her. If Emily had casually told her about the earl she knew, Name, then no matter how excellent his current performance is, it will not be effective.

However, Villefort's omission of forgetting to ask for his name at the time inadvertently gave him a time lag so that he could first establish his image in the prosecutor's mind.悂

A person's negligence in a small matter may affect the fate of a person's life, but the person involved is often unaware of it. How many similar examples are there?

In short, after several trials, Villefort finally gave up his doubts and began to admire this well-informed earl who had done many great things. Although the earl's "special hobby" made him somewhat disgusted and repelled, he As long as it doesn't hurt his daughter, he can turn a blind eye and pretend he doesn't know anything.

He still planned to continue his friendship with the earl.

While they were chatting, the Earl led a group of them and quietly arrived at the original Tangglar mansion under the cover of night.

Villefort had never been to this splendid mansion, and he secretly despised Tangglars for his inability to get rid of the rusticity after the poor suddenly became rich. However, when he was actually in the mansion, he couldn't help but be moved by Tanglar's generosity. Secretly marveled.

Although the mansion has gradually lost its luster due to lack of care, the grandeur of its heyday can still be seen from the decorations and furniture everywhere.

It's a pity, what's the use of being so generous? Didn't someone else rob your house and sleep with your wife... He thought with malice, without any sympathy for Tanglar.悂

At this time, Edmund took Villefort and Valentine to the various bedrooms and arranged rooms for them.

"Except Madam's bedroom, you can choose any room to rest." Edmund said, looking at Valentine unintentionally, "If Miss Valentine doesn't mind, you can rest at Miss Eugenie's place." , after all, there are a lot of things girls like there, which will definitely make her stay more comfortable."

"No! No need!" Villefort was worried about this matter, so when he heard the suggestion, he immediately felt angry and then flatly refused.

He was also deeply afraid that his daughter would see something she shouldn't!

Looking at the Earl's surprised gaze, Villefort turned his head crazily, and then immediately found a reason, "We are used to living a simple life, and I don't want my daughter to be tainted by this kind of wealth. This is not good."

Edmund accepted the explanation, "Well, you can do as you please."



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