Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-four, two different people

"Agnes, your birthday is coming soon, we might as well celebrate it..." Ting

"Huh?" Although Aigron's tone was very soft, Agnes reacted loudly and was obviously very surprised.

She had encountered so many bad things recently that she had long forgotten about it.

In the distant past, she always looked forward to the day of her birthday, because that was the day when the family reunited and she was the only protagonist and could receive countless blessings and gifts; however, since her sister got married, because her father no longer She was allowed to enter the house again, so Agnes no longer looked forward to this day.

"There's nothing to celebrate, it's just another year older..." After realizing it, she shook her head gently, trying to reject the 'kindness' from the young man.

However, how could Aigron let her refuse easily.

"This is your first birthday here, and I still want to celebrate it. Besides, when we were in Switzerland, your family also celebrated my birthday. Now it's reasonable and reasonable for me to return the favor." A moment." Aiglon replied with a smile.

Logically speaking, Agnes could not refuse His Majesty easily. Moreover, the reason seemed reasonable and reasonable, but Agnes still had other concerns in her heart.鮤

When she was arranged by Aigron, Princess Theresa was already furious, and the couple almost had a falling out because of this. She finally chose to compromise. If His Majesty celebrates her birthday in a high-profile way, what if? What should I do if I have aroused Her Royal Highness's anger again?

Moreover, the truth is also on the side of Princess Teresa - every time Agron and Teresa celebrate their birthdays, the couple will give each other gifts and celebrate them. If His Majesty specially celebrates his birthday this time, What will others think?

She didn't want to embarrass Princess Teresa further, nor did she want to show off her special status. She just wanted to perform her duties quietly and avoid all irrelevant troubles.

Because of this, she still shook her head firmly and declined His Majesty's kindness. "No need, Your Majesty... I am your minister. I... I am not qualified to ask you to specially celebrate my birthday. If you do so, I am afraid that I will cause unnecessary criticism from the outside world and will be negative to Her Majesty the Queen." Influence……"

Agnes's words have been very restrained, and she also believes that the young man in front of her understands the meaning - your wife is still angry, so don't add fuel to the fire!

Although Agnes repeatedly refused, Agron was not angry. Instead, he smiled and nodded.


Your advantage is that you will always tell the truth in front of me. I really hope that this advantage can be maintained forever... Yes, the concerns you mentioned are indeed reasonable, so I don't want to celebrate your birthday in my own name, Your sister will handle all this, I will just be there when the time comes. "鮤

Now Agnes completely understood. It turned out that His Majesty had secretly instructed her sister to celebrate her birthday, and he attended in the name of a "guest"... This sounds really reasonable and reasonable. At least it can stop outsiders' mouths and not offend others. Criticism - although in theory this is nothing more than covering one's ears and stealing the bell.

Although she still wants to refuse, but since it comes to this, who else can refuse such an honor?

However, the conscience that still existed in her heart made her make the last bit of resistance.

"If you arrange it this way, I really...can't refuse it. However, you know, I don't admire vanity, I don't like noisy, and I don't know how to deal with crowded situations, so you must not do it too much." It's grand, otherwise I won't be able to be happy at all, and it will go against your original intention."

She didn't have any hostility towards Princess Theresa, especially after the princess complained to herself that day. Instead, she felt pity and guilt for the princess, so she was determined not to do anything to provoke Theresa.

Seeing that Agnes was so determined, Aigron naturally didn't want to make her angry anymore, so he agreed wholeheartedly.

"Well, since it's your birthday, of course it's up to you. But you also have to be happy, so that we can spend a beautiful day where we can forget our worries in this noisy and chaotic season."

"I...will try my best." Agnes sighed softly, but still nodded in agreement.

Although it is definitely not an easy task to deal with this arrogant His Majesty, at the moment I can only do this.

However, from another perspective, since her sister got married, she had lost interest in celebrating birthdays. However, with the help of His Majesty, her regret was realized in a twisted way.

Is this lucky or unfortunate? She couldn't explain it herself, but she knew that her fate would be entangled with this bad fate in the coming years anyway...

Suddenly, she thought of another thing in her mind, and then she managed to cheer up, "By the way, Your Majesty, since you allow me to celebrate my birthday, can I let a very important person of mine also attend?"

"Are you talking about Ms. Bianca?" Agron could easily grasp Agnes's thoughts and guessed it right away.

Agnes nodded hurriedly, and then looked at Agron with expectant eyes. After all, her master had been imprisoned for too long, and she also wanted him to feel a little happy.鮤

Facing Agnes's eyes, Agron couldn't help but laugh again.

Then, he stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek, "Since this is your wish, it will come true immediately. I hope this will make you happier, but... after seeing my words, it will definitely be better than Ms. Onka is not happy anymore. I don’t care that she is disrespectful to me, I am worried that she will disturb the atmosphere and make you unhappy."

"Don't worry about this, I won't let the master do anything rude!" Agnes blushed slightly and looked away, "Also, although the master's personality is a bit different from ordinary people, she won't do it either. Deliberately spoiling my fun..."

"Then let's do it." Aigron made the final decision.


After nightfall, Agnes's duty hours ended and she quietly returned to her residence.

As usual, her master Bianca was sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed and concentrating.鮤

According to her original living habits, Bianca would take time to practice swordsmanship every day, but at this time, she was a prisoner. Of course, she could not touch the weapon, and she could not go out at will, so she spent most of her time Just leave it like this.

After hearing the news of Agnes' return, Bianca opened her eyes.

She looked at her apprentice with displeasure clearly flashing through her eyes.

However, this displeasure was not directed at the apprentice himself, but at the uniform, which became more and more eye-catching the more he looked at it.

It's not that this uniform doesn't look good - as far as her own aesthetics are concerned, it's okay - but because this uniform, like invisible shackles, seems to mean that the hateful young man is "declaring sovereignty" over his apprentice. .

Bianca could see that he must have had such an idea, and in fact, Agnes inevitably slipped into his palm just as he expected.

What made her even more sad and angry was that one of the major inducements for Agnes' "commitment" was herself - in other words, it was precisely because of herself as a bargaining chip that the hateful young man was able to make Agnes give up her original pride and self-esteem.鮤

Every time she faced this fact, Bianca would feel extremely sad and angry.

Although she couldn't apologize to her apprentice out of personal pride, why didn't she feel remorse and guilt in her heart?

Self-blame and guilt turned into anger because of the powerlessness at this moment, an anger that had nowhere to vent.

"Master, I have good news for you." After seeing Bianca, Agnes walked to her side and sat down.

"What good news?" Bianca asked flatly.

"It's my birthday in two days. My sister will celebrate my birthday. As a relative of mine, Your Majesty allows you to come out of the room and join in the celebration..." Agnes replied with a smile.

"Yes... your birthday is also here..." Bianca suddenly realized, then smiled, happy for her apprentice, "Congratulations, Agnes, but unfortunately I can't prepare a birthday gift for you now. ..."餤

As she spoke, her smile suddenly froze because she thought of another important issue.

"Since I have his permission, will he also attend?" So she asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Agnes nodded. "In fact, he also specifically asked my sister..."

Bianca was silent, then raised her head again and carefully looked at the girl in front of her.

Against the background of her uniform, she has a heroic appearance and a girlish charm, which is really outstanding.

Should we really watch the pearl fall into dust like this?

"Agnes, there is something I have always wanted to say. In fact, there is no need for you to make such a sacrifice for me. If I lose, then whatever punishment I accept will be determined by fate, and I will not feel guilty about it. You are afraid, let alone asking for forgiveness from others. There is no need for you to pay such a high price for me." Bianca sighed, "I really don't want to see you lowering your head to please others... This is not what you should do. Things."

Agnes's smile froze instantly.

Her sister had said similar words once, but how could the complicated thoughts in her heart be described clearly by "being forced to bow her head"?

"You call it a sacrifice, but I didn't sacrifice anything? Judging from the results, almost all my wishes have come true, and the people around me are living a better life because of me." Then she laughed again. , "I am envied by many people now..."

"Don't lie to me. There are indeed people who will envy you, but why have you ever cared about this?" Bianca ruthlessly snatched her away. "Ask yourself, are you really happy about this?"

Agnes was speechless.

"Look, that's what I'm saying." Bianca sighed, "Agnes, I'm not blaming you, it's not easy for you to be able to do so many things... I'm very grateful for your kindness. But, I still want to advise you that your kindness cannot become a shackles for you, you don’t owe me or others that many things!”

Facing the master's persuasion, Agnes just listened quietly. Finally, she took a deep breath, then raised her head and looked directly at the master.鮤

"Yes, I am indeed not happy about it. Many times I just fulfill my obligations helplessly, but...so far, I have not felt pain about it. I...I have really asked myself, and the conclusion is that I am not Hating myself for who I am and not wanting to escape my current life, I can accept it—and maybe even enjoy it in the future.”

"Huh?" Bianca was simply taken aback by this unexpected answer.

Then she shook her head decisively, "You lied to me! You are so proud, how could you lose your reputation?"

"I am so proud, how can I care about my reputation? How many people are worthy of judging me?" Agnes responded immediately, "As you said, I was indeed forced to do it in the beginning. I made a choice, but after I embarked on the path of my choice, I found... It’s not bad to just go on like this. As for whether it is forced or voluntary, what is the need to distinguish now?"

Then, she smiled bitterly again, "How is it? It's surprising, right? It doesn't matter, I'm as surprised as you are, but that's what I think. I'm honest with you, and of course I don't expect you to praise me for it. …”

Of course Bianca didn't praise her, on the contrary, her eyes widened at this moment, looking at her apprentice in confusion, as if she had never known her before.

She really didn't expect that the pure soul of the apprentice she had watched since childhood actually had such a side.鮤

Although she still doubted whether her apprentice was crazy at this moment, she had at least confirmed that Agnes did not hate her new identity that much.

How can this be?

"You...what do you mean?" She couldn't help but ask again, although the question seemed a bit inappropriate.

"I mean, after my wish is fulfilled and you are free, I will still stay here and stay with him." Agnes still answered the master's question seriously, "Maybe one day he will Tired of it, maybe one day I will be tired of it, but before that day, we will be together, at most we can take care of other people’s opinions.”

Such a clear and decisive answer cut off Bianca's last thoughts. She was in pain and confused, and couldn't figure out why she made such a choice.

Moreover, once Agnes showed this look, she knew that her persuasion would be useless.

Her hatred for the young man made her furious again in an instant.鮤

"Very good, what an admirable decision! Then how should I call you? Her Royal Highness Princess Agnes?"

"You...you can call me whatever you want, but I hope you can call me the same way you used to." Agnes' eyes flashed with shame and anger, but she quickly regained her composure.

Then, she looked at the master seriously.

"I have told you before, and I will emphasize it to you again. I saved you because I thought I had the obligation to do so, but now, I also have the obligation to protect him. I advise you not to be our enemy anymore. !”



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