Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-five, give it your all

"I advise you not to be our enemy again!"

Agnes's words spoke loud and clear, and no one could misjudge her determination at this moment.

Bianca felt angry in her heart, but she had no way to fight back. This depression accumulated in her heart and made her almost lose her mind.

"What do you think you can get in exchange for this? It's all in vain! I've said ugly things a long time ago. Sooner or later, you will be rejected and thrown aside, just like a broken toy. You will understand by then!"

The master's curse made Agnes angry, so she retaliated angrily.

"Then at least my hands are not empty now, but what about you? You have never even disliked anyone! Not only are you not attracted by others, but even the people around you keep a distance from you. Could it be that you, too, have someone like you? Are you qualified to give me advice on my life choices? Or do you think it’s a success if I live like you?”

As soon as these words came out, both of them were stunned.

Agnes immediately realized that she had made a mistake, so she pursed her lips slightly, "Sorry... I went too far. This was not my intention... I just..."

"I know," Bianca interrupted, "and as a matter of fact, you're right."

Although her attitude was very calm, Agnes knew that the master was indeed angry.

But it was hard to take it back. Now that the words had been spoken, she couldn't swallow them back, and she didn't want to keep apologizing for it, so she could only change the topic.

"Actually, I have thought about what you said, but so what? We can't even control what happens ten years from now, so why should we worry about twenty or thirty years from now? I'm not here to I chose this path to get something. Even if my hands are empty in the end, I have at least got the time I wanted. Isn’t that enough? You don’t need to persuade me anymore. You know, although I don’t have the brain. I am too smart and hesitate to do things, but once I make up my mind, no one can change it. Cursing me will only cast a shadow on the relationship between us..."

Of course Bianca knew that was the case.

Now that the words have reached this point, she doesn't want to persuade or curse anymore.

Along with the heartache, there is also chagrin and regret.

It would have been nice if I hadn't been so trusting in the beginning. I obviously had such a good opportunity but I missed it...

If you miss it, you will never get it again.

Not to mention that she is now trapped in a prison and unable to resist. Even if she has a chance in the future, she will not be able to do it again - Agnes, the evil disciple, will really fight against her, and she may be even worse than she is now. To be miserable.

In other words, even if you know your apprentice is being stupid, you can only helplessly let her be stupid.

Sigh...this is really a joke of fate.

Bianca sighed helplessly.

"Will your Majesty the Queen attend?" Then she asked in a low voice.

"No." Agnes shook her head, "She is raising a baby now, and it is not convenient for her to go out and about during normal times. Besides... she has no reason to condescend to celebrate me..."

"So he picked a good time..." Bianca's mouth twitched twice and she sneered again, "You seem to have a lot of time to stay together and fly together?"

Agnes's face suddenly turned red, and the proud and proud look she had just had disappeared.

"We...we haven't done anything like that yet, and I won't let him do it."

Bianca was a little unbelievable. She didn't expect that her apprentice had been "hooking up" with that young man for so long, and yet he was still in perfect condition.

While this is good news, it's incredible.

"Why?" she couldn't help asking.

"This is my insistence...I don't want to do this kind of thing around Princess Theresa, it would be too much." Agnes replied.

Bianca felt incredible and funny at the same time, "So what do you think? You want to be someone else's husband's lover but don't want to go too far... Do you think she will thank you for this?"

"I don't dare to count on this...but as long as I can accept it, it will be fine." Agnes replied with a wry smile, "I can't tell the meaning of doing this, maybe just to make myself happy. Even if this It’s definitely a hypocrisy, but I also want to try to salvage something as much as I can.”

Bianca was fascinated by what she heard. She found that she could no longer keep up with the thinking of the younger generation.

"Okay, whatever you want, I can't control you anyway." In the end, she could only sigh, "Although I said a lot of unpleasant and harsh things, I hope you won't really end up in that situation. ! I don’t know how long I can live, but what is certain is that I will no longer be able to take care of you. You have trapped yourself in the whirlpool. Be careful not to be swept to pieces. "

"Even if there is any danger in front of me, I won't be afraid. Besides, I don't want any glory or wealth, and I won't block anyone's way." Agnes seemed confident, "But having said that... now I really It’s like being in a whirlpool.”

"What do you mean?" Bianca asked quickly.

Agnes hesitated for a moment, and then decided to tell the truth to the other party - after all, this matter was already known to everyone, and it didn't matter even if she told it.

Moreover, it is indeed time for the master to understand his position at the moment.

"The prosecutor of Villefort wrote a report before he left, summarizing all the circumstances of your interrogation and the conclusions he drew based on those interrogations. I also signed the report. I think, Someone will definitely hold a grudge against me next, after all, the outside world has already made a fuss."

"What happened to this report?" Bianca had a bad feeling in her heart.

"It's nothing. It's just that Prosecutor Villefort, through his own experience and wisdom, concluded that the Duke of Orleans is suspected of being a major instigator..." Although this matter has become a top priority in the outside world, Agnes' tone is extremely relaxed. , as if it was just a daily matter, "I have read his report, and most of the inferences in it are indeed reasonable, and I can't find anything wrong with it, so I signed it."

For Aiglon and Villefort, this was a false accusation, but Villefort was indeed experienced and had a "wonderful pen", and intentionally or unintentionally put the blame on the Duke of Orleans.

However, for Agnes, who already knew about it, this was the prosecutor's "insightful eye", and he was able to find out the truth during the interrogation of Bianca, which shows that he is indeed well-deserved and admirable.

Since she didn't think this was a frame-up at all, she naturally wouldn't feel guilty.

On the contrary, she was very happy in her heart - because of this result, she got rid of the double torture of wanting to save her master's life, but not wanting to deceive His Majesty.

However, even though she spoke so calmly, Bianca was stunned as if she had been struck by lightning.

"What...? He actually came to this conclusion...and publicized it?"

"Yes, he is really powerful, isn't he?" Agnes nodded.

"This is not a question of whether you are great or not!" Bianca replied sternly, "In this case... wouldn't I have broken the trust of others?"

"How can you be considered as having broken your promise?" Agnes asked curiously, "How courageous you are. I am a witness. You have not confessed from the beginning to the end. No one can accuse you, right?"

"Things can't be that simple!" Bianca's emotions were on the verge of losing control again. This time, in addition to anger, she was also extremely anxious. She loudly refuted her apprentice, "I didn't do things well and I've already been very sorry to others. Now that damn prosecutor still came to the conclusion by interrogating me. Even if I didn't confess, judging from the fact, I still failed others." ? And...and..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly thought of something again and her eyes widened suddenly. "Moreover, how would people outside know that I didn't confess? They would definitely think that I was greedy for life and fearful of death, so I told all the inside story!"

At this moment, Bianca suddenly understood how terrible the situation she was in now was.

Under the protection of her apprentice, she received a good living treatment and never suffered any severe torture. This "comfortable" life in captivity subtly numbed her nerves and made her forget her true situation. Now that the dark curtain was coming towards her, she finally faced reality again——

Now she is imprisoned in the Palace of Fontainebleau. Although her living conditions are not like those of a prisoner, she is completely cut off from communication with the outside world.

In other words, no matter what she said or did not say, the information she released to the outside world was still controlled by others. Even if others said something in her name, it was impossible for the outside world to know that it was not hers. She couldn't argue with her original intention.

Not only was she unable to defend herself, she didn't even have a chance to speak out.

Therefore, the prosecutor can not only "analyze and judge" based on her completely insufficient confession, but can even create evidence in her name. How can others know that it is false?

Agnes is not familiar with the world and does not understand the routines. She will only blindly believe in the so-called "reputation" of the prosecutor. However, as an Italian, she has never had any good impression of the so-called law, let alone any awe, regardless of Villefort. No matter how sanctimonious the prosecutor was, she would naturally not believe him.

Now she finally understood all this—why the young man had pretended to bring in a prosecutor to investigate.

He did fulfill his promise to his apprentice and did not torture himself to extract a confession, but in reality, he did not need to do that - as long as the prosecutor cooperated, wouldn't he be able to do whatever he wanted?

In the eyes of that young man, does his persistence seem like a ridiculous struggle?

After figuring all this out, what followed was an incomparable sense of anxiety and crisis.

Bianca has felt that the reputation of her life is crumbling, and to her, this "reputation" is even more important than her life.

She suddenly jumped up from the sofa and rushed out the door.

However, Agnes had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed the master and pulled her back to the sofa. "What do you want to do?"

"Let me go, I want to get out!" Bianca struggled violently.

"Where else can you go? There are guards outside, you can't escape far, it will only be harmful to you, and..." Agnes had no intention of letting go, and still hugged her master tightly. "I can't let you escape, otherwise, how can I face your majesty?"

The two people's skills were already about the same. What's more, Bianca had been shot and seriously injured before, and had been imprisoned for so long. She was no longer able to compare with her apprentice in terms of strength. Therefore, even if she tried desperately to struggle, she could not. Still can't break free.

"Are you going to attack me for that kid?" Bianca struggled weakly, so she could only glare at her apprentice, "Didn't you notice? He will ruin my reputation for life!"

"It was that boy who spared your life! I don't expect you to be grateful, but you should also have some respect for him!" Agni looked at her master without flinching, "Besides, he did not ruin your reputation. He just found the facts and prepared to make them public... The facts are the facts. As a victim of an assassination, doesn't he have the right to pursue the perpetrator?! I don't know what you are thinking, but in my opinion, Your Majesty has fulfilled all his promises to me, and I have nothing to blame him for anymore! So I will not allow you to insult him like this again, even when only the two of us are present!"

"Silly girl...!" Bianca was helpless against Agnes' stubbornness and was so angry that she almost lost her breath.

However, she knew in her heart that Agnes was absolutely right about one thing - even if she left this room, she would not be able to escape. On the contrary, it would only bring greater trouble to herself and her apprentice.

But if she is asked to stay here obediently, how can she feel at ease?

With her pride, she really couldn't bear to break her trust and watch her reputation be ruined.

"Okay, you'd better take a rest..." Just when she was in pain and loss, Agnes comforted her in a low voice, "You have paid enough price, you were even on the verge of death at one time, you have done enough, The price paid is high enough! Who else can blame you for this? Now, isn't this all good? Their fight has nothing to do with you. You did not break your promise, nor did you confess. You have upheld your honor. , everything else is beyond your control and has nothing to do with you.

No one can ask you to do more, and you don’t need to do anything else. Just rest here... When all this turmoil is over, His Majesty will let you go, and then you can regain your freedom. Love has gone wherever it goes! It is not good? "

Bianca did not answer, but looked at Agnes sadly and helplessly. It was obvious that her heart would not calm down.

Of course, Agnes didn't expect her to listen, she just wanted all this to pass as soon as possible.

She had done everything she could, so she owed nothing to the master.

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