Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-six, birthday celebration

Although Agnes has been trying to persuade, Bianca has been unable to calm down and face reality.溄

However, no matter how anxious she was, she had no way to change the reality at the moment. She could only watch it all happen in front of her.

Humiliation and pain made her tremble all over, and she couldn't help but shudder when she thought about the fate she would face next.

Gao Dan was his savior and also his friend. Not only did he fail to live up to his expectations, he even became a weapon to attack his benefactor. How would he view himself?

Some people may think that since Gaudan can't do anything to her now, she doesn't need to care about this, but Bianca, who values ​​her reputation, doesn't think so. Even if others don't know, she can't tolerate herself committing such an incompetent act. fault.

Is there no way to save it?

Bianca thought about it, but couldn't find any way to change the situation, and finally fell into despair.

Her eyes wandered around blankly, without focus, until they finally fell on Agnes, and because of this, there was suddenly a little more hope in her eyes.溄

"Spare his life..." Her tone was very weak, no longer as sharp as before.

"What?" Agnes didn't understand what the master meant.

"If your Majesty wins in the end, just let him spare Gaudan's life..." Bianca explained weakly, "This shouldn't be a difficult thing for you, right? As long as you plead, he will I’ll do it.”

Agnes finally understood.

That's right. Although your Majesty doesn't know that Gaudin is the person who commissioned his master to assassinate him, if he wins, then he will definitely liquidate the Duke of Orleans and his followers. In that case, Mr. Gaudin will probably not be able to escape. One calamity.

Agnes took a secret look and found that the master's expression was so weak now, as if he was begging herself.

It is conceivable that the master must be full of regret and guilt now, so he put down his original arrogance and actually begged his apprentice.溄

Now that she had mentioned this, Agnes certainly couldn't bear to refuse her.

"Okay, then I'll intercede and let him exile Mr. Gaudin.

Anyway, Your Majesty didn’t want to go on a killing spree. "So she agreed immediately.

Then, she added, "If you want to, you can escort him away together."

"No...it won't work." Bianca shook her head, "I will never have the face to see him again in my life, and I am even less worthy of being his friend... being able to save his life will be my last dignity."

After finishing speaking, Bianca felt uninterested and lost all the light in her eyes. She quietly leaned on the sofa again and closed her eyes to rest.

Seeing her master behave like this, Agnes couldn't bear to stimulate her any more.

And she felt in her heart that if this was the ending, then even if the master said goodbye to the whirlpool that she should not have participated in and almost cost her her life, she would no longer be involved with those people in the future, and would not fall into it again. into this danger.溄

Although she will definitely still be ashamed and painful about this in her heart, time can heal everything after all. After she gets out of this vortex, she still has enough time to enjoy the rest of her life.

That's enough.


In a blink of an eye, it was Agnes's birthday.

Alice, who was solely responsible for this matter, had already arranged all this for her sister's birthday. She specially found a hall in the palace as the venue for the birthday celebration - of course, celebrating the birthday of a minister in the magnificent hall of the palace. , it is indeed a bit "overstepping", but since His Majesty is backing it, no one will point it out without wisdom.

At present, this originally magnificent hall is now even more decorated with lights and colorful decorations. Even the characters in the murals on the dome seem to be the audience applauding and cheering for them.

However, even though everything was done smoothly, Alice was never happy.溄

Because even at this time, she has not yet turned around in her consciousness and accepted the reality that her sister has become His Majesty's "close favorite", and she cannot be "proud of it" like other relatives.

To her, this sister is not only a blood relative, but also a child on whom she has placed countless care and expectations since she was a child. She expects that her sister will have a life that everyone will envy——

Reality fulfilled her expectations in a twisted way.

Maybe many people would indeed be "envious", but how could she be proud of her sister becoming someone else's lover?

However, now that the matter has come to this, no one can change anything, so she doesn't want to show a cold face to spoil everyone's happiness, so she can only force a smile and pretend to be nonchalant.

Although she was celebrating her sister's birthday, she couldn't feel much joy at this time and just wanted to end this embarrassing performance as soon as possible.

Because the scheduled time was coming soon, Agnes's relatives also came here one after another, and then took their seats.溄

Unlike her forced smile, her family and her husband looked beaming.

The palace is the most snobbish place. Since anyone can see that His Majesty is "extremely caring" to Miss Agnes, then everyone is respectful to this lady's family and dare not be negligent for fear of being reprimanded. He offended the young lady and got himself into trouble.

Therefore, these nobles, who were originally down and out, and even on the verge of bankruptcy, suddenly enjoyed the extremely high courtesy in the palace and the feeling of being close to the aura of power. Of course, they would cheer for it.

For Edgar, among this joy and joy, there is even a sense of accomplishment that "I created this with my own hands."

It was he who, under his father's orders, tried his best to bring these two people together and find a backer for the Treville family. Now that he saw that it was about to be accomplished, he was naturally overjoyed.

It's just that he didn't know that his father and his wife were almost at odds with each other, otherwise he probably wouldn't be able to laugh.

After everyone was seated, the door reopened with a salute from outside. Then, Aiglon strode in.溄

Today he is only wearing casual clothes, and his face is full of easy-going smile, but even so, how can the people here dare to neglect him? They all stood up from their seats to welcome His Majesty's presence.

"You don't have to be so formal." Aigron gestured for everyone to sit down, and then he also sat down. "Today should be a joyful day, a happy day. We shouldn't restrict ourselves with so many red tapes. , let’s all be happy for Agnes.”

Everyone agreed, and then pretended to talk to each other as if nothing had happened. However, the smiles on their faces inevitably showed tension, for fear that they would not play their due role in the atmosphere group and thus offend His Majesty.

After Aigron sat down, he picked up the wine glass and looked at a middle-aged lady sitting next to him.

"Madam, please allow me to pay tribute to you. You have enviable children and have educated them very well. I hope that my children will be as outstanding as your children in the future."

This lady is naturally Agnes's mother - because the Duke of Nordelion was sent by Egron to win over the hearts of the old nobles, and the Marquis of Treville was sent to Paris to perform a mission, so the eldest person here, Became Mrs.

The Duchess smiled even more cheerfully at Agnes's compliment. Because of this bright smile, the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes became deeper and deeper.溄

"Your Majesty, what you say is too modest. You are a genius and have talents that we all look up to. Of course your children also have talents that ordinary people can't match. How can they be compared to ordinary people like us? How can it be compared? Besides... you also know that we have been in exile in our early years. Because of our embarrassment in life, we inevitably neglected the education of our children. We have always regretted this, especially Agnes, she is too She doesn’t look like a princess anymore! With you educating her in the future, I believe this regret can be made up for."

At this point, she deliberately lowered her voice, "But having said that, I have always felt that among my children, Agnes is the most talented and the most like me. I believe that her children It will definitely be outstanding, and I ask Your Majesty to take more care of it in the future..."

The lady's words could hardly be regarded as hints, and everyone present could understand the meaning.

"That's for sure." Aigron was not surprised at all by his wife's words. He just nodded lightly and drank the wine in the glass. "I will always take good care of her. If she has a child... …Then I believe that child will have a bright future.”

After receiving Aiglon's assurance, the lady immediately became happy, and she continued to compliment the young man non-stop for fear of making him unhappy.

Seeing her mother trying to flatter her, Alice's heart twitched, but she covered it up by taking a sip of wine. As for the others, they were all smiling, and no one felt that there was anything inappropriate about what she said.

Alice knew that in fact, this must be her mother's true words - if Agnes really had any "result" with His Majesty, it would mean that the whole family would be greatly affected by it.溄

My mother had been in exile once, so she was extremely afraid of the days of exile, and she didn't want her children and grandchildren to taste that time again, so when she saw a big tree in front of her, she would try her best to hug it tightly.

But what about my sister’s opinion? They never considered that they just used their sister as a prop in exchange for something.

Alas, why am I not like this? Alice sighed in her heart, and then drank the wine silently. The bitter wine slightly calmed down the annoyance and sadness in her heart, and she was slowly adapting to reality.

From a practical point of view, if His Majesty really stops here and only favors Agnes from now on, then it can at least be considered a blessing in misfortune - but will His Majesty really only stop here? Will this romantic grandson really only stop at Agnes?

Alice didn't have much hope for this.

She knew all this and had expected a lot of things, but instead of making her change anything, it only made her more worried and depressed. In the end, she felt that she still turned a blind eye to it.

Anyway, my sister has made it very clear that she will enjoy herself in time until the day she is no longer qualified. Since she has said so, what can she do? I can only pray that fate will be kinder to my sister.溄

While people in the hall were talking and laughing with each other, the salute of the guards came from outside the door.

Everyone present knew that the real owner was coming, so they stopped talking for a while, and then stared at the door together.

Then, the door slowly opened, and then a girl dressed up appeared in everyone's sight, and behind the girl, there was a middle-aged woman in simple clothes, walking behind her step by step.

After seeing Agnes, Aigron clapped gently, and under his leadership, everyone present clapped.

"Happy birthday! Agnes!"

This joy comes from the heart, not only because Agnes is their family, but also because she is their biggest supporter in the future. They are more afraid than anyone else that something will happen to her.

The smiles on the faces of the family members also affected Agnes at this moment.溄

Because she didn't want to irritate Princess Teresa, she refused to do anything big. She just wanted her family to attend together. And at this moment, their smiles, weren't they what she wanted to protect?

Maybe this joy is not pure, maybe they want a lot of things from themselves, but this is enough.

Agnes' eyes moved slightly, and then fell on her sister, who was also looking at her at the moment. Their eyes met, and Agnes found that there was no joy in her sister's eyes, only worry and blessings.

It's okay...sister. She blinked softly, indicating that she had grown up and was fully aware of her situation, so she didn't need to worry.

Then, her eyes fell on the young man who dominated the hall and everyone around her, and then she walked closer to him step by step.

"Agnes, happy birthday." Agnes stood up, then naturally took her hand, kissed her gently, and then let Agnes sit next to him.

Agnes's face turned slightly red. She was indeed a little shy to do such an intimate act in front of her family, but she was already mentally prepared for it, so she quickly adapted to it all.溄

She knew that this birthday party was tantamount to announcing the relationship between the two to everyone.

But since you have decided to take this path, you must face these things, so what reason is there to escape?

And they are indeed happy and proud of it... The mother's smile is definitely not fake, and so are the brothers. Except for Alice, everyone is proud of themselves.

Maybe the next few generations will be proud of it.

Agnes looked up at the mural on the dome. Although it looked a little distorted because it was too high, she could clearly see that her dark destiny seemed to be hidden in the vague brilliance.

She belongs here.



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