Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-seven, restraining each other

With the support of everyone, Agnes's birthday celebration started enthusiastically.說

However, although this seems to be a very warm and happy scene, if you look closely, it is actually a bit distorted. Because of the force field of power, the girl's original life has become almost beyond recognition. Even though her family members are cheering for this, I'm afraid she can't find much joy in her heart.

Agnes has learned to force a smile and enjoy her "honor" at the moment, but to Bianca next to her, all this seems ridiculous and dazzling.

She was already full of resentment towards this young man, but now she was even more resentful because of his shameless behavior.

It's just that she is powerless to do anything at the moment. As a prisoner, she can't protect herself, let alone help her apprentice. What's more terrible is that the apprentice doesn't want her "help" at all. Instead, she has already acquiesced to the reality, and even He also stood on the other side's side.

Since nothing can be done, what else can be done? All we can do is watch.

So she could only drink wine angrily, pretending that she didn't see or hear anything.

Fortunately, everyone knew that Bianca had a special status, so they deliberately isolated her and turned a blind eye to her, so she was able to live in peace.說

Although Agnes was nominally the protagonist of the birthday party, almost everyone was full of compliments to the young man, hoping to please His Majesty. However, Agnes was already used to this kind of scene, so he just smiled and had a look. He didn't deal with it at all, but his attention was focused on Bianca, who was drinking heavily.

"Ms. Bianca, you seem to have a lot on your mind?" After a while, Aigron asked proactively.

After he asked this question, Agnes's relatives suddenly did not dare to speak anymore.

They couldn't figure out what His Majesty's intention was, so they quickly fell silent, fearing that it would affect His Majesty's mood.

Being watched by the young man made Bianca feel even more irritated.

According to her temper, she didn't want to pay attention to it, but she still remembered that she promised Agnes not to cause trouble for her birthday party, so she could only suppress the anger in her heart and answered the other party coldly.

"If you were in my current situation, it would be easy for you to become preoccupied, Your Majesty."

"Yes, I can understand that you have a very unhappy stay with us, but I don't think the main responsibility lies with me.

I have been tolerant to the greatest extent, otherwise you would be dozens of times more unhappy than you are now. ” Aeglon was undeterred by her frosty attitude.

After secretly teasing the other party, he continued with a smile on his face, "I think Miss Agnes has told you what happened recently, right?"

This question hit Bianca's pain point and made her even more uncomfortable.

"You mean the prosecutor's report?"

"Yes." Aigron nodded, "Now I will tell you that this report has aroused great interest among the gentlemen in the parliament. They will form a committee to investigate this matter. As a party, I will of course attend the hearing. Yes, the prosecutor will attend as the writer of the report, and Miss Agnes signed the report, and she will also attend... As for you, you are also one of the parties, and you will probably be summoned as well."

"So?" Bianca asked bluntly.

"So you can now prepare for your attendance at the hearing. I will have someone take you to the chamber at that time." Aigron replied calmly, "As far as I am concerned, the best result is of course Are you willing to cooperate with us?"

Bianca lowered her gaze, then sneered, "Don't you know the result? Why bother asking?"

Of course Aigron knew that with Bianca's bad temper, she would certainly not choose to cooperate with him in lying at the hearing.

However, the reason why he said this was not because Bianca was there. He wanted to show that he had "tried his best" in front of Agnes and others.

After all, what follows is a critical moment for his political offensive. If Bianca does not cooperate, he will need the cooperation of others. Agnes is both Bianca's disciple and a witness to the entire incident. Her attitude is extremely The most important thing is that Aigron needs to stabilize her.

"Well, I can guess that you are definitely not willing to cooperate with us." Aigron sighed pretending to be unhappy, "Then, based on the honor of both of us, I hope that you can answer the questions at the hearing truthfully. Question, the worst is to remain silent - I spared your life, and you have been treated with courtesy during this period, I think I have the right to make this request, what do you think?"

Aigron's words made Bianca's originally high spirits fall again.

She also knew that the fact that she could survive until now was indeed because of the mercy of the other party - although this young man must have other intentions, the fact was the fact after all, and she had to admit it.說

However, she knew better that when faced with hearings and reports, even if she chose to remain silent, it would undoubtedly be a great disadvantage to the Duke of Orleans and Mr. Gaudin - she had experienced this with prosecutors many times before. It's one o'clock.

That is tantamount to becoming a traitor and a despicable person who betrays his friends.

Suddenly she was in a painful dilemma, not knowing how to answer.

Her reaction was not beyond Aigron's expectation, and he also knew what to do to make his wishes come true.

So, Aigron deliberately pretended to be embarrassed, and looked at Agnes again, as if to say, 'I have tried my best, but she is really ignorant...'.

"Agnes, I feel deeply offended."

Seeing the interaction between the two people, Agnes also felt something bad in her heart, and the joy she had forcibly brought up was wiped out, "Your Majesty, the master has always had such a temper, please be merciful once more... ..."

"I've been lenient to her time and time again, but what's the result? She won't even agree to my minimum request. Does this mean she doesn't respect me?!" Aigron replied rudely,

Then, he deliberately emphasized his tone, "As a victim who has been seriously injured, I just want to seek justice for myself. Am I wrong? I just want her to answer truthfully when facing the interrogation, and I will not be silent at all. Yes, isn’t this unreasonable? Think about it, if she talks nonsense during the interrogation, and even slanders me and the prosecutor in public for deliberately fabricating lies to deceive the world, what do you think I should do? What should I do for myself? What is the price for kindness?!”

Seeing His Majesty's thunderous rage, the atmosphere suddenly became depressing. People present did not dare to express their anger, and then they all turned their attention to Agnes, hoping that she could stand up and appease His suddenly furious Majesty.

Agnes also felt very guilty in her heart. After all, His Majesty had indeed made the greatest concessions in this matter, and she saw it in her eyes. She also understood that His Majesty's worries were indeed well-founded.

So, in order to avoid making everyone unhappy, Agnes no longer cared about being shy. In full view of everyone, she took Agron's hand and gently stroked it a few times.

"Don't worry...this won't happen. I will watch her when the time comes. If she says anything that is inconsistent with the facts, or slanders you, then I will break up with her and tell all the truth." All revealed!

You have already done a good job in this matter, and no one is qualified to ask you to pay more...I must be on your side, are you satisfied? "

Agron didn't know what Agnes meant by "all the truth," but his goal had indeed been achieved. He asked the two masters to restrain each other and "supervise" each other. He also knew that as long as Agnes stood firmly on his side, Bianca would not dare to mess around.

And as long as she remains basically silent in the following hearings instead of talking nonsense, then Agron will be confident enough to control the entire scene - anyway, for everyone, the truth is not important, what is important is There is a "consensus".

Now he has everything in mind, all the elements are in place, and he is just waiting for the show to begin.

However, although he was secretly happy in his heart, on the surface he still looked angry, "Okay, okay, I believe you can do it."

"Okay, don't worry about this." Agnes showed her uncommon tenderness and continued to carefully comfort the young man, "Isn't it my birthday party today? If you lose your temper and keep a straight face, then If no one is happy, then how can I celebrate?”

After being comforted by Agnes, Agron finally turned from gloomy to sunny, "You are right, I really shouldn't lose my temper over this kind of thing and affect your mood...Then we won't talk about this matter anymore. , how about we dance together later?”

Now that it was all at this point, Agnes certainly had no reason or interest to refuse, so she immediately nodded and agreed.說

"Okay, but my skills are not good, so don't laugh at me."

"It doesn't matter, I can teach you well slowly, just like many other things..." Aigron pointedly pointed, and then suddenly leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Agnes's cheeks turned red immediately after being attacked by him, and her body trembled slightly. However, she silently accepted such an intimate gesture in front of her relatives and did not struggle or resist.

Among them, there is not only the guilt caused by the master's "excessive", but also the surrender to reality, and even a little bit of the joy of being loved deep in the heart.

Seeing the two people chatting and laughing so intimately, the original tense atmosphere was immediately swept away, and everyone burst into cheers and laughter.

The lady looked at her daughter's "growing up" side with a smile on her face. She also secretly had a drink with her eldest son, Agnes' brother, to celebrate the family's revival.

Everything returned to normal, and the previous storm suddenly disappeared without a trace.說

Of course, Bianca's mood became worse, but no one cared about her mood, so she just continued to drink and pretended to be a silent bystander.

She just dealt with it like this. Unknowingly, her eyes became drowsy and she couldn't see clearly the things around her.

Agnes also noticed the master's condition. She also knew in her heart that the master had already shown his sincerity by sitting in this situation for so long. Every minute after that would be a kind of torture for her.

"Master, you seem to be too drunk... Why don't you go back and rest first?" She asked proactively.

Bianca wished she could leave early, so she cheered up and nodded gently.

Agnes longed to look at Agron, hoping that he would let his master leave. However, Agron, who had already achieved his goal, did not care whether Bianca stayed or went, so she nodded indifferently.

After getting the young man's permission, Agnes waved to the attendant who was waiting respectfully not far away, and then ordered him to take Bianca back to her residence.說

Bianca stood up unsteadily, then she refused the attendant's help, but walked towards her residence step by step with somewhat messy steps.

The people who were still present didn't mind her leaving, and even found it easier that the "sinner" was gone, so they continued their happy time.

Everyone has had enough wine and food, and next will be a small family dance, and as the inevitable protagonists, Agron and Agnes will dance hand in hand until late at night, enjoying the cheers of everyone.


Bianca staggered and followed the attendant back to the door of her residence. The cold outdoor air along the way sobered up her originally groggy mind, and she no longer had to watch the scenes she didn't want to see, and she recovered a little. Her originally depressed mood.

She dismissed the attendant, opened the door, and entered the room.

Because she was too drunk, she was very sleepy at the moment. She just wanted to go to bed as soon as possible and lie down to rest and spend this another unpleasant day.說

There were only candles lit in the corner of the living room, and the light was very dim at the moment. Bianca didn't bother to add more lighting, and groped towards the bedroom.

However, she suddenly felt a subtle sense of discomfort.

This was her instinct for danger that she had honed over the years. Due to serious injuries and being imprisoned for many days, this intuition had been worn away a lot. However, at this time, she still felt a sense of danger in this small living room. A kind of vigilance.

"Who?" Many thoughts ran through her mind, but in the end she did not shout out, but asked in a low voice.

Maybe deep down in her heart, she was waiting for something to happen.

After asking, she stared motionlessly at the side door of the room, and as if in response to her expectations at the moment, the side door slowly opened, and then a not tall figure gradually emerged from the side door. .

Although she couldn't see the other person's face clearly, Bianca was stunned.說

"Is it you? Why are you here?"

The visitor didn't answer. In the darkness, his eyes were shining, and there seemed to be something else shining with them.

This feeling of danger was all too familiar to Bianca.

"You want to kill me?!" she hissed.



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