Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-eight, death or life

"You want to kill me?!"

There was a sense of exhaustion and helplessness in Bianca's voice, but not much shock or even anger.

In her heart, it was a shame not to complete the commission, it was a shame to be captured by mistake, and it was a huge shame to be used as a prop to harm her friend. With so much shame on her, she was full of feelings for that friend. I felt so guilty that I even thought about dying to apologize more than once.

Therefore, even if she was pointed at a gun by this friend, she did not feel hatred or anger. She was just surprised that the other party was able to sneak in.

So she didn't turn around and run away, nor did she shout loudly, she just looked at the other person calmly, as if she was ready to accept her inevitable death.

"I really didn't expect that we would meet again in this way, but...I accept my fate." Bianca sighed sadly, "Speaking of which, how did you get here?"

"This is all thanks to himself -" Gao Dan replied with a straight face, "In order to show off as the emperor, he began to rebuild the palace, which will inevitably require recruiting a large number of people from the outside world. Naturally, we There’s a lot of eyeliner that can sneak in.”

Although his expression was serious, there was not much hostility, let alone the murderous desire to shoot, which made Bianca feel a little comforted.焍

"Then why don't you just try to kill him? Wouldn't that be the end of the matter?" she asked with a sneer.

"If we could kill him, we would have done it long ago." Gao Dan sighed helplessly, "But there are many guards around him, and there is a team of attendants around him, and they will not let our spies get close, so there is no way to find him. No chance."

"So, are you going to kill me?" Bianca interrupted.

Gaudan didn't answer, but his expression said it all.

"That's right, I deserve this." Bianca still smiled bitterly.

However, she waited for a moment, but the gunshot did not sound. Perhaps it was because the other party saw that she was so calm, so he was not in a hurry to shoot. The luster of the metal shook slightly in the dimness, and it was obvious that the other party was extremely uneasy in his heart.

"I...I didn't want to do this at all." Then, the person opposite let out a dull sigh, "If you can choose."

Bianca was also quite sad. After all, it was really sad that the friendship between the two people for many years ended in this way.

At this moment, she had completely sobered up from the wine and her mind was clear again. "Are you in a hurry to kill me? If you are not in a hurry, we can sit down and have a chat. Don't worry, I don't know how to play any tricks. I owe you I’ll take credit for yours.”

Her demeanor and tone didn't look like a dying person at all, and surprisingly, the person opposite also nodded slightly and believed what she said.

"Okay." After saying that, he didn't take any precautions and sat directly on the sofa. "You are still exactly the same as before... This makes me feel relieved."

"What are you worried about?" Bianca asked, sitting down as well.

"The Duke has been worried that you have surrendered and turned traitor, but I think...you haven't cooperated with them, right?" Gao Dan asked back.

Before the action, Gaudin, the Duke of Orleans and others were already paying attention to collecting information about Fontainebleau, so they soon learned that the treatment Bianca received was indeed not at all like "the important assassin of the King of Rome." Criminal".焍

In response, they found out the reason - this matter was not news in the palace.

Bianca's beloved disciple, Miss Agnes de Nordlyen, was the lover of the King of Rome. With the intercession of this lady, Ms. Bianca received preferential treatment. Not only was she not tortured to extract a confession, but she was more like Is a guest with limited freedom.

Because she was treated like this, the Duke naturally suspected that she had betrayed and surrendered, and became even more murderous.

But Gaudin, who has been friends with Bianca for many years, has some doubts in his heart. He believes that Bianca will never be willing to kneel down and beg for mercy in order to survive. Now, he has obtained from Bianca. It was confirmed that his guess was indeed correct.

But, even so, it didn't make the situation much better.

"Yes, I didn't." Bianca nodded, but then smiled bitterly, "But in this situation, the difference between whether I gave in or not is probably not very big, because they can announce that I confessed at any time. Already..."

"This is indeed the case." Gao Dan also nodded, "They claimed outside that you had confessed, and they wrote a report based on your confession. Moreover, the matter has received high interest from the parliament, and they will organize a hearing. We will come to investigate this matter..."

"I already know this," Bianca answered.

"Huh?" Gao Dan was a little surprised by this.

Logically speaking, as an important prisoner, Bianca would definitely be cut off from information. It was impossible for her to know such important information.

Even with Miss Agnes's relationship, this kind of tolerance is really too much.

It seems that the King of Rome still has a bit of youthful spirit and is willing to do anything to please his lover regardless of the consequences.

Gaudan quickly cut off this random thought and focused his thoughts on Bianca. "Then do you know what they plan to do with you?"

"I just found out today..." Bianca replied immediately, "He plans to bring me to the hearing. He probably wants to play out the whole show."

"Then you can cause trouble for them at the hearing!" Gao Dan's eyes lit up, and then he unconsciously raised his voice a little, "You told the congressmen at the hearing that all this was made up and was deliberately done by the King of Rome. Forcing you to frame the Duke, the effect will definitely be great! Bianca, how about it? You can fight back against them!"

Although he was in high spirits, Bianca remained silent and made no response.

"What? Don't you understand... In this case, I don't have to kill you!" Gao Dan was so anxious that his voice trembled, "Why did we have to go to that point?"

"No, I can't do that." Bianca shook her head. "Don't you know? My apprentice works by his side, and she is the guarantee for me, so that I can avoid being tortured. We have a relationship between master and apprentice, and she is also kind to me. If I did this. What situation will she be in when the time comes? Her face, her dignity, and the future of her family will all be destroyed by my lies. Such a heavy weight is weighing on me. How could I lie to him? The best I could do was to remain silent."

As if she was afraid that the other party would not give up, Bianca added another explanation, "Besides, to tell you the truth, I have told my apprentice about you. Even if I lied, she would tell everything All exposed."

"What? You've already said it!?" Gao Dan was shocked.

He didn't expect that he had miscalculated, and Bianca had already revealed all the secrets - and revealed it to the king of Rome's pillow!焍

Then isn't what he did all a joke? It's not even a joke!

"You don't need to worry now..." Fortunately, Bianca immediately relieved his worries, "My apprentice is also a deadbeat like me. Although she knows your identity, she still keeps treating that young man. Keep it secret, so at least for now, the King of Rome still doesn’t know you exist.”

Although he got some comfort, Gao Dan was still worried.

Since he followed the Duke of Orleans, he has never cared about his own life and death, and now that he has caused such a big mistake for the Duke, although the Duke has never reprimanded him face to face, he has already felt extremely guilty for it, and even more so. He has made up his mind to make up for everything by himself, so as long as the Duke is still involved in this incident and cannot escape, even if he is not exposed, what can he be happy about?

"Even if he doesn't know... everything is irreversible." He said in a low voice.

Of course Bianca knew what he meant.

"Yes, although I tried to remain silent at Prosecutor Villefort, he still obtained a lot of information by his own ability. I am afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble to your benefactor. Even if I remain silent, It will also be regarded as acquiescing to all this..."

Of course Bianca knew that everything she said was stimulating the other party's determination to kill her, but she didn't want to lie.

In her opinion, even if she is killed by the opponent, it is better than living in shame.

"So, you can't attend!" Gao Dan's voice has become hoarse. "There is not much room for change in all this... If you are not willing to change your confession, then I have only one way! As long as you, the assassin, If we can’t appear in front of everyone, then we can pretend that everything doesn’t exist!”

In fact, after learning all the information, he also knew in his heart that even if he killed Bianca, it would be difficult to solve the problem now - because Bianca's apprentice Miss Agnes already knew about his existence. If her Now that the master is dead, she will definitely no longer keep secrets and will reveal her information. At that time, she will definitely be in a state of anxiety again.

But even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he has to do it. After all, only he can make up for the mistakes he made - at worst, he will bear all the responsibilities by then.

Anyway, they have already shouldered the responsibility of opening fire on the king, so it doesn't matter if they are charged with plotting to assassinate the King of Rome.

After making up his mind, he finally showed a fierce look at this time, and pointed the gun at Bianca again. Obviously, after trying all other methods with no hope, he had also made up his mind to kill his old friend. Determination.焍

"In my opinion, there is no better way... After all, dead people cannot go to the hearing." Bianca sighed secretly, "But if you kill me, what will you do?"

Although she spoke softly, Gao Dan was touched by this question.

The two have known each other for so many years and regard each other as close friends, but are they going to end in this way?

Back then, as a young lawyer who rose to fame, he saved her life in a small town's black jail. Although he did not want anything in return, his most fundamental motivation was to save a human life.

Where is that compassionate young man now?

He entered the political world, struggled all the way, and then regarded the Duke of Orleans as his master, made suggestions for him, committed murder and arson, and even prepared to bear the crime of murdering the king and emperor.

Is this all what the young man wanted?焍

Is this what his purpose is?

He no longer knows, but he knows that he has no choice to turn back now. Even if there is, he does not want to choose, otherwise what is the point of everything he has paid so far?

"I have a way of escaping!" he replied loudly.

Rather than saying that he was scolding Bianca, it was better to say that he was strengthening his will.

"That's right. Since you can come in, you can naturally find a way to get out." Bianca nodded. "However, I advise you to make the noise less...Although the sound insulation here is indeed good, if gunshots are heard like this, it may still cause a commotion. Even if you are prepared, it may not be good. escape."

The more Bianca said this, the more difficult it was to relieve the pain in Gaudin's heart. She faced death so openly, without making any resistance, and was even worried about how she would deal with the aftermath. In comparison, people like herself How humble it is to be set off.

He gasped for breath, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes unconsciously.焍

He accepted Bianca's suggestion, so he wanted to find other weapons with less noise - but he was in a hurry and was not prepared. How could he find it here? Agnes had never placed any weapons here before, not even a table knife, for fear of her master committing suicide.

Theoretically, you could break the decorative vase or porcelain plate and then slit the other person's throat, but... Gao Dan gave up just by imagining it.

Because killing someone like this is too painful, even if he has to do something to his friend, he wants her to die as easily as possible. Although he caused the death of many people, he did not have the hobby of an executioner, let alone such a difficult technical job.

After much deliberation, he simply took a cushion from the sofa and placed it on the muzzle of the gun, and then looked at Bianca.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you."

Bianca was still sitting, looking up at her long-time friend with her head held high. There was no fear in her eyes, only a little helplessness and relief.

"Why don't you point at the head? Aren't you afraid that I won't die?" Then she asked softly.焍

"Let God decide. If you can survive, I will be happy for you." Gaudin gritted his teeth and replied. "If you can't, then I will always mourn for you!"

Recalling the encounter between the two people and his young self, he made a decision at the last moment.

The silence of a normal person will be regarded as acquiescence, but the silence of a seriously injured and unconscious person does not mean anything, and her testimony loses its validity.

Therefore, let her own fate decide whether to die or live.

He looked at Bianca's calm face, and then suddenly pulled the trigger.

"From now on, you don't owe me any favors. Live for yourself...if you can still live."

Bianca fell down in response, and without even looking at her injuries, he turned around and returned to the room where he had just been hiding, and left through the window.焍



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