Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-nine, live

As the clock slowly slid to the second half of the scale, Agnes's birthday party also reached its climax. The attendants cleared the dining table and chairs, leaving an open space in the room. Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Next, Aiglon took Agnes's hand and walked to the center of the open space.

Of course she would feel shy when people watched her being so close to His Majesty, but she gradually got used to it.

Perhaps due to the effect of alcohol, her face had turned crimson and her eyes were gradually blurred.

"Your Majesty... I'm not very good at dancing, and I'm not in a good state right now. Please forgive me."

"It's okay, who would ruin the scenery? As long as we two are happy." Aigron responded to her gently.

Then, after the musicians played soft music, he and Agnes began to move and dance at any time.

When they met in Switzerland before, the two of them almost danced together, but Teresa forcibly stopped them at the last moment. Now, this little "regret" has finally come true.

Agnes felt that her body had become light and airy. Her once light body seemed to be out of control at this moment. If there were not a pair of strong hands holding her and moving her together, she even suspected that she might fly on the spot. stand up.

Initially, she was still concerned about the sight of her relatives around her, but soon she ignored their existence, and in her confused eyes, only the person in front of her remained.

This handsome young man was looking at her with a confident smile at the moment. Although this arrogant attitude had always disgusted her, when she held his hands tightly, she found that she could no longer Angry.

Are you really not expecting this? They asked themselves, and came up with an answer she didn't like.

Forget it, it's meaningless to care about these things now. Since we can't control the future, let's just enjoy the present... She said to herself again.

Gradually, her consciousness sank into the depths of her heart, and she no longer thought about anything. She seemed to have become a doll, letting the young man pull her to dance together. Although she had very little dancing experience, her body was smaller than her peers. People are lighter and more agile, so even when their consciousness is unclear, they can still dance this brisk dance.

She finally forgot all her troubles, enjoying her birthday, enjoying the reunion with her family, and enjoying the joy of being hugged by her lover... Isn't this great?

Time passes unconsciously,

It wasn't until the gilt self-ringing clock in the room started chiming the time that Agnes woke up from this comfortable confusion.

The dance music also ended at this time.

The two people stopped slowly, and Agnes carefully looked at the young man in front of her, "Your Majesty, how did I dance?"

"It's much better than I expected, Agnes." Agron replied with a smile, "You do have a talent in this area. We might as well try more in the future."

Agnes got the answer she wanted, so she smiled with satisfaction. "Let's talk about it later!"

But she also knew that it was all coming to an end.

Today she is the well-deserved protagonist here, as if she has been enchanted, attracting everyone's attention, but her "magic time" is over, she has turned back to a mortal, and this young man will return to his palace here, with his wife—

This was a result she had to accept, and she had already accepted it.

But at this moment, she inevitably felt a little sour in her heart.

Just as she expected, the young man in front of her relaxed his embrace, and then nodded slightly to herself. Then he turned to look at Agnes's mother and bowed slightly.

"Madam, I'm sorry, it's already very late. I still have some things to deal with, so I'm afraid I have to excuse myself."

"Please do as you please, Your Majesty." The lady smiled all over her face and saluted Aigron respectfully. "If you can take time out of your busy schedule to come to my little daughter's birthday celebration, it is a blessing to her and our whole family." It's an honor, we will definitely keep this kindness in mind, and Agnes will do her best to serve you in the future."

Although this kind of polite words were of little value, Aiglon found it useful. He smiled and waved to Agnes, and then left surrounded by his attendants.

Agnes also said goodbye to Agron. Although she felt a little regretful, she quickly adjusted.

After His Majesty left, the atmosphere in the hall became much more relaxed. However, everyone had been sitting here for a long time and they were all a little tired, so they just said goodbye to each other and prepared to go back to rest.

When everyone left, Alice walked up to her sister and held her hand.

Her eyes were very complicated, showing sighs and helplessness, but more importantly, she was worried about the future.

"How do you feel, Agnes?"

"It's okay..." Agnes replied, "At least I'm not feeling sick."

Alice didn't know how to evaluate this answer. She knew that her sister was fully aware of her embarrassing position.

But now that things have come to this, what can she change?

"No matter what worries you have in the future, don't keep them in your heart. You must share them with me." In the end, she could only say this sentence, "I don't think we need to dwell on the past anymore. From now on, we will all There is a long life, and it is impossible not to support each other..."

"I understand, sister." Agnes nodded slightly, and then said goodbye to her, "I'm going back first, good night!"

Alice watched her sister leave. At this time, she had to admit that her sister's life path would never be the same as she hoped.

Her obligation now becomes to help her sister get as good a result as possible on this "wrong road".

"Your sister is so proud of herself today." When she was silent, her husband Edgar whispered beside her. "Your mother is very proud of it too."

Alice was originally in a bad mood, but she became even more angry after hearing this, so she said nothing and just glanced at her husband secretly.

After all, she is a smart person. Although she was deceived by the Marquis of Treville and his son for various reasons before, now she has figured out the truth - these father and son have long been planning to use Agnes to please His Majesty. And he used all kinds of conspiracies and tricks to try desperately to bring the two people together, so that he unknowingly played a role in fueling the flames.

Looking back, without their efforts, things would not have developed to this point, right?

She could accept the current result, but she could not forget or forgive the previous use and deception so easily. In her heart, she made another account for her father-in-law and husband.

After saying goodbye to her family, Agnes walked briskly along the corridor back to her room, and then pushed open the door.

The light in the room was very dark, and it seemed that the master should take a rest. Agnes knew that the master must be in a bad mood, so in order not to irritate the master further, she deliberately walked slowly.

The room was already carpeted, but now it moved silently.

But soon, Agnes discovered that something was wrong. With the dim light, she found that the master seemed to be lying on the sofa.

Was it because he was drunk that he fell asleep on the sofa?

This is not good for your health.

Agnes decided to help her master go to bed to rest first.

But soon, when she came closer to the master, she was stunned.

Her master was indeed lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, but not asleep, but in a more tragic way.

A large black mark appeared on her original brown skirt, and this black mark spread to the sofa and carpet.

Agnes opened her eyes wide, but her whole mind went blank. She subconsciously reached out and touched the black mark, and then the sticky moist feeling and the fishy smell that hit her face made the last luck in her heart disappear. .

This shocking scene once again brought back the most painful memory in her heart - that time, she opened the door and watched her master lying in a pool of blood.

And now, the past is happening again... Is this fate?

"Ah!" Agnes let out an angry scream.


Agron, who had just said goodbye to Agnes, returned to his bedroom. Although Teresa knew what he was doing just now, she did not have any more conflicts with him over this matter, and he was very happy. After chatting with Theresa for a few words, I was ready to deal with the final documents.

However, when he just walked into the study, there were rapid footsteps at the door, and then the door was pushed open.

Aiglon looked up and found that the person who opened the door was actually his guard captain Andre - and Andre had a clearly panicked expression on his face.

"Andre, what happened?" Aigron stopped the pen in his hand and asked.

"Your Majesty, Ms. Bianca was shot and is now critically injured." Andre's tone was trembling. "The murderer is still unknown."

"What?!" Aigron was also stunned.

Then he slammed the table. "Take me there!"

He was not only angry for his important props, but also angry that his home was raided - because this also meant that he himself might not be safe.

Soon, Aigron arrived at Agnes' residence surrounded by guards. At this time, the place was no longer dim as before, candles were lit everywhere, and it was as bright as day.

Therefore, as soon as Aigron came in, he easily saw Bianca lying on the sofa.

At this time, there was already a large amount of blood on her body, which even stained the sofa and carpet red. However, surprisingly, her expression was quite calm, and she did not even show much pain.

Agnes, on the other hand, was half-kneeling at Bianca's feet, with tears in her eyes.

"Agnes, what's going on?"

As soon as she heard Aigron's voice, Agnes, who had been distracted, gradually regained her energy. She looked up at Aigron, her face full of weakness and pain.

"I...I don't know...she's been like this since I came back." Agnes replied intermittently, "God...God...why is this happening?"

Although Aigron was also irritable and angry at this time, he knew that any expression of anxiety now would not help, and would instead make the already helpless Agnes collapse even more.

Fortunately, he had seen too much of the world, so he quickly adjusted his mood, bent down and helped the girl up, "Don't be anxious now. Since it has happened, we can only find a way to deal with it."

"Yes... and you are here, you will always be able to find a way..." Agnes hugged Agron tightly, as if grasping her last life-saving straw, she cried while saying. "Save the master!"

Agron did not answer, but gently touched Agnes's back to comfort the poor girl.

Then he leaned over and touched Bianca's neck.

Perhaps because he had lost a lot of blood, it felt a little cold to the touch, and Aigron's heart sank, but fortunately, he could still feel a weak pulse.

What a tenacious vitality! Even though he was shot twice, he didn't die...Aigron was amazed in his heart.

But having said that, if Agnes hadn't taken good care of her recently and allowed her body to recover, I'm afraid she wouldn't have been able to survive this shot.

"She's not dead yet, Agnes. There's still hope."

While comforting the girl, Aiglon glanced at Andre. Andre understood and immediately opened the door, allowing the doctor who had been called over to treat Bianca.

The doctors carried Bianca away for resuscitation, leaving the group of people looking at each other around a large pool of blood.

"Interesting." Aigron suddenly sneered, "Only a few hundred meters away from my dormitory, someone was shot...and we didn't notice it. Who will be the unlucky one next time? Could it be? I?"

These people have been with Aigron for a long time, so of course they know that when His Majesty behaves like this, it is a sign that he is about to become furious. Because of this, everyone suddenly became silent, for fear of provoking him again. Angry Your Majesty.

Because he had the responsibility of captain of the personal guard, Andre Davout knew that he had no shirk, so he could only bite the bullet and answer, "Your Majesty, Ms. Bianca does not like a life of being closely monitored, so the defense around her is weak. So that someone took advantage of it. This is my responsibility. Please punish me... In addition, someone just reported that he heard a muffled sound half an hour ago, but the sound was not loud, so he didn't pay attention. Now Looking back, that was probably when the shooting took place. "

Although he seemed to be pleading guilty for himself, as a "sinner", how could Bianca be qualified to choose her own living environment? He was also secretly blaming Agnes for leaving this hidden danger for his master.

Aigron didn't speak anymore, but turned his attention to the crime scene without the victim.

His eyes fell on the cushion next to it that had a big hole and smelled of gunpowder and burnt lake. It seemed that this was used to suppress the sound when the gun was fired.

But why did the murderer have the luxury to sit on a cushion before shooting?

He recalled Bianca's lying posture just now, and the unreasonable peaceful expression on her face.

What's even more suspicious is that there are no signs of struggle or resistance. This cannot be explained by "Bianca is drunk".

"More than an hour has passed since Bianca left us. If the shooting was only half an hour ago... they might have talked for a long time." Aigron frowned, "The murderer knows her?"

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