Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and three, the latest

After abandoning the conspicuous carriage, Gaudan hid himself between the wilderness and the farmhouse, trying to avoid his pursuers.

He didn't know if it would work, but he had to do his best.

However, in this cool moonlit night, it was not easy for him to completely hide his figure in the wilderness.

The bright moon was in the sky at this time, so there were not many shadows on the ground. Surrounded by wheat fields that had just been sown not long ago, these wheat seedlings were not enough for an adult to hide.

Moreover, this is a relatively densely populated area, so it is not easy to find a dense forest.

Gao Dan looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart - he was very happy when he saw the village just now, but now it was completely the opposite.

At this time, there was a dense sound in his ears, which was the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground at high speed. It was obvious that the pursuers were getting closer and closer to him.

These sounds were his reminder.

Gao Dan hesitated and walked into the small village.

The villagers are all sleeping peacefully now, and there are no pedestrians around. However, the dense noise can easily wake people up. If someone finds themselves, it will be in trouble.

So Gao Dan had to carefully walk between the shadows of the houses, trying to find a suitable hiding place for himself.

The sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer. Under the moonlight, he looked around anxiously, until finally, his eyes fell on a small building.

This building has a cross on the roof and a small bell next to it. It is obviously a small country church.

There must be no one else in the chapel now, so if you hide in, you won't disturb anyone—except, of course, the country priest inside.

Gao Dan had seen too many joys and sorrows in the world, so he had long dismissed religion and God, but now he had to seek God's protection.

He quietly came to the door of the church. It was locked so tightly that he could not push the door open, but his movements quickly alerted the people inside, so a moment later, an old man in pajamas opened the door from the inside.

Because he was not wearing the robes of a priest, the old man looked like an ordinary bad old man, but from his weathered face, Gao Dan could see some compassion.

There are few compassionate clergy in the splendid palaces of Rome, but they may be found in unknown country churches.

Seeing Gao Dan's appearance, the old priest was surprised at first, but he quickly calmed down.

He understood that anyone who knocked on the door of the church late at night was definitely facing great trouble.

"Child, do you need help?" So the priest asked in a low voice.

"Yes, Father." Gaudan nodded, "I ask you to protect me, someone is chasing me."

"Poor man!" The priest understood immediately and sighed. "This world is not peaceful again!"

He had seen countless bloody events back then, and he had even been targeted by the revolutionary government for purges. He had managed to escape with the help of the villagers, so he was not panicked at the moment, but felt extremely disappointed.

After all, mankind has learned nothing and will not change anything. So when will the final redemption come?

He didn't hesitate at all, but stepped aside and said, "Okay, come in, I will help you. The Lord will not allow me to die without help."

Gao Dan breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly walked into the church.

As he expected, the church was very simple, with broken tables and chairs, and the so-called icon looked rather rough and ordinary. There were some silverware on the altar, but that was it.

But God's authority can still abide here and save her people.

The old priest took Gaudin behind the altar, then hung a curtain behind the portrait next to it, and then he stuffed Gaudan behind the curtain.

"Don't make a sound at any time." He warned Gaudin, and then returned to his room at the back of the church as if nothing had happened.

Gao Dan hid in place quietly, feeling the mercy that God bestowed upon him through her priests, and he was silently hoping in his heart that all this could go through safely.

However, he was still disappointed after all. He soon heard footsteps and voices coming from all around - obviously, those people had caught up with the carriage and began to search for him everywhere.

At this moment, all he could do was done, and he could only wait silently for fate to decide on himself.

Contrary to expectations, there was another knock on the church door.

Then, the old priest walked out of his room, shaking, and opened the door.

"What's wrong? My children?" He looked at the group of uninvited guests in front of him kindly.

"Father, did you see anyone suspicious just now?" someone asked.

"Suspicious person?" The priest shook his head, "I was resting just now, and I didn't hear anything before you came."

The priest's voice was calm and kind, as if everything was as if nothing had happened. It was not easy to do this in a hurry. It was obvious that he had experienced a lot of storms in the past.

Perhaps his calmness had taken effect. The pursuer asked a few more questions, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he stopped asking. The original sound of the conversation gradually disappeared, and then there was another sound from the door, as if it had been closed.

Have you been cheated? Gao Dan, who was hiding behind the curtain, breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, gentle footsteps came from the door.

Because of his old age, the old priest's walking voice was very soft, which was definitely different from that of the young soldiers.

So... it should be that the old priest came back to himself after sending them away.

The footsteps were approaching him. However, as the distance got closer, Gao Dan immediately became suspicious again.

The footsteps of an old man should be messy, but the footsteps he hears now are very rhythmic, soft but powerful, as if a cat is pacing forward in preparation for prey.

not good! Was discovered!

Gao Dan's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and then the chill spread from his heart to his whole body instantly, and his originally even breathing was also interrupted...

Doesn’t it look like there’s no way to escape?

But even so, he doesn't intend to surrender. Even if the situation is desperate, he will resist to the end.

He held the pistol tightly from his arms, which was his last resort.

In an instant, the curtain was suddenly pulled hard, and then the moonlight outside the window reappeared in Gao Dan's eyes.

A girl?

At this moment, Gao Dan almost lost his mind - because there was clearly a girl standing in front of him. She was wearing a blue double-breasted uniform, and her eyes were stern and murderous.

Although she is just a girl, her aura at this moment is intimidating.

After a moment of confusion, he subconsciously raised the pistol in his hand and pointed it at the girl in front of him.

The girl seemed to be well prepared. She dodged to the side the moment the two people noticed her, and then used the altar and the bench to cover herself.

However, Gaudin did not fire.

It wasn't because he cared about women and was reluctant to kill women, but because he suddenly thought of something.

"Agnes, you are Miss Agnes!"

Although he had never met Bianca's apprentice, the girl's momentum and skill at this moment made him have no doubt about the other party's identity.

It is conceivable that after discovering that her master had been severely injured by her, she immediately rode on horseback to chase her.

While escaping, Gao Dan premeditatedly divided his troops into several routes to create suspicions. However, facing the revengeful girl, all these tricks failed in the end. She caught up with him and found him here.

Is this God's judgment?

If this is fate, then that's not bad.

"That's right, it's me." Agnes replied loudly, "Gao Dan, you can't run away, so let's capture him without mercy!"

Gao Dan didn't speak, but looked closely at the girl not far away.

Bianca told her everything, which meant that she already knew all the truth, and there was no point in denying her identity or making any other excuses.

He didn't want to quibble, since this was fate, he could accept it calmly.

However, with the pistol in his hand, he still has the last moment.

His eyes briefly left the girl and looked at the door of the church.

The old priest was controlled by two people at the moment, and even his mouth was covered so that he could not make a sound - this was the reason why the priest did not warn him just now.

At this moment, the old man just looked at Gao Dan next to the altar with pity.

Even though he was speechless, Gaudin knew he was praying for him.

It's a pity that God can no longer save himself... A bitter smile appeared on his lips.

"Don't kill him! He is innocent!" He looked at the girl again.

"Are you still pretending to be a good person at this time?!" Agnes sneered, "Don't worry, I won't embarrass him, my target is just you!"

That's good. Gao Dan breathed a sigh of relief. After all, at this last moment, if he wanted to harm a compassionate priest, he would be regretful.

Okay, now only my own business is left.

What should I do?

If he fired now, there would be a chance of injuring or killing the girl, but he wouldn't be able to run away.

So why bother?

You have already let her end up like this, why would you let her apprentice suffer the same fate? Enough people have died, it would be good to have one less person.

At this moment, he had prepared for the worst, because there was more than one pursuer, so he was destined to be impossible to save. Even if he opened fire in self-defense, it would be meaningless.

Ever since he came to the conclusion that "the Duke of Orleans will lose" and failed to persuade the Duke to give it a try, Gaudin already knew that his lifelong efforts had been in vain.

He doesn't want to betray his benefactor in exchange for forgiveness, nor does he want to live in exile abroad. If he leaves this country, then his life's pursuit will be in vain. What's the point of living?

"How is she?" he asked.

"Thank you for having the nerve to ask!" Agnes looked at the other party with hatred, "Her life or death is uncertain now. If she dies, you must pay with your life!"

Even if she didn't die, I wouldn't be able to survive... Gao Dan replied in his heart.

He sighed softly, then looked up out the window.

The moon was staring at him coldly. All the killings and betrayals in the world had nothing to do with it. It witnessed everything fairly and melted everything.

Gao Dan took a deep breath, letting all the sadness, helplessness and resentment in his heart turn into calm relief.

"My wrong decision harmed my benefactor and your master, and ultimately I paid a heavy price. In the end, I had to betray my friendship and make up for my mistake with my own hands." He looked at Agne. Silk, and then said word for word, "I won't shamelessly say that I feel guilty, I have to do this."

"Stop talking nice words now!" Agnes was not moved by the other party at all, she just replied coldly, "I don't care what your reasons are, you are my enemy now, and I will make you pay the price!"

"What a proud little girl. No wonder he likes you so much...I like you a little bit too." Gao Dan smiled slightly, "You are right, you and I have different positions, and we are each our own masters. I will kill you." It is natural, and it is also natural for you to kill me...Forget it, it is meaningless to lament these things now."

Gao Dan shook his head slightly again, and then continued, "I have long had the consciousness to devote myself to big things. In order not to have any weaknesses, I did not get married and have children, so it doesn't matter even if the world is missing me, I just have some It's a pity...it's a pity that I didn't have the chance to realize my lifelong ambition...but that's it, maybe other people can do better than me and the Duke, I hope so."

Having said this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Agnes calmly.

"Now, what belongs to me has been done, and I have made amends to my benefactor... If your master can wake up, tell her, I wish her good luck in the future!"

Agnes noticed what he was trying to do, and hurriedly stood up from behind the bench where she was sheltering, and then rushed towards the altar.

However, this little time difference was already enough for him to do what he wanted to do.

Gao Dan looked up at the moonlight outside the window. There was no nostalgia in his eyes, but there was a bit of relief and expectation.

I have done everything I can do, and I have made my last effort to fight against fate, so now I can really leave without regrets.

Then, he put the barrel of the gun into his mouth.


A large piece of blood mist rose into the sky in an instant, and then sprayed onto the altar behind him, offering the most primitive sacrifice to the Almighty Lord.

Under the sad gaze of the old priest, another soul returned to the embrace of the Lord.

When Agnes rushed in front of Gaudin, he was already a swaying and fallen corpse. Agnes subconsciously grabbed his shoulders, and then she realized that all this was meaningless. .

She did catch the murderer, but she could never bring him to justice.

To commit suicide in such a tragic way, the death situation is naturally quite horrific. However, Agnes felt no fear at this moment, only a kind of indifferent sadness.

She knew that this was definitely not the news that the master wanted to hear.

But it's also what she has to do.

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