Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and four, poetic

It was already early in the morning, and the entire land was completely silent. move slowly

Aiglon stood by the window of the study, watching the moon sink to the ground.

As the moonlight becomes weaker and weaker, the palaces that could still be seen vaguely have now been swallowed up by the night. Only when the sun rises proudly again will they shyly reveal their true appearance in front of their owners.

Although he could no longer see anything clearly, Aigron was still waiting quietly.

At this time, rather than being a person involved, his mentality is more like a bystander. The talent of the poet in his heart briefly awakened again, waiting for the answer to this interesting "story" - and no matter what the answer is , he can accept it.

Whatever the answer is, it seems like it's about to be revealed.

"Dong dong dong."

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door. move slowly

Then, Chanel opened the door and walked in, then looked at Aigron excitedly.

"Your Majesty...Miss Agnes is back!"

Just looking at Chanel's expression at this moment, Agron knew the answer - Agnes caught up with the murderer.

"Has the murderer been caught?" he asked.

"The murderer committed suicide out of fear of the crime, and Miss Agnes just had his body dragged back." Chanel replied.

Aiglon was stunned for a moment.

Although he only met Gao Dan once, he clearly remembered how the other party made an impassioned speech in front of him. Even if the two people were not talking congenially, he could easily tell that the other party was indeed sincere. He truly believes in everything he says and hopes to heal the country's bloody conflicts over the past few decades and usher in a new era of prosperity. move slowly

Yes, he tried to murder himself, but the two people have different positions. Since there is no room for compromise, it is reasonable for him to try to kill himself. There is no reason to hate him for this.

If he is willing to surrender to him, Aigron is even willing to reuse him regardless of past grudges, giving him the opportunity to display his talents and ambitions.

However...it's too late to say all this now, everything is in vain.

Aiglon sighed for a moment,

Then he quickly regained his composure.

So far, too many people have died in his hands, and they are too numerous to count. How many of them deserve to die? How many don’t deserve to die? Does it matter?

Since his hands are already covered in blood, what's the point of having one more victim?

Aiglon took one last look at the endless void outside the window. move slowly

"Poor friend, if you really have a soul in heaven, just see how I can fulfill your wish."

After leaving such a sentence, he no longer sighed, but left the study with Chanel.

Aigron came to a room, and at this time, a large group of guards were already surrounding the room.

After seeing the young man, they all saluted and moved out of the way, and Aigron came to the center of the group of people.

In the center, stood a girl. Next to the girl was a stretcher, with a body placed on the stretcher.

Although the light from the torch was not enough, with the help of this weak light, Aigron was able to see clearly the appearance of the other party - this was indeed Gaudan himself.

However, the appearance of his death was really ugly. The front half of his face was fine, but there was a big hole in the back of his head. It was obvious that he had chosen a tragic way to commit suicide. move slowly

Of course, the tragic death does not mean that he died in pain. At least at the last moment, he preserved his dignity for himself.

Although what he did has always been detrimental to Egron, Egron respects and appreciates this decisive approach.

"He is a good man! I hope my people are as loyal and fearless as him." Aigron sighed softly, and then ordered his men, "Carry him down, have his body cleaned up, and then find a doctor to preserve his body. , wait until this storm has passed before burying him!"

The guards quickly lifted the stretcher and sent Gao Dan away, but the strong smell of blood lingered.

For Aigron, since he has lost his most powerful witness, Gaudin can also be regarded as a piece of "evidence", so he plans to preserve Gaudan's body for investigators to identify and bury it later.

Of course, it was to be expected that the Duke of Orleans would deny everything and in turn accuse Aiglon of murdering his cronies.

After Gaudan's interference, it seems that his "accusation" will eventually become an unsolved case. move slowly

But that doesn't matter. What he wants to win is not the legal battlefield, but the political battlefield. As long as he can make his opponent fail politically, he will be the winner.

Gaudin's efforts, at best, could only prevent the Duke of Orleans from being considered a "sinner", but could not restore his loss of power.

When he thought of this, Aigron's originally heavy heart became lighter again.

"Agnes, let's go out for a while. I have something to ask you."

Agnes, who had been silent all this time, then followed His Majesty out of the room. Of course, the other guards did not dare to disturb His Majesty's "elegance", so they just followed from a distance.

Agron took Agnes to the foot of a tree, and then used the faint light to admire the girl in front of him.

At this time, Agnes looked messy and tired from running for a long distance. Her originally straight uniform was also stained with blood that could not be ignored, and it still exuded a bit of fishy smell at this moment. move slowly

However, this scene not only did not dampen Aigron's interest at the moment, but on the contrary made him feel a bit strangely poetic.

The girl in front of me possesses a trait that is so rare and therefore precious.

"Agnes, you did a great job."

"I'm afraid it's not good enough, Your Majesty." Agnes was depressed and shook her head slightly, "I still didn't get him back after all..."

"No, if a person is determined to seek death and has a gun in his hand, no one can stop him, so it is not your fault. If you can catch up with him and force him to commit suicide, that is already a great achievement." Egger Long answered her seriously, "Thank you for your hard work."

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms and hugged the girl into his arms.

Agnes struggled hurriedly, but the reason for her struggle was not to resist the young man's embrace, but for another reason. "Your Majesty, I'm too dirty now... You'd better not come near me."

"Dirty? How could it be? This is the most beautiful you..." Aigron did not comply with her wishes, but hugged her tightly, "Although I did not witness the confrontation between you and him. , but I can imagine what you looked like at that time, how heartbreaking it was...I am so lucky to have such a girl in my arms."

After hearing Aigron's words, Agnes's face felt hot, but she no longer had the intention to struggle.

She couldn't tell whether this young man was speaking from the bottom of his heart or was deliberately trying to coax her, but it didn't seem to matter. Anyway...she did feel very comfortable listening to it.

After running a long distance back and forth, hearing this compliment, her fatigue seemed to have faded away a lot.

"There are many good-looking people..." But she still resisted habitually.

"Yes, Paris is full of beautiful but delicate flowers. They can only survive in the sweetest and most comfortable environment. But you are different. You can bloom from blood... You are completely different from them." Egger Long answered seriously. “It’s just because it’s different that it looks so charming.”

"Are you praising me?" Agnes was unhappy and glared at Agron. move slowly

Aiglon burst out laughing.

"Of course I'm complimenting you!"

Then, he hugged Agnes directly and kissed her heavily to prove that what he said was true.

Although the smell of blood lingered around the two of them, it could not dampen his passion at the moment.

And Agnes also cooperated enthusiastically, completely forgetting what she had just experienced.

After a while, the lips of the two people slowly parted.

"How is my master?" Agnes asked with a blushing face. move slowly

"Right now I'm giving people resuscitation treatment. I can't guarantee whether the result will be good or bad, but I will try my best." Aigron replied, "Although she has always been my enemy, since you don't want her to die, I She is not allowed to die."

"That's good." Agnes nodded lightly.

Since the master is rescuing him now, she can't go visit him now, so there is nothing else to do now.

When she thought of this, the fatigue suppressed by the kiss wrapped around her body again.

"It's getting late, you can go back and rest..." she suggested.

"No, there is still a little time." Aigron shook his head. "I mean, there is still a little time before dawn. Since we have already reached this time, if you are willing, why not witness the sunrise with me?"

"If you want me to do that, of course I can..." Agnes replied without thinking, "But what is this for?"

"Because I want to do this." Aiglon replied in a light tone, "I want to see the first ray of morning sun shining on the bloody rose...and this is my bloody rose."

Seeing Agnes still looking a little confused, Agron couldn't help laughing, "Although I have to play the emperor all the time now, I will still be a poet occasionally, so you should just satisfy the occasional willfulness of a poet. .”

Agnes stared at Agron. In the dim light, his majesty looked so pale and handsome. If he were said to be a poet in front of unsuspecting people, they would definitely agree.

"If you were just a poet... you would definitely be able to achieve great things." Agnes blurted out, "Although I don't know much about literature and poetry, I believe so."

"Hahahaha... I believe it too." Aigron laughed.

So, Aiglon and Agnes stood under the tree, hugging each other and holding hands, quietly looking at the eastern night sky.

At first, the night was always dark, and it seemed that it would never change. But at a certain moment, the originally thick black gradually became thinner, and there seemed to be a little more gray. Then the gray light became more and more transparent, and finally turned into White light spots. move slowly

Then, the white light spot became larger and larger, gradually turning into a long line in the distant airspace, and right in the middle of the line, the white light became heavier and heavier, and finally was suddenly concentrated into a dazzling golden color.

The boy and the girl just cuddled together, enjoying the moment of only each other.

At this moment, the thin golden thread pierced the gray night sky, and then fell proudly onto Aigron's eyes.

And he slowly turned his head and looked at the silent girl.

He's been waiting!

The golden brilliance smeared on the girl's face, giving her originally fair face a layer of holy brilliance. The girl was wearing a uniform designed by him. Even if it was stained with mud and blood, it would not be damaged. This layer of brilliance, on the contrary, made her look so awe-inspiring and inviolable.

This will be a moment he will never forget. move slowly

Even after becoming an emperor, he could still be a poet occasionally, and at this moment, he was fascinated by the poetry he had created.

The golden rose blooming in the blood, no one can touch it, except me...Aiglon thought to himself.

I will hold everything that fate bestows on me firmly in my hands, and so will she. I will never let go, and she will always stay by my side!

Although Agnes didn't know what the young man was thinking, she could roughly guess his mood at the moment from the young man's admiring and aggressive gaze.

Then, she became a little obsessed with it.

The golden brilliance made everything unreal, like a blurry dream, but if she had the choice, she would rather indulge in this dream.

The sun rose slowly from the horizon, and gradually the whole earth began to brighten, and the poetry of that moment had disappeared. move slowly

But it doesn't matter, as long as there is that moment of poetry, it is enough, at least Aigron is satisfied.

"Thank you for being willful with me, Agnes." Aigron blinked his dry eyes, and while recalling the moment just now, he thanked the girl again, "Okay, now let's go back and rest... I I’m sleepy too.”

"Yeah." Agnes nodded slightly.

The two walked back together, but Agnes remained silent.

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?" Aigron was a little confused. "Is there anything else on your mind?"

"Actually, no, it's just...just..." Agnes lowered her head, as if she had something to hide.

Aigron didn't urge her anymore, but just looked at the other party silently, waiting for her to organize her words——卍

Agnes's confusion didn't last long. Just a moment later, her thoughts seemed to finally burst out.

"How wonderful it would be if you were really just a poet instead of a grandson...I will follow you around the world, always be by your side to protect you, and listen to those poems that I don't understand...even if you listen to them... So what if I don’t understand? Love can satisfy me in these poems! But...but..."

At this point, she suddenly stopped.

"Sorry, it's too late, I'm going to rest!"

Then she bolted away.



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