Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and five, give in

After throwing out this confession, the shy Agnes hid her face and ran away.

She knew that what she said had no meaning anymore. Everything was done now. Even if she fell in love with this young man, she would never be able to marry him.

However, even this can't stop the girl from fantasizing about it in her heart - after all, what's wrong with fantasizing?

And Aiglon also stood quietly, watching Agnes's back gradually disappearing under the golden light.

He truly felt the love from Agnes. Although he worked hard to get it, he finally got it. He was extremely excited and intoxicated about it.

He believed that Agnes said this seriously, because she didn't care whether her lover was an emperor or a wandering poet.

But no matter how intoxicated he was, when he asked himself, "If I had the choice, would I really wander around the world with her?", he still came up with the answer in the blink of an eye without any hesitation.

No, I wouldn't...certainly not.

I'm a complete bad person. He smiled bitterly in his mind.

However, since Agnes went to rest, now he also needed to rest. After all, he had not slept all night and he was very sleepy.

When he dragged his tired body back to the palace, the quick and considerate Chanel had already prepared him for bed.

"Go and send someone to call Edmund back and tell him that the situation has changed." Aigron gave an order to Chanel, and then lay down on the bed.

When he woke up again, it was already afternoon, and he was very hungry because he hadn't eaten for almost a whole day.

He rearranged his appearance, and then came to the restaurant, and at this time, Theresa was already waiting for him here.

"Your Highness, are you feeling better?" Teresa asked with concern.

"Much better, it's just that I stayed up all night, it's not a big deal." Aigron said as he sat down at the dining table, and then found that the dining table was full of steaming meals.

It was already past lunch time, and it was obvious that Teresa had the food reheated every short period of time, waiting for her to wake up.

Aegron began to feast,

The couple had lunch together.

As the hostess here, Teresa had already learned all the information from Chanel and Andre when Aigron was asleep, but she was still a little confused about some details.

"Your Highness, how do you know the perpetrator?"

So while eating, Aigron informed Teresa in detail about the quarrel between the two and everything that happened afterwards. "This poor man has chosen a dead end for himself. Otherwise, I would have wanted to spare his life and let him see with his own eyes whether I am a curse or a blessing to this country!"

After learning about all these grievances and disputes, Teresa felt a little sad.

However, Gaudan was the murderer behind the plot to assassinate her beloved husband, so her mercy was extremely limited. "He deserves to commit suicide like this, and he deserves the blame. But Your Highness, by doing this, he is tantamount to cutting off the entire incident to him alone. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to continue to testify against the Duke of Orleans."

"Yes, this is the result he wants." Aigron nodded, "But I won't let him get his wish. Even if there is no strong evidence, I still want to give people a clear impression and brand him with a stigma. On your body!"

Teresa thought that this was the best way at the moment, so she did not continue to struggle, but turned to another topic. "How is Miss Agnes doing now? The master was seriously injured. I think she must be very sad, right?"

"That's natural." Aiglon replied.

"Anyway, she has made a meritorious service this time. She has at least avenged half of your revenge, and also caused the Duke of Orleans to lose a close assistant - so, I think we should commend her." Teresa whispered.

"Huh?" Aigron was a little surprised.

He was not surprised that Agnes needed to be commended, but he was surprised that such words came from Theresa.

Not long ago, Teresa had a big fight with him over Agnes, but now she actually offered to commend Agnes, which really surprised him.

"Are you surprised?" Sensing her husband's expression, Teresa smiled slightly, "I have always made a clear distinction between right and wrong, good or bad. Other issues do not affect my views on this issue."

Then, she changed the topic again, "In addition, when you and I first arrived, it is necessary to show an attitude of clear rewards and punishments. Since Agnes has made meritorious services, we should commend and reward her. In this way, others will be more supportive of us." Work hard.”

Teresa has said so, and of course Aigron will have no objections.

Having said that, it is indeed rare for Theresa to be able to be so clear-cut about right and wrong.

Even though she was angry with Agnes before, she did not anger Alice. She still favored her as before. According to the standards of a princess from the royal family, her temper was indeed surprisingly good.

In other words, it is quite remarkable for me to be able to make Teresa so angry that she utters such arrogant words...

Aiglon quickly put aside this distracting thought, "So how do you think she should be rewarded?"

"How about a reward for spending a few days with her?" Teresa asked with a smile. "One morning is not enough."

Of course Aigron knew that this was an irony, so he was so embarrassed that he could not speak. The food that was originally fragrant in his mouth suddenly became bitter.

"Shouldn't Your Highness happily nod and agree? Why are you still embarrassed?" Seeing her husband's unwillingness to eat, Teresa felt more and more amused, "Okay, I'm not kidding anymore, I think we It’s not appropriate to reward her too high-profile now, you might as well formally canonize her as a member of the Knights.”

Aigron has already had such a plan, but he has never found a suitable reason before. And since Theresa took the initiative and the reasons were suitable and sufficient, he was naturally happy to go along with it.

"Well, your suggestion makes sense, so let's do it!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Teresa in confusion, "Theresa, why would you do this?"

"For what? Of course it's for you." Theresa blinked, then lowered her gaze to look at the food on the table, "I think, since I can't change your mind and I don't want to stay angry with you, Then I have to admit the status quo, rather than keep arguing about this matter. I don’t think I am wrong, but for you, I treat it as if I have made a mistake."

Although Teresa's tone was calm, Aigron felt a slight pain in his heart, and he hurriedly swallowed food to cover himself up. "No, you didn't make any mistakes, and you don't need to think so. It was me who did the wrong thing..."

"Okay, let's stop fighting at this time. I really don't want to cast a shadow of arguments on our marriage at all, because that is everything I am proud of." Teresa sighed softly. He took a breath, and then smiled again, "There is another reason. I can feel it. Miss Agnes is also guilty of this. She has never shown off the favor she has received, and she deliberately She is trying to take care of my thoughts. Now that the matter has come to this, I will give in. She has sacrificed enough...I can't guarantee that I can get along well with her in the future, but at least I can tolerate it. Her presence.”

"Is that so..." In fact, Aigron still didn't quite understand what Theresa meant, but he nodded repeatedly, "Thank you for your tolerance, Theresa..."

"My tolerance is conditional -" Teresa emphasized again, "Here, you are my lover, my husband, and an indispensable existence in my life. And in my sight Apart from that, I didn’t see anything, so nothing happened, are you right?”

Even now, Teresa still insists that no one should do anything complacent within her sight and hearing. This is probably her last sign of stubbornness.

Of course, Aigron will satisfy this request. "Okay, I'll pay attention."

"Well, that's good." Teresa nodded lightly, "Then let's just pretend that nothing happened and everything is as before..."

Then, the two people really started talking and laughing while eating, and all the previous quarrels disappeared without a trace, and even the slightest shadow seemed not to remain.

Lunch was finished quickly, and Aigron was about to leave the table to deal with today's matters. But just as he stood up, the smile on Theresa's face remained unchanged, but her voice seemed to be a little more serious.

"Is this the last one? Your Highness?"

Aiglon stopped.

"Well, yes," he replied after a moment.

"That's good..." Theresa smiled and nodded, "I take it seriously, Your Highness."

Then, she waved to the young man again and watched him leave, "I love you, Your Highness, and I will definitely love you much more than you love me..."


After receiving Aiglon's order, Edmond Dantès quickly dropped everything he was doing and hurried back. When he arrived at Fontainebleau, it was already night.

Soon, he was brought to Aiglon by the guards.

Edmund saluted respectfully.

"Edmund, we encountered a big accident, or in other words, a setback." Aigron got straight to the point, "It happened last night."

Then he told Edmund briefly what had happened last night.

Edmund was naturally surprised and shocked when he heard the news.

He had recently been working together with Prosecutor Villefort to push forward this accusation, in order to turn the criminal case into a political case. However, he did not expect that at this critical moment, something like this would actually happen.

However, he was experienced in the world and quickly stabilized his mind.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

"The hard work you have spent has not been in vain, and you should continue to push forward, Edmund." Aiglon answered the other party calmly, "As far as I am concerned, Villefort's report is already very powerful, and although Gaudan destroyed A witness, but his body itself is also a silent witness - if the Duke of Orleans didn't have something in his mind, how could he send his henchmen to silence him?"

"But I'm afraid the Duke of Orleans will never admit that he sent people to silence him. Instead, he will accuse you of sending people to rob and kill his cronies to fabricate accusations -" Edmund expressed his worries. .

"You are absolutely right, which shows that you do have a clear mind." Aigron gave him an approving look, "He will definitely do this, but so what? Maybe we can't send him to the cell. But we can at least write a battle and let everyone be bystanders! I wonder if more people are willing to believe me or him!?"

Yes, with the help of this accusation, Agron can change the question from "Is the Duke of Orleans the murderer?" to "Would you rather believe the King of Rome or the Duke of Orleans?"

Edmund believed that most people would give an answer in favor of the King of Rome - this was not because he was biased because of his position, but because he came to a conclusion by observing public opinion and public opinion.

If this is the case, what Your Majesty said is indeed true.

He thought carefully and finally nodded. "I understand, Your Majesty."

Then, the two of them went over the details of continuing the accusation together. After returning to Paris, Edmond will convey all the unexpected events and Aigron's latest instructions to Prosecutor Villefort, asking him to adapt accordingly. Modify your next plan slightly.

"By the way, after you go back, you must ask Villefort to protest -" Aigron warned again, "He said that his important witness was assassinated by a murderer named Felix Gaudin, and this person After the assassination, he was forced to commit suicide because he could not escape capture. He only had to say so much. The less he said about some things, the more others would think."

Unlike Bianca, a foreigner, Felix Gaudin is not an unknown person. He has been in politics for many years and has a close relationship with the Duke of Orleans. Many people know about this matter. As long as Prosecutor Villefort raises this matter, If something happens, then the members of the investigation team will quickly make the appropriate associations, which is much more effective than Aigron speaking out loudly.

Edmund quickly agreed to this order.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to inform you -" Aiglon suddenly remembered another thing, "Emily was recommended by Mrs. Alice and participated in an important matter. What do you think? If you object, I will stop it immediately."

"No, Your Majesty." Edmund quickly shook his head, "I don't mind this. She has always hoped to have a foothold in the palace. Now that she has been recommended by Alice, she will definitely be very happy. Yes, I’m happy to see it come to fruition.”

"Okay, let's do it." Aiglon waved his hand, "But Edmund, I still want to remind you that someone told me that Danglars and Villefort are old acquaintances, and you are the most Just keep an eye out."

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