Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seven, grace and awakening

At Teresa's suggestion, Agron agreed to formally canonize Agnes as a member of his order. screen

Although many people were a little surprised by his decision, after all, Aigron could say it right, so no one raised any objections. Besides, there was already a precedent of Chanel before, and adding Agnes would no longer seem too obvious. Abrupt.

So, just two days later, Agron held a knighthood canonization ceremony for Agnes.

Because it was still an eventful time, the scale of the ceremony was not large, but all the members of the Knights who stayed at Fontainebleau Palace were present, including Teresa herself, which was enough to give Agnes enough face.

Under everyone's gaze, Agnes walked step by step in front of Agron and Teresa, wearing the most advanced gown among the uniforms and a blue ribbon.

Her already tall figure looked even more heroic in this outfit.

However, although she became the well-deserved protagonist of today, Agnes was in a mixed mood at this time.

When she had just become an ignorant girl, she had dreamed of countless times that she would use the sword in her hand to act as a hero and help those in need, and even make meritorious deeds for the country, and be rewarded by the king and praised by thousands of people. . screen

In theory, she seems to have it now.

But the way she wants to obtain these honors is to rely on her own merit, not nepotism!

Honor is just a kind of proof, not the goal itself. Now that she has got what she once dreamed of, she can't be proud of it.

No one will believe that I achieved this by relying on my own talents... She said to herself silently in her heart. She even felt that the eyes of everyone looking at her seemed to be full of ridicule and contempt. Of course, this was just her psychological effect.

However, she also knew that there was no point in thinking about so many things now. At the moment, she could only accept this heavy gift from the young man.

Under the gaze of everyone, Agron took the Cross of Honor he designed from the attendant's hand, and then looked at Agnes.

"Agnes, I'm so happy that I can grant you this." He whispered in Agnes's ear. "You look really good today."

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid I'm not worthy of it..." Agnes replied in a low voice, "I have not performed any meritorious service for you worth mentioning.

I deserve these awards. "

"Silly girl... People who are less worthy of the honor than you are still sitting on the thrones of various countries with peace of mind." Aigron replied with a smile, "Besides, if you feel you deserve it, then you might as well Let's make up for it with merit in the future..."

"Achievements..." Agnes could only smile bitterly in response. After all, what merits could she really achieve?

Now she is no longer a completely ignorant girl. She also feels her personal powerlessness under the general situation. Even if she is excellent in swordsmanship, can she still only obey this young man? And he didn't even lift a finger.

So can I really do anything?

Just when she had mixed feelings, Aigron didn't care so much and put the medal in his hand on the ribbon on her chest.

Although Aigron did not make any unnecessary moves in public, Agnes still felt unspeakably shy because she was so close to the young man. She just lowered her head and allowed Aigron to give herself this precious medal. . screen

Then, she knelt on one knee in front of Aigron.

Aiglon glanced at the girl's surrendered posture, then picked up the sword and put the sword blade on her shoulder.

"Your Majesty, I swear that I will be loyal to you wholeheartedly from now on, solve your problems, and make your empire last forever!" Agnes said the oath she had already prepared.

Aigron has heard countless similar oaths before and has already become numb. He knows that people in the world often say one thing and do another, and no matter how nice the words are, they can only be ignored.

But when the girl opposite said it, Aigron felt extremely comfortable.

"There will always be a place for you in my empire, including your descendants." So, he solemnly made a promise to the girl.

Things are fickle, and what people say often changes, but this time Aigron really means it - maybe he can't let Agnes's descendants get the highest power, but he also has enough ways to prevent them from falling into the same trap. screen

Agnes did not feel very happy after hearing this. On the contrary, she was a little at a loss. She had not thought about the so-called offspring at all. She could not even believe that as a mistress, she was qualified to keep a child...

"Is this what you should say in this situation?" She glared at Aiglon and protested in a low voice.

"I can say whatever I want." Aiglon smiled slightly, and then took back the sword in his hand.

Agnes stood up. At this moment, she officially had this rare honor, and the people present also applauded and celebrated her. Of course, if they had heard the conversation between the two people just now, they would probably have very different expressions. Wonderful.

Amidst the applause of everyone, the brief ceremony came to an end.

People dispersed and continued their work, but Agnes, with complicated emotions, was ready to gather with her family first to share the honor she had just received.

However, at this moment, Chanel found her and brought her unexpected good news. screen

During this period of time, Chanel has been responsible for Bianca's rescue work under the orders of Aigron.

"She woke up!?" Agnes was surprised and happy, and quickly followed Chanel to the ward where the master was.

When Agnes arrived, Bianca tried to keep her eyes open and looked at her weakly.

"You finally woke up..." Agnes was naturally extremely happy when she saw that the master finally woke up. She walked to the bed and grabbed the master's hand excitedly. "God bless!"

Bianca did not have the surprise of her apprentice. Even though she escaped death, she could not feel the excitement.

She just turned her head slightly and looked at her surroundings.

"It looks like I'm seriously injured."

"Yes, you were seriously injured and were in a coma for several days." Agnes replied. "You were injured before and your body was already severely damaged. Now it's even worse. I'm so lucky to be able to survive... Of course, I'm also lucky to have Miss Chanel taking good care of me. I will thank her very much!"

Looking at her disciples who were cheering for her, Bianca had mixed feelings in her heart. She didn't know whether she should be happy or disappointed.

"I originally hoped to die to atone for my sins, but it seems that fate still refuses to let me go."

"Why do you think so? Didn't I say it before? You have done enough, you have never betrayed anyone, and you have paid such a heavy price... No one can accuse you." Agnes Comforting his master, "Now you are not obligated to anyone, you just need to live a good life for yourself."

Agnes' comfort made Bianca suddenly recall another sentence in her mind.

"From now on, you don't owe me any favors. Live for yourself...if you can still live."

Those were the words left by Gao Dan himself when she was seriously injured and unconscious. screen

Yes, no matter from any aspect, I have paid enough price, but... is it really that I will be free from all problems?

By the way, Gaudan!

He must be very dangerous, and he must be facing a search after committing the crime. Even if he must have made arrangements beforehand, God knows whether it will work... So what is happening to him now?

At this time, Bianca, of course, didn't know that Gaudan's identity had been exposed, so she could only make insinuations.

"Have you caught my assassin?"

"Well..." The excitement on Agnes's face suddenly turned a bit gloomy - after all, she knew that Bianca would never be happy about the truth.

But her moment of haze was instantly captured by Bianca. Bianca knew this apprentice too well, so it was impossible for her to lie to her. screen

"What happened to him?" Bianca's voice trembled.

"He..." Agnes looked embarrassed, but facing the serious-looking master, she couldn't lie and deceive, so she finally decided to tell the truth, "That Mr. Gaudan, I caught up with him. Being captured, he chose to shoot himself..."

This truth caused Bianca to suffer another severe mental injury. Her body was very weak just after she woke up, and with this heavy blow, she almost fainted.

Now that the apprentice already knows that the murderer is Gaudan, Bianca no longer has to be careful to cover it up. She just glared at the apprentice and then confirmed again unwillingly.

"he died?"

"Yes, died...died in front of me." Agnes replied.

Bianca gasped for air, feeling an unbearable pain in her heart. screen

Although Gao Dan almost killed her with a shot, she never hated him for a moment. After all, it was her who messed up the commission and was trapped in the enemy's hands. He had to do it for the benefactor - and she should too. bear such punishment.

However, not only did he fail to atone for his sins with death, but he also tricked this old friend and former savior to death... What's even more frightening is that the person who forced him to death was his apprentice.

When she thought of this, Bianca felt a mixture of shame and pain, and was almost overwhelmed with shame and anger.

"Kill him..." she muttered.

At this time, she finally noticed Agnes's outfit at the moment, especially the conspicuous Cross of Honor, "Did you trade his life for this? It's really worth every penny!"

The master's ridicule made Agnes feel a twinge in her heart.

"Why do you say that? May I ask what I did wrong? He has harmed you like this. Can't I avenge you? Am I doing all this for some reward?"

"Then there was someone who tricked me into this before. Why don't you take revenge for me?" Bianca asked in return.

And this question hit the nail on the head, leaving Agnes speechless for a moment.

Then, tears gathered in her eyes, and she looked at her master with eyes full of grievance.

"Am I wrong in everything I do? I tried my best to save your life, was I wrong? I went to track down the murderer who tried to kill you, was I wrong? I kept your secret, but in the end Am I wrong to let everything end this way? Maybe I am indeed wrong, but I have really tried my best and done everything I can... I don't expect to be praised, but can you Can you please understand me? I also want everything to be perfect..."

As she spoke, she sobbed uncontrollably, "Well, since he is dead, then I bear all the responsibility, because if it weren't for me, he could have escaped safely. If you blame me, just blame me." He’s healed!”

The disciple's cry awakened Bianca, who was originally immersed in guilt and pain.

She knew that she was not the only one suffering pain in the world, and that her apprentice did not do anything wrong. If he did, it could only be because she was too enthusiastic and cared too much about the people around her. screen

I was really too mean to her.

After all, who can be blamed for Gaudin's death?

He participated in a bloody fight and tried to kill other people, so is there any injustice in being killed by others?

Killing or being killed is the eternal theme of this game. I'm afraid he won't blame others when he dies.

Compared to normal people, she is much more indifferent to life and death. So once her brain accepted the fact, she gradually calmed down.

Now that he is dead, there is no point in blaming anyone. This is just a small episode in the killing game.

"My child, I'm sorry, I was speechless for a moment." She sighed softly, then reluctantly raised her hand and touched her tear-stained cheek, "I...I am too sad, I owe him My debt has not yet been repaid, but he took the step ahead of me... This really makes me feel embarrassed."

"I understand what you're thinking." Seeing the master's rare admission of mistake, Agnes wiped her tears, "But now, you can at least say goodbye to this nightmare, right? Everything is over, you Your client is dead, you are seriously injured and you don’t need to face the investigation anymore, it’s all over!”

it's all over?


But even if it ends, it can't go back to the past.

Bianca knew that she had suffered severe physical and mental injuries - she had been seriously injured twice, and even if she escaped death, it would definitely have a great impact on her body. Even if she recovered in the future, she might never be able to go back to her previous state.

After all this is over, what meaning does my existence have?

When she thought of this, Bianca couldn't help but feel a little confused. screen

"From now on, you don't owe me any favors. Live for yourself...if you can still live."

She thought of this sentence again.

Looking back now, when he said this, was he mentally prepared for him to die and himself to live? He must have anticipated every situation and simply left it to fate to decide.

He is indeed his old friend.

"Let me see him one last time." She sighed weakly.

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