Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eight, last wish

"Let me go see him one last time." Ga

Although this request was a bit abrupt, it was not impossible for Agnes. It was just a body anyway, so she was not afraid of any trouble.

"I will take you to have a look when you feel better." She agreed immediately.

"Take me now!" said Bianca, struggling to get up from the bed.

Agnes knew very well that her master was very stubborn. Since he was so insistent, she had no choice but to make concessions.

"Don't move yet! Just wait for me!"

She found Chanel again and made her master's request.

Sure enough, Chanel quickly agreed, so after a while, she supported Bianca and left the ward together. Ga

Under the guidance of Chanel, they were taken to a basement by the guards, where Gaudin's body was temporarily stored.

The basement was quite cold, and there was a sink in the middle. Gaudin's body was soaked in the solution. His face was slightly swollen, but his face and outline could still be seen clearly, just like a preserved specimen.

Agnes was afraid that Bianca would misunderstand that His Majesty was deliberately insulting Gaudin's body, so she defended Agron first. "Your Majesty did not intentionally torture his body, but temporarily stored his body here. Because such an accident occurred, Your Majesty must leave a piece of evidence..."

Of course Bianca can understand what Agnes means.

Gaudan attacked him and made him no longer suitable to attend the hearing. So in order to at least justify everything, he really needed to use Gaudan's body to prove everything.

However, even though it was stated that he knew this, it was still inexplicably sad to see him being treated like this.

The pungent smell of alcohol permeated the basement, but Bianca was completely unaware of it. She stood next to the sink, and then quietly looked at Gao Dan lying in it, with mixed feelings in her heart. Ga

For your benefactor, you paid such a high price and now you can't even rest in peace after death. Is it really worth it?

Does it really matter who sits on that throne?

Although Bianca is not too old,

But she had seen many passers-by in the field of power, and she didn't understand what the meaning of this was.

However, since this was her old friend's last wish, she had no choice but to satisfy it.

"Poor friend, may you rest in peace soon!" Bianca tapped her forehead and chest several times and made a cross to express her condolences.

Then, she turned to look at Agnes, "Since this is fate, I will not resent anyone. It was not you who killed him, but himself. He chose such a fate and ending for himself. ...I think even he himself would not feel resentful about it. Killing or being killed is the same thing."

"It's great that you think so!" Agnes breathed a sigh of relief. Ga

She was originally afraid that the master would always be resentful of her because she forced Gao Dan to death, but now that the master is so open-minded, she feels relieved.

"Can you take me to see your Majesty?" Bianca asked suddenly.

This request surprised Agnes, because she thought that Bianca would not want to see His Majesty - after all, most of the sins she suffered came from this young man.

"Are you still afraid of what trouble I might bring to him now?" Seeing that she didn't answer, Bianca smiled bitterly.

"I'm actually afraid that you'll offend him again..." Agnes also smiled bitterly, "You're already like this now. If you offend His Majesty again, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, I have no interest in arguing with people now." Bianca interrupted her. "I just have something I want to say to him."

Seeing what her master said, Agnes hesitated. Ga

"Okay then, I'll apply for you."


Soon, Agnes conveyed the news to Aigron that Bianca had woken up and asked to see him.

Aiglon also became interested in Bianka's request at this time, so he agreed to the request.

Of course, considering Bianca's physical condition at this time, he did not let her visit him specially, but took the initiative to visit her in the ward.

Before that, Aiglon naturally hated Bianca with a itch, but after seeing the other party seriously injured and dying twice, and in a miserable state, his desire for revenge has been mostly worn away, so now he can face it with a calm mind. other side.

"Madam, congratulations on your escape from death."

"Thank you." Bianca replied calmly, "I also congratulate you for eliminating an opponent."

"Actually, I regret the death of Mr. Gaudin. He was a talented man. If he had been captured alive by me, I would not have him sentenced to death, but would have kept him by my side." Aiglon replied. "But since he committed suicide, there is nothing we can do about it... If you hate me for this, then I won't defend myself."

"No, I won't hate you for this. You are playing a game with him. He wants to kill you, so it is not an injustice if he is killed by you." Bianca's voice was very weak, but she still managed to keep up her energy and continued. He continued, "I think that even if he has a soul after his death, he will not be aggrieved by his death. He is a man who can afford to take things and let them go."

"That's right, you finally have some courage to discern the truth!" Aigron smiled slightly, "To a certain extent, this is also a good thing for you. Mr. Gaudin's death also means that you will no longer You no longer have any obligations to anyone - I think you must have no loyalty to the Duke of Orleans? In this case, you have nothing to do with all these things, and I will not pursue you anymore."

"Now that I'm awake, don't you want me to continue to testify?" Bianca asked.

"No, it's not necessary." Aigron replied categorically, "Although you are awake, since you have such a deep friendship with him, you will definitely not be willing to violate his death wish - in this case, I will not What's the point of forcing you to go to the hearing? Maybe you will say a lot of things that are not good for me without conscience, which will make me more passive. In this case, I might as well let you recuperate. Just stay out of it for the sake of your reputation. Anyway, this matter is not something you have to do in the first place."

Aiglon didn't bother to lie to Bianca, so he simply laid out everything frankly - he just didn't trust Bianca to stand on his side. Ga

"I didn't expect you knew me quite well." Bianca sneered.

"It's always been easy to guess what you're thinking." Aiglon shrugged, "Okay, I've guaranteed that you can stay out of it, so do you have anything else to say?"

Bianca was silent for a moment. It was obvious that she was a little confused at this time and needed to organize her thoughts.

After a moment, she spoke again, "Since Agnes has told you the previous story, you should already know the whole incident. There is no need for me to say more now. I only have one thing to ask. You - if you win, how are you going to punish the Duke of Orleans and his family?"

"I didn't come back to settle everything. If I'm too cruel, it will affect my own reputation." Aigron immediately replied, "Although he wants to kill me, there are too many people in the world who want to kill me. I I won’t particularly hold any grudge against him. If he knows better, he can leave this country with his family and part of his property. I won’t embarrass him - but that’s the limit. As long as I’m still alive, he won’t think about it again in this life. Louis XVIII showed mercy to him by touching the soil of his motherland, and everyone can see the consequences, and I will not make the same mistake again!"

Eggron's words were so frank, but Bianca felt relieved.

Gaudan has followed the Duke of Orleans for so many years, and before he dies, he will probably miss his old benefactor. Since Aiglon does not want to kill everyone, then his soul in heaven will probably feel much better. Ga

"Okay, I will help you." Then she said suddenly.

"What can you help me with?" Aigron was slightly surprised.

"I'll help you let him stop as soon as he sees fit, and end this as soon as possible while you're still so lenient." Bianca answered him gloomily, "Isn't this the best result he can get now? "

Aigron was so surprised by Bianca's change of attitude that he instinctively doubted the authenticity of what the other party said, so he did not answer immediately, but looked at the other party suspiciously.

"Don't be so surprised, Your Majesty, I am not crazy, on the contrary, I am very sober now." Bianca smiled bitterly, "You know, the reason why I help the Duke is just because it is Gaudan's entrustment. I respect him I am not interested at all in whether I can sit on the throne; now that Gaudan will take the initiative to take risks, make such a dangerous move, and even risk his own life, then I think this is enough to show that the Duke has fallen into the trap of you. Complete disadvantage - in this case, in order to comfort the spirit of my old friend in heaven, and to save you from bleeding, it is better to let his family land safely, so as not to become victims of ambition."

At this point, she sighed softly, "The exile life away from home is certainly painful, but it's better than being behind bars or having your head in a different place, right? I think he can weigh it clearly himself."

Bianca's words dispelled Aigron's doubts, and he could see that the other party was telling the truth. Ga

So, he was quickly overjoyed.

After all, for him, killing is not a hobby but a means. If he can defeat others without fighting, that would be better.

However, he did not lose his basic vigilance, but carefully tested the opponent.

"Then how are you going to help me?"

Bianca obviously had an idea in mind, so she answered him immediately. "I will not attend the hearing to testify, because that would be tantamount to establishing the Duke's guilt, and then it would not be so easy for you to let him go - but I will privately persuade the Duke to accept your offer. Leniency conditions, don’t waste your last chance, not everyone can generously protect the opponent’s wealth and life.”

Aiglon's heart suddenly blossomed, Bianca was willing to do more than he expected.

However, at this time, he still did not forget to ask, "What if he is unwilling to follow your advice and still persists in his stubbornness?"

"I will let him understand everything - facing a real threat, I believe he will be sensible enough to make the most appropriate decision for himself and his family." Bianca replied firmly, "In the final analysis, he is not an indomitable warrior. He abandoned his father and chose to escape more than 30 years ago. How can he desperately fight with you now? He is not that kind of person... If Gao Dan is still here If so, it may strengthen his will and make him waver, but since Gao Dan is no longer here, he may not still have the courage to fight to the death..."

Bianca's words were so reasonable that Aigron really believed them.

Although her operating logic is completely different from Aigron's, she has always been an aboveboard person and will not play any conspiracies.

After all, even if Bianca's efforts failed, he had nothing to lose.

"Well, I promise you, as long as you do this, I will never harm him or his family." Aigron looked at the other party solemnly, "Although there are many accounts to be settled between us, But I can forget about it."

Then, he changed the topic again, "If you have helped me so much, I will also reward you heavily."

"Reward? Do you think I care about any reward? I didn't make this choice for you at all. I was just completing my own ideas." Bianca smiled disdainfully, "If you think If you owe me anything, then be nice to her... Even now, I can't forgive you for what you did. You dragged her into such a quagmire for your own despicable desires, so noble Agnes, you are doomed to be despised and ridiculed... What a price she has paid! Shouldn't you bear the responsibility so that she can at least comfort herself and continue to live?"

Bianca's accusation made Aigron speechless.

He knew better than anyone what he had done to get everything he wanted.

But, so what? Everything can be made up for in the end, isn't it nice to be like this now?

"Even if you don't say it, I will be very nice to her." Aigron looked proud, "I will give her whatever I can give her."

"You bastard!" Bianca frowned, perhaps irritated by his confident attitude.

However, she did not lose her temper after all.

Because she knew that as of now, she had no way to interfere with all this - Agnes had already silently accepted everything. Ga

Moreover, even her family members had no objections to this and instead cheered for joy. So what position did she have to interfere?

She could only accept it all reluctantly and try to fight for a relatively better future for Agnes. This was all she could do.

The two ended their negotiation, and Agnes, who was waiting outside, returned to her master immediately. "How was your conversation just now?"

"It was smooth, but not pleasant." Bianca summed it up simply.

Then, she touched her apprentice's cheek lovingly and said, "My child, I hope your compassion and innocence will not bring bad luck to yourself!"

"What did you say?" Agnes was a little confused.

"It's nothing..." Bianca shook her head, "I'm just tired and need to rest. There are still very important things waiting for me to do."

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