Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and nine, princess

Just after Bianca changed her mind and planned to help Aiglon "persuade" the Duke of Orleans, Duke Nordlien also quietly returned to the Palace of Fontainebleau. Taste

This Duke was previously sent out by Aiglon to use his special status to recruit and persuade the old nobles who hated the Duke of Orleans to side with him. Now he has completed the staged "results" and returned to meet his benefactor. .

After getting the news, Aigron immediately summoned the Duke.

Seeing the tired-looking Duke, Aigron stepped forward and helped him personally, then led him to sit on the sofa.

"Sir, thank you for your hard work..."

"Your Majesty, it is our family's duty to serve you, so why bother talking about hard work?!" The Duke was obviously flattered and quickly paid a respectful tribute to Aigron.

Of course, Aigron gave such kind courtesy not only because the other person was still working for him at a long age, but also because Aigron didn't care about his title.

But this Duke is different after all. He is Agnes's father, and he can almost be regarded as her "half-father-in-law". Taste

In particular, the Duke's encouragement also played a big role in his capture of Agnes. He had a share of the credit, so Agron must also show an attitude of reciprocating the favor.

Of course, although the Duke does not have much talent, he is also experienced in the world. Of course, he will not be stupid enough to really act like a "father-in-law" in front of this young man. Instead, he looks sincere and frightened.

After coming back, he had learned from his family about Agnes's recent favor and reward, and he was very happy about it in his heart - he knew that as long as Agnes could stay with His Majesty, his descendants would At least we don’t have to worry about the future for several generations.

He has experienced too many turmoils in his life and it was too thrilling. Until not long ago, he was almost bankrupt in the banking crisis. So his biggest obsession now is to make his family stand firm in all kinds of storms and seek the best solution. A solid backer, it’s no big deal to have a daughter for it.

With the two people's deliberate push, the atmosphere was very friendly and cordial. Aiglon first asked Chanel to bring coffee, and then talked about the mission with him.

"How did you gain from your return?"

"It's been a great harvest, Your Majesty." The Duke lowered his head and reported the good news to Aiglon. "This time I went to visit old acquaintances from the past. Even though they all knew my purpose of coming, almost no one turned their backs on me.

No matter how contradictory and tough your attitude is, you will at least meet me and explain the situation politely. From this point, it can be seen that you are already popular..."

"Is it that good?" Aigron was dubious.

As Aiglon watched, the Duke took out a list from his arms and handed it to the young man in front of him.

“I divided the people I visited into three categories: the first category is those who have a very good attitude and are willing to cooperate with you. They hope that they can find shelter with you, or at least let their children and grandchildren have a way out; the second category is those who have a very good attitude and are willing to cooperate with you. The third type of people are those who have reservations, but are still willing to support you now. They think that under the current circumstances, you are at least the best choice to clean up the mess; only the third type of people insist on not having anything to do with you and would rather Even if they are ignored by the court in the future, they will not be willing to stand on your side... But even these people have never expressed their support for the Duke of Orleans. It is conceivable that in the battle between you and the Duke, he will learn from these There is little help available.”

Aigron listened and looked through the list presented by the other party.

The list is densely filled with names, and their positions are noted on these names. The positions they have held before, their reputation in the social world, their personal hobbies and personalities, and even their children and nephews are also thoughtfully noted on these names. Everything the elders have done is written down.

It can be seen that as a member of the upper class, the Duke, although his talents are mediocre, does have his indispensable role, and his work is quite thorough and reliable.

Due to Agnes' favor, it was impossible for Agron not to reuse the Duke, but relatively speaking, the more useful he was, the better. Taste

From the Duke's dictation and list, Aigron could also detect that there was a general sentiment against the Duke of Orleans among the old nobles.

Then in the next struggle, he can ensure that the House of Nobles, one of the two houses, will definitely be on his side - although the Duke of Orleans is a branch of the royal family, with a prominent status and noble blood, what he did made the king and his The supporters were so resentful that they would rather support themselves for the time being than see the usurper get his wish.

Now that the situation has reached such an embattled situation, Aigron believes that the Duke of Orleans should also be able to recognize the general trend and find a decent way out for himself.

Of course, if the opponent is stubborn and insists on fighting to the death, he is not afraid.

Thinking of this made him feel better, and then he remembered something else.

"By the way, before you leave, I told you another thing. How did it go?"

The Duke's expression changed slightly, and he was obviously a little embarrassed, but he quickly covered it up and nodded lightly. "Your Majesty, I have asked Princess Kadiyang to be captured and brought here secretly. No one else knows yet..."

Although the Duke has betrayed himself and joined Aigron, he still has some conscience after all. Moreover, he and the Princess were both social people and had some kind of friendship. He did not want to attack the Princess who had no grievances and no grudges. However, since Your Majesty If a strict order is given, then even if he doesn't want to do it at all, he has no choice but to obey it.

After turmoil broke out in Paris and the palace was besieged, the princess ran away with a few of her most trusted maids and ran to her villa in the countryside to live in seclusion. However, the Duke found out her whereabouts and was "invited" here.

"Very good, take me there." Aigron nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

Soon, the Duke took Aigron to a simple small room. At this moment, a noble lady was sitting on a chair anxiously, waiting for her fate to be judged.

In the past, the princess's life could be described as colorful. She hung out in the grand halls, wore the most exquisite dresses and the most valuable jewelry, her living room was full of guests, and royal family members and ambassadors from various countries could be seen everywhere. She treated everyone well. She is reserved but also has a hint of arrogance, and has the demeanor of a top lady.

And now. Because of the turmoil of the times, everything has changed. In order not to attract attention in this chaotic time, she usually only wears simple clothes and hides the jewelry she carried when she fled. She has that kind of reserved grandeur. It has also been replaced by panic and caution, fearing that he will accidentally become a victim of the guillotine - there were too many such victims in the previous era.

The heavy mental pressure made her haggard, but it did not damage her original appearance. Although her nobility and reserve were gone, there was a bit more pity between her eyebrows. Taste

After the door opened, Aigron walked in together with the Duke.

"Your Majesty, she is Princess Kadiyan." The Duke pointed at the princess and then explained to Aigron.

At this time, Princess Kadiyang naturally knew who this young man was, and she hurriedly mustered up the courage to redress Aigron's injustice.

"Your Majesty, King of Rome, please save me! I don't know why I was kidnapped by this Duke. I explained and complained to him, but it was of no use at all! Please have mercy and let me go!"

Seeing the anxious look on the other side, Aigron smiled kindly, but what he said made the princess shudder.

"I'm sorry, Princess Kadiyan. I asked the Duke to invite you here. He is just the executor. If you want to blame, just blame me."

The princess was stunned. Taste

She stared blankly at the young man in front of her, wondering why she had suffered such misfortune.

"Your Majesty... you must have made a mistake. Although my husband is the king's favorite, I am not your opponent, nor have I participated in any political conspiracy. I am not interested in these things. I am even more I never thought about becoming your enemy! Why do you waste your energy on dealing with me?" After a moment, she finally came to her senses, and then sadly defended Aigron, "If you arrest me, not only will you not If you get any benefit, it will only harm your reputation..."

Although she was very scared, Princess Kadiyang could only try hard to save her fate at this moment.

To be honest, until now, she was still completely ignorant of what had happened to her, and she couldn't figure out why she was actually being remembered.

She has never been involved in politics. The interactions in social circles, all kinds of exquisite refreshments and arts, countless dances, and the sweet time spent intimately with her lover... These romantic or luxurious lifestyles have long since Filling up all her time, how could she expect that everything she was familiar with would suddenly collapse?

As the king's favorite, her husband had made too many enemies over the years. She was afraid of being retaliated after the king's downfall, so she chose to leave with the king. However, she was convinced that "no one would be interested in dealing with me", so after her husband went into exile , but she chose to stay.

After all, if she also fled, her family's property would probably be eaten away - the exile experience of the nobles during the Great Revolution showed that without wealth, even if they have titles, they can only live in a foreign country. Of course the princess couldn't live a life of displacement and precarity. Taste

But reality gave the princess a hard blow. Someone actually came to her door, and it was a big shot like the King of Rome.

The princess's heart was filled with fear, because she knew that if the dynasty changed, then this young man would be the unequivocal monarch of the country. If she offended him, how could she still survive?

So she tried her best to defend herself, because she couldn't figure out how she could become a stumbling block for this young man - she clearly didn't do anything.

"Madam, I believe what you say." Aigron nodded, indicating that he accepted the princess's defense in full, "Please don't worry, I invite you to come over. Although the method may be a bit unfriendly, I I mean no harm to you."

How could the princess believe what Aigron said, but she didn't dare to accuse him, so at least she continued to beg Aigron to let her go.

"How is your husband now?" Aigron asked suddenly.

"He has gone into exile with the king," the princess replied immediately. Taste

Then she woke up immediately, and as if with a flash of inspiration, she found the reason why she was captured - Could it be that the King of Rome wanted to use her as a hostage to coerce her husband to join him, or to act as an inside agent for him?

If this is the case, it would be a big mistake, because he and Prince Kadiyan have been playing their own roles for a long time, and there is not much affection between them. Even if he is taken as a hostage, the prince will not be affected by it. The threat turned to work for the king of Rome.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but defend Aigron, "Your Majesty, I don't know anything about his specific whereabouts, and he won't tell me. My relationship with him has broken down long ago, and we were just in the name of husband and wife. He’s just a stranger, he won’t do anything specifically because of me. If I die, he will probably just shrug his shoulders..."

Regarding the princess' statement, Aigron just smiled noncommittally, and then asked another question.

"What about your child? How is it doing now?"

"Unfortunately, our couple does not have children..." Princess Kadiyang was stunned for a moment, and then answered.

"You are really a noble lady. Such a smart and well-behaved answer not only tells the truth, but also confuses the audience." Aigron praised the other party, then changed the subject and continued to question the other party, "So, then, then Young Master Ezreal, is this your only child?"

"Ezreal...?" Upon hearing Aiglon say this name, the princess's face suddenly changed. Her originally frightened expression was now as pale as a sheet of paper. "So you came to me because of Iza?...Iza...Where is Iza now?"

After giving birth to an illegitimate child, the princess could not keep him by her side, so she had to foster him in a farmer's home. However, unlike most noble ladies who gave birth to an illegitimate child and ignored it, the princess was quite concerned about this child. Out of concern for him, he often went to see him secretly and gave the farmer a large sum of money as his upbringing fee, so that the adoptive parents would not mistreat the child.

The reason why she was so interested was, on the one hand, because she had no legitimate children, and maternal love could only be reserved for illegitimate children; on the other hand, this was also a testimony of the sweetest time between her and her lover, and she couldn't let go of it in her heart.

However, after the situation became turbulent, the princess escaped from Paris. Then she wanted to see her illegitimate child, but found that the farmer's family had disappeared. The princess was immediately anxious, but she could not openly search for the child. Besides, now In this time of chaos, who can help her find it? So she could only worry all day but could do nothing.

However, now she heard the name from this young man.

On the one hand, she felt desperate. Could it be that the Treville family was seeking revenge on her through His Majesty?

But on the other hand, she had hope again, because maybe her child was still alive...

Torn between despair and hope, she finally regained some composure.

Then she raised her head and looked at the young man, "Your Majesty... No matter what mistakes I make, the child is innocent after all. If you want to deal with it, you can deal with me... I just ask you to spare him!"



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