Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-four, with an open mind

[I typed the title wrong, it should be Extra 24. The plot follows Extra 23. I’m a little dizzy after the holiday.

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After finishing the "friendly match" with Lady Alice, Aigron took a break and after having lunch, he came to the queen's bedroom.

In the past, this was the place where he and Teresa lived together, but since Egeron put down Teresa's palace coup, in order to avoid outside suspicion, he put Teresa under house arrest here and continued to maintain the apparent order of the palace. Calm, and he himself moved out.

In order to prevent Teresa from continuing to cause rebellion, the dormitory was very tightly guarded. The guard captain Andre Davout, who was a close friend of Aiglon, was responsible for guarding the outside, while the guard inside was Aigron's half-father and the number one hero in putting down the rebellion. His sister, Princess Amberdine, is in charge and can be said to be strictly guarded.

However, although the surveillance was very strict, both Amberdine and Andre were very polite to Theresa. On the one hand, this was because Theresa had established an irreplaceable image of the queen in their hearts over the years. The power was so deep that even if they lost power at this moment, they did not want to make it more difficult; on the other hand, they could also see that Aigron's attitude was ambiguous, and they had not thought about how to deal with Queen Theresa. If they were too harsh on Theresa, As for Sha, if the Queen makes a comeback one day, wouldn’t he be a villain in vain?

Since His Majesty's two closest confidants were respectful to Teresa, the people below naturally did not dare to make a mistake, and no one dared to bear the charge of "abusing Her Majesty the Queen."

Aigron walked through the corridor, ignoring the salutes of the guards, and strode into the dormitory.

"Your Majesty!" Amberdine saw his arrival and quickly saluted him.

"What is Theresa doing now?" Aigron asked directly.

"Her Majesty the Queen is playing a musical instrument..." Amberdine answered carefully. "She's been doing this to pass the time."

At this time, Aigron also noticed that the faint sound of piano came from the wall.

The sound of the piano was soft and melodious, but because of the sound insulation of the wall, he couldn't hear what the music was for the moment.

"She is quite leisurely..." Aigron smiled bitterly.

Amberdine understood Aigron's smile as sarcasm, so she boldly defended her sister-in-law, "Her Majesty the Queen is not without reflection. I think she also regrets what she did before. During this period of time, she is at ease with being imprisoned." situation, and I will not make any conspiracy activities that are not beneficial to you..."

"Reflection? How is that possible?" Aigron sighed.

He understood Teresa's temper very well. Although she was gentle, she was also unreasonably stubborn. As long as she was determined to do something, she would stick to it until the end. How could she reflect on and regret what she had done?

To be honest, if Teresa really reflected and regretted, and lowered herself to ask for forgiveness, things wouldn't be so difficult.

Seeing Aigron's uncertain expression, Amberdine became even more uneasy.

Although she helped her brother put down the rebellion, it was only out of the interests of herself and her brother. Deep down in her heart, she had always respected Queen Theresa. Even though Her Majesty the Queen had committed such a heinous crime, she still couldn't help it. With some sympathy.

"Your Majesty, this is your family matter. I shouldn't say more, but as your sister and a member of the imperial royal family, I have to do my duty. I think it is really unacceptable for Her Majesty the Queen to commit such a heinous crime. Forgive her, but even if you want to punish her, you should not use such a ostentatious method. Now that you have detained Her Majesty the Queen for so long, the outside world has already become suspicious. This has a very serious impact on you and the image of the empire. So... I think Her Majesty the Queen should appear in public as soon as possible in order to calm suspicions at home and abroad."

Amberdine knew that His Majesty, who had always been proud, would never tolerate an offense against his power, even if the offense came from his own wife. Therefore, simply excusing Theresa would never succeed. She could only stand on Aigron's point of view and state the pros and cons for him, suggesting that he should slightly ease his relationship with Theresa.

"I have my own thoughts on these issues." Aiglon waved his hand impatiently to stop Amberdine from speaking.

He was already upset, but now he was even more upset after hearing his sister's words.

Why is everyone interceding for Teresa? Obviously I am the victim.

In fact, Aigron himself knew the answer to this question, but he was unwilling to face it.

After all, Amberdine was afraid of his elder brother who had accumulated power for a long time, so he had no choice but to lower his head and dare not say anything more.

"Keep other people away from the room. I want to meet Theresa alone. Don't disturb us." Aigron warned Amberdine again.

Amberdine nodded knowingly, and then quietly left with the maids.

After dismissing everyone, Aigron moved slightly and walked towards the piano room in Theresa's lounge.

In the past, he often sat inside and listened to his wife playing various music scores to relax away from the intense official duties. But at this moment, everything seemed like before, but it was completely different.

With countless memories of the past, Aigron quietly opened the door. At this moment, Teresa was immersed in the performance, so she didn't even notice that there was an uninvited guest behind her.

She was obviously under house arrest, but she remained calm and lived normally, as if nothing had happened. She neither lost her temper with the people around her, nor bowed her head to her husband to beg for mercy. She just stayed where she was, waiting. Destiny pronounces its own sentence.

At this time, Aigron could also clearly hear what music Theresa was playing at this time.

His steps suddenly stopped, and his heart began to throb - what Teresa played was the piece composed by Beethoven and played at their wedding.

A master is a master. Even though he was in pain before his death and his consciousness was not very clear, his music still had the sparkle of genius, which was not only beautiful but also endlessly memorable.

Teresa also liked to play this piece of music in the past, recalling the love between herself and her husband and savoring the happy time after marriage. But now, when Agron heard this piece of music, he had mixed feelings.

It is of course impossible to say that he has not loved Theresa, and no matter from any point of view, Theresa is a very competent wife. From the outside, the two people have a happy family and have incomparable love. How enviable is the dazzling power and wealth?

However, all this halo was shattered by Teresa herself during the tenth wedding anniversary celebration party.

Rather than being angry, he felt more embarrassed.

His wife and the empress of the empire actually became the number one rebel, and once even got himself into trouble. Where could he put his face? How should he end it?

Because of the pain in his heart, he gradually quickened his pace and walked behind Theresa.

At this time, Teresa's performance came to an end. As the final notes poured out, the large piano room suddenly became quiet.

Aiglon stretched out his hand and gently placed it on Theresa's shoulder.

Teresa, who had just regained her awareness of the outside world from her engrossed performance, was shaken by the sudden touch on her back, but she quickly regained her composure.

From this familiar touch, she had already determined who it was - besides, who else here would dare to touch her like this besides him?

He came... to see me.

When Teresa devoted herself to playing, why didn’t thousands of memories come to her mind? Every detail of her acquaintance with His Highness, marriage, and post-marriage life turned into music dancing on her fingertips, which made her indulge in it and made her forget her current predicament and worries.

But even so, she had no regrets. When she made the decision, she already had the awareness she deserved.

She didn't look back, lest the people behind her see the pain and weakness in her eyes.

"Why do you have time to see me?" she asked in as cold a tone as possible.

"Why, can't I even look at my own wife?" Aigron asked.

Although this tone seemed to contain hostility and reproach, there was also a hint of affection, and Teresa could certainly hear it.

"Should I thank you for still treating me as your wife?" Teresa smiled bitterly.

"No matter what you have done, you have always been my wife and will always be." Aegron replied calmly, "I cannot afford to abandon your title. Our children need their mother as queen."

"Is it just because you can't afford the price?" Teresa asked in response.

Then, she managed to cheer up again, "Your Majesty, please rest assured. After being imprisoned by you, my hearing and vision have been completely destroyed, and I am no longer able to make any conspiracy to resist you. You don't have to waste your time in a useless place." There are many things more important than this in people.”

"I came to see you not because you are of any use, but because...because I'm worried about you." Aigron hesitated for a moment, and then slowed down his tone.

His words caused a moment of dead silence in the room.

"I can understand this. When you were in a coma, I often came to see you because I was also worried about you." After a moment, Teresa replied calmly.

"If it weren't for the fact that my coma was caused by you, I should really thank you for caring so much about me." Aigron couldn't help but sneered.

"I'm sorry for what I did. I'm really sorry, because I was also in pain when I saw you in pain." Faced with Aigron's ridicule, Teresa remained calm and calm, "But I'm sorry, I I can't apologize to you for this, and I can't perform any drama of crying, confessing, and begging for mercy in front of you... If I go back to that moment, I will still do the same thing, because this is my decision."

Teresa's attitude of not giving in, once again ignited the anger in Agron's heart.

But when he thought about why Teresa became like this, the anger in his heart was quickly extinguished as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him.

He knew that Teresa could have played a good wife and mother all her life. The reason why she did such an appalling thing was obvious.

However, he could not admit that Theresa did the right thing.

Whether politically or personally, he could not cross that threshold and turn a blind eye to Theresa's behavior that was tantamount to a traitor.

"You not only hurt me, you also hurt our children. Just imagine, even if you succeed, how will you face the doubts about the future of your children? When the children grow up, will they believe that their healthy father will not be there?" A sudden stroke at the age of thirty? How should they face a mother who murdered their father? Not to mention that you have failed. You have shaken the prestige of the royal family and put them in an embarrassing situation. Can they admit their Is mother a traitor? Have you never thought about them? "

"I've thought about it... I've thought about it a lot." Teresa replied in a low voice, "But so what? I love them, not because they are my children, but because they are our children... As a Of course I will consider them as a mother, but I have other things that I value more. If I succeed, they can hate me if they want to when they grow up. Anyway, I give them the power, and they can do whatever they like. At least we were together then, right?"

Teresa's harsh yet affectionate answer was completely beyond Aigron's expectations.

His heart began to throb again, and he could hardly keep his expression straight for a moment.

"Okay, Teresa, I'm not here to accuse you. At this point, accusations are meaningless, and I didn't expect you to admit my mistakes." Aigron moved a chair from the side and sat down on Teresa. Next to Lesa. "I want to work with you to deal with the aftermath of this matter. We cannot continue to live in this state, and it is impossible for us at home and abroad to turn a blind eye to your inexplicable disappearance."

"Yes, it hurts the international view and your dignity." Teresa nodded, but there was always a hidden sarcasm, "So how are you going to punish me? Give me a glass of poisonous wine and unfortunately I will die of illness. , or declare that I am seriously ill and throw me into isolation in a monastery? Either way I can accept it."

The two people have similar stubbornness and arrogance, so no one is willing to say anything to convince them of their mistakes first. So instead they became acrimonious to each other.

"No, I won't, I can't bear it." Aigron shook his head gently, "So, I plan to let you go back to China for a visit and spend some time with your parents. You can choose to stay for as long as you want... as long as you want. "

This answer was completely beyond Theresa's expectations. She finally turned her head and looked at her husband blankly.

Her heart was also so agitated that her voice became trembling and dry.

"Go back to the country? Go back to what country? My motherland is here now. If you want to exile me, just lock me in some monastery. When I came to this country with you, I would never return to Austria as a sinner. !”

"This is not an exile, Teresa, I just want to cool down the conflict between us in some way..." Aigron shook his head gently, "After you go home, you can come back anytime you want. , write to me and I will ask someone to pick you back. I think, after so many years, you must also miss your relatives, right? "

Theresa looked at Aiglon steadily and did not answer immediately.

She did miss her family, but...that was something else.

Tears gradually flowed from the corners of her eyes.

"Your Highness!"

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