Eagle’s Glory

Extra (25) Rebuilding old friendships

[Extra 24 is the previous chapter. I typed the wrong chapter name and cannot change it.

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"Your Highness!"

Teresa's calling and crying left Aigron at a loss for a moment.

The rebellion failed and she was in prison. Even in such a desperate situation, Theresa did not become angry or lose her usual demeanor. However, after hearing that she planned to deal with her in this way, she cried.

Why? Aigron couldn't understand.

He reached out his hand and wiped the tears from his wife's face.

"Why are you crying? Teresa... I have been so lenient, do you still have any dissatisfaction?"

"Leniency...your generosity hurts me more than hatred." Teresa choked and replied, "If you are still angry and hate me, it at least means that you have expectations of me and hate my betrayal, but ...But what now? You are going to drive me away! You are going to send your wife across the border without even bothering to punish her. Do you think I will be grateful for this? No! I will only be in immense pain. , I thought that even if you couldn't give me 10% of your love, you would at least be willing to give me a 30%, but you just treated me like it was nothing and could send me away with just a wave of your hand! Could it be that I have been chasing a phantom for ten years? ?”

Teresa's question left Aigron speechless.

What he originally wanted to do was to "put the matter to rest" and use the reason of returning to his country to visit relatives to offset the doubts about Teresa's unexplained disappearance. However, he did not expect that in Teresa's view, this proved that he did not care about her at all and only wanted to Then he threw her back to Austria like a burden.

"Calm down, Theresa!" He tried to calm down the emotional Theresa, "I never meant to drive you away, I just... I just want to resolve this incident as peacefully as possible! You are not ignorant. You are an ignorant girl, you have been in power with me for ten years, you know how big the trouble is now, I should give you an explanation, right?"

"Whatever you say, I deserve it, but I don't accept this arrangement." Teresa wiped away her tears, then looked at Aiglon firmly, "Yes, I do recall my hometown and my relatives from time to time. I have also thought about traveling to Austria with you to see them, but if you just want to throw me back home alone, then you might as well wrap me in a coffin and send me there! At least I don’t have to face the pain and humiliation afterwards. .”

Looking at Teresa's eyes, Agron knew that she was definitely serious and could do what she said.

Now he had an even bigger headache.

"Your attitude is not that of a sinner's.

It's like I have to take your opinions into consideration when I decide how to punish you..." He couldn't help but complain.

"I am a sinner, of course you can punish me as you like." Teresa did not give in, "But I am also your wife, not your servant, and I don't need to obey your orders. I I can’t resist you, but if people want to die, there are many, many ways. If you want to send me out of the country, then I guarantee that I can die within the borders!”

Agron was speechless by Teresa. New and old hatreds welled up in his heart. His anxiety and anger could not be suppressed. He couldn't help but punched the keys of the piano hard. This precious piano also immediately There was a huge scream.

Teresa looked at the angry Agron and subconsciously wanted to reach out to comfort him, but soon she remembered her current identity, so she retracted her hand in mid-air and just looked at her husband calmly.

"You feel relaxed. You can just lie down here after stabbing such a big thing, but I still have to deal with the aftermath for all of us! Do you think I want to do this? But what can I do? I can't keep you locked up all the time. Here, let you and I bear the ridicule of the world, and let our children suffer shame...?" After a moment, Aigron finally controlled his emotions for the time being, and then accused the other party again, "Teresa, I don't want to do this today. Talking about your crime, I said it was over, but tell me, what should I do? I don’t want you to die, nor do I want to depose you, nor do I want our children to be implicated because of your crazy behavior...

This is the best way I can think of. Do you think I feel good? I'm so worried that I want to burn this palace down! My wife, the person I trust most, actually did such a rebellious act to me. Even if I smooth over this incident, it will be a lifelong shame for me.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

But what can be done? Now that everything has happened, I can only face reality, and I must tell you that I still love you, otherwise I won't be troubled by it... Are you worried that I will abandon you? Abandon you abroad and ignore you? No, it's impossible! You are my wife, destined to spend your whole life with me, and there is no one more suitable than you to take on this role. I will not let you leave me! We have almost never been apart since we got married, so once you are no longer here, I will miss you very much, but the short separation is so that we can continue to live the same life as before in the future, understand? "

Aigron's continuous words made Teresa stunned as she listened.

Even before the rebellion, she had made the decision to "never believe his sweet words again", but when Aiglon once again encouraged his yellow tongue, she found that she was still gradually shaken.

Habitual belief and habitual love cannot be eliminated so easily. People are always very good at convincing themselves.

On the other hand, through Aigron's words, Teresa also carefully thought about the current situation, and deep down in her heart, she began to think that Aigron's solution was the most beneficial to her at present - of course the premise It's because he didn't lie to himself and really allowed himself to come back here in the future.

"How do I know if you are lying to me again?" she asked.

"If I really have ill intentions towards you, then why should I go to all the trouble to lie to you? Wouldn't it be easier to just poison you here as you said and then claim that you died of a sudden illness? I treat you like this Is it beneficial to me if I can't control the sending of 'dangerous people' abroad?" Aigron asked in return.

Then, he sighed again, "You just said that I don't love you. I don't accept this accusation. It is true that I am not dedicated enough, but since we got engaged, I have never imagined a life without you by my side... That It must be an unimaginable disaster for me. So, Teresa, I beg you now, not as a king toward sinners, but as a husband toward his wife, agree to my proposal, okay? Wait until I finish this It won’t take too long to bring you back after the matter is done, and from then on, we can continue to live.”

Theresa had been listening silently. Her eyes had gradually softened, but when she heard the last sentence, pain and despair reappeared in her eyes.

"Your Highness, you have lied to me many times, but this time I believe you are telling the truth, I can feel it. I am also very grateful to you. Faced with this situation, you are still able to forgive me, retain tenderness towards me, and still Thinking about me, really, considering your character, this is incredibly magnanimous, I understand this. But..."

At this point, she suddenly changed the topic, "If I still want to endure the past days, how could I do such a thing? You have broken my heart again and again with those romantic affairs, even if you have the respect of the queen, How can the wound in my heart heal if Rong is perfunctory? But it doesn't matter, for you, I am willing to make concessions, and more than once. I thought you should be satisfied... But what about you? Have you ever considered it? Hold back? Have you ever given in for me? I know you can't love me as much as I love you, but it shouldn't be so much less, right? Is my humble begging so insignificant in your eyes? In this case, I have no choice but to end this resentment in my own way. I know I did something wrong, but I'm sorry, but I still can't regret it until now. I can't describe to you how much resentment I have accumulated in my heart. I know you won't understand that you would do something like this. You only need to know one thing, I love you! No matter what, even if you kill me now, I will still love you."

Teresa's confession made Agron blush and turn white.

She made everything clear, but this embarrassed him even more.

Because this is like saying that he is the biggest responsible person for causing such a big mess - he is unwilling to admit this, but it is difficult to deny it.

Did I drive her crazy?

Whether it was Alice who sympathized with her, Amberdine who helped her put down the rebellion, or even Maria who had always been at odds with Teresa, they all seemed to view this issue this way.

He himself has always been very aware of how many times he has deceived Theresa. Although he always makes seemingly reasonable excuses, with Teresa's wisdom, how could she really not see it? She just wanted to protect everything she loved most, so she would rather pretend not to know.

This kind of resentment accumulated in her heart over time, and finally reached the threshold and burst out, causing this disaster that was difficult to end.

She did not wield a knife against her husband for the sake of power, but for revenge after long-standing grudges and her persistence in trying to find her love.

Alas, even if he didn't want to admit it, Aigron had to bow his head in front of the facts - he was indeed the most responsible person.

"I made mistakes." He had to admit his mistakes to his wife rarely in his life, "but at least I tried my best to respect you..."

"What you call respect is to wrap up my scarred heart with glory and wealth to get rid of your own uneasy conscience." Teresa retorted him mercilessly, "If it is a woman who has never seen the world Maybe I will be satisfied with this, but I was born with all this, why should I be complacent about it? In my heart, the title of Her Majesty the Queen is not worth your staying with me for a while! You know how much I looked forward to us back then Are we going to live in seclusion in the countryside after we get married? If that were the case, no one would bother us, how wonderful everything would be..."

"Teresa..." Aigron sighed, "Then how can you be satisfied?"

"Don't you know everything, Your Highness?" Teresa asked calmly, "You definitely can't do it anyway, so why should I say more?"

It really can't be done.

He has been a prodigal grandson for much longer than he has been an emperor. How could he change himself?

So, the situation returned to a stalemate.

Teresa refused to accept the lightest punishment of being sent back to her country, and Agron could not change himself.

Is it really necessary to let this state continue indefinitely?

Aiglon was struggling to weigh in his heart. Of course, he was unwilling to let this storm continue to impact him and the royal family. After all, the "Queen's Rebellion" was enough to be talked about in the next one or two hundred years. He and his descendants were all I can't afford to lose this person.

"If I restrain myself from now on, will you be satisfied?" Aigron hesitated for a moment, then asked in a low voice. "I'll spend more time with you, I promise."

Teresa opened her eyes wide, never expecting that it would be her husband who retreated under pressure.

Every time before, she had swallowed her anger for the sake of love, but she didn't expect that after making a big fuss regardless of everything, it was the other person who backed down first.

He did still have a crush on me... though never as much as I'd hoped. Teresa then understood.

"Then at least let Maria go back!" After a moment of silence, she also took a step back from her position, "I hate every word she says to me, every look...if she appears in front of me , I really don’t know what else I will do.”

Aigron hesitated.

"Without Maria, my plan cannot be realized, and Sophie will not agree."

Teresa didn't speak, just stared at Agron - it was obvious that this reason did not convince her, but would make her even more angry.

"Teresa, I'm just sorry for you, but...but I owe her a lot too, and I really can't let go. Besides, our friendship is also very important. If I rashly cut off our contact, who will I know how crazy she will be! Can't you think about me?" Aiglon sighed.

"I've thought too much about you... I've been thinking about you for ten years, and as a result, I've been hurt by you again and again." Teresa replied. "Don't I have the right to ask for this?"

"Okay... okay... How about we each take a step back? I'll drive her out of Paris. From now on, she won't be allowed to appear in front of you, let alone be disrespectful to you. Is that okay?" Aiglon? He sighed again and gave in again.

Then, he looked at Theresa again with pleading eyes, "I did something wrong before. I ignored your feelings. I was defeated by the weakness of my character. Theresa, I was wrong. I will try again later." There won’t be any new romance, let’s just live as if nothing happened, okay?”

Theresa lowered her head slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

Although she was unwilling and still not satisfied, she knew that her husband had really given in for her.

If he could do this in the past, why would he end up in the situation he is in now?

"I can go to Austria...but this time you have to go with me, and we will spend some time together in my father's manor." She put forward the last condition, "You can come back first, but you must pick me up as soon as possible. Come back...or I will keep cursing you there! Curse you until I die!"

"I can't leave here." Aigron hesitated. "Besides, I'm not sure whether they are willing to accept my visit."

"Then it's your business. You can definitely make arrangements." Theresa averted her gaze, "Your Highness, go back to the place where my dream began, even if it's only for a few days... we might be able to do it there. Heal everything!”

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