Eagle’s Glory

Extra (26) Strong words

"Your Highness, go back to the place where my dream began, even if it's just for a few days... we may be able to cure everything there!"

Teresa's eyes were shining with hope. She missed her hometown and her relatives, but what she missed even more was the beautiful days she spent together in the manor when Aigron came to visit.

They fished together, sketched in the wild, recited poems, listened to music... and enjoyed the warm happiness. There was no need to care about national affairs, no intrigues with anyone, only the simplest and most simple happiness, and the warmest family - and that was Everything Teresa wanted.

She wanted to use those best memories to wash away the resentment and resentment accumulated between the couple in the past ten years, and make everything return to what it should be.

However, Teresa said it was easy, but it was not so easy to implement in practice.

Aigron and Teresa were the empresses of a country and could not move around easily, let alone visit another country.

Even if that was Theresa's homeland, and even if the Empress Dowager currently in power in Austria was Sophie, it would not be so easy for her to just leave, and the outside world would definitely be shocked by such a visit and become suspicious.

But looking at Teresa's expectant eyes, he couldn't bear to veto her request anymore.

This is the most critical step in the reconciliation of the couple, and he must achieve this condition no matter what.

"Okay, Teresa, I promise you...I'll make arrangements right away." After hesitating for a moment, he agreed, "But it will take a while. Just wait for my news. I will let the Austrian side Agreed."

"Well, I'll wait for you. Anyway, I have plenty of time now." Teresa nodded with a smile, but tears flowed from the corners of her eyes again.

However, the tears just now were shed due to shock and fear, but now they were shed for joy and relief. As a "traitor", the treatment she received was already unusually good, and she finally felt it. The warmth from her husband, and returning to her hometown with him to visit her relatives will certainly be able to heal her mental trauma.

Suddenly, she missed her hometown so much that she could not wait to go on the road with her husband.

However, she could wait.

"Okay, then you should rest well and wait for my news." Aigron nodded, and then told Theresa again. "Don't do stupid things again during this period, otherwise I really don't know how it will end."

"Of course I won't do anything stupid now,

There is no ability to do it. Teresa replied with a smile, "But if one day you break your promise again, then I can no longer guarantee it..."

Teresa's meaningful words made Aigron feel terrified, but for now he could only deal with the current crisis first.

"I know how to keep our lives going." Aigron sighed. "We are a couple, and we will always be that way."

After saying this, he stretched out his arms and tried to kiss Teresa, but Teresa didn't resist, and then kissed her like he had done countless times before.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

After comforting Theresa, Aigron left Theresa's bedroom with a mixed feeling.

However, his work is not done yet, there is still a "traitor" that he needs to punish.

Under the guidance of his attendants, he came to the place where Agnes was imprisoned.

Teresa is the queen. Even though she is in prison, her daily life is still as luxurious as before. Relatively speaking, Agnes is much simpler and shabby. In order to ensure that she, who is extremely skilled, can escape, she was imprisoned in a heavily guarded suite. Among them, even the windows were sealed.

However, everyone knew about her special relationship with His Majesty, so no one dared to humiliate her. Before His Majesty issued an order to make the final decision, she was only carefully detained here, waiting to be punished.

Aigron came outside the room, waved the guards back as before, and then opened the door.

Agnes immediately noticed the arrival of the uninvited guest. Her sharp eyes glanced at the door of the room. After seeing clearly who the visitor was, she quickly looked away as if she hadn't seen anything.

"What? Do you know that you have no face to face me?" Aigron said as he walked up to Agnes.

The corners of Agnes's mouth twitched slightly.

It's like this again... It's like this every time... Every conflict with him ends with me being defeated. It's the same every time. The result is that I can only face his smug face. What an unfair fate!

"I just don't want to see you anymore!" Agnes replied dryly, "If you want to see me suffer and see me begging for mercy, then you are totally wrong, I won't."

"Of course, you won't. Everyone knows that Miss Agnes has always looked down upon death." Agron replied with a little sarcasm, "However, even now I still don't understand, Agnes, why did you want to participate in a war against you?" In a rebellion that has no benefits but only risks?"

Agnes still had a straight face and didn't answer.

"You have never been a greedy careerist. I still firmly believe this." Aigron continued, "The rebellion failed, and you got what you are facing now; what if you succeed? Do you and your family... Do you benefit from this? Could Theresa be better to you than I am to you? Impossible, right?

Let me tell you, the truth is... I don't care what sweet words Theresa promised you, but she actually planned to get rid of you when it was done, so what the hell did lovely Ms. Agnes do? ? How should I describe this stupidity of getting rid of my biggest backer and handing the knife to the person who wants to harm me? "

"You're talking nonsense!" Agnes couldn't bear it anymore and turned back to glare at Agron and retorted loudly.

"Nonsense? I don't have such a hobby." Aigron sneered, "Now, almost all the details have been interrogated clearly. If you don't believe it, then I can show you the evidence-"

Seeing Aiglon's words with such certainty, Agnes began to believe it. She couldn't help but stamp her feet angrily, "It seems that you two are a perfect match, one is more cunning and ruthless than the other!"

"Ruthless? Both Teresa and I may be worthy of any derogatory term, but they are definitely not heartless." Aigron replied with a sneer, "If I am really heartless, why bother racking my brains anymore?" What's the way to deal with the aftermath? Wouldn't it be enough just to let the two of you get sick and die together? I don't expect you to be grateful to me, but I want to find out, Agnes, how have I failed you all this time? Why do you treat me so badly? Take action? Why do you not even care about the safety of your family and want to participate in such a dangerous conspiracy... Don’t you think that we have been getting along with each other without even a little affection in your heart? "

Under Aiglon's gaze and questioning, the blood on Agnes's face gradually faded and became paler.

But after a moment, her eyes showed anger, and then her face turned red again, "Love? You have been deceiving and playing with me from the beginning, but you still talk about love with me? I have already I know, it turns out that my family was almost bankrupt because of the good deeds of you and your cronies! You pushed our family into danger, and then pretended to be a knight to save us, so that I had to bow to you in order to repay your kindness... but you Do you have the nerve to say anything about your affection for me?"

Aigron's face suddenly froze.

He had always been curious about how Teresa persuaded Agnes to join the gang and help her in the rebellion. Now it seems that she investigated the original truth and told it to Agnes. Then when she was extremely angry, He aroused her desire for revenge, and then dragged this girl who had no desire for power into the conspiracy of the palace.

In fact, it was Edmond Dantès's plan to bankrupt Tangglars Bank. It was an accident that dragged Agnes' family almost to bankruptcy. It was not a conspiracy planned by Agron in advance. He was just pushing the boat along. That’s all.

However, now that ten years have passed, how can anyone believe him if he comes up with this kind of excuse again? Besides, given Aigron's character, he didn't bother to blame his subordinates.

In terms of objective facts, he took control of Agnes and then lured her into his hands step by step. This cannot be denied.

After a moment of silence, he regained his thoughts, "Yes, I did some tricks back then, but I never treated you badly afterwards. I gave you everything I could, and so did your family. I take good care of you...can't these things earn your forgiveness?"

"Forgive me, you said it so lightly!" Agnes was so angered by Aiglon's words that she simply stopped caring, "You ruined my life because of your greed and dissipation! Don't I still have the ability to do so?" Did I take revenge on you?"

Sigh...Aigron couldn't help but have a headache again.

To be honest, if it were an ordinary woman, she would have been dazzled by the glory and wealth he gave her, so how could she cause so many troubles? But neither Theresa nor Agnes can be bribed with these things, that's why it's so troublesome.

But having said that, if they were the kind of women who could be bribed easily, Aigron wouldn't take it to heart.

In short, all the causes and effects are planted by oneself, and all the troubles are found by oneself. It was so great at the beginning, but now you should bear everything, and no one can help you deal with it except yourself.

Agron sighed, and then looked at the other party seriously, "Agnes, I am ashamed of you, but I won't say that I have ruined your life. No matter who you ask, is your current situation very bad? I'm afraid they won't think so. Even your family is proud of you, right? You have everything except the title of queen, and I have made arrangements for our children... What you got is what many people dream of. , I don’t expect you to be grateful for me, but you can’t say I ruined you, right?”

Agnes blushed with anger, "Did I ask you for these things? I want a perfect family and a husband who loves me wholeheartedly. Can you give it to me? I'm just your public lover. No matter how noble my child is, he is nothing more than an illegitimate child. My life and my dreams have collapsed beside you because of you. I thought this was the repayment I should do, but in the end it turned out to be nothing more than lies and deception! Should I Can’t I take revenge on you?!”

"Yes, it is indeed a very ordinary dream, but the world is always full of dangers. How many people can easily realize even ordinary dreams?" Aigron answered her calmly, "If you are so easy to deceive, then I will not lie. Wouldn’t you and others not? Didn’t you see that Teresa deceived you easily? Without me, you would have been deceived by life one by one, used as a bargaining chip by your family, and sold to the highest bidder, just like yours Like most people of the same age...instead of being deceived by many people, wouldn't it be better for me to be deceived by just one person?"

Such shameless words made Agnes almost faint with anger. She suddenly forgot about her situation and stretched out her hand as if to punch Agron.

But Aigron was prepared after all, and Agnes was already exhausted from being imprisoned for so long, so Aigron easily grabbed Agnes's hand and pulled Agnes in. into one's arms.

Agnes struggled hard, but she still couldn't resist Egron's strength, and finally she could only slump weakly in his arms, but her eyes were still glaring at Egron angrily, refusing to show any sign of surrender.

"Is what I said wrong? Then please take a closer look, those peers and noble ladies you know, can they find the right husband? Why not just follow the family's arrangements and be with those whom you have never loved? Idiots who live their lives get married, some suffer silently and some go for fun... Is their life much better than yours now? If it weren't for me, wouldn't you be tortured by the same fate? Will you resist? Father?"

Agnes' question made it difficult for Agnes to refute, so she continued to stare at Agron without replying.

"Agnes, we have been together for ten years. No matter how good a liar I am, I can't lie every day for ten years...Don't you think that I am not even half-infatuated with you?" Aigron asked again.

Of course Agnes knew the answer.

"Even if there is, it can't make up for the deception!" She gritted her teeth and replied, "Besides...you have fallen in love with so many people, so what's so strange about it!"

At this point, Aigron finally understood.

In essence, her and Teresa's motivations are the same, but the triggers are different.

Alas, after all is said and done, should I blame myself for not being satisfied in the end?

Aigron didn't want to think about it anymore, after all, it was too embarrassing.

In short, now that the doubts have been resolved, he is no longer so angry.

He had already forgiven Teresa, the main culprit, let alone an accomplice?

However, even if you forgive, you still have to be punished.

Aiglon felt an impulse welling up from his body, which was recovering from illness.

"Before I came, I had already reconciled with Theresa... She promised to reconcile with me, but as a price, I also promised something..."

Agron whispered in Agnes's ear.

Then, without waiting for Agnes to react, he pushed her down on the bed with force, and then he reached for his collar impatiently.

After all, I have just recovered, so let’s take it a little lighter today, and then take it easy later.

"This farce should be over! But as punishment, not only today, but also during her absence from now on, you have to make it up to me..."

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