Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-seven, fruits of victory

After concluding his meeting with the Marquis de Lafayette, Aiglon happily sent the distinguished visitor away.

Although the bargaining between the two people did not satisfy the old man and could not be called a "host and guest enjoying each other", at least on the surface, the two people maintained each other's dignity.

Out of respect for the old man and compassion for well-known historical figures, Agron was very polite to Lafayette. Although Emperor Napoleon was still obsessed with Lafayette's "rebellion" before his death, for Agron , those old things have been overturned, and he doesn't want the hatred of the past to continue.

During the meeting with Lafayette, Agron insisted that "the National Guard must be disbanded as soon as possible." Lafayette also had to obey his will after failing to argue with reason. This also meant that Agron The last obstacle to Long's entry into Paris was removed.

Next, according to the "script" he has written, he will come to Paris under the "warm invitation" of the head of the provisional government, Prince Talleyrand, and visit the government and the two houses of parliament, and then go to the Invalides to attend the appeasement of veterans. Veterans, a celebration of the country's return to stability and prosperity.

Although everyone knows that this is the prelude to the restoration of the empire by the Roman king, nominally speaking, he can only use a private identity now, so he can only complete these activities by invitation from the provisional government.

Of course, only those old scholars who are looking for chapters and excerpts will care about the difference. For everyone in the Palace of Fontainebleau, the time has come for them to follow His Majesty's chickens and dogs to heaven, and everyone is naturally overjoyed.

Everyone is packing their bags enthusiastically and making various souvenirs so that their future selves can have something to show off to future generations.

In this warm atmosphere, Aiglon also received his last visitor before going to Paris - that is, Marshal Soult's adjutant, General Mipe, who led him back to the country.

When I first met Aiglon, he was just a retired major, doing odd jobs with the retired Marshal Soult, but now he has transformed into a general and the commander of the Paris city defense - Marshal Soult took office as Minister of War. This order was issued on the first day of the war to reward his loyal adjutant for his contributions to him over the years.

By the standards of a major, he is already a bit old, but by the standards of a general, he seems a bit young. In just a few months, he has completed what many of his colleagues have never completed in their lifetimes. Along the way, he was lucky enough to step on the east wind of the changing times and win the opportunity to rise to the top.

However, even with such great success in his personal future, General Mipe did not show a complacent attitude in front of everyone, and even looked frightened in front of Aiglon.

he knows,

Whether it is his benefactor, Marshal Soult, or the Roman king who will rule the empire in the future, they are both arrogant and self-centered people, and no matter which one of them he offends, he may never recover and lose everything he has gained so far. He could only continue to do things cautiously, lest something go wrong.

When Aiglon met the Marquis de Lafayette just now, he behaved politely but indifferently, trying to show a solemn and serious demeanor. However, because of his personal relationship with General Mippe, he seemed much more casual when meeting him. Walk with him in the garden and feel the vitality of this abandoned palace after its recovery.

It was still raining when Lafayette came here just now. It was sunny after the rain, and the air was filled with the moist fragrance of flowers. Combined with the refreshing wind after the rain, it made people feel relaxed and happy.

"Your Majesty, after this period of strict control, Paris has restored its previous order. With the cooperation of the police department, all unstable elements that endanger public security have been dealt with." General Mippe bowed slightly, and then He softly congratulated Aigron, "Moreover, all preparations for your entry into the city have been completed. All citizens are eagerly looking forward to your arrival, hoping that you will arrive in the great capital as soon as possible..."

"So what is Marshal Soult's opinion on this?" Aiglon asked.

"The Marshal's thoughts are of course the same as those of the citizens." General Mippe showed a flattering smile, "He believes that your coming to Paris as soon as possible is very important to stabilize the people of the capital, and also to allow our country to return to its rightful place as soon as possible. On track. Now that the age of strife is over, it’s time for us to work together to build.”

"I also agree with the Marshal." Aigron nodded slightly, but soon changed the subject, "However, I hope you won't make a big fuss. More people may not be a good thing. I hope you can keep a humble and low-key attitude. Come face the citizens of the capital. Besides, if someone suddenly shouts slogans against me at this time, it will be too disappointing..."

"You don't have to worry about this at all." Mipe continued to reply with a smile, "Whether you enter the city or the following parade and celebration, you will be under strict security. Not only are there sentries, but also the people who are watching and cheering. Among them, there will also be plainclothes police detectives, and they are under my personal command. No one dares to slack off - if anyone dares to displease you at this time, I guarantee that he will be jailed if he can't say more than three sentences. Try the Iron Fist here!"

Seeing that the other party was so "caring", Aigron nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he looked up at the colorful gardens around him, and then took a deep breath, slightly intoxicated. "This is such a good place... Although I have only lived here for a few months, I am already full of love for it. I still want to live here often in the future. Paris, which is full of people, is always too noisy and noisy."

"It is now your property, and you can do with it whatever you want, Your Majesty." General Mipe responded obediently, "However, Paris is the capital after all, and you must attend many ceremonial events there, so I’m afraid I’ll have to live here a lot of the time…”

"This is indeed regrettable." Aigron sighed in confusion.

At that time, Louis XVI's family was escorted from Versailles to the Tuileries Palace in Paris by a group of petitioning women from Paris. From then on, he became a prisoner in Paris. He tried to escape but was captured. In the end, the couple had to go to the guillotine one after another.

Later, Paris continued to become the place where kings fell. As long as a group of "revolutionary masses" were mobilized, barricades were set up, surrounding the palace, cutting off the connection between the center and the outside world, leaving the army leaderless and unintentional to suppress, a country, a country A dynasty may suddenly "die", and this has happened more than once.

Of course Aiglon didn't want to become a tragic victim.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Even if he takes over Paris in the future, he still wants to live mainly in Fontainebleau, dozens of kilometers away from Paris - so that even if any "incident" happens, he will still be able to deal with it. time and space.

Of course, General Mipe did not understand his secret thoughts. For him, it had nothing to do with him where His Majesty wanted to live. He just had to ensure that he fulfilled his duties.

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Aigron didn't want to talk about history with the other party. He quickly turned the topic back to the other party, "Is there anything else you need to report to me?"

General Mipe hesitated for a moment, but still answered him bravely. "There is one thing, Your Majesty. Marshal Soult believes that now that people's hearts are floating, it is not the time to go to war, especially since you have made a promise never to liquidate. Therefore, it is not appropriate to dwell on past hatreds and judge a French Marshal... …”

"What? Is he trying to intercede with Marmont?" Aiglon asked.

General Mipe's eyes flashed with pain.

He didn't want to be this mouthpiece at all, nor did he want to face the pressure from the Marshal and His Majesty, but he had no choice but to be the doormat - because only he was suitable to serve as the communication bridge between the Marshal and His Majesty. .

"The Marshal is also disdainful of Marshal Marmont's conduct. He just believes that now is the time when people have settled down and it is not appropriate to provoke unnecessary disputes..." Mippey answered carefully, "Your Majesty, Marshal Marmont is politically important. He is no different from a dead man, so even if you punish him, you won't get anything; on the contrary, if you can forgive Marshal Marmont, you will surely make many people breathe a sigh of relief and be even more convinced of your magnanimity."

"This is indeed a good reason." Aigron smiled slightly, but immediately became serious again, "However, General, although I am indeed very willing to face everyone with a magnanimous attitude, this does not mean that I will I tolerate all offenses, let alone encourage others to be lawless! Marshal Marmont is an ungrateful man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Not only did he betray the late emperor, he even wanted to attack me! Such a villain should not even have the title of marshal. Atonement, he should be duly judged and let the world understand the consequences of betrayal!"

In front of Mipe, Aigron deliberately spoke very harshly, just to feel the pressure on Marshal Soult behind him.

Aiglon knew that the reason why Soult interceded with Marmont was not because he had any comradeship with Marmont, but because he did not want Aiglon to set a precedent of "liquidating the marshal". .

But the more he asked like this, the more Aigron refused to let go. He wanted to let Marshal Soult understand that although he needed him and respected him now, he should only be the one who has the final say, otherwise his status would no longer be the same. Those who are high will inevitably be liquidated.

Facing Aigron's intolerant attitude, Mipe even had a grimace on his face.

He was already embarrassed by this task, and now he was even more nervous. He had a bright future, but he did not want to see the conflict between the Marshal and His Majesty, which would eventually involve him.

"Your Majesty, the Marshal also has good intentions. After all... after all, there were too many people who swayed back then. Who hasn't had the experience of changing the court once or twice? If you severely punish Marshal Marmont, it will inevitably make people tremble and frighten you. Create doubts."

"If I can only nod my head and greet everyone with a smile, then I will make people more suspicious!" Aigron replied decisively, "This country is passionate and fickle. She hates weak people who are forward-looking and backward. If they want to make her If you have it in your hands, then you must hold on to the reins! I want to re-inject the concept of discipline and order into the country, and the trial of Marshal Marmont is an indispensable part of it, and it must be done!”

After making a stern statement, Aiglon softened his tone slightly to General Mipe, "Of course, considering the marshal's opinion, I can't make some accommodations - I will send the prestigious Prosecutor Villefort to prosecute him. A notarized charge and trial will be conducted, and, considering Marmont’s advanced age, I will reduce the sentence as appropriate, so the Marshal should be satisfied, right?”

Now that Aigron has mentioned this, Mipe also knows that this is the only condition he can obtain.

Between the Marshal and His Majesty, who should give in?

Or in other words, whose opinion should I rely on?

Mipe thought briefly and quickly came up with the answer - at this point in time, it was impossible for the marshal to fall out with His Majesty because of Marmont. Since His Majesty gave him a step down, the marshal could only accept it.

In other words, I should support His Majesty's position.

"Your Majesty, your kindness and generosity are really admirable." He bowed slightly again, and then carefully hinted to Aiglon, "I will truthfully convey your opinions to the Marshal. In my opinion, the Marshal Enough has been done for our former colleagues, and the current plan should be the best of both worlds.”

Seeing that the other party was so "sensible", Aigron smiled with satisfaction.

"General, I will never forget the contribution you have made for me, so I entrust the most important treasure in my hands, Paris, to your care. I firmly believe that you will be able to do this job well. I am very grateful to you so far. I am very satisfied with your performance so far and look forward to your continued efforts. You are still young and we will have a long time to work together in the future. I still have many things to ask you to do..."

"I will do my best to fight for you through fire and water, Your Majesty!" General Mipe quickly stood at attention in front of Aiglon, and then loudly expressed his loyalty.

Aiglon didn't particularly value this kind of show of loyalty. After all, the so-called oath could never bind a smart man, but it was not meaningless, because his prestige and power depended on this kind of show of loyalty. The vows of loyalty are accumulated bit by bit.

He is still very young and has too much time to cultivate his power and seize the coveted power, so he does not need to rush, he just needs to do it step by step.

Even if the elders he appoints and relies on are all evil-minded and greedy for power, so what? After all, they need themselves to give their power legitimacy, and this means that they must make concessions to themselves.

As long as you take reasonable measures, sooner or later you can make them retreat step by step, and finally let yourself enjoy absolute authority - time is also on your side.

He looked up again, looking at the clear sky after the rain just now, and at the large blue sky.

The fruits of victory are waiting for me in front, Paris...here I come.

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