Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and twenty-eight, return to Paris

Paris, this ancient and beautiful city, has always had an outstanding reputation in Western civilization.

From the moment Hugo Capet ascended the throne in 987, it became the capital of France. For thousands of years, despite the changes in dynasties and frequent turmoil, its dominance of the country remained unchanged.

It is the center of politics, the economic center that controls the vast plains, the logistics center where rivers meet, the brilliant cultural and artistic center... the center of everything.

All the changes are unfolding around it. To rule it is to rule this country. However, it is so unruly. It has rebelled countless times. Charles VII was driven away by it, and Henry IV almost came here. After losing his life, the young Louis XIV was also rejected by it, and even cut off the heads of Louis XVI and his wife amidst cheers. It is so soft and cruel, dignified and debauched, and has the famous Notre Dame is a Catholic church, but it despises religion and morality and is cynical.

Not long ago, its violent personality habitually broke out again, driving away the ancient Bourbon royal family, and then after several twists and turns, it found a new master for itself.

It will cheer for its new owner, but for how long? Nobody knows.

Of course, Paris in 1830 was not the grand city that people in the 21st century saw.

In fact, its urban area is not large, only about 40 square kilometers (of course, it is already a very large city by the standards of this era). The city has not been baptized by the industrial age, and there is no artificial separation from the countryside. ——Surrounding the narrow urban area are large farms and pastures. As long as you run a few kilometers out of the city, you can see the beautiful medieval pastoral scene.

There were no current high-rise buildings, no railway network extending in all directions, no landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, and even the Arc de Triomphe had not yet been completed. Although this city was less than 100 years away from the Paris that future generations would face. , but France now is closer to what it was hundreds of years ago.

Because there were no railways, Paris in this era relied on water transportation to maintain the survival of the entire city.

The water transport network composed of rivers and artificial canals was the most convenient and cheapest means of large-scale logistics transfer before the advent of railways, and Paris, where several rivers intersect, is naturally positioned to enjoy its benefits - it is both a logistics center and an irreplaceable consumer center.

Every day, hundreds of flour mills around Paris are in continuous operation, and then transport ships continuously deliver this flour to bakeries across Paris, baking enough bread to feed the city. Wheat, vegetables, meat, fish, wine, coal, textiles...all commodities are also transported here via transport ships.

In exchange for coins in the hands of Parisians, Parisians re-input the money into the city through the goods and works of art they produce - which is also the basis of the entire country's economic system.

Over the centuries, people on the throne have come and gone, but this scene seems to have remained unchanged, but after all, the spring breeze of the times has quietly changed the life that people once took for granted.

Since the 1820s, steam transport ships have begun to appear in this inland waterway shipping system. Although the nascent steam engine ships are prone to mechanical failures, their surging power is enough to make up for all shortcomings, and their speed is stable, which makes them extremely suitable for inland waterway transportation. , and soon, promoted by orders from various companies, it spread to all rivers.

Steam ships brought coal, iron and wood from the Marne River in the north; textiles and various agricultural products were brought from the Loire River in the south. During the peak period of ship navigation, the smoke emitted by a ship was enough to obscure the entire river. Observers on the shore saw it as a strange sight.

This is indeed a picture that has never been seen in history. It is not only novel, but also indicates that mankind has entered an unprecedented period of change. An era of rapid change, an era of changing the world, is about to come.

Of course, not so many people can feel all this at the moment. The weight of life has bound them to their humble and trivial lives. They have no time to think about the future. They can only be affected by the "future" and stumble around. Adapting to an unrecognizable world.

With the expansion of the city of Paris, most of the medieval city walls have been demolished. However, in order to facilitate the collection of passing commodity taxes, Paris city officials built a wooden fence about 3 meters high around the expanded city of Paris. , leaving dozens of entrances and exits as tax collection checkpoints.

At this time, Agron and Teresa were riding in a carriage, surrounded by mounted guards, and slowly drove through one of the entrances and exits.

When he crossed the wooden fence, Aigron knew that he had entered the capital.

Should this be considered his first visit to Paris, or his return to Paris?

He was a little confused, but one thing was quite clear - from today on, this city, together with all its architectural and artistic treasures, belonged to him.

This is of course an incomparable wealth, but it is also an incomparable risk. From now on, he will no longer be able to hide behind others. He can only bear all responsibilities himself - if he is not careful, he may be killed by this. The city was ruthlessly left behind and became another poor victim.

Although he is wary, he is fearless. After all, compared to the initial dilemma, what else can he lose? He fought against fate and got everything he has now, and he doesn't mind continuing to fight.

Now, he is not alone. He is the leader of a group of people and the head of the family. At this moment, his wife Princess Teresa is sitting next to him, holding his hand tightly, sharing the joy of husband and wife. The glory and warmth of this moment.

At this moment, a large group of people appeared outside the carriage window. Along the road where the carriage was traveling, a large number of people were already watching. There was almost no end in sight, and at the front of the crowd, there was a group of people. The soldiers held back the crowds as if facing an enemy, lest they block the path of the Roman king.

"Teresa, we are here!" Aigron looked back at his wife and said with a smile, "They are all welcoming us!"

"I hope they can continue to welcome us..." Teresa replied with a smile, "We will be very tired in the future. It is not easy to please these people!"

"In order to avoid going to the guillotine, it's worth being tired." Aigron shrugged.

"Is this what you should say when you return to your beloved capital on the first day?" Teresa glared at him, but she soon laughed herself, "However, if that day comes, I hope they can switch this time Let's go ahead and chop off my head first, otherwise I won't be able to bear the sight of you turning around before me..."

"But I can't stand your cute head falling in front of my eyes..." Aigron replied.

"Then we can just ask them to chop it down at the same time?" Teresa snuggled on her husband's shoulder, "If that's the case, it might feel good."

The couple were simultaneously amused by the cruel jokes they exchanged.

Because of the distance, of course the citizens couldn't hear what the couple was saying. They could only see the young couple talking and laughing freely through the open carriage.

The people of Paris are already accustomed to seeing the world. Whether it is their own princes and dignitaries or foreign celebrities and nobles, they have seen too much of their ostentation, and they are not overwhelmed by the so-called "kingly majesty"; however, Aiglon and Te After all, Leisha is still under 20 years old, and they are eye-catching enough in terms of appearance, so they are refreshing to the citizens who are tired of the aging king.

Under the deliberate guidance of the "careful people", the onlookers gave warm cheers to the young couple, and some people threw flowers that had been prepared and threw them on the only way the carriage must pass - of course, mixed in with the crowd The plainclothes police detectives among them also kept their eyes wide open to prevent people from throwing anything inappropriate.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Aigron stood up from his seat and then waved to greet the people.

He was wearing a military uniform today, wearing the highest honor medal of the Knights he created. The straight and slim uniform made him look handsome and heroic, full of energy and always ready to achieve great things.

Because she was pregnant and had limited mobility, Teresa could only sit in her seat and wave her arms to greet the people on both sides.

There was a bit of guilt and shyness in her smile. After all, she had not really adapted to playing the role of a queen in public.

However, her shyness aroused the sympathy and love of the citizens. Just as Aigron expected, in the eyes of the citizens who were tired of the turmoil, the dignified, gentle and pregnant Theresa was the symbol of As the country is in dire straits, it is ready to move from chaos to prosperity again.

Both the prince and the princess relied on their own image to win the favor of most people present, so the cheers became louder and louder.

Escorted by the cavalry, Aigron's motorcade passed through the crowd and continued toward the city, while cheers from both sides surged into the couple's ears like a tide.

In addition to meaningless shouts and blessings, Aigron clearly heard many people shouting "Long live the Emperor!"

This is not consistent with the current situation, because Aigron has not yet ascended the throne. In theory, he is still just a guest "invited" to Paris by the provisional government.

However, who cares about this small difference? At least Aigron enjoyed this treatment.

In this way, amidst almost constant cheers, the Aigron family gradually penetrated deep into the heart of Paris.

And this means that the Bonaparte family, abandoned by fate, has returned to the highest stage of power.

This huge queue, after passing through a path several kilometers long, gradually arrived at the Tuyinler Palace located in the center of the city.

It used to be the palace of the Bourbon royal family, but after the royal family was exiled here, it became the official residence of the head of the provisional government.

As soon as they arrived at the main entrance of the palace, the newly dressed government guards surrounding the palace immediately fired a salute. Prince Talleyrand, the head of the provisional government, welcomed his most distinguished "guest" in the most solemn manner. .

Amidst the endless roar of salutes, Aigron's carriage stopped.

Then, Aigron helped Theresa and stepped out of the carriage together.

The people had been isolated from the palace, and what greeted him was a large honor guard and a large group of government dignitaries.

These soldiers are all wearing their own uniforms, some are infantry and some are hussars, and the government officials are also wearing their own uniforms. Under the sun, their uniforms are colorful, and the medals at all levels they wear also reflect different light. , dazzling.

Aigron glanced at the people around him, and everyone bowed their heads to show respect to him, until finally, his eyes fell on the leader of the old man.

This old man's hair is completely gray, his face is full of wrinkles, and there are many age spots. Even the luxurious clothes and medals cannot conceal the aura of decay on his body. Emperor Napoleon once called him "wrapped in gorgeous silk" "A bunch of XX" seems to be completely appropriate to describe it now.

But Aiglon knew that these trembling hands could still weave conspiracies one after another, and that this face full of smiles and wrinkles hid much ferocity and sinisterness.

And the most important thing is that in this aging head, there are still treasures that he can use.

"Dear Your Majesty!" After a moment of looking at each other, Prince Talleyrand bowed to Aiglon easily, "On behalf of the country, I would like to congratulate you on your return to the greatest capital of our country."

"In my own name, I would like to thank you for the warm reception you have given me, Your Highness." Aiglon also paid tribute to Prince Talleyrand with a humble attitude - after all, he is the nominal head of state of France at this moment.

"Your Majesty, although today is the first time we have met, I have to say that you are exactly the same as I imagined... There is ruthless courage in your eyes, and there is endless energy in your strong body, and this is What our country needs most today." Prince Talleyrand continued to look at Aiglon, and then nodded with satisfaction. "As an individual, I am very pleased that you have grown up to be a suitable successor to the late Emperor..."

Although it was a bit awkward for Talleyrand to speak such respectful words, Aigron was completely fine.

"I also have full respect for you, Your Highness. Although you are old, your experience and wisdom are still the most indispensable assets of this country. I will always rely on you in the future."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Prince Talleyrand set his sights on Theresa again.

Talleyrand was a very picky person, but as a princess of the Habsburg family, Theresa was not in his turn to be picky whether it was her family background or her personal demeanor. He dragged his lame leg and stumbled but was extremely polite. He walked up to Teresa.

"Your Highness, you are as beautiful as I imagined..." He praised Teresa enthusiastically.

After finishing speaking, he gently picked up Teresa's right hand.

Teresa almost shook off the other person's hand.

First, due to the orthodox education she had received since childhood, she despised Talleyrand very much as a person, thinking that he was a corrupt and dissolute man; second, even if there was no mention of his character, Talleyrand was currently described as a dry person. Gao's old man's face is full of wrinkles and his appearance is really ugly.

But the education she received since childhood was to cope with the current situation.

"I have heard of your reputation since I was a child, Your Highness." She replied with a smile, and then let the other party kiss the back of her hand, "I wish you good health and a long life."

I have to wipe it ten times when I go back!

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