Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-three, sincerely

The grand entrance ceremony of the King of Rome was talked about by many well-informed Parisian citizens, and it became a day destined to be remembered in history.

But for all living beings, they are destined to be busy with their own lives every day. No matter how big the news is, it will just stir up a burst of excitement. Soon it will calm down and continue to repeat the usual days.

And those luxury neighborhoods with deep mansions and courtyards have returned to peace early. The owners of the mansions are living in seclusion, either secretly rejoicing at the changes in the current situation and eager to gain benefits for themselves; or gnashing their teeth with hatred, praying to return to the streets as soon as possible. Comeback.

Only a few people chose to detach themselves from things and accepted another turning point in the fate of this country with an attitude that it had nothing to do with themselves.

The elderly Marshal Moncey was one of them.

Although everything that has happened in recent months can be called "unpredictable", for the marshal who has experienced so many things, this is just an ordinary change of dynasties. He is used to it. There was no way he could panic.

He is not afraid of being liquidated or retaliated, because he has not made any enemies in his life, so no one will hold a grudge and take advantage of the change of dynasty to deal with him. At most, he will lose his previous power and position. The family is idle, and he is already an old man in his twilight years anyway. Even if he retires and becomes idle, there is nothing to regret. On the contrary, he is happy to be without an official position.

Precisely because he has "nothing to ask for" at all, he can face everything that is happening now from the perspective of a pure spectator.

He didn't like Talleyrand, nor did he like Soult, so he naturally didn't like this "provisional government" that appeared in public, and he didn't want to work for these two people. However, he was full of hope for the Roman king who was destined to wear the crown again. Curiosity and a fondness for the unknown.

For no other reason than because he was the king of Rome and the successor of the emperor.

At first he served the emperor loyally, and after the King of Rome was born, he fully believed that he would become the child's vassal in the future. However, he did not expect that in just a few years, the emperor's hard-earned hegemony would become a mirror. , he lost his object of allegiance and had to surrender to the Bourbon family who had regained the throne - but even so he did not give up his conscience and dignity because he refused to try Marshal Neyin and wrote to the Marshal to plead for mercy. , he offended Louis XVIII and was sent to prison for a time. He was finally exonerated a few years later and regained his military position.

He once thought that all this was a foregone conclusion and that he would never have the opportunity to serve the Bonaparte family again in his lifetime. However, he did not expect that the unpredictable fate would play another big joke on him - France was completely turned upside down again. Come here, the Bourbons are in exile again,

But the Roman king returned to France.

Although this turmoil caused him to lose his official position and the honor and privileges in the court, it didn't matter to him in his dying years. What mattered was that Bonaparte, whom he had once loyal to, was back!

However, although he was excited and looking forward to the return of the King of Rome, he did not immediately join the crowd of people greeting him - on the one hand, a marshal has the dignity of a marshal and cannot lower himself to crowd with others. ; On the other hand, he is currently unemployed at home and does not want to be seen as a stooge who is trying to please the King of Rome just to get an official position.

However, he still carefully inquired about the arrangements of the Roman King after entering the city through his own network, and then learned that he and Princess Teresa were staying at the Tuileries Palace.

He planned to wait for the commotion to subside, then secretly visit the young couple at the Tuileries Palace. He did not ask them to give him any favors or official positions, but only wanted to be able to see the Roman King grow up up close. The subsequent style has ended the regrets of old age.

Because of this, he suppressed his excitement and excitement, and walked in the back garden of the house every day, playing with the weapons and works of art he had collected, so as to pass the endless time after unemployment.

Today he was still the same as usual, but just as he was immersed in memories, the old personal servant beside him brought him extremely unexpected news.

"What? The King of Rome came to visit me?!"

Of course he was shocked, but he quickly came to his senses, and then suddenly became a little at a loss.

"Hurry up and take him to the reception room. I'll come over after I've changed my clothes!"

Then, he hurried back to his bedroom, put on formal clothes with the help of the servant, and then returned to the reception room. Then he saw a group of people waiting here, and they were surrounded by a young man. The young man with blond hair was sitting on the sofa. Although he looked relaxed and natural, he looked around with the majesty of a prince.

Seeing the elderly marshal come in, Aigron quickly stood up to greet him, "Your Excellency, marshal, I'm glad to see you."

"Your Majesty..." The marshal was excited, and then his steps suddenly became a little shaky, and he walked in front of Aigron with a slight stagger, "Please forgive me, how overstepped I was! I actually let you come to me on your own initiative..."

"You are too polite to say that." Aigron waved his hand quickly, "I am just a person who has just returned from exile. It is my honor to come to see a warrior who has served his country and spilled his blood on the battlefield! "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to support the old marshal.

The marshal was even more happy to be treated so politely by Aigron. He held Aigron's hand tightly and almost shed tears. "Thank God...Thank God! You are back after all."

"Thank God." Aigron also echoed, "Fate still hasn't abandoned me."

Seeing this scene, both Aigron's entourage and those around the marshal couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Perhaps because his spirit was too high, the marshal, who was usually drowsy, now glowed with rare vitality, and his face was a little rosy. He looked at Aigron carefully, and then expressed his approval to the young man. Absolutely.

"I said at the beginning that you would definitely become a handsome prince, and now I see... it is indeed true! By the way, I heard that you already have a child?"

"Yes, I already have a son, and... Teresa is still pregnant with the second one." Aigron answered.

"That's great!" The old man was overjoyed when he heard this. "I had hoped to visit you before, and I will go see your wife and children next time."

Then, he sighed again, "I am old after all. Once a person gets old, he will be obsessed with memories all day long. He will be more considerate of his children and grandchildren and want to feel the vitality of their lives... What's more, it's you. I hope that your family will continue, and your children will definitely be as outstanding as you."

"Thank you for your good words. I also believe that my children will, like me, devote themselves wholeheartedly to the cause of benefiting all the people of the empire." Aigron also laughed, "And you are also completely incompetent in this cause. The missing part…”

"You've overestimated me. I'm already so old. Who knows how many more days I can live and what kind of career I can have?" The old marshal smiled bitterly, "I only hope that God can bless you and let me sleep peacefully forever." ..." Marshal Moncey thought that Aiglon was talking politely, so he quickly gave in.

"Although you are older, your prestige and experience have not faded, and these things are exactly the treasures I am eager for now." Aigron became more enthusiastic, "In this period of uncertainty, I ask you to do your best to help. I, Your Excellency.”

At this time, Marshal Moncey finally realized that Aigron was seriously seeking help from him.

Rather than being proud, he was rather curious.

Then, he made a gesture to the other people present, and these people also walked out one after another, leaving only two people in the reception room.

"Then, Your Majesty, what do you need me to do?"

"I hope you can go to Algiers and stabilize the expeditionary force and the local situation for me." Since there were only two people left, Aigron no longer concealed himself and told Moncey what he had discussed with Soult. marshal.

And this request immediately put the old marshal in trouble.

"I'm already old, Your Majesty... I'm afraid I won't be able to carry out the expedition across the sea."

"I know, but I beg you to do me this favor, because at this moment only you, with such prestige and ability, can solve this problem for me." Aigron continued to sincerely request the other party, "And, I will never I'm sorry to you, you will become the governor there, with absolute authority, and you will also have enough say in the Army Department, and no one will affect your command and logistics..."

"Throwing me to North Africa was also Sirte's idea, wasn't it?" The old man suddenly laughed, as if he had figured it all out in a short time. "You came to me at his request, right? Because if it was Soult's order, I would never obey it."

Aigron was slightly embarrassed, but he did not lie to the marshal, so he nodded, "Yes, Your Excellency. But I can assure you that I did not do this because of his manipulation and manipulation, but after the previous experience." Based on my own considerations, I really think you can help me with this..."

"In that case, I accept it." Before Aigron could finish speaking, the old marshal suddenly nodded. "But I am not acting for him, but for your orders."

Aiglon was slightly shocked, then moved. "Thank you, Your Excellency..."

He also knew that at his current age, Marshal Moncey was still willing to go out on an expedition for him. Although the living conditions were not too bad and he did not need to risk artillery fire, for an old man, running to an unfamiliar place The environment itself is already dangerous.

Because I know it, I am deeply admired and moved.

"Perhaps you are better suited to command the army than he is—" he could not help but say.

It's not that Aigron necessarily wanted to do this, but since he was asking for something at this moment, of course he had to throw out the carrot.

However, his carrot was not accepted by the other party.

"No, don't forget, I am 76 years old, Your Majesty." Marshal Moncey's old and cloudy eyes suddenly welled up with tears, "I am not using this as a reason to reject your expectations of me, I am just I want to tell you that I am old and exhausted. If you ask me to manage Algiers, I can barely do it. But if you want me to take charge of the army or perform other more important duties, I will definitely be beyond my capabilities. I don't want to delay your important event because of my incompetence.

Therefore, I think Marshal Soult is indeed a suitable candidate. Although he is greedy for power, he knows where the limits of his ambitions are. He will not do anything to harm you. In this case, his ambitions are actually Your boost, because he concentrates power and establishes prestige, also indirectly helps you solve your troubles. His iron fist and tenacious will can help you intimidate all potential enemies. So you can continue to trust him at this time, and it won’t be too late to consider letting him go when the time is right..."

As if he was afraid that Aiglon would suspect that he was secretly colluding with Surte, he added, "Please believe me, I have never liked Surte. We have no personal relationship. I am speaking these words for you." I said it after thinking about it.”

"I believe it, Your Excellency, Marshal." Although he has always been ruthless, at this moment, Aigron couldn't help but be moved by the old Marshal's heartfelt words. "If you have selfish motives, how could you refuse the opportunity to gain great power..."

"If you are interested, I have another request for a position." Marshal Moncey suddenly said.

"You can just say it." Aigron replied quickly.

"I implore you to appoint me as the honorary president of the Invalides." The marshal continued softly. "I heard that before his death, the late emperor made a last wish to be buried in the Invalides. If that is the case, I can serve as the honorary president of the Invalides." This position will be the highest honor I receive before I die. I will never forget that it was His Majesty who made me a marshal and a duke. Most of what I have today comes from his generous gifts. I held the sword of Frederick the Great in the victory parade of the Battle of Jena in Paris... He gave me the most glorious moment as a soldier, so I hope to rest beside the late emperor. Your Majesty, this is the only thing I have I have made a request, if you think you can agree to it, please grant me this grace."

Just saying that the marshal was still working hard for him to go on an expedition to a foreign land at his age, it was impossible for Aigron to refuse his request.

Moreover, this loyalty is what Aiglon attaches great importance to.

"This is truly a loyalty that I can never repay... How could I refuse? Marshal, don't worry, you will not only become the honorary president of the Invalides, but you will also be buried next to His Majesty after your death. This is what you have done The honor that a warrior and commander should enjoy, I guarantee it!"

Then, he revealed a secret to the other party in private, "To tell you the truth, I am seeking reconciliation with the British, and as an important condition for reconciliation, I will let them return the remains of the late emperor, and then follow the instructions His will was properly buried.”

"That's good, Your Majesty." The old man showed a relieved smile, and then gently patted Aigron on the shoulder, "I think you don't want to waste time, I will pack my bags as soon as possible, although I am old , but my sword is not rusty yet, as long as I am here you don’t have to worry about anything there.”

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