Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-four, guests and hosts enjoy themselves

"Although I am old, my sword is not rusty yet. As long as I am here, you don't have to worry about anything there."

Marshal Moncey's assurance greatly relieved Aigron.

The old marshal, indeed, as he expected, stepped forward when he needed it most and shouldered the responsibilities entrusted to him.

What drove him to do this was not the desire for glory and wealth, but the undying loyalty in his heart.

In the original historical line, the Orleans family usurped the throne in 1830, and France entered the era of the July Monarchy. Because of the reputation of the Orleans family as "usurpers," it almost completely fell out with the old aristocratic group of the Bourbon royal family. Orleans While the family was conducting political purges, it was also looking for ways to regain its prestige.

In order to clear their reputation, they wanted to present themselves as heirs to the glory of the Revolutionary and Imperial Era. While compromising with the British, the Orleans royal family specifically put forward conditions for receiving Napoleon's remains.

After a brief negotiation, in 1840, the British excavated the tomb where Emperor Napoleon was buried from the island of St. Helena, Napoleon's last place of exile, isolated in the South Atlantic Ocean, and then sent the remains to French representative.

In order to show respect for the emperor, the royal family of Orleans deliberately made it very grand. The person responsible for welcoming the emperor's remains was Prince Joinville, the king's third son. After the remains were returned to France, the royal family held a very grand and grand ceremony. A solemn burial ceremony.

However, after all, this grand ceremony was just organized by the Orleans family to consolidate their prestige. In order to avoid "excessive public commemoration", the government issued a very serious decree to inform the people that the funeral must be a strictly military procession. Spectators who want to see the parade not only need to buy a ticket to attend, but any unapproved activities are prohibited. The government also rejected the petitions of a large number of military school students who requested to participate in the parade-however, these young students secretly followed the parade and sang "La Marseillaise" along the way to commemorate the great emperor in their hearts.

During the parade, the emperor's coffin was loaded onto a special hearse. The hearse was tall and resplendent, with layers like a pyramid, supported by four large gold-coated wheels, and embroidered from top to bottom. The purple gauze with bees covers the car, and there is an eagle taking flight on the base. The fourteen goddesses of victory on the top hold a simulated coffin on a gold table. As for the real coffin, it is placed on the within the space of the base.

The parade itself was truly unprecedented, with a large number of old marshals and generals who had served under the emperor participating. Under the hearse were eighty-six junior officers who had received honorary orders, holding the provincial flags of eighty-six provinces. The entire procession was like a huge legion, slowly rushing from the gates of Paris into the Invalides - and after that, the emperor's coffin rested here forever.

Although the ceremony performed by the Orleans family was somewhat exaggerated and tacky,

But in terms of ostentation, it was worthy of an emperor's funeral.

And Moncey, Oudinot and other marshals who were still alive in the old empire era were in this grand parade.

Marshal Moncey was 86 years old at the time and was almost too ill to move, but he still begged the doctor to allow him to participate in the funeral so that he would not die in silence. In the end, he was able to participate in the parade and fulfilled his last wish. And just two years later, he finally died of illness at home.

In addition to Moncey, other senior generals present were also old. For example, Marshal Oudinot was already 73 years old at that time. Fortunately, God blessed him, and during that cold funeral (December 15, 1840, in the middle of the night) It was the middle of winter), but none of the elderly generals fell ill and died.

Now, the world line has changed, and many things have also changed with Aigron's intervention, but in the section "The Emperor's Funeral", Aigron will never change - if there will be any changes , he will make it more grand.

Because Emperor Napoleon is his source of legitimacy and the eternal god of the empire, allowing the emperor to rest in peace in his own land is an obligation that Aiglon must fulfill.

The loyalty shown by Marshal Moncey to the Bonaparte family is something he must keep in mind.

He would grant the old marshal's wish.

After an affectionate and detailed talk with Marshal Moncey, Aiglon said goodbye to the old Marshal and returned to the Duyinleli Palace.

He summoned Marshal Soult and told him that Marshal Moncey had agreed to this personnel appointment.

Marshal Soult was indeed overjoyed, and repeatedly assured Egeron that everything would be fine in the country from now on, and there would never be any chaotic party that could overturn the situation. Of course Egeron was happy to see this kind of assurance come to fruition.

In order to celebrate the return of the Roman King and to let the upper class elites from all walks of life get to know the country's new master, Prince Talleyrand held grand banquets for several nights in a row, and tonight was no exception.

When night fell and the lights were first turned on, Agron and Teresa dressed up and appeared in the luxurious and spacious banquet hall of the palace.

Although they are only nominally "guests" invited by Prince Talleyrand, in fact they have enjoyed unique courtesy, and people who come to the provincial capital will never be bored (or bold) enough to criticize this A matter of etiquette.

Accompanied by the high-pitched announcement of the ceremonial officer, the couple appeared at the door of the hall, and the celebrities and dignitaries present lined up on both sides with bated breath to welcome the passage of the two future majesties.

The people present, both men and women, were all dressed up in fine clothes and jewels. What a splendid scene! This reminded Teresa of what she had seen and heard in the Austrian court.

At that time, she was a participant, and could only serve as a junior and guest with His Highness, watching the emperor's uncle and the queen enjoy the ostentation like stars and the moon. But now, their couple has become the absolute center of such ostentation.

Destiny is so unpredictable!

Although she didn't ask for all this herself, how many people can not be suffocated and excited when they really receive such noble treatment?

Although Teresa's bulging belly hindered her movements, she certainly would not allow herself to lose her manners at this time, so with Agron's support, the couple walked into the banquet hall at a solemn pace. in the center.

In the eyes of others present, although the couple was too young, the education and dignity displayed in their behavior were enough to show the education they had received since childhood.

Of course, compared to the so-called dignity, they are more concerned about what they can get from the couple and what they can get from the changes in the current situation.

Many of the people present had come to the palace to pay homage to the king of the Bourbon family. Some of them were even guests of the royal family until a few months ago, but now they have seamlessly switched and become loyal to the Bonaparte family. Minister.

Who is sitting on the throne, and how much difference does it make to them?

When the couple walked to the center of the hall and took their seats, the banquet officially began. People paid tribute to Agron and Theresa, and then whispered to the people around them while eating.

And Aigron also showed his gentlest appearance and joked to Prince Talleyrand sitting next to him.

"Your Highness, people often say that power is the best medicine. Now I believe it. You look so radiant now..."

He didn't just say it casually. Prince Talleyrand was indeed glowing at this moment, feeling proud of the new regime he had created.

"Your Majesty, I am just the gatekeeper who temporarily looks after the treasure house for you. It is you who will enjoy these good medicines in the end... Judging from your age, you can probably be much more comfortable than me." But even at this time, he did not Forgot to show off his humor, "What's more, I have to endure jealousy and cold arrows from all over for you, so I can't do it without cheering up."

"Such an expensive gatekeeper is rare in Europe." Aigron also laughed.

Then, he gently picked up the wine glass and said, "Cheers to our great gatekeeper!"

The two people clinked their glasses together gently, and now that Aiglon raised his glass and said the toast, the other people present, although they didn't know what was going on, still raised their glasses and clinked their glasses together for the infamous Prince Talleyrand. toast.

For a time, with the deliberate support of Aigron and Prince Talleyrand, the banquet was a complete feast for both the guests and the host.

Count Telewin, former ambassador to Austria and to Istanbul, is also one of the guests tonight.

In addition to the above identities, he also has another identity - he is Prince Talleyrand's close friend and associate for many years.

More than three years ago, following Talleyrand's secret order, he visited Aiglon in the Schönbrunn Palace as an ambassador; and after Aiglon moved to Greece, he took the opportunity to be transferred to Istanbul. I visited him again, and the two of them were "old acquaintances."

In addition to being old acquaintances, after hearing the news that the King of Rome had returned to the country, Count Telewin simply abandoned his position as ambassador, quietly returned to the country at the instigation of Prince Talleyrand, and then used his network to help him everywhere. The Roman king ran around to win over supporters.

Although his contribution cannot be compared to Prince Talleyrand, Count Telewin considers himself to be a hero from the dragon.

He did so much, of course, not for the Roman king and the empire, but for himself.

At this time, he hoped that he could get the reward he deserved.

For this reason, he recently took the opportunity to meet Prince Talleyrand and asked the prince many times to help him get the opportunity to meet the King of Rome. Today, his efforts finally received the fruits they deserved - Prince Talleyrand notified him to participate. Tonight's banquet, and he was told clearly that the King of Rome would receive him alone during the banquet.

what does that mean?

This means great success!

When he received the news, Earl Telewin almost cried with joy. He knew that he had another chance to further his career. Although he was a die-hard royalist, he believed that he could use his loyalty and ability to Let everyone forget this unpleasant historical stain.

The King of Rome is currently employing people, and he obviously doesn't like to make a big settlement, but cares more about reconciliation. So as long as he uses some tricks to please the future master of the empire, then his future will be close at hand. .

Yes, he can't cross the mountain of Prince Talleyrand, but Prince Talleyrand is already 76 years old. Who knows how much longer he can live? As long as the merciful God calls Prince En back to her, then she can continue to follow the teacher's path, and maybe one day she can climb to the position where the master once stayed...

With full confidence, Earl Telewin attended this grand banquet, and he met the Aglons again as he wished.

Today, he is no longer what he used to be. He is no longer the Duke of Lechstatt. Naturally, Earl Telewin is not qualified to sit next to him and can only sit in the seat at the far end.

However, he still fully expected that the King of Rome would be able to recognize his old acquaintance in the crowd.

As if in response to his expectations, the young man who was chatting and laughing with Prince Talleyrand suddenly turned his head, as if he recognized the count.

Then, Aiglon showed a gentle smile and nodded to the earl.

He recognized me! cried the earl inwardly.

The ecstasy almost made him lose his composure, but after all, he was experienced in the world, so he still maintained his superficial reserve and just leaned forward in a humble manner to express his respect to His Majesty.

Aigron made a gesture to the count to show that he remembered him, and then he continued to chat and laugh with the people around him.

The count continued to eat with excitement and anxiety, but he was almost unwilling to eat. He was just waiting for the next audience with His Majesty the King of Rome - this was related to his future, and he could not afford to be careless.

You must show respect to the other party while demonstrating your abilities. Opportunities are rare and cannot be missed.

Maybe a few minutes later, maybe centuries later, when he was daydreaming in his mind, an attendant walked up to him, then leaned down and whispered a word in his ear.

"Dear Mr. Earl, Your Majesty wants to talk to you alone. Please come with me."


The earl immediately stood up from his seat, and then followed the attendants with his steps like a warrior rushing to the battlefield.

Not long after, he was taken to a room, and at this time, the young man was already waiting for him here.

What puzzled the Earl was that besides His Majesty, there was a maid in the room - and after he entered, the maid had no intention of leaving.

This maid, Lord Telewin, felt a little familiar, but she couldn't remember her name.

He didn't dare to take the initiative to ask what was going on, so he could only pretend to ignore her - after all, His Majesty was too young, so it was not surprising that he had any weird hobbies.

"Your Majesty! I am deeply honored to see you again." He immediately bowed to Aiglon. “Congratulations on achieving such a great career!”

However, Aigron's answer made the count almost fall into the ice cave.

"I regret to announce something to you, Mr. Earl——"

The earl's eyes widened, and then he listened in disbelief to what Aiglon continued to say.

"In a few minutes you will die of an acute drunken stroke..."

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