Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-five, a joke of fate

"In a few minutes you will die of an acute drunken stroke..."

Aigron's words made Earl Telewin feel incredible.

Precisely because the development of things was completely beyond his expectation, he was not so much scared now as he was completely unable to accept the reality. He only felt that he might be hallucinating or dreaming.

However, his body could not deceive himself. At this time, his legs were shaking violently, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." He asked Aiglon tremblingly, "What are you talking about?"

"Didn't I make it clear enough?" Aigron looked at the other party gently with a calm elegance, "Then let me repeat it again - Mr. Count, in a few minutes, you will die of drunkenness. Acute stroke..."

This time, the count could no longer deceive himself. He had accurately learned the fate he was about to face from the young man opposite.

Huge fear instantly engulfed his body. He wanted to retreat and escape, but the mental impact of extreme joy and sorrow made it almost difficult to control his body. What's more, he had drunk a lot of wine just now, and the alcohol made him dizzy.

But even at this time, he was still a little unbelievable.

Why do you want to kill me? Haven't I already taken refuge in you and become your pawn?

The King of Rome did not like killing people, and he had no intention of engaging in bloody purges and liquidations after returning to his country. This was the conclusion he and many people came to after observing in secret for a long time, even though he had been a royalist in the past, and although he had participated in the The liquidation of Napoleon's supporters, but that was just following orders. How could his dark history be as serious as that of people like Talleyrand? How could there be as much blood in his hands as this prince?

He couldn't think of any reason why he would be liquidated by the King of Rome, so he couldn't believe that he would become such an unlucky guy.

"Why... why do you want me to die?" He asked Aiglon in a trembling voice, his legs trembling. "I... am at your service, Your Majesty!"

This is a good question.

Aiglon looked at the other party with interest, admiring the count's expression at this moment.

In fact, this is not the first time he has enjoyed this kind of revenge drama, but every time he is involved in it, he finds it very interesting.

As with Count Fernand de Morcerf,

He deliberately showed goodwill to the other party at the last moment of his life, making the other party full of hope and making the other party unable to imagine what disaster he would encounter next - and then, without giving any buffer time, he would The cold truth is laid directly in front of the other party.

Fear, confusion, and the feeling of falling from heaven to hell in an instant are enough to destroy anyone's psychological defense. At this moment, these "elites" who once showed off their power and arrogance will show their true colors and show their fearful ugliness, which will further satisfy the revengeful psychology of the Avengers.

Because of this, he cannot kill the other person immediately, but must try his best to let the other person understand that he will die, so that he can face the inevitable ending with fear and regret.

"Why? This is a good question." Aigron raised his eyebrows slightly, "To be fair, you are indeed not my enemy. If you were a little luckier, you could have really become my guest and enjoy your dreams. It was a great success, but..."

Having said this, he paused deliberately, and then looked at the maid who had been standing silently next to him.

"You ruined the family of my most loyal and closest servant. This hatred is enough to determine your end."

As he spoke, Aigron silently watched Chanel and observed her expression at the moment.

To his expectation, Chanel was not as excited as when Edmund killed Fernand, but was rather calm. She just looked at Count Telewin as if she were looking at a dying poor man.

Aigron thought for a while, and then he probably understood the connection.

Edmond was already 19 years old when he was unjustly imprisoned and his family was ruined. He had an unbreakable family bond with the people around him and enjoyed the beauty of life, so when he loses all this, he will be even more painful. This pain will turn into grinding teeth against the enemy. The hatred turned into a flame that burned everything.

For Chanel, she was only five or six years old when her parents were martyred, and her memories of her childhood were almost blurred. Her family members were more of symbols in her memory, and they were not nearly forgotten. The pain of tearing one's skin apart.

So to her, Earl Telewin is the symbol of "enemy", someone who must take revenge, but he doesn't have the kind of hatred that burns everything.

But now, none of this is important. In short, he avenged his maid and repaid her all along for her loyalty. This is enough.

Following Aigron's gaze, Earl Telewin also looked at Chanel, but he had no idea who this maid was, let alone why he had to meet such a tragic ending because of her.

"Dear Mr. Count, good evening." Chanel gently bowed and saluted Count Telewin, "We have met before in Austria, but with my status, it is definitely not worthy of you to take a second look. So you must not remember me, so please allow me to introduce you... My name is Chanel Noel."

The count racked his brains, but he had no idea of ​​the name at all.

"Of course you won't know this name, and you will certainly not remember the names of Jules Noel and Marie Noel... So please allow me to explain to you that they are my parents and our family. I was from the south, and I was killed in an unfortunate riot in 1815... Not only them, but also my brother and almost all my beloved relatives were killed. I managed to escape from the country with great difficulty, and finally came down under the guidance of fate. Arrive at His Majesty’s side.”

Now Lord Telewin understood.

It turned out that after going round and round, I still fell into that reckoning.

At that time, he was appointed by the royal family as a special inspector of the circuit court. Adhering to the policy of "complete revenge", he deliberately indulged gangsters from all over the country to carry out bloody revenge on the rebels.

He has never felt guilty about this. Those people who died in vain were just stepping stones for him to climb up.

Who would have thought that among those damned civilians and traitors, there would be someone qualified to stay by this young man's side?

Logically speaking, it was fair and reasonable for the liquidator back then to be liquidated now, but Earl Telewin was obviously not interested in enjoying this "fairness". He didn't know where the strength came from, and his weak legs suddenly jumped back, and then He rolled and crawled towards the door.

In fact, since His Majesty wants to kill him, what can he do even if he can escape from the room?

However, in despair, he no longer cares about thinking so much. He has only one thought at the moment, to escape from here and escape from the Avengers.

However, his humble flame of hope was extinguished in an instant.

There was a sudden, overwhelming force on his shoulders, and he was dragged back and thrown to the carpet.

And the young man was looking at him with a cruel and teasing smile, "I'm very disappointed, Mr. Earl, couldn't you have been more graceful in the last moments of your life?"

Despair made this young man's smile look particularly terrifying.

Lord Telewin knew that he was about to face the fate of death, but he still wanted to continue struggling desperately.

"You can't kill me! I am Prince Talleyrand's confidant! His Highness the Prince will be furious when he finds out! There are others who will be afraid and will doubt your promise!"

Aigron did not answer the other party, but just looked at him with a joking look.

And this look made the count, who was not stupid, understand everything in an instant.

Talleyrand knew about his plan and acquiesced to it, so the prince specially summoned him at this time, so this young man committed crimes in the palace without restraint.

"A pair of despicable and shameless demons... you will both be punished!" In despair, he couldn't help but cursed and struggled hard, "The blood in your hands is several times thicker than mine, and your ability to deceive and betray is unparalleled. If you can, what qualifications do you have to take revenge on me! You...especially you, what qualifications do you have to do something to me? Talleyrand has brought shame on your family, but you are chatting and laughing with him! You are just a person who has been cast aside. You are just a fallen prince who has stepped down, what qualifications do you have to uphold justice!"

Aiglon did not stop the other party's curses, because for him, these curses not only did not make him angry, but made him interesting - this kind of ugliness of dying struggle and the fear accompanying it are indispensable in the revenge drama. dessert.

He just clasped the opponent's shoulders tightly with his hands, restraining the opponent so that he could not struggle.

Of course, he would not be the one who actually took the Count's life.

Aigron, who was half-crouching, looked up at Chanel.

Chanel understood, picked up a delicate short knife, and walked over slowly - she insisted on executing her enemies by herself, and of course Aiglon would grant her wish.

The closer Chanel got closer, the more despair and pain in Earl Telewin's eyes became stronger. He struggled violently, but it had no effect. Soon, Chanel squatted down and stared at his enemy. .

Although she has followed Aiglon for so long, the former little maid has seen too much of the world, but her hands have never been stained with blood, so she is still a little nervous after all, and the short blade in her hand is also shaking slightly. Shining with an icy cold light.

But her eyes were full of joy - because at this moment, the souls of her relatives in heaven would be comforted, and their daughters and sisters would personally kill their enemies and avenge them.

Thinking of this, under the candlelight, the girl's beautiful face couldn't help but become a little distorted at the moment.

"Don't kill me! Your Majesty, please spare me..." Faced with the fear of death, Earl Telewin's anger disappeared. He suddenly began to beg Aigron again, "I am still very useful, I am really It is very useful to you... I have the ability to serve you, I can do anything for you! I don’t want a salary or a reward, I just ask you to spare my life, please spare me...!"

However, Aiglon remained silent and didn't bother to answer the other party's pleas - he didn't bother to pay attention to such an undignified person who was about to die.

"Spare me..." The count frantically begged for mercy, but neither the girl nor the boy made any reply. The only answer was the slowly advancing blade.

In the blink of an eye, the sharp metal pierced the skin and fat, making a soft sound, and then became silent again.

It only took a few minutes for Aigron's "prophecy" to come true.

After confirming that the other party was dead, Aigron let go of the other party's shoulders, and then stood up easily.

It has to be said that being able to be controlled by his own hands was considered an honor before his death, but obviously this "honor" did not mean anything to the Earl. His eyes widened with anger and he stared straight ahead, obviously unwilling at all.

The corners of Aigron's mouth slightly raised, and then he no longer looked at the dead Earl, but looked at Chanel, who was still half-crouching.

"Chanel, how are you? Are you happy?" he asked with concern.

Chanel slowly raised her head and looked at her master. In her eyes at this moment, although she felt happy that a great revenge had been avenged, she was still more confused.

"I...I don't know, Your Majesty. Maybe this is the first time I kill someone...I, I'm not very happy, even...even a little nauseous."

"It's okay, Chanel." After hearing what she said, Aiglon quickly bent down and reached out to pick up Chanel, then hugged her and gently stroked her back, "It's a good thing that you're not used to killing people. In addition, congratulations you."

"Yeah..." Chanel seemed to finally have a real feeling.

She smiled slightly, then made a sign of the cross on her forehead and shoulders with her hands, and then looked up at the ceiling and the void.

"Dad, Mom, I have revenge!"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly burst into tears, and then she hugged Aigron tightly, "Your Majesty... thank you! Without you, I would never be able to stand beside this Earl in my life, let alone pay tribute to him. He has raised the sharp blade of revenge...Only you can allow me to realize this small amount of justice!"

"It's just a little effort, don't worry about it." Aigron replied with a smile. "Besides, you have been serving me wholeheartedly, and I should do something in return."

"Not only before, but also in the future, I will do my best for you all my life... You can't drive me away!" Chanel replied with a cry. "Your Majesty, I love you..."

"Of course, of course...I love you too, Chanel."

Soon after, Prince Talleyrand rushed over at Aiglon's call, and with him came a doctor.

"My poor friend!" When he saw the cold body of Earl Telewin, the old man let out a sad sigh, "His brilliant future ended unexpectedly like this... I originally hoped to have him all the time. It’s my assistant!”

Then, he looked at the doctor beside him and said, "Thank you for your efforts to save me, but what can be done about this kind of accident?"

The doctor silently looked at the count's angry-looking corpse, as well as the shocking wounds and blood stains on his chest.

"Yes, Your Highness, I have tried my best," he hissed in reply.

"Lord Telewyn suffered an unexpected stroke during the banquet. After our efforts to save him, the poor Earl died unfortunately in the early morning..."

"My poor friend!" sighed the prince again. "Destiny always plays cruel tricks on us."

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