Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-seven, aging and growth

After confirming that Archduke Karl was willing to cooperate, Prime Minister Metternich ended his visit happily.

But he did not immediately return to his official residence in Vienna, but went to Schönbrunn Palace.

As usual, he easily received permission and came to the presence of His Majesty the Emperor.

Compared to three years ago, His Majesty Emperor Franz is looking increasingly senile at this time, but even so, he has no intention of relaxing the power in his hands. This country must be under his absolute control. No exceptions are allowed.

"What did he say?" He asked directly after meeting the Prime Minister.

"Archduke Karl is very knowledgeable, so he readily agreed to my request. As long as there is an invitation from France, he will let his eldest son, His Royal Highness Albrecht, go to Paris to participate in the coronation ceremony of his brother-in-law and sister."

Hearing that his younger brother was willing to cooperate, His Majesty the Emperor's face did not show any joy, but rather some emotion. "He is quite proud of it! Even if we don't tell us about the glorious moment of our daughter and son-in-law, he will find a way to send someone there."

The Prime Minister understood that the Supreme Being had always been secretly jealous of his younger brother. In terms of talent, he had always been inferior to his third brother. He was able to ascend to the throne only because he was the eldest son; and in terms of future generations, This gap is even more embarrassing - His Majesty the Emperor's two living sons are not as good as they should be. They are either mentally ill, epileptic, or have some intellectual disabilities. In short, they all have a feeling of "not being like a human being." .

In comparison, the children of Archduke Karl were all outstanding and intelligent. His eldest daughter was even about to earn the crown of a queen for herself. Thinking of this, the old emperor could not help but feel jealous.

However, seeing through without telling the truth, Prince Metternich knew that if he wanted to serve his old master well, he had to pretend to be stupid when needed, so he just lowered his head silently, waiting for His Majesty's next instructions.

Fortunately, the emperor's unnecessary emotion did not last long. He quickly cheered up and asked, "Is there any new news from Talleyrand?"

"Talleyrand told me that he and the Duke of Lechstadt have made up their minds to make the new French government's main task to promote reconciliation between Britain and France, and are even willing to make major diplomatic concessions for this purpose. Although the prince did not make it clear. What it is, but he’s never been a big talker and I think he’s got a pretty good handle on it.”

"If Talleyrand really succeeded in promoting the reconciliation between Britain and France, then armed intervention against that little guy would be impossible. Without the support of the British, no one can defeat France." The old emperor said with unusual candor. He said the truth, "No one is willing to make such a heavy sacrifice.

Just to fight with a kid. "

"You are absolutely right, Your Majesty." Metternich bowed and agreed with the emperor's opinion, "So my suggestion is to wait and see as much as possible. If the situation really changes like this within a few months, Then we can find ways to get closer to him - at this point, we have great convenience. According to news from various sources, Princess Theresa has a huge influence on him, and he has great influence on him. My father-in-law’s family also respects her very much, so he will not take any hostile actions against Austria.”

"Humph." The emperor snorted coldly, but he was noncommittal.

When he brought Teresa and Duke Lechstadt together, his original intention was to keep the child in his hands and use it as a card to intimidate the French rulers at any time. However, he did not expect that although they did become husband and wife, but they themselves became rulers of France.

Although he could still brag about his "foresight" at this time, the old emperor couldn't be happy at this moment.

He has always seen the big one, so his talent and intelligence have always been noticed. It is completely impossible to say that he is not proud of and fond of him.

It's a pity...the entanglement of fate is so complicated that it's a bit difficult to explain in one sentence.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry too much about the past." Seeing what the old emperor was thinking, Metternich comforted his benefactor in a low voice, "No matter what grudges there are, he is your grandson after all. , the blood flowing from you is undeniable to the world. And over the years, you have always given him the education a prince should have, letting him know history, etiquette, and more importantly, how to By controlling and manipulating people's hearts, he learned the first lesson of becoming a human being from you - if you hadn't given them these, would he have achieved what he has today?

Furthermore, if he is able to overcome all difficulties and achieve great things, doesn't it prove that you have noble blood and good training? He is a kid from Schönbrunn Palace, so you might as well be proud of him. "

Although Prince Metternich's words were a bit of forced comfort, the old emperor's mood improved a lot.

After all, he could finally comfort himself that his sons' crazy illnesses were not caused by his own inferior blood, but actually caused by God's trick.

Although Aiglon's escape made him furious at the time, time can eventually heal everything. Now his anger has dissipated. Under Metternich's deliberate reminder, he suddenly recalled the handsome and intelligent man again in his mind. The little boy looks like he is growing up little by little in front of him.

Indeed, quite cute.

If he were his grandson, I'm afraid he wouldn't need to worry about the inheritance of the imperial line now... It's a pity that things in this world often make people unhappy.

Having said that, no babies have been born in this elegant and beautiful palace for more than twenty years, and it is withering like itself.

I am already over sixty years old, how many more years can I live? Can we still see a lovely, strong and intelligent heir?

When he thought of this, the old emperor's old and withered heart began to throb, and he lost interest in everything.

"How is that child?" the emperor suddenly asked.

"Which child are you referring to...?" Metternich did not respond for a moment.

After a moment, looking at the emperor's expression, he seemed to suddenly understand something.

"Miss Crystal is very cute. I regularly ask the people who take care of her to report on her status. They all report that although she is young, she is quite beautiful and intelligent, and she learns to speak very quickly. Prince Metternich replied softly.

"Is it another copy?" The old emperor couldn't help but smile bitterly, "But it's a daughter..."

Then he cheered up again.

In any case, she is also a great-granddaughter, and she is his youngest descendant in the world - although she will never be recognized as his descendant.

At this moment when the anger had subsided, the human part of the old emperor took over slightly.

"If you have time, bring her over and let me see her. I want to see how cute she is." The emperor secretly ordered, "By the way, don't let that woman know."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Metternich bowed again and accepted His Majesty's order.


After ending his audience with the emperor, Prince Metternich did not leave Schönbrunn Palace immediately, but went to visit another person - "that woman" in the words of His Majesty the Emperor.

As His Majesty the Emperor's anger gradually faded away, Princess Sophie's treatment gradually became more relaxed, and she continued to appear in front of outsiders.

In the enviable eyes of the world, she is still a dazzling princess and princess, a lucky person destined to become a queen.

Her originally haggard face gradually returned to its former graceful appearance, and her desperate eyes were quietly covered up by the glances and laughter. The etiquette and manners she had learned since she was a child allowed her to continue to stand out among everyone. She used to be aloof - but how many people could detect the pain and resentment accumulated in her heart?

After meeting Sophie, although Sophie's eyes were cold, Metternich bowed to her respectfully. "Your Highness, I have come to tell you the good news."

Sophie's news is no longer as closed off as it was during her previous house arrest, so she naturally learned the news from France.

"I don't know that I have anything to congratulate, Your Excellency, Prime Minister," she replied softly.

The gentler her tone, the more sophisticated Prince Metternich was able to detect the annoyance hidden in it.

"You don't have to be so concerned, Your Highness." He smiled slightly, as if he was comforting the other party, "The Duke of Lychstedt probably doesn't want to share his joy at this moment with you, but he currently has no way to tell you the good news. That’s all.”

Being comforted by the enemy she had always hated, this naturally made Sophie feel even more angry, but she didn't want to lose her composure in front of the old thing, so she pretended that nothing happened to cover it up.

"Then do you want me to thank you for cutting off all external contact with me?" She simply made it clear,

"Actually, this is a last resort, and it is not a pleasant task for me." Prime Minister Metternich sighed with regret, "After all, who wants to embarrass such a beautiful and pitiful lady in this way? Woolen cloth?"

Sophie originally thought that the other party was making sarcastic remarks, but when she thought about it carefully, she felt that Metternich, as the Prime Minister of the Empire, would not be so bored, so she couldn't help but look at the other party in confusion. "What are you going to do?"

"To tell you the truth, I just visited Archduke Karl and his family today and congratulated them." Prince Metternich replied unhurriedly, "In addition, I also told them that the empire intends to cooperate with the future French Emperor. They later became friends and needed to borrow their family's influence for this purpose... Out of patriotism, Archduke Karl agreed to let his eldest son, His Royal Highness Albrecht, go to Paris in an unofficial capacity in the future to visit his sister and brother-in-law."

The more Sophie listened, the more uncomfortable she became.

Although she and Archduke Carl's family had "resolved their feud" and indeed received their help, deep down in her heart, she still believed that Teresa had taken away everything from her. Without her, she would not be in the same situation. To the point of being separated from your lover and still under house arrest.

Now, Teresa is about to become a queen and enjoy the admiration and praise of the world, but she is still just a jeweled prisoner in the palace. How can this not make her heartbroken?

"So are you going to ask me to write a letter to congratulate Princess Teresa on becoming queen?" she asked with a sneer.

"That's not the case." Metternich quickly shook his head, "I just said that if you want to, you can write to him privately. Then there will be someone from me in the entourage of His Highness the Prince, no matter what you write Everything can be handed over to him——"

"I can't believe you have such good intentions. Is this a trap?" Sophie flatly refused.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. I never had any ill intentions towards you, it was just the current situation." Prince Metternich shook his head again, "At that time, I had to treat you harshly in the name of Your Majesty. Now that the situation has changed, Then I should make some adjustments according to the current situation, right?"

Sophie suddenly understood.

Metternich wanted to win over Aiglon, so he used a two-pronged approach, using his in-laws on the one hand, and himself on the other - all to remind the young man that you still have something to ask for from us.

But on the other hand, just because this young man is gradually rising, his own value is also increasing.

Now Sophie is no longer the arrogant princess who only thinks about her own happiness. She gradually understands that in the palace, nothing is natural, and dignity is earned through strength.

"I will write it." Sophie responded, then nodded. "I know what you are thinking, but I will still follow your wishes, because I know it is also good for me!"

"I'm so glad you are so sensible." Metternich smiled and saluted Sophie.

"I haven't finished speaking yet!" Sophie suddenly waved her hand to stop the Prime Minister.

"Huh?" Metternich looked at the other party with some confusion.

"Let's talk openly, Prince Metternich." The corners of Sophie's mouth turned up slightly, and her eyes became sharp. "Actually, we are not destined to be enemies, do you think so?"

Metternich was slightly surprised, but he had been in politics for so many years and had gone through countless storms. Of course, he would not be intimidated by a woman, so he quickly returned to normal, "We have never been enemies, Your Highness. I I have the same respect for you as always. Although there are some unpleasant things, I have to do it for His Majesty and the Empire..."

"Come on, don't say such boring words." Sophie interrupted the other party directly, "I hate you, I don't want to hide this, and there is no need to hide it - it's just that hate is meaningless to me. , I am willing to put aside my hatred, help you, and seek your help!"

Sophie's words made Metternich couldn't help but be impressed.

"You are the Prime Minister and deeply trusted by His Majesty, but you also have hidden worries. There are many people who covet your position, and even more people hate you personally. Everything you have comes from the emperor, but it may not be the case if the emperor changes. ." Sophie said word by word, "If something happens to the emperor, what can the crown prince do? He is just a disabled person who has epilepsy more than ten times a day... You still need support from the palace after all. No. ?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Metternich quietly, waiting for the other party's answer.

In the past, he only thought that this woman was arrogant, arrogant, and had no political talent. However, he did not expect that after a series of cruel blows from fate, she seemed to have learned a lot.

At least, she has learned to restrain her hatred and dance with the hated enemy in her heart.

Thinking about it again, at this moment, Duke Lechstatt is also working closely with his enemy, Prince Talleyrand... They are indeed a well-matched couple.

It's a pity that no matter how well matched they are, they will never be together. This is a common joke of fate.

Metternich quickly put aside these boring feelings in his heart, and then bowed to Sophie politely.

"You have indeed grown, ma'am."

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