Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and thirty-eight, resentment and heartache

"You have indeed grown, ma'am."

Sophie sneered at Metternich's compliment, but she remained patient.

She knew that she was at a disadvantage right now because she wanted more from Metternich. Moreover, Metternich had been dealing with kings and emperors for many years. Even temper can't sway the other party even a little bit.

Therefore, the only thing that can impress Metternich is power.

Like Prince Talleyrand, Metternich’s purpose in life is to play his alchemy on the political stage. Power is not only his pursuit, it has even become his spiritual support, so in order to obtain Power, in order to maintain power, the Prime Minister is willing to do anything.

"Thanks to this abominable fate, I have to learn a lot of things." A trace of sadness flashed in Sophie's eyes, and then was replaced by stubbornness. "What do you think of my proposal? Your Excellency, Prime Minister?"

"As a servant of the royal family, it is my duty to serve your Majesty and you, Your Highness." However, under Sophie's gaze, Metternich did not waver, but dodged away without leaving a trace, " If there is anything you need my help with, I will consider it, but the premise is that it cannot go against His Majesty’s will, let alone our country’s national interests.”

As Sophie just analyzed, Metternich's power is not stable. All his authority comes from the emperor who favors him. Once the dynasty changes, his power base may be shaky.

As an actor who has been on the stage for so many years, Metternich saw his potential crises much more clearly than Sophie.

Of course, he is not without support.

On the one hand, although the old emperor is old, his health is still good. At least there is no sign that he will die soon. Metternich does not have to worry about his new master; on the other hand, among the royal family, he It’s not like Sophie is the only one who can be found as a potential collaborator.

He had a bad relationship with Sophie, and the other party made it clear that she still hated him, so Metternich would certainly not be eager to cooperate with the princess.

Because of this, although he was surprised by Sophie's performance, Metternich did not intend to take over the other party's olive branch.

In other words, he still has cards to play in a few years, and he can still wait and see the price and sell.

"Humph... you are such a loyal minister." Sophie was not angry or disappointed, because she had already guessed that it was impossible to impress an old cunning man like Metternich with just a few words.

"No matter what, I know it's useless what I say now. I have nothing to buy you, and you won't believe me - but we can put our words first, and I will wait for the day when you show your kindness to me. , but please don’t think that my patience is unlimited. If it’s too late, you will inevitably lose value in my heart...I will never be the one who regrets it then.”

What a woman, even though she has nothing in her hands, she can still speak as if she can oust me at any time... Metternich thought to himself.

Maybe she does have the talent to be a politician.

Since Sophie showed her goodwill, Prince Metternich did not intend to completely break with Sophie - it was always beneficial to leave an extra path.

Metternich weighed the possibilities in his mind.

At present, because His Majesty the Emperor is resentful of his daughter-in-law Sophie's "willfulness", which has caused irreversible consequences, he has completely abandoned her. She has become an insignificant decoration in palace politics and has no say in anything.

However, as the second daughter-in-law of His Majesty the Emperor, she held on to the possibility of "continuing to be the mainstay of the royal family" when the Crown Prince suffered from severe epilepsy and was unable to have children.

Assuming that she really gave birth to a prince one day, then no matter how much the emperor hated her, he would have to admit that her son was the future heir of the empire - when the eldest son and the younger son were both seriously ill, this child might even be The hope of the empire.

Suppose this situation is established and the old emperor dies, then the grandson will become the heir to the empire (either directly becoming the emperor over his uncle and father, or becoming the crown prince first and then taking over the throne, in any case, it is the same) - in this case Under such circumstances, she will inevitably become the empress dowager of the empire!

In this case, she will definitely be able to make a comeback, have a huge say in the court, and may even influence the entire royal family.

Of course, this is just a hypothetical situation. Now that Sophie and her father-in-law's family are close to falling out, it's hard to say whether she can successfully conceive a child. But no matter what, she definitely has hope of "turning over."

Metternich had thought about these situations many times before, and of course he knew what was going on.

Do you want to prevent this from happening? In fact, he has also weighed this issue.

But after thinking about it, he decided to wait and see what happened instead of interfering secretly.

After all, if the old emperor and his sons died without heirs, the throne would be transferred to the emperor's second brother Archduke Ferdinand's line or third brother Archduke Karl's line, which would not only bring about the succession of the throne, but also More importantly, he does not have a deep personal relationship with these two royal family members. If this happens, he does not dare to ensure that he can retain his current position of power.

Therefore, in terms of his own interests, it seems that "the bloodline of the main branch of the royal family can continue" is the best solution.

Precisely because the inside story was complicated and involved various contradictions, Prime Minister Metternich had been weighing the pros and cons and was hesitant.

Now he can continue to delay and wait and see how the situation develops, but he also knows that as the old emperor continues to age, he does not have much time to waste.

Therefore, assuming that Princess Sophie is really pregnant and gives birth to a prince, it will be the decisive weight. He will choose to side with Sophie - of course, the premise is that the other party is also willing to protect her and maintain her power. .

"You are serious, Your Highness." In order to ease the atmosphere between the two of them, a gentle smile appeared on his face, "As the princess, you have a more important mission than me. If one day the important responsibilities of the palace have to be left to you, Take it upon your shoulders, as a servant of the royal family, of course I am willing to serve you.”

After finishing speaking, he changed the topic again, "If you are willing to correspond with him, you can write it as soon as possible, and I will help you send the letter to his address."

After saying this, he bowed and bowed, and then left in front of the princess.

"Old thing... Sooner or later you will be good-looking." After he left, Sophie's original gentle expression was quickly replaced by disgust and irritation.

Although she has now learned how to deal with Metternich, in essence, she is still the arrogant and bossy princess from before. Therefore, she will of course be very angry when she sees Metternich playing tricks in front of her. .

However, what she gained today was enough.

From the test just now, she had discovered that Metternich, the old cunning man, had indeed been shaken, and he was considering turning to her.

Of course, the premise of all this is that he can really turn over and continue the bloodline of this ancient dynasty.

A princess who cannot give birth to an heir means nothing to this family.

Therefore, you must get pregnant and have a baby, and you must do it as soon as possible.

Of course, this is not easy - because she hates her husband so much, and after falling out with the old emperor, she hates her even more when she thinks of her husband's vulgar ways, so she doesn't want to get close to her husband at all.

Still have to think of another way.

What can be done?

"You bitch...you are so proud!" Distraught, Sophie suddenly cursed in a low voice.

With this curse, she picked up the pen and paper and began to write the letter that would be sent to the young man soon.

Of course, this letter will not contain her longing for him these days, her nostalgia and nostalgia for the good times they spent together, or her curse on him for ruthlessly abandoning her... None of these will be included, because she knows that she is writing Metternich would definitely find a way to open and check the past letters. Any inappropriate words might become the basis of his words. She would not do such an irrational thing.

So she suppressed the excitement and resentment in her heart, and wrote a calm and unsentimental letter in messy handwriting, congratulating the young man on his successful career, achieving his childhood wish, and wishing him the best. Then be able to play his role well and lead that great country to prosperity and abundance.

Of course, these meaningless words could not satisfy her mixed feelings at the moment, so after finishing writing, she became even more anxious and resentful.

After this anxiety reached a critical point, Sophie finally couldn't bear it anymore. She crumpled the letter paper in front of her into a ball, and then dropped it heavily to the ground.

"You bitch... you are so proud!" She cursed again, but this time, she was sobbing, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Right now, the young couple must be very happy. They will reach the peak of their lives, and they will soon become the supreme leaders of a powerful country.

That's all well and good, but who's paying the price?

Comparing her current situation, Sophie felt even more angry and sad than she could control.

Who knows how much self-control she had to write those calm words of congratulations to them?

But in this world, tears are meaningless after all - besides, her tears have almost been shed in the past few years.

After sobbing painfully for a while, Sophie finally regained control of her emotions. She wiped the tears on her face, tidied up her scattered makeup, and then silently picked up the crumpled letter from the carpet. , unfolded it and put it back into the envelope.

Although there was a lot of hatred and resentment in her heart, deep down in her heart, she still believed that she had not been forgotten by that hateful villain, and that he was still waiting to meet her again.

——It is not so much that she is 100% sure of this, but rather that if she did not believe this, her spirit would have collapsed long ago. She must make herself believe that she has not been forgotten. Pain and longing are meaningful.

After regaining her energy, she put the letter aside, then picked up the letter paper and started writing another letter.

The difference is that this letter is sent to another person - to be precise, her twin sister Princess Maria.

These days, she writes letters to her sister every now and then. Although these letters are also checked, Sophie has never made any mistakes - after all, the two are twin sisters and grew up together. If you say a code word or metaphor, the other party will understand it.

As her treatment gradually recovered, the frequency of this kind of communication also steadily increased. In the eyes of the old emperor and Metternich, this kind of thing was not harmful at all, so they were not vigilant.

How could they imagine that the two sisters secretly viewed them with a twisted sense of revenge?

Now Sophie's biggest hope is the news from her sister - after all, the letters between her and Aiglon are bound to be impossible to last, and she can only get more information from her sister's channels.

If Aigron is really serious, he will definitely find his sister at this time. If so, then his sister will definitely convey the message to him in code words - this is the real communication between two people.

Now Sophie's emotions had made it impossible for her to think about anything else. She picked up the pen and quickly wrote a letter to her sister with more intense strokes than before.

In this letter, she deliberately wrote a large section of seemingly unrelated family talk, asking about the current situation of her mother and Brother Wang. However, between the lines, she was secretly asking her sister if they had made any progress.

And the sister's next reply may determine her fate.

While she was daydreaming, she finished writing the letter to her sister.

After that, she could only leave everything to fate. If the darling was really willing to forget herself, then everything she did was just a sad joke; if that bitch really had any plan, then she The painstaking patience now makes sense.

I hope he still has a little conscience in his body...

Sophie let out a dark sigh.

Because her spirit had been suppressed for too long, too much hot magma had accumulated in her heart. She even suspected that if she saw that little sweetheart again, she would strangle him to death at all costs to prevent the two of them from being separated again.

Of course...this is just her random imagination.

She just wanted to see him, she wanted to see him, she wanted to see him as soon as possible... The sharing of suffering and patience did not wear away this burning longing, and even gilded it with a layer of gold.

If you really want to have a son, it must be his son, otherwise... it is absolutely impossible and absolutely unnecessary!

This is Sophie's determination at this moment.

After all, if it wasn't for him, what was the point of all my struggles and endurance? It would be better to simply give up everything and turn a blind eye.

She didn't care how outrageous her wish was.

She has never paid attention to the so-called laws and moral principles of the world - God created those to bind all peoples, not to bind her and her little heart.

You must persist until that day!

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