Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty, everyone is sad

Latest website: "Everyone, at this moment of celebration, let us wish the great Marshal Sirte eternal health!"

Aiglon's words immediately triggered cheers from the audience.

Of course, the officers present did not know what kind of bad joke he was making. They just felt that the King of Rome was specifically expressing respect for Marshal Soult. Therefore, no matter whether they liked the old marshal or not, on this occasion they all I had to echo loudly and pay tribute to Marshal Sirte.

Faced with this kind of scene, even Marshal Soult, a sophisticated man who is used to seeing big scenes, can't help but feel a little elated. He is smiling broadly and his wrinkled face is full of satisfaction at this moment.

"We also wish that His Majesty will soon ascend to the throne he was destined to be. Long live the Empire!"

He raised his head and showed his loyalty to everyone.

In this way, the close relationship between the King of Rome and the old marshal, one old and the other young, left a deep impression on the people present. No one doubted whether there was anyone in France who could stand in front of this pair. Stand up and resist.

From today on, although Marshal Soult does not have the official position of "Deputy Commander", he has been regarded by the outside world as Aiglon's most important minister and the true pillar of the empire. He will also use his iron fist to fight for Bonaparte. The dynasty stabilized the country.

After the celebrations at Les Invalides, Aigron will carry out his final plan to ascend to the throne - leading his entourage to tour various places to boost popularity for the upcoming national parliamentary elections.

Over the past few days, under the careful arrangements of Prince Talleyrand, the parade route and the corresponding arrangements by officials from various places have been prepared, just waiting for the King of Rome to get on the road.

On this sunny morning, the gate of the Tuileries Palace slowly opened, and a grand procession, always armed and grand, appeared on the square in front of the garden, waiting to leave at any time.

Princess Teresa stood in the square and reluctantly said goodbye to her husband.

Although she is not worried about her husband's safety along the way, this event also means that she may have to be separated from her husband for a long time, which is naturally quite troublesome for her.

However, on the one hand, she is not suitable to continue traveling because she is pregnant, and on the other hand, she must stay in Paris and face various emergencies with Prince Talleyrand at any time (while monitoring Talleyrand himself), so objectively Under the conditions, she could only accept this arrangement.

In addition, Chanel was also left by Theresa's side by Aigron. After all, Chanel could only be completely relieved of the important task of taking care of his wife in Aigron.

Only Chanel could gain the complete trust of the couple and act as assistant and herald when Theresa was unable to move.

"Your Highness, be careful along the way!" Facing her high-spirited husband, Teresa warned him again, "Although the situation is generally calm now, there must still be your opponents lurking everywhere, and some people still hate you. It’s deeply rooted in your bones, so don’t take it lightly when you appear in public, and remember that your life belongs not only to you, but also to our mother and son! If you make any mistakes, I absolutely cannot afford the consequences..."

In fact, it stands to reason that Aigron already has a son. With Prince Talleyrand and Marshal Soult both bound to the warship, even if something happens to Aiglon, there is a high probability that he can still be manipulated into a young child. Francois came to power and Theresa became the Queen Mother's regent. But for Theresa, if there is no beloved husband by her side, what is the point of becoming a Queen Mother? She simply could not imagine how she would face the world after losing her husband.

"Don't worry, Teresa, there are so many people protecting me, how could anything happen to me?" Aigron comforted her with a smile, "Besides, your husband is not a weak and incompetent waste. He knows how to protect himself." own life.”

Then, in order to ease the sadness of this parting, he gently touched Teresa's already highly swollen belly.

"My dear, I will hurry up and rush back as soon as possible so that I can welcome the birth of our second child in time!"

"You must keep your word!" Teresa replied in a low voice like a coquettish person. Then, she asked her husband in a low voice, "Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?"

"Actually, I don't have any special requirements for this, but if I have to say it, it would be a daughter." Aigron thought for a moment and then replied, "Now that we have a son, wouldn't it be good to have a daughter as well? ?And she’ll be as cute as you.”

Teresa was amused by Aigron's answer, "Okay, then it's my daughter! I will work hard!"

In fact, deep down in her heart, she also expected that her and His Highness's first two children would be of different genders, so that she could enjoy a different feeling of being a parent.

But just when she was feeling happy about this, she suddenly remembered that His Highness actually already had a daughter.

This thought caused most of her joy to disappear in an instant.

It's not that she resented Aiglon's previous romance, but that she regretted that no matter how hard she tried, she could never share the joy of having her first daughter with His Highness.

But there was no point in worrying about it now. She skillfully hid her displeasure and annoyance at this moment so as not to spoil the scenery.

In this way, she reluctantly said goodbye to her husband. Even when Aigron boarded the carriage, she still waved in place.

It wasn't until the carriage slowly started that she looked away and accepted the reality of being temporarily separated from her husband.

And just when she looked away, she saw a rather special person in the large queue following the carriage.

The reason why I say special is because among the tall men in uniforms, this girl looks so out of place.

The girl was obviously a little nervous. She lowered her head thoughtfully, as if she was feeling guilty about something, and she didn't dare to look at her at all.

Teresa's heart suddenly throbbed.

When she had to endure the trouble of separation from her husband, she would always follow him... This fact alone made it difficult for her to calm down.

What's more, she knew what was going to happen next.

But what else can be said?

Since all this is irreversible, Teresa can only accept the reality helplessly.

Fortunately, Miss Agnes is not the kind of villain who gets carried away. After everything became a foregone conclusion, she did not show off everywhere, but acted extremely low-key, and never asked for any benefits from others because of her special status, so at least Or Teresa can turn a blind eye.

"Turn a blind eye" is the biggest concession she can make.

The two of them did keep their promise and did not go beyond the scope of her sight, but after they left Paris... Teresa didn't want to think about it anymore.

What bothered her the most was not the unsightly sloppiness that was destined to happen. As a member of the royal family, she certainly knew what the princes and grandsons were like. What she really couldn't bear was that her husband's heart was cut away by others. Got a piece.

Maybe piece after piece.

Teresa raised her head and looked at the clear blue sky.

Mom and Dad, you must be blessing me at this moment, hoping that I will become a qualified queen. Unfortunately, you definitely don’t know what you have to pay to play this role well... Although this is the path you have chosen, there are obstacles. It also seems too much.

Thinking of this, Teresa couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart, and then with the help of Chanel,

At this time, Aigron, of course, did not know the mixed feelings in Theresa's heart. On the contrary, he was very satisfied and felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life during this trip.

Through the efforts of him and Teresa, after arriving in Paris, they appeared in various public places in a short period of time, doing charity, giving speeches, attending banquets and dances... as long as they could be cheered by people They have done everything.

And this kind of effort is indeed effective. The lively and energetic image of the young couple is in sharp contrast to the King Charles X not long ago in people's memory, and it easily makes the citizens of Paris satisfied with this - —They gradually believed that under the leadership of this young couple, the country could indeed enter a new era of vitality and become no longer so lifeless.

When Aigron left the palace to leave the city, just as when he came in, many citizens lined the streets on both sides, preparing to watch the Roman king leave the capital for his journey to the provinces.

Aigron kept waving to the people in the carriage, and the people on both sides responded with warm cheers. No matter how the situation changes in the future, at least at this moment, Aigron has indeed won the heart of the capital.

He not only has to win the capital, he also has to win the provinces and win a National Assembly that will fully cooperate with him. Only in this way can he loudly declare his victory and make the whole country hold its breath for his crown. Applause and cheer.

Agnes, who was in the queue, was also among the crowds of people applauding and cheering.

Although she is not interested in politics, from the smiles of the people on both sides, she can feel their recognition of His Majesty the King of Rome at this moment and their expectations for the future - and this is what the people want.

Does Your Majesty really deserve this kind of expectation?

In her mind, she used fragments of memory to try to find answers for herself.

It didn't take long for her to get the answer in her heart.

Although this young man is wandering and often does improper things, his mind, his talents, his tireless action, and his fearlessness in facing marshals and kings all give him a The basis for realizing people’s expectations.

And since she was destined to stay by his side, she should also play some positive role.

Although Agnes obviously knows nothing about "how to govern a country," she believes that kindness, generosity, and justice, these virtues given to kings by God, are always good. She can use her little influence to try to correct his future. behavior will benefit more people.

As for what she personally would gain from it, she didn't care.

Although the pensive girl was among a large group of knights, as a girl she stood out among these grown men, and she quickly attracted the attention of many onlookers.

The girl at this time was wearing a uniform, her long chestnut hair was tied up in a simple single ponytail behind her back, her heroic appearance was also a little inexplicable sad, this beautiful appearance immediately attracted people who liked elegance The young people, some even whistled, teasing Agnes.

However, before Agnes could give any instructions, the spies on both sides of the queue quickly "silenced" these bad guys who dared to "disrupt the order", while others were shocked and whispered to each other. , asking what the background of this girl is, so powerful.

Agnes did not look any further, but focused her gaze on the carriage ahead.

Because she knew that soon these people would know who she really was.

Moreover, they know that their reasons are definitely not because of themselves, but because she has received His Majesty's favor, so no one dares to offend them again.

"But, will I only be remembered for this in my whole life?" she asked herself somewhat unwillingly. "Don't I have anything else worth remembering?"

Then she reluctantly came up with an answer.


All the efforts, the hard work and sweat put in since childhood, the fear and anticipation when fighting the master for the first time, the trembling and excitement when killing the opponent for the first time... all of these are not as good as "Your Majesty's Beloved" in people's hearts. These few words "people" carry a lot of weight.

It was like a mockery of fate.

But now that the matter has come to this, what can be done? She could only bear all this silently. And she had already made the corresponding awakening a long time ago.

Of course, she was not completely unwilling. Deep down in her heart, she also felt a little proud of being loved by others - especially since this person was so extraordinary.

The girl's heart was so chaotic and hesitant. She didn't know where she was going, so she chose to go with the flow and let the person who had the power to control the destiny of others control her destiny.

Maybe, that's not entirely a bad thing? She so comforted herself.

Unknowingly, this huge queue slowly walked out of the core area of ​​Paris, then passed tax cards and wooden fences, and finally arrived in the endless wilderness on the outskirts of Paris.

Aigron looked at the endless fields in front of him, breathing in the warm wind that swept from the wheat fields and was tainted with the smell of plants. For a moment, he felt his heart surge.

He has left Paris and will go to towns one after another to let everyone see himself, let them remember him and support him.

And during this journey, he will never be bored.

"Invite Miss Agnes here." He looked back at the retreating silhouette of Paris, and then ordered the captain of the guard beside him.

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