Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty-one, confused and obsessed

"Invite Miss Agnes over."

Guard Captain Andre took the order and left. He was wondering in his mind whether His Majesty could no longer suppress his long-standing desires after leaving Princess Teresa's sight, so that he was ready to take action so soon?

As the closest person to Aiglon, he also has a deep understanding of the affairs between His Majesty and Miss Agnes. He also knows how much effort His Majesty spent to keep Miss Agnes by his side, and even He didn't hesitate to have a big fight with Teresa.

Now, it has finally come to this point - he even feels a sense of relief in his heart that "as an audience, he has seen the ending."

However, in his opinion, now is not the best time. After all, this place is in the wilderness, and the conditions are too simple to be a place for romance.

However, in front of His Majesty, he could not think or ask too much, so he just bowed and accepted the order and left.

Soon, he passed through the queue, which was not long, and came to Agnes.

"Miss Agnes, your Majesty invites you." He said to the other party respectfully.

Before Agnes could answer, the expressions of the guards nearby changed, but no one dared to laugh or even speak out. They just exchanged ambiguous glances at each other.

But even though everyone's reaction was so subtle, this look still filled Agnes with shame, and her face instantly turned red.

This bastard! She had just left Paris, were she so impatient... She couldn't help cursing in her heart.

Of course, she couldn't curse in front of everyone, so she could only grit her teeth and nod. "I see."

Then, she rode her horse and followed Andre, surpassing the people who were traveling with her, and then came all the way to Aigron's side.

After seeing Agnes, Agron made a gesture, and Andre understood it. He reined in the horse and turned back, asking the following guards to stop.

Following his orders, this huge team quickly stopped and prepared to camp on the spot to rest.

In order not to disturb His Majesty's pleasure, Andre also deliberately kept himself and the guards away from His Majesty and Miss Agnes, and stood guard at a distance.

Just like that, Aigron's side was suddenly emptied out until only one person remained. This was a rare quiet moment since he came to Paris.

Agron looked at Agnes, then dismounted. Then he walked under Agnes's horse and stretched out his hand to her, "Agnes, can you stay with me for a while?"

"Do you still allow me to refuse?" Agnes answered him angrily, then grabbed his hand and turned over to dismount.

"Don't say that, shouldn't we be in a good mood today?" After she also dismounted, Aigron took her hand and said to her with a smile, "We are finally far away from the hustle and bustle of the capital. , came to a quiet place..."

"There will never be peace around you, there will only be endless disputes and intrigues." Agnes replied softly, "And you will still enjoy it."

"It seems that as time goes by, we understand each other better and better." Being contradicted by Agnes, Agron was not angry, but smiled.

Facing the young man's smile, the original shame and anger in Agnes's heart quietly subsided for the most part. However, with her character, she could not say such flattering or coquettish words at such a moment. After hesitating for a moment, he could only choose to remain silent and let the other party hold his hand.

That's all, it's already come to this, let him do whatever he wants.

Aigron didn't say anything more, but took Agnes and walked leisurely in the wilderness.

Although this is countryside, Paris and the surrounding plains are, after all, very mature agricultural areas that have been developed for many years. Flat wheat fields and regular fences can be seen everywhere, and only a small stream runs through it. There was a sea of ​​wheat ears, and then there were patches of woods and grassland dotted in between.

Looking around, you can see a large number of farmhouses and villages not far away. At this time, the villagers probably don't know who this group of people are, so they are naturally very frightened when they see so many uniformed soldiers. Every house has its doors closed, and only the bold ones look out the window to see what's happening on this side.

This pastoral scene, coupled with the clear blue sky and white clouds in the sky, is actually a very poetic picture.

Agron pulled Agnes to the edge of the grove, then leaned under a tree and sat down regardless of the image - since he did this, Agnes had no choice but to sit down with him.

When Agnes was being taken away, her heart beat violently, fearing that this lawless young man would really do such bad things. However, seeing that he did not hide in the woods but pulled her to sit down, although she could not guess what Agnes was doing. Long's intention at the moment, but Agnes finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Aigron observed the magnificent picture in front of him with great interest, and then turned to look at Agnes.

"This is my land, Agnes, I did it! When you saw me in Greece, you certainly wouldn't have thought that today would happen, right?"

At this moment, Aigron's expression changed from his usual deep expression. Instead, he was beaming with joy, just like a student showing off his test scores.

Agnes didn't want to let Agron down, so she nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty, although I thought you were very powerful at first, I never thought that you would really be able to revive in France... I thought you would become a local emperor there... Now it seems that I still underestimated you. .”

"I said, don't call me Your Majesty again when we get along in private." Aiglon patted her cheek gently, as if it was punishment.

Agnes's face felt hot, but she had gradually become accustomed to this kind of intimacy, and it seemed that the "fault" was on her side, so she had to change the title according to the other party's wishes. "Okay, Aeglon."

After correcting the other party slightly, Aigron started his own topic enthusiastically, "Do you remember the first time we were alone? We hunted together there..."

As soon as she said this, Agnes's expression suddenly darkened.

How could she not remember?

It was at that time that the young man said for the first time that he wanted to take her as his own. She was so angry at his shameless declaration that she punched him and left unhappy, but she didn't expect... Destiny turned this declaration into reality.

Maybe, he does have the ability to defeat reality, Agnes sighed in her heart.

As soon as he saw Agnes's reaction, Agron knew that she must have recalled those things, so he continued smoothly, "You really remembered it... Yes, I also always remembered that I was there. I fell in love with you, and then you punched me. Not only did this punch not extinguish my thoughts, but it actually made me miss you even more."

Although she was feeling uneasy now, Agnes couldn't help but be amused.

"You are really strange. You will never forget someone punching you. Do you like others to punch you?"

"If someone else beat him, then he is doomed to be in bad luck, but if it's you, it's different." Aigron replied seriously, "Because you are special, and that kind of real anger comes from you. Strong self-esteem, and this self-esteem combined with your beautiful appearance constitutes your unique charm, which I will never forget..."

"After all, isn't it just because of beauty?" Agnes sneered.

"Of course I don't deny this, but you have to admit that there are many beautiful women in the world, but there is only one Miss Agnes in the world. I like this one, so I have to stay by my side no matter what." Agron said seriously. Looking at the other party, "I am indeed a very arrogant person, and I'm afraid I have never done anything to make you happy, but Agnes, even so, I still want to catch you and keep you here. Around me..."

"You also know that you haven't done many things to make me happy..." Agnes complained softly.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I changed the trajectory of your life, and it was only out of my own wishes... I know what I did." Aigron nodded lightly, and then looked at the girl in front of him. "But I have a lifetime to make up for this mistake, and I will try my best to make you get more things than the trauma you suffer, I promise!"

The two people's faces were very close to each other, and they could already feel the hot breath of each other's breath. This kind of hot breath combined with Agron's words made Agnes' heart beat overload, and even her vision became blurry. Mud up.

"Originally, you didn't give me the right to refuse..." She did not answer Aigron directly, but in this way acquiesced to the relationship between the two of them at the moment.

For most aristocratic ladies, it is not a shocking crime to have an affair or even have an affair with a married man. Being able to climb into the king's bed is an honor they dream of. However, in the view of Agnes, who accepts death, doing so is After all, other people's mistresses are immoral and unseemly—even the mistresses of kings.

Precisely because it was immoral and contrary to her expectations of herself, she didn't want or dare to admit that she was finally happy to accept it. She could only blame everything on excuses such as "forced to do so" and "repaying a favor".

Of course, Aigron was already well aware of her little entanglement. He knew that a girl in this state could not take the initiative to do anything, but she could already passively accept anything.

So he no longer said unnecessary words, but directly reduced the last distance between the two people until their lips touched each other.

By the undisturbed woods, they soon turned into a passionate kiss. Agnes was still a little reserved at first, but as her consciousness gradually became blurred, she also cooperated fiercely.

After all, they had kissed many, many times before, and Agnes was used to this kind of intimacy between lovers.

Of course, there is still the last step that she is not used to yet, but how long can she hold on to this final little distance?

I don't know how long it took for the two of them to wake up from this selfless kiss. Aigron looked at the girl in front of him. The original determination in her eyes had been replaced by confusion, and there was even a little charm of spring love.

There is only one last step left, and she has taken off all her defenses - Aigron thought to himself.

But the closer he got to the completion, the more calm and composed he became.

Although Agnes has been manipulated by him to the point of confusion, even if he forces her, she will not put up any resistance, but it would still be a bit of a disgrace to taste the results of the victory here, covering the sky or going into the woods to attack Agnes. It will never be a good memory for Nisi. Even though she may not be able to care about it at the moment, she will still be upset when she thinks about it in the future.

Aigron didn't want the other party to think that he was just treating her as a plaything to get whatever he wanted.

Although he used many tricks to win Agnes's heart, he didn't just want to satisfy his temporary desires, nor did he want to completely destroy Agnes's spirit.

If it was just to satisfy his sexual desires, there were many women around him who were willing to throw themselves into his arms and seize the opportunity to gain power, so why would he need to put so much thought into it?

Ultimately, he wanted to get along with this girl for a long time, and he didn't want this flower to wither suddenly because of him.

"We will set up camp and rest soon, will you stay with me tonight?" he asked.

As she expected, Agnes's eyes suddenly became sharp, but soon became dim again.

"If you wish...I have no choice but to submit." She finally replied softly.

"Don't think too much, I just want to hold you like this..." Aigron comforted her gently in her ear, "I know you are not ready yet, so I don't want you to give in."

"You?" Agnes was a little surprised, and then her eyes lit up again.

"We are now going to go all the way east. Next we will go to Reims and visit the cathedral there. You know, it was the coronation place of successive French kings - of course I am different. I am ready to be there just like the late emperor. The crowning of Notre Dame, then we'll go to Nancy, then Strasbourg, where we'll be at the border looking out over the Rhine and reminiscing about my first adventure back to France... You Liked Where, Agnes?" Agron asked with a smile.

"Where do you like it?"

Even Agnes could guess the meaning contained in this.

Although the result cannot be changed, it more or less gives herself some choices. When she thinks of this, the girl feels a lot more relieved.

So, how should you choose?

Agnes suddenly became confused.

Where is the farthest?

Originally this was a very simple National Geographic question, but at the moment her mind was a little confused, so she couldn't even think of an answer for a while.

After a moment, she finally thought about it vaguely.

That can only be Strasbourg at the easternmost point of the map.

Although the distance is actually just a matter of a few days earlier and a few days later, due to the mentality of a girl, she instinctively strives for a longer time limit for herself - she can't say why.

"Then Strasbourg, okay?" she asked cautiously, even a little guilty.

Seeing her nervous and ashamed expression, Aigron couldn't help but laugh, "Of course, lovely lady, we have a good journey!"

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