Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty-two, sleep

"Of course, lovely lady, we have a safe trip!"

Seeing that Aiglon agreed to her request so easily, Agnes was secretly relieved.

Although she had made the decision to devote herself to this young man a long time ago, when the matter came to pass, she would inevitably be hesitant and shy. Now it would be just one day if she could delay it for one more day.

After the imminent "crisis" was temporarily relieved, Agnes's attention was finally devoted to other things. Like Agron just now, she also looked at the farm and stream not far away.

This was just an ordinary and ordinary rural scenery, but the vigorous vitality derived from nature easily infected Agnes.

Compared to the crowded and noisy Paris, she really liked this quiet atmosphere.

It would be nice if I lived here in seclusion in the future... I could do what I wanted to do without being disturbed by the outside world.

The girl couldn't help but think about her life when she lived here in the future.

Get up in the morning and practice swordplay, then take a walk in the criss-crossed countryside, take care of your own apple orchard or vineyard, then take your children to have a meal together, read books and learn the piano with them, without having to shoulder any obligations or worries. Being disturbed by the outside world... This seemed to be the happiest life in her eyes.


She subconsciously looked at the young man in front of her.

Although she was still a little reluctant even at this time, she had to admit no matter what, he was indeed a handsome man full of conqueror's temperament. If it were his child, he would definitely be outstanding, regardless of gender. Right? Regardless of appearance or talent, as long as the inheritance is similar to that of the father, it is enough.

Living with children like that and raising them must be the greatest happiness for a mother...

Oops...what was I thinking? Agnes suddenly came to her senses.

She was immediately so ashamed that she hurriedly pretended to look away to cover it up. However, Aiglon's perception was sharp enough and he easily discovered her abnormality.

"What's the matter, Agnes?"

"Nothing..." Agnes was a little flustered and hurriedly made an excuse for herself, "I like the scenery here very much, so I hope to settle here in the future. It is beautiful and clean.

You don’t have to worry about so many troubles anymore. "

"It's you... I'm afraid you are the only one among the princesses who would think so." Aigron couldn't help but laugh, "Well, from now on I will buy a large piece of land here and build a manor for him. You do it!”

"How is this okay...?" Agnes shook her head quickly, "I can't accept such a favor from you for no reason."

"You have served me and have helped me a lot, so what does it mean if I give you some gifts for this?" Aigron replied solemnly, "And you don't have to be embarrassed. Believe me, in all the things I can do, it doesn't matter." Li, this is already very insignificant... If this is all you want, I would like to thank you."

After listening to Aiglon's words, Agnes suddenly fell silent. Originally, she would never be willing to accept favors from others for no reason, but at this time, she could not say no. In a sense, this could be regarded as a dispute between two people. Is it a "token"?

Since he must give it to me, I will accept it.

So she accepted this sudden gift with silence.

Agron also silently remembered this matter in his heart. It is not convenient for him to travel now. He will deal with it when he returns to Paris - this place is very close to Paris and Fontainebleau. If Agnes It is quite suitable to settle down here.

Just as the two people were talking to each other, the sky gradually darkened, and gradually it came to evening. An orange glow gradually appeared in the western sky, making the originally ordinary rural scenery suddenly become more romantic.

At this time, the mayor who had been notified also rushed to Aigron.

When meeting Aiglon, the old mayor was nervous and worried, fearing that he would be negligent and anger the King of Rome. However, he soon discovered that the young man in front of him was extremely easy-going. Instead of putting on the airs of a king, he was He took the initiative to say hello to the mayor and asked about the situation nearby.

After a few minutes of conversation, the mayor finally felt relieved. He warmly invited Aigron and his party to rest in the town and accepted the hospitality of the townspeople. However, considering that the town's reception capacity was really limited, Aigron decided to I didn’t want to give people the impression of mobilizing troops and disturbing the people, so I politely declined the invitation and chose to camp on the spot to rest.

At the same time, other villagers also figured out the true identity of this huge team, so they ran out of the hiding houses one after another and watched around Aigron's guards, and Aigron personally told the villagers They waved and received applause from everyone.

Before nightfall, the villagers finally dispersed, and a simple temporary camp was quickly set up. The tent Aigron lived in was naturally the highest standard, but it only had a simple camp bed inside.

Fortunately, this bed is wider than ordinary ones, which is enough to help Aigron realize his plan.

After a simple wash, Aigron returned to the tent and changed into his pajamas. Then he lay half-ly on the bed and read the book he had brought to pass the time, waiting for the wonderful time to come.

However, time passed by little by little, but the person he was waiting for never came. There was silence around him, except for the occasional croaking of frogs.

After all, she is still too shy, so she still cannot cross the psychological threshold and refuses to come over? Aiglon thought to himself with regret.

If that was the case, he didn't want to force it. After all, he had already come to this point and he didn't want to spoil the fun in the final stage. Anyway, he will still have the opportunity to make this girl further "break through the bottom line", and the result will not change after all.

Just when Aigron was about to turn off the oil lamp and go to sleep, the curtain of the tent suddenly opened slowly.

Then, a beautiful girl appeared in front of Aigron.

Although the light was dim, Aigron was able to see the other party clearly.

She had changed out of the uniform she wore during the day and was now only wearing a thin petticoat underneath. Because it was quite close-fitting, her slender waist and abdomen and the rise of her chest could be clearly seen, and she looked like she had just taken a shower. Her long hair was spread behind her, and she could still feel the wet smell.

When she walked in, a faint fragrance also filled the small tent.

Because of this appearance, the Agnes that Aiglon was familiar with seemed to have disappeared and was replaced by a charming girl.

The scene in front of him was both hazy and intuitively impactful, and Aigron was simply stunned.

"What's wrong? Aigron?" Seeing Aigron's expression, the girl in front of her couldn't help laughing.

Her smile also made Aigron finally come back to his senses.

"It's nothing... Agnes, I'm just stunned. You are so beautiful now, and you are different from usual."

"Which look is better?" Agnes asked.

"Well... I like it all." Aigron said the standard answer without any hesitation, "I am even more grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to see all of you."

"You are really good at coaxing people." Agnes replied with a half-smile.

It can be seen that she has put a lot of thought into tonight, so she is quite satisfied with Aigron's reaction.

And Agron is even happier, because now Agnes can joke and flirt with him. Maybe this is also a kind of mutual learning and growth, right?

No matter how many different traits and personalities she has from her peers, she is still a girl after all, and she pursues the same things deep down.

Of course, this is just the love between two people in private. I guess Agnes would not show this look in front of others... Agron couldn't help but feel even happier when he thought of this.

What man can't help but be fascinated by the feeling that the flowers of the high mountains are blooming only for himself?

However, he didn't think too much because he couldn't ignore the other party at this time.

Although it was already early summer, it was still a little cold at night in the plain wilderness, and the two of them were wearing very thin clothes, so they noticed it quickly.

"It's getting late, let's take a rest, Agnes?" Aigron asked tentatively.

Agnes didn't say anything, but still nodded silently - now that she's here, why does she want to continue to be reserved?

Of course, it's impossible not to be nervous.

"So, are you coming over?" Looking at Agnes who was motionless, Agron asked in a low voice.

He could see that Agnes was already highly nervous at this time, but it didn't matter, there was a first time for everything, and he would let her slowly adapt to this kind of life.

"You should turn off the lights first! Otherwise...otherwise I won't be able to walk." Agnes replied tremblingly.

Aigron knew that she was mentally stretched to the limit at this moment, so he didn't say anything more. Instead, he complied with her request and extinguished the oil lamp on the bedside. Then, the tent suddenly fell into darkness, with only the gap below. Only then can a little bit of starlight and firelight leak out, allowing Aiglon to barely see around him.

At this time, Agnes gained some courage from the darkness. She took a deep breath, and then mustered up the courage to move closer to the young man step by step. Although he was close at hand, for her, But it is tantamount to crossing an abyss.

God, I am so shameless. What on earth am I doing? How could I take the initiative to go to his bed? ... She kept questioning herself in her mind.

However, her body seemed to be controlled by another person. She walked the last distance slowly but without any stagnation, and then lay down on her back.

Of course, the simple camp bed would not provide much comfortable experience, but Agnes could no longer tell whether it was comfortable or not at this time. All her attention had been focused on the people close to her.

The bed was not big, so the two of them inevitably came together, and every touch on the skin bombarded Agnes, whose nerves were highly tense. The continuous bombardment made her dizzy, and she was almost unable to Thinking coherently.

Although both of them were still wearing thin clothes, for Agnes, who had been living a chaste and simple life for more than ten years, this was already the greatest stimulation in her life.

Fortunately, she had gradually become accustomed to being intimate with young people before, and had a "mental buffer" to a certain extent. Otherwise, she might have screamed out desperately...

At this moment, Aigron was definitely not in a calm mood.

Although he was used to this kind of touch, his love for Agnes and the sense of accomplishment of completing his goal of conquest made him extremely satisfied. This sense of satisfaction almost made Agron laugh. He made a sound, but he thoughtfully did not show any smile, but the violent beating of his heart was enough to show his excitement.

Of course, this kind of excitement did not make him choose to break his promise and make more over-the-top actions - for him, this kind of spiritual pleasure was more important and more interesting than the physical one, and he did not Hope cast a shadow over Agnes at this time.

After all, given Agnes's character, since she has already achieved this step, what obstacles are there to the rest? It's just a matter of a few more days or a few days, but he enjoys this green excitement even more.

So, he stretched out his arms and hugged the girl.

"Agnes, shall we rest?"

The close voices and hot breathing made Agnes more and more confused and fascinated. Her mind was blurred, and even though she was still a little uneasy, she had lost the ability - and the will - to resist.

If this young man takes the opportunity to go further, she doesn't know if she can resist anymore, and she can only pray that he sticks to his promise - although this promise may not mean anything.

No matter what, she was now sleeping with a man. Although this violated the morals she cherished, she decided to accept this fate.

Her nose felt sore, but she forced herself not to shed tears.

This is the path you choose, and this is what you have to endure.

And, it’s actually not that uncomfortable.

"Agnes, I love you."

Aigron felt the violent beating of the girl's heart in his arms, so he didn't say anything more to continue stimulating her. He just hugged her and prepared to sleep like this all night.

However, he did not expect that his words would trigger a chemical reaction, causing the girl in his arms to gently bite his chest.

"I...I love you too, you damn bastard." Agnes said softly, "Maybe it's just a joke to you, but I take everything seriously. Unfortunately, my heart is smaller than yours. I just I can hold a person, so I will follow you wholeheartedly and love you... until the day you get tired of everything!"

"Tired? No... I will keep you by my side forever, and you can't run away even if you want!" Aiglon replied.

Then, the two fell asleep hugging each other.

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