Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty-three, saint

Latest website: After the oil lamp was extinguished, Aigron kept his promise and stopped making any unnecessary moves. He hugged the girl in his arms and fell asleep.

Compared to him, Agnes was naturally much more nervous. The muscles on her body were stiff and tense, but because she didn't want to move around and make her situation more embarrassing, she could only bite the bullet and lie there like this. In the young man's arms, he was eagerly looking forward to falling asleep as soon as possible, so that he could relieve his worries.

But the more she wanted to fall asleep, the more she couldn't fall asleep. She could only close her eyes and listen to the sound of breathing close at hand, and it wasn't until late at night that she finally fell asleep.

In his sleep, time passed quietly, and it was not until the sun returned to rule the earth that Aigron woke up leisurely.

When his eyes focused again, he saw the girl in his arms.

At this time, she was so gentle and quiet. There was a faint light through the gaps in the tent, which made her face look a little red, just like an innocent child.

So cute.

His arms were a little sore from the hug all night, but this situation made all the costs seem completely worth it.

Aigron didn't move either. He couldn't bear to ruin this warm and beautiful scene, so he just kept his original posture and quietly waited for the passage of time.

After a while, Agnes finally woke up.

Obviously, she was not used to sleeping with others (especially a man!), so when she woke up, her eyes were first filled with surprise and then flashed with evil aura.

But after seeing clearly who the other party was and recovering her memory, she also noticed her current situation.

In an instant, the murderous girl turned into a pregnant girl. She was embarrassed and ashamed, and she never dared to look at Aigron again.

Watching the whole process of her waking up, Aiglon was simply amused.

"Good morning, Agnes."

Agnes turned her head away and did not say hello to him. It was obvious that she had not recovered from the mental shock at this time.

Aigron was not angry, but kissed her forehead gently, then let go of his embrace, got up from the cot, and put on his clothes.


He thought of a very serious problem - Agnes came to him last night wearing only a close-fitting petticoat. Of course it didn't matter when it was dark, but now in broad daylight, let her appear like this in other people's homes. There was something very wrong in the sight.

It would be extremely inappropriate to let others take Agnes's clothes, so he decided to do it himself.

"I'll get you some clothes, you wait a moment." So he said to Agnes.

Then, he found Agnes' tent, took out her clothes, and then returned to the tent.

"Did anyone see him along the way?" After he came in, Agnes did not get dressed immediately, but asked eagerly.

"I think there should be..." Aiglon replied, "After all, the guards are all around."

"Why aren't you more careful!" Agnes suddenly became anxious, "They will definitely think that we have done something shameful..."

What's so shameful about this? Aiglon thought.

Besides, it has to be done sooner or later anyway, and everyone knows it well along the way - maybe they think that the two of us already have this kind of relationship.

But he was obviously not stupid enough to argue with Agnes on this issue, "I will tell them not to talk too much."

After Agnes vented her anger, she also knew that she had already been regarded as His Majesty's lover by everyone, and there was no point in covering up the situation, so she could only glare at the young man unwillingly and resentfully.

"Please go out! I need to change clothes."

Aiglon bowed gracefully, and then walked out of the tent again to do a simple wash outside. At this time, the world was so vast, and his mood became extremely happy.

After a while, Agnes finally packed herself up and walked out of the tent.

Agron didn't take it seriously at first, but then he found that his guard captain Andre was paying attention to her actions.

As Agron's closest confidant, Andre knew the inside story better than anyone else, so when he saw Agnes acting as usual, he immediately fell into doubts.

Although for noble ladies, wandering is nothing new, but he does not believe that Miss Agnes is that kind of person. She will not easily throw away her precious virginity, so...could it be that His Majesty, who has always been brave, faced the situation last night? Did Miss Agnes "act out of control"?

So, he couldn't help but look at Aiglon with worry.

"What's wrong with you, Andre?" Aigron also noticed something unusual about him.

"Your Majesty, do you need me to find some medicine for you?" Andre whispered to him, "Miss Agnes is very skilled after all, you may not be able to handle it..."

Aigron instantly understood what the other party was thinking, and then he felt dumbfounded.

"What nonsense are you talking about! How could I possibly need that kind of thing!?" He scolded his followers angrily with a straight face.

In order to prevent the other party from doubting his ability, he could only briefly explain his agreement with Agnes to Andre, and only then did Andre clear up his doubts.

This hilarious episode made this journey, which was originally full of joy, even more embarrassing. And then Aigron kept his promise and took Agnes through many small towns and came to Lance.


Since Clovis, the first king of France, was baptized in Reims, successive French kings have been crowned here. Over the millennia, despite the changes, the kings have turned this place into a sacred place for the French feudal system.

This kingdom has experienced disasters, but each disaster not only did not destroy it, but made it stronger, longer, and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As the coronation place of this kingdom, Reims has naturally witnessed its ups and downs in history.

People will never forget that in 1429, the young King Charles VII, Joan of Arc, escorted him to Reims and was crowned king in the cathedral.

Compared with the previous and subsequent coronations, this one is of extraordinary significance - because since the founding of the country, France has never been as close to "subjugation" as that time. Most of the army was annihilated or dispersed, and most of the country fell into With foreign enemies, their lives almost hanging by a thread, most people lost confidence and simply believed that the fall of this dynasty was just around the corner.

However, Charles VII and those around him eventually changed everything.

There has never been any famous king who lacked "talent" like Charles VII. As the youngest son of the king, he was not expected to inherit the throne when he was a child. Therefore, he did not receive enough education, let alone the "courage" to rule a country. ".

Due to luck, his brothers died in infancy and he suddenly became the only legitimate heir to the throne;

However, due to misfortune, his father lost the war with the British and was captured by the British. The Treaty of Troyes signed in 1420 deprived him of the right to inherit the throne and transferred it to King Henry V of England, while his mother Out of disgust for him, he not only recognized the treaty, but also publicly declared that he was an illegitimate son, denying to the world his right to inherit the throne.

The impoverished prince was ridiculed at the end of his life and was on the verge of despair.

What kind of opportunity would it take for a prince so lacking in talent and disrespected to finally turn things around and realize the "revival" of the Capet family?

There is one person who cannot be avoided, and that is Joan of Arc.

It was Joan of Arc who came into being and helped him save the siege of Orleans; it was also Joan of Arc who helped him win battles again and again, causing the British to retreat steadily, thus making him a promising stock again.

The down-and-out prince did not waste the opportunity. After getting some breathing space, he also learned how to control his subordinates, how to raise and use the resources in his hands; he appeased a group of nobles who had taken refuge in him, and then used the three The high-level meeting won over the hearts of the people, and then received "investment" from various forces, and then had his own territory and financial resources, rebuilt a restoration army that belonged only to him, and finally achieved great success.

When Charles VII completed his arduous cause, France finally escaped the nightmare of the kingdom, became completely new, and entered a new era.

However, Joan of Arc herself, after a short period of glory, tragically left the world, as if the meaning of her appearance in the world was to save the prince and the kingdom as a messenger of God, and then left as a meteor.

History always makes some surprising jokes, which is why it seems so tragic and colorful.

When Aigron arrived near Reims, city officials had already received the news and led the garrison and citizens to greet him on the outskirts of the city.

Aigron and his entourage were already accustomed to such grand welcome ceremonies, so Aigron chatted and laughed with the officials skillfully, and kept greeting the onlookers to make people familiar with him.

Of course, for the people of Reims, it was a common occurrence in history for kings to visit this place, so they were not as excited as the townspeople along the way.

However, Aigron played a little "trick" and soon shocked them.

At the end of Aiglon's vast queue, there was a knight wearing a medieval half-armor. Since he was not wearing a helmet, people quickly discovered that this knight was a girl.

The tall white horse is majestic. The horse's head is also covered with armor, and patterns are painted on the armor on its forehead. The girl's armor is also decorated with complicated patterns. There is also a flagpole stuck behind her back, which is fluttering in the wind. Dressed in red, white and blue colored satin, apart from being pretty, the bells and whistles have basically no combat value - but that's enough.

Although there were several male knights also wearing armor behind her, the girl quickly enjoyed everyone's attention. Then people whispered to each other while slowly moving closer to this team of antique knights. Egg Takashi isn't even the center of attention anymore.

Of course, Aigron wouldn't mind if his limelight was overshadowed by others. He was even in the front row, watching with interest the parade that he had planned and created.

"Your Majesty the King of Rome, who is she?" The astonished mayor next to him asked Aiglon.

"She is Joan of Arc, and she went to visit Reims with the King of France." Aigron answered with a smile, making the mayor even more confused.

Of course Aigron's answer was a joke, but the joke spread like wildfire among the whispers of officials and citizens.

Everyone knew it was a joke, but to the people watching, "authenticity" was irrelevant. When they saw such a heroic girl, both men and women, old and young, couldn't help but cheer.

"Joan of Arc!"

And this retro team of knights did not disappoint people's expectations. They reined in their horses and marched forward in an orderly formation. Although they were few in number, they had an invincible momentum.

Although the leading girl is beautiful, her expression is solemn, and combined with the flash of armor, she is so majestic and inaccessible that in the eyes of everyone, it is as if a real saint has arrived.

Facing the crowd of onlookers, the girl did not panic at all. She looked straight ahead and then gently waved the flag in her hand.

Letting Joan of Arc, who was loyal to God and the royal family, wave the tricolor flag representing the Revolution and the Empire was absolutely against the rules and might even be a bit blasphemous, but who cares about this among the people watching at this time?

"It's Joan of Arc!" People burst into cheers and cheers.

Naturally, they also thought of those familiar stories at this time. Maybe hundreds of years ago, when the real saint brought the young King Charles VII to Reims, she was also in such grace!

Different from people in the 21st century, the illiteracy rate of people in this era is extremely high, and most people have only lived their whole lives in their hometown, so their experience is naturally pitiful. Now, this unprecedented performance naturally moved their hearts easily. The mind also achieved the effect Aigron wanted.

Soon, the cheers surrounding the "Saint" became more and more enthusiastic, and more and more people were watching. The originally dull entering ceremony turned into a parade around the city, and the "Saint" followed with other knights. The visiting Roman kings walked around outside the city of Reims together.

Egron has been riding his horse slowly, enjoying the attention and applause of everyone he passed along with the "saint" he made up, connecting "history" and "now" in a wonderful and metaphorical way. .

Of course he is not Charles VII, and the empire is by no means the kingdom of the Capet family, but he hopes to make people realize that the aura that belonged to the Capet family in the past will be grafted onto the Bonaparte family, not only to achieve a change of dynasty in the system , also realizes it in historical memory.

It's a long-term project, but he's at least getting a head start.

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