Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty-four, it's a matter of course

Latest website: The parade carefully prepared by Aigron had the effect he wanted. Citizens of Reims City, young and old, ran out of their homes to watch this unique drama.

There is no doubt that among these citizens, Agnes received even more attention and cheers than Aigron himself - compared with the disputes between revolution and reaction, republic and monarch, dynasty and empire, the beautiful girl is the people The greatest common denominator between them.

What's more, history and legend have already made the image of Joan of Arc deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially in Reims, a place where she left legendary experiences. It has been talked about by people for hundreds of years. When Agnes imitated Who wouldn't be excited when someone shows a similar style?

In short, after seeing the knight parade performed by Agnes and others, people changed their previous calmness and cheered loudly in front of Aigron's team to celebrate the arrival of the next monarch of France.

Amid the warm cheers, Aiglon and his men were welcomed into the city, and then taken to stay at Tau Palace.

The Tau Palace is actually a church and a sanctuary for the archbishop. The mayor arranged for them to stay here, which is also symbolic - because in the ancient times, the kings who came to Reims for their coronation stayed first. In the Tau Palace, and then go to the cathedral for the coronation.

After arriving here, Aigron and his party finally took a breath. Although today's parade received cheers from people, it was also a very strenuous chore. Aigron was okay. The knights wearing half-armor had already It's extremely exhausting.

Among them, Agnes's condition was worse. Although she had exercised since she was a child, she was still a young girl after all. Compared to other guards, she was still slightly inferior in physical fitness. Of course, she was a little overwhelmed at this time.

When the knights arrived at the door of the exquisite Gothic twin-tower building of Tau Palace, they dismounted one after another. The guards nearby came to help them remove the armor and stomach. Aigron walked to Agnes' side and carefully Help her untie her stomach.

Agnes looked a little pale at this time. It was obvious that this cruise was indeed a hard job for her.

Seeing Agnes looking so uncomfortable, Agron couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

In any case, it is not easy for Agnes, as a pampered aristocratic lady in Paris, to be so willing to go out of her way to serve herself.

And during this nationwide tour, she will have to perform many, many similar tour performances. You can imagine the hardships involved.

This kind of loyalty and dedication will always be remembered in his heart.

"Agnes, you worked hard." He said with emotion and couldn't help but hug her. "You did a good job, better than I thought. Did you hear the cheers of the crowd? They cheered for you. The cheers were louder than the cheers for me, which makes me very happy because I am also proud of you, and your efforts are getting the recognition you deserve!"

Agron's words gave Agnes, who was originally tired, an indescribable sense of joy. This feeling of being recognized and regarded as proud was enough to satisfy her.

"I'm fine now, and I'm not that tired..." She shook her head modestly, but her voice was obviously lacking in energy.

"It seems that I haven't exercised too much recently. I have to work harder in the future. After all, there must be many more parades, right? I can't embarrass everyone."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but express her feelings, "Speaking of which, I really admire her! According to records, she once wore armor and rode a horse for many days in a row, which was so amazing."

"She is a saint blessed by God, so of course she is different from ordinary people." Aigron replied with a smile.

According to historical records, Joan of Arc's physical fitness is indeed extremely amazing, even stronger than most men. However, people who saw her at the same time did not describe her as a muscular woman with gnarled muscles, but instead said that she was She is quite feminine, so it is difficult to explain the origin of this strange power. In the end, they can only explain it by God's blessing.

Egron certainly disagreed with this superstitious statement, but it didn't matter.

For him, or for all flanges who love elegance

For Westerners, they only want to believe that Joan of Arc is a beautiful girl with a graceful figure, and other details are no longer important.

After Aiglon helped untie the stomach, Agnes drank the juice prepared for her, then sat on a chair to rest for a while, finally regaining most of her energy.

Aiglon has been sitting next to her. After she almost recovered, he took Agnes's hand and said, "Now that we are all here, why don't we take a walk? Take a look around."

Since Aiglon invited him so kindly, Agnes naturally had no choice but to follow happily, while the others tactfully ran aside to rest so as not to disturb His Majesty's enjoyment.

As a church, Tawu Palace has a beautiful shape, but most of it contains religious items. As Aiglon and Agnes are both young people, they naturally have no interest in these solemn ritual instruments, so they just take a look at them casually. After looking around, the two of them stopped at the same time until they came to the Virgin Chapel on the left side of Tau Palace.

Not because of their deep devotion to the Virgin Mary, but because there is a statue of Joan of Arc in the chapel.

This girl, wearing a helmet on her head, only showing her face but not her hair, made a gesture of folding her hands. She is also wearing armor, and the armor is covered with a robe. The robe is painted with the fleur-de-lis symbolizing the royal family, and behind the statue, a long military flag hangs.

Under the gaze of Agron and Agnes, the girl closed her eyes tightly at this moment, as if she was listening to the teachings from the Father in the most pious attitude, and as if she was praying before the battle. The next moment We must open our eyes and devote ourselves to our motherland.

Is this girl the real Joan of Arc? Not necessarily, because it was carved in the Tau Palace in memory of her long after her death.

[In view of the general environment,

But it is certain that this is the Joan of Arc that people want to see, that is, Joan of Arc in the historical sense.

Some people will be remembered for a long time because they have left indelible deeds. As time goes by, those "personal" things about him will gradually be forgotten and stripped away, and he will gradually become a symbol and become a symbol. A "container" that people use to entrust certain qualities - also known as "deification"

"Joan of Arc" is also a product of this deification. Whenever France faces times of crisis, people will always miss her patriotism, simplicity and piety. This is the historical significance she carries.

In any case, Aigron does have respect for this girl. Anyone who knows her deeds (whether real or fictional) will have deep respect for her. After all, some spirits can transcend national boundaries and let everyone go. Admired.

However, compared to Agron's complex thoughts, Agnes's thoughts are naturally much simpler - she doesn't know much about the past, and it's even less likely to know what will happen "in the future". The Hundred Years War, which once brought France to the brink of destruction, has a profound impact on her. It has become a long time ago, and her impression of Joan of Arc only comes from some oral legends.

But even so, she will be full of respect for Joan of Arc, because the tragic martyrdom of the other party is really regrettable.

After admiring the statue carefully for a while, she made a sign of the cross on her forehead and chest with her fingers, and then whispered a prayer, "May you rest in peace!"

Seeing her paying tribute like this, Aigron also nodded slightly, as if paying tribute to the saint.

"If she really has a spirit in the sky, will she rush towards you from the pedestal with a weapon?" Agnes couldn't help but joke, "After all, you are using her In the name of attracting people's support, she will replace the royal family she once loyal to..."

"I don't deny that I am an enemy of the Bourbon royal family or the Capet family, but is Joan of Arc's allegiance to the royal family really because she is so obsessed with the blood of the Capet family? Not necessarily... this is what she loves The people on the land were ravaged by the catastrophes of war at that time. There were rebels and bandits everywhere. Burning, killing and looting became commonplace, and everyone was in danger. Right.

It was to protect the people that Joan of Arc took up arms and stood up. The reason why she was loyal to the royal family was only because at that time, only the royal family could have the right to call on the people. Aiglon looked at the statue in front of him, and then solemnly replied, "And now, am I not the one who protects the people and helps them live a more prosperous life? I am her spiritual successor. I dare to say , if she were resurrected today, she would abandon the old and decadent Bourbon family and choose to side with me!"

Having said this, he did not forget to turn his attention to the girl next to him, "Just like you."

Agnes was touched by this wonderful reply, so she didn't speak anymore and just looked at Agron quietly.

The statue in front of them, the girl with her eyes closed, seemed to have a shimmer on her face, as if she was also cheering for these words.

——Of course, nothing actually happened, and Aiglon’s words were not meant for a statue.

His remarks were actually to demonstrate the difference in "legitimacy" between the two dynasties. In the ancient feudal dynasties, the king often claimed that he was ordered by God and only had to be responsible to God. His bloodline was his noble blood. Proof; in the new empire, the citizens are the only source of power, and God takes a back seat. Although he has played with many words, at least on this point, Aigron will not be conceited.

"You must remember your words." After a while, Agnes whispered, "As a bystander, I will always watch you in the future. If you are stupid and unreasonable, then I will defeat the tyrant. !」

"Then you have to keep looking at me, and it's best not to leave for a moment." Aiglon replied with a smile, "I will always remember that there is a sword of justice hanging over my head, so that I will not slack off."

At this point, the two people embraced each other in a forgetful way. The entire Chapel of Our Lady was silent, with only the statue in front of them watching all this silently.

Agnes knows that her life has reached a road from which she cannot turn back. There are many things that she is destined to not get, but judging from the current situation, there are enough "things that can be obtained now". It was almost enough to satisfy her.

She originally thought she would be driven crazy by the reality, but after slowly adapting to it, she found that there seemed to be nothing wrong with this chaotic relationship continuing like this.

Her eyes were blurred, and she kept looking at the young man in front of her.

This is her lover and the benefactor that she and her family must obey. He will be the future king and the person who carries the expectations of tens of millions of people.

If you can follow him through this life, it seems to be a good ending.

At least it's better than being burned at the stake?

"Your Majesty, I must be honest with you and cannot hide anything. I am indeed very tired today, but I am also very happy... because I am serving you and participating in your cause. I know that my talents are limited and I cannot I am not able to advise you, nor can I help you manage the country and finance, but I am very happy that I can at least contribute my small strength to you."

Agnes was obviously emotional, so she said to Agron affectionately, "Although I am playing the role of the saint, I am certainly far inferior to Joan of Arc in terms of talent and morality. I have even committed a serious sin against the commandments. I have to play a disgraceful role in your marriage, but even so, I still hope that I can retain some light, so that I don’t have to live in shame and hatred. So, I want to thank you, because of your kindness The words made me feel this hope... By your side, I can still protect the light in the world. Even if it is just a little bit of glory, it is the glory of my life. I will remember everything you just said of."

Agnes's affectionate words made Agron a little stunned.

Could it be that she was suddenly "awakened", and her motivation for staying with him in the future was to "correct" her own behavior and prevent herself from becoming a tyrant?

Rather than saying how bright and moral this is, it is better to say that she found the best reason for herself to convince herself that she regarded this not-so-glorious thing as justice.

A sacrifice of righteousness?

Sacrifice... This is a good word. For this, many things can be settled.

Forget it, as long as she can convince herself, then let her go, it's better than her always struggling with her disgraceful lover's identity.

"Then, Agnes, you'll have more to do from now on." Aiglon nodded solemnly, confirming the private agreement between the two of them.

"As long as you are still the one I can follow, then I will never leave you." Agnes solemnly made a promise, "Even if the saint or even God raises his sword to you, I will still swing it. The one standing in front of you..."

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