Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and forty-nine, mutual assistance

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It was another foggy morning, in the lonely and deserted Leuchtenburg Palace, time seemed to have stopped in the light mist, isolated from the world and forgotten by the world.

The owner of Leuchtenburg Palace, Princess Augusta of Bavaria, arrived at the breakfast table on time as usual. Her young children also gathered around the table obediently and quietly accompanied their mother to dine. There was silence. Although the etiquette was complete, it lacked the warmth that a family should have.

Since the death of the princess's husband, Prince Eugène de Beauharnais, Leuchtenburg has fallen into this semi-stagnant silence. His widow takes care of her children day after day to fill her loneliness. Life.

However, recently, Princess Augusta has a little more way to spend her leisure time - reading newspapers.

Newspapers mean being connected to information from the outside world, and they are also a symbol of "hope for the world." While the princess was reading the newspaper, no one of the children dared to disturb their mother, and they just ate separately.

Time passed slowly, and the princess put down the newspaper. Although she did not speak, her eyes were a little more joyful than usual.

There was only one reason for her secret joy - the Bonaparte family had regained power in France, and her young adopted brother could rebuild the empire and ascend the throne.

As Eugene's widow, she is of course happy to see the young Roman king perform miracles, because this will definitely make her late husband's spirit in heaven gratified; but more importantly, this good news indicates that her children may have a more glorious future. future.

Back then, in order to please Emperor Napoleon, her father accepted a marriage alliance with the Bonaparte family and married her to Prince Eugene, although she was reluctant at first and did not want to marry a "nouveau riche". , but after the marriage, she immediately fell in love with Prince Eugene's upright and simple character, and was very satisfied with the marriage.

The couple lived in harmony and spent more than ten years of married life together. During this period, they experienced ups and downs, witnessed the glory and collapse of Napoleon's empire, and gave birth to several children.

However, the good times did not last long. Prince Eugène died young in 1824, which caused a tragic blow to the princess. In addition to grief, she had to support the family and raise her children one by one.

Due to the special status of Prince Eugène, after the fall of the empire, his title of prince was no longer used. Instead, he could only use the title of Duke of Leuchtenberg (that is, the title of Duke of Leuchtenberg with Eglund). Like the special Duke, who became a low-level German prince), this family is also in the embarrassing situation of "it is considered a royal family, but not quite", so in order to give the children a more glorious future, Princess Augusta is doing her best. .

In order to "maintain the lintel", she married her two daughters to the crown prince of Sweden and the emperor of Brazil. At the same time, she also asked her sons to find ways to marry princesses from various countries. [Historically, her youngest son Maximilian also married the eldest daughter of Tsar Nicholas I, allowing a branch of the Borane family to settle in Russia. 】

When Aigron came to visit Bavaria before, he specially took time to visit his adopted brother's widow, and Princess Augusta and her children also warmly received the young and promising King of Rome.

However, although Augusta admired the young man's demeanor very much at that time, he never imagined that he would be able to rule France in just two years.

As a widow, the princess no longer cared much about anything else. The only thing she couldn't let go of was the future of her children. The return of the King of Rome to power was naturally a great encouragement.

Because they had left a good impression on each other before, she naturally imagined that if her sons ran to find Aiglon, they would definitely be reused by him.

The princess’s two sons, Augustus was born in 1810 and is now just 20 years old, and Maximilian was born in 1817.

She is only 13 years old now, and she has been carefully brought up by her since she was a child. She has the etiquette that a noble should have and is not lacking in knowledge. In the princess's view, as long as she can be supported and cared for by the King of Rome, she will definitely have a bright future in the future, and even become a new person. Maybe he will become the prince of the empire.

Although the Beauharnais family has been cared for by the Bavarian court for so many years, Princess Augusta's idea is not a problem at all to people of this era, but is a common thing among princes and nobles. matter.

For hundreds of years, German princes have been jumping between the French and German courts - for example, the famous Prince Eugen grew up in the court of Louis XIV and even served in the French army for a time. Only later did he join the German Emperor and become the enemy of France.

In this era, nationalism had not completely washed away the entire European continent, and ancient feudal rules still dominated people's consciousness to a large extent. Even if her sons went to France to serve the Roman king, no one would accuse them of betraying Bavaria's interests.

These days, the princess has been secretly calculating and weighing, planning to continue to wait and see the situation. If her adopted brother really stabilizes the situation, then she is ready to contact him secretly.

At this time, Princess Augusta did not know that her adoptive brother had secretly decided to help one of her daughters to become the future queen of the Belgian king, and was still seeking to negotiate with the British. If she knew, I'm afraid she would burst out laughing regardless of her manners...

Just as the princess was thinking secretly at the table, the servant suddenly came over and brought her unexpected news.

"Maria? What is she doing here?" Princess Augusta asked in confusion.

Her sister Maria comes to visit her.

It's no wonder she was confused. Although Princess Augusta and Maria were sisters in name and should be quite close, the actual situation was subtly different.

They were both daughters of the late King Maximilian I, but in fact they had the same father. Maria's mother, Princess Caroline of Baden, was the king's second wife.

Therefore, for Augusta, the relationship between Maria and her was just that of "a certain daughter of her stepmother", and there was not much emotion at all.

Moreover, Princess Augusta was born in 1788, and the two twin sisters Maria and Sophie were born in 1805. There is a huge age gap between the two, and their life circles are completely different. Naturally, they do not have much contact with each other.

The last time Maria visited here, it was when the King of Rome came to visit. There was a little disturbance at that time, which naturally made Princess Augusta even more unfavorable.

However, no matter what, Maria was her sister after all, and she had to follow the proper etiquette, so she quickly collected herself and left the table to receive her troubled sister.

This sister, whom I haven't seen for many days, had obviously dressed up carefully to visit me today. Although she didn't wear too many jewelry, the necklace pendant around her neck was a deep blue gemstone, which made her slender neck look delicate and delicate. He also wore a hat decorated with flowers on his head, which made him look even more charming.

Of course, she is beautiful, but this sister is already very old, she is 25 years old this year.

In this era, royal children were usually married before the age of 20. If a princess was still unmarried by the age of 25, she might remain unmarried for the rest of her life or even become a Buddhist monk to run a monastery.

But judging from this sister's behavior, she doesn't seem to be the type who is interested in serving God. Maybe she wants to wait for a certain king to marry... Princess Augusta thought to herself.

Of course, she didn't want to interfere in other people's lives with this emotionally distant sister, so she just nodded politely to the other person and said, "Maria, you are so radiant today, which makes me very envious."

"I envy you even more, my sister." Maria also changed her past domineering demeanor and saluted her sister respectfully, "You have a happy marriage and children that you are proud of. This may be What I didn’t have the chance to have.”

"Why do you say this? With your conditions, if you want to have these, you can easily have them." Augusta smiled cordially, "I think there are many young people in the courts of various countries for you to choose from. .”

"You are making fun of me. If there are really many, then why am I still staying in our lovely motherland today?" Maria asked with a smile, and then changed the subject, "Speaking of which, I came to see you today. , I have some good news to tell you.”

"What good news?" Augusta asked.

"You should already know that the King of Rome is very successful in France, and it seems that he may become emperor soon." Maria replied.

"I know that." Augusta nodded reservedly, without revealing his feelings. "Then what?"

"You also know that our royal family has received his favor and received the throne of Greece before. My brother the king also has a good relationship with him, so the attitude of our government is to see it happen." Maria said in front of her sister without any scruples Revealing the secret, "What's more, if he really becomes the emperor of the empire in the future, maintaining friendly relations between the two countries will be very important and comfortable for our country's national interests."

"Sounds true, and I support maintaining friendly relations between us." Princess Augusta nodded again, waiting for her sister's next words.

"So you can't stay out of the matter -" Maria looked at her sister and continued with a smile, "You are a relative of the Bonaparte family, and the King of Rome respects you quite a lot. If you are willing to contribute, then it will be a good thing for you." For our country, it’s natural to get twice the result with half the effort, aren’t you right?”

"As a member of our royal family, I am naturally duty-bound when I am needed, so what does His Majesty the King want me to do?" Princess Augusta asked in return.

Seeing her sister's cooperation, Maria stopped delaying and lowered her voice slightly, "According to the information I received, once the King of Rome is crowned emperor, our country plans to send a formal delegation to congratulate it, and here. Before, Brother Wang planned to invite you to come over to celebrate the victory of the King of Rome and ask you to convey our country’s friendship on your behalf.”

After hearing this, Princess Augusta suddenly beamed with joy. She was worried that she didn't have a good enough reason to visit her adopted brother to seek a future for her children. Isn't this an opportunity that has come to her door now?

It is conceivable that if you shoulder the mission of future friendship between the two countries, then you will naturally be more valued by your adoptive brother, and accordingly your children will be looked at more highly.

Just making this trip will benefit both your natal family and your husband's family. It's the best of both worlds.

After a while, Augusta finally suppressed the joy in his heart. "Thank you for the good news you brought me, Maria. As I said, as a member of the royal family, I should serve the royal family and the country. If His Majesty the King needs me to do anything, I will happily do it."

Maria had been observing her sister, and when Augusta said this, she knew that most of her plan had succeeded.

Next is the closing shot.

"To be honest, in order to facilitate this matter, I have been reminding Brother Wang that you have been thinking very hard about your child's future..."

Augusta wasn't angry when her sister exposed her secret, she just smiled.

"Then I really have to thank you. Maria, you did me a favor."

Then, from Maria's tone, she noticed something else.

"Then what do you want me to do for you?" she asked quickly.

"When you and your children go to visit the King of Rome, can you take me with you?" After Maria hesitated for a moment, she went straight to the point, "If you do this, I won't have to ask the King anymore. .”

Although this request was not too harsh, it made Augusta full of doubts again.

"Why? Maria?"

"I haven't been to Paris yet. I heard that it is very prosperous, so I want to go and see it." Maria replied casually, "In life, you should always see more of the world! I want to go shopping and visit galleries, don't you? Do you think it’s interesting?”

Although this reason seemed absurd, it was convincing when spoken by Maria, but Augusta still vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"You are my sister, of course I am happy to help you." Princess Augusta first said polite words to pave the way, and then tactfully expressed her true thoughts, "But this involves state affairs, I'm afraid I can't act arbitrarily. ah……"

"You just did a little work, who will blame you for this? Besides, even if something happens, I just have to take responsibility for it." Seeing her sister's polite refusal, Maria still insisted.

"Why? Maria?" Princess Augusta asked again, this time her expression became much more serious, as if to say, stop being careless.

It's not that she's completely unwilling to help, it's just that the matter is so important that she doesn't want to be deceived, and at least she needs to know the real reason.

Looking at her sister's serious expression, Maria could only shrug her shoulders angrily.

"Well, if I say that I was entrusted by someone, would you believe it? In short, I am asking you to do me a favor..."

"You could be more specific."

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