Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fifty, motivated

"You could be more specific."

As soon as she saw Maria saying this, Princess Augusta knew that there was something else hidden, so she immediately urged her sister to make it clear.

And Maria suddenly fell into hesitation.

After all, her sister is older and knows the ways of the world, so she cannot be coaxed so easily. If she wants the other party to help, she must pay a little price.

So should we say it or not?

After hesitating for a moment, Maria decided to reveal a little more.

After all, Princess Augusta is also an important chess piece in her next plan.

Although she has lived in seclusion for many years, this sister is also the widowed sister-in-law of the King of Rome after all. In front of that guy's accomplices and subordinates, she will definitely be treated with more respect, so it will definitely be more convenient if she is used as a cover for many things. .

What's more, I also need help, and it's impossible for one person to get things done alone.

Therefore, under the pressure of her sister, she finally made up her mind.

"Oh, it seems that nothing can be hidden from your eyes..." She smiled bitterly, and then shrugged, "What I'm going to say next is related to the reputation and future of many people, so please listen to it. Don’t make it public after that.”

"Maria, don't you still know who I am?" Princess Augusta replied calmly, "I have never been interested in gossiping. I just had to ask about the situation because I was asked to do so by you. If you feel that I am not suitable I know, then you can remain silent as long as you don’t drag me in.”

"I know that you have always been trustworthy." Maria still smiled bitterly, and then her expression became serious again. "In this case, let me tell you that it was my unlucky twin sister who asked me to make this journey. She wanted me to visit the King of Rome on her behalf."

"What? Sophie?" Princess Augusta was even more confused now, "Why is this happening? If she wants to contact the King of Rome, why should she go through you?"

"You asked very well." Maria sighed softly, "Then aren't you confused about Sophie's current situation?"

"Her current situation..." Augusta frowned.

Since her husband passed away,

She had always lived in seclusion and seldom communicated with the outside world. How could she care about her half-sister who was married to Austria? But after Maria reminded her, she thought about it carefully for a while, and then she felt something was wrong.

When Sophie first married and moved to Austria, she exchanged letters with her natal family very frequently, and she also lived a very high-profile life in Austria. She could hear some news about her from time to time, but recently she rarely heard about it.

If Maria didn't mention it, she would definitely not care. After all, Sophie has been married for several years, and people will always change. Maybe it's because they are tired of luxury and high-profile.

But when Maria said this, she would inevitably suspect the hidden meaning. "Are you saying that Sophie encountered some kind of trouble that prevented her from contacting the outside world freely?"

Maria nodded slightly. "You are right, and this has been going on for a long time."

Her confirmation shocked Augusta - because there were only a few people in the world who were qualified to restrict Sophie's freedom.

"Did she anger the emperor?" She immediately guessed the correct answer.

But even if she guessed this, she still couldn't figure out why the old emperor targeted her sister like this.

However, just because Maria specifically mentioned the King of Rome, she quickly thought of Aigron. "Could it be that the emperor was angry with her because the Roman king fled?"

"Yes." Maria did not dodge, but directly admitted, "Sophie provided considerable convenience for his escape, although that was not her original intention... so the old emperor took out his anger on her when he was angry. On."

Although her suspicion was confirmed, Princess Augusta was still in shock. She couldn't figure out why her sister would do this, because based on her limited understanding of Sophie, Sophie had no idea about the Bonaparte family. He didn't have much favor, let alone helping the King of Rome escape.

Wait... If there is another reason, it would be understandable.

Princess Augusta had met the visiting King of Rome. This handsome and generous young man could easily win the favor of the noble lady. If Sophie was fascinated by love, everything would be fine. explained……

"You seem to have guessed something?" Seeing the twinkling look in her sister's eyes, Maria asked with a smile.

"Do they have an affair?" In this case, Augusta no longer hesitated, but asked directly.

"Yes, and not only do they have an affair, they also have children." Maria answered calmly.

She said it easily, but Augusta was extremely shocked.

"Oh my God! Are you kidding me?"

"Am I qualified to joke about the future Emperor of France and Empress of Austria?" Maria asked, "Besides, do you think I will slander the reputation of my twin sister secretly?"

Maria's questioning really increased her persuasiveness, and Augusta also felt that she would not make up such a big lie to deceive herself just to go to France - combined with Sophie's current abnormal situation, maybe this is indeed the case. the truth.

As a result, she roughly understood the entire outline of the incident - after Sophie married to Austria, she was tired of her husband with mediocre intelligence and her lonely and boring life, and she also sympathized with the King of Rome, and mostly because of greed. Because of this young man's beauty, he had an affair with the King of Rome and unexpectedly left a child behind.

However, the King of Rome was unwilling to live in seclusion in the palace all his life, so he chose to flee for the sake of his family's career, and Sophie also provided help for this - that's why she was punished so severely and is still restricted to this day. free.

Her guess was actually quite accurate, but what she didn't expect was that Sophie was not that generous at all. She was absolutely unwilling to let her little lover escape. It was just that Aigron had found a way to find another helper.

To be honest, after thinking about all this, Augusta didn't feel much disgust in her heart. After all, although she and her husband were very loving, she was born in the royal family after all, and she was already used to the romantic affairs in the palace. Marrying in a foreign country The princess and the little prince who were actually prisoners made this kind of love more legendary. Sophie even became more like a love martyr, and she easily gained her sympathy.

Of course, sympathy is sympathy, but she will not stand on the opposite side of the emperor because of this.

"If this is really the case, then I think she was punished for a reason." After a while, she finally recovered, and then replied to Maria carefully, "So does she want to question the King of Rome?"

"It's not up to questioning." Maria answered her sister truthfully. "Although Sophie is in a bad situation now, she still misses her old relationship after all, so she doesn't hate him. She knows that he also has his own difficulties. Now she sees She is also happy and proud of the King of Rome's rapid rise, because in a sense, it also means that she has not misjudged the person..."

"That's not wrong." Augusta nodded, "So, she wants you to go over and convey her congratulations and greetings to him, right?"

"Not only these, there are also some things about the child. After all, the child is growing up slowly now. It will be time to receive education in a few years. She can't bear to let the child live in the same world in the future. , so I want to discuss a solution with him. If possible, let the child come to France in the future, so that she can enjoy a bright future - these things cannot be written directly to the King of Rome. Because it would be seen through by others, she wrote to me secretly and asked me to finish these things for her. So sister, you see, she has already fallen into this end. Could it be that I Can you still bear to refuse? I have to go to Paris anyway."

At this critical point, Maria did not lie, but she also hid some information, but Augusta did not doubt that he was there. After all, the love story that Maria had just relayed had already deeply shocked her.

Moreover, as a mother, she really resonated with Sophie's thoughts so much that she became even more determined.

"If that's the case, I can help you, Maria. Thank you for your hard work on this matter. Originally, these things had nothing to do with you, but you bravely took the responsibility, which I admire very much." She nodded again, Finally agreed to my sister's request, "You are indeed twin sisters. You are really worthy of her."

"What can I do...who allowed us to stay together in our mother's arms. I didn't want to take advantage of her when she was prosperous and wealthy, but now that she is down and out, I still want to help." Maria replied with a smile, "Thank you. You, sister, don’t worry, I will be careful in my words and deeds after I go there, and I won’t cause you any trouble.”

Because of Maria's words just now, Augusta's impression of this sister changed greatly at this time. He felt that although she was usually domineering, she still had some true temperament after all, which was much better than the many sweet-talking and sword-loving people in the palace.

"Is that child a boy or a girl? What's his name?" she asked again.

"Her name is Crystal," Maria answered.

"Crystel...well, I hope this unfortunate child will have good luck in the future." Princess Augusta sighed.

After all, it is such a tragic fate to have such noble parents, but to be born with the reputation of an illegitimate daughter.

However, at this time Augusta suddenly thought of another very important issue.

"What role did Princess Teresa play in the deeds of the King of Rome and Sophie?"

"Humph, you definitely wouldn't expect it." Maria snorted coldly, and then continued with undisguised hatred, "When she came to visit you, you must have thought that she was a quiet and elegant woman. In fact, These are just her disguises. She is actually a cunning and vicious person. When she fell in love with His Highness, she deliberately asked her parents to help persuade the old emperor and facilitated her marriage with the King of Rome. She snatched her lover away from my sister; after the King of Rome escaped, she forced her parents to send her out of the country regardless of her reputation, and continued to run to him... She was neither filial nor loyal, she was just a selfish person She's just a self-interested person. If she hadn't ruined the lives of my sister and the King of Rome for her own selfish desires, maybe none of this would have ended up where it is now, and Sophie wouldn't have lived such a miserable life. So I hate her very much. .”

Maria's bad comments about Theresa were naturally mixed with 100% personal subjective color, but in Princess Augusta's view, it was not unreasonable - after all, Theresa did destroy the relationship between the two of them. Romance.

When I thought of this, everything suddenly became clear.

When the King of Rome and his wife came to visit her, Maria came to visit her specially, and then humiliated Teresa in person. She was still a little confused at the time - after all, although Maria was usually arrogant, she had been educated in etiquette, so she should not As for being so tasteless.

Now she understood. It turned out that Maria felt sorry for her twin sister, so she deliberately wanted to humiliate Teresa and vent her anger.

Among the sisters Theresa, Sophie, and Maria, she naturally and subconsciously tended to lean toward the latter.

Although Sophie didn't have a deep relationship with her, she was still her sister after all, with an indelible blood relationship. Princess Teresa was a stranger she had no contact with at all, even though she left behind during her last visit. It made a good impression, but how could the weight be compared with that of my sister?

However, in any case, time has passed now, and the previous romance has turned into dust. Whether Theresa is a good person or a hypocrite, she is already the wife of the King of Rome, and she is destined to be the Queen of France.

"Maria, it's not that I can't understand your feelings, but you have to understand that we can't just act on our whims." So, she reminded Maria, "If the King of Rome becomes the emperor, then Teresa will be the future queen. We can't Conflict with Her Majesty the Queen will not only not help Sophie, but will only cause you extra trouble. Therefore, if you arrive in Paris, you should be more respectful to her and don't do what you did last time - I think, With your intelligence, you should understand this, right? If you can't do it, then I'm sorry that I can't meet your request."

Humph, bow to her? How can it be?

In Maria's view, she was the one who should have enjoyed all this, but everything was cut off by this woman who came out halfway, which put her in such an embarrassing situation. Her hatred for Teresa was definitely no less than Sophie.

But now, of course she knew how to answer her sister.

"Don't worry, I'm already this age, of course I know how to behave, and I will be respectful to her."

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