Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixty, jealousy and close relatives

"Agnes, don't you want your family to get out of its previous predicament and regain its reputation as a famous family?"

Aiglon's rhetorical question just hit Agnes' obsession.

If she had anything to worry about in this world, it would only be her family. Her family had almost gone bankrupt due to the financial crisis. Looking back now, she still had some lingering fears. If she could help her family a little bit and make her family prosperous again, of course she would Very willingly.

"If...if you insist on this idea, then of course I can't refuse." So, after hesitating for a moment, Agnes finally gave in, "It's just that my father's talents and knowledge are limited, and he is in a hurry. He will definitely be in a hurry after being given such a heavy responsibility by you! So I ask you to be more patient and tolerant with him and give him room to learn and adapt. Of course, I will always keep an eye on him and will never Let him do anything to discredit you and disappoint you. Even if it is a family member, I will not show mercy on this matter of principle."

Agnes's serious look made Agron laugh so hard.

In fact, no matter which country it is, when it builds railways on a large scale, it is a treasure trove of gold and silver, let alone the state-owned railway company he envisioned? With such a huge amount of money circulating in their hands, no matter how high or low they are, they must be tempted to take some for themselves.

For this kind of completely unavoidable thing, Aigron will certainly not be too demanding. He only needs the planning and progress of various projects to be carried out according to the plan. Moreover, Duke Nordlyen is not a fool with no merits. Even if he really He would definitely pay attention to his discretion when making money. As long as it was within an acceptable range, he wouldn't mind if the Duke took the opportunity to "rebuild the family business."

But since Agnes is so serious, she must really strictly monitor her father... Then the Duke will have to come to complain to her.

Aigron couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

"Okay, Agnes, let's make an agreement. When we get back, I will find your father and arrange everything."

After he finished speaking, he kissed Agnes's forehead again.

Facing the innocent Agnes, he could always easily control her, but the more he did, the more he liked teasing her. Maybe this was his childlike side.

Although Agnes was a little shy, she was extremely happy at this time. Of course she could also see that His Majesty was trying his best to support and help her family. Although this was not her goal, she saw that he valued her family. , she was naturally very happy.

Because both of them were in a great mood,

Coupled with the beautiful natural scenery in the wilderness, Aigron suddenly became interested again.

"Agnes, do you remember the last time we hunted together?"

Of course Agnes remembered the last time they hunted together in Greece, and it was still vivid in her mind.

At that time, Aigron was suddenly frivolous towards her, and she got angry and punched him hard. Who would have thought that the two of them have done even more embarrassing things countless times now?

Only three short years have passed, but everything seems like a world away. I definitely don't recognize myself now. Maybe this is growth.

Agnes did not let herself be immersed in reminiscences, but nodded slightly. "Of course I remember."

"Then how about we review it again now?" Aigron suggested with a smile.

"It may not be convenient for me now..." Agnes waved her hand. After all, she was wearing a lace skirt and the cuffs were very fluffy. This kind of dress was really not suitable for hunting.

"Then I'll do it alone. How about you cheering me on?" Aigron didn't force it.

Then, he took a flintlock rifle and a bag of bullets from the attendants, and then ordered them to be on guard around them.

The guards dispersed, leaving Agnes alone so as not to disturb His Majesty's mood.

Aigron raised his gun and slowly aimed at the forest not far away.


With the sound of a gunshot, a large flock of birds flew up in the woods.

Then there were continuous gunshots, sometimes hitting and sometimes missing. Unknowingly, Aigron had already killed several prey.

Agnes, on the other hand, followed Aigron quietly. When Aigron hit his prey, she would clap and cheer in amusement, and when he missed the target, she would smile and encourage him. The two of them talked and laughed while hunting. Spent the afternoon happily.

Unknowingly, there seemed to be a tacit understanding between them like a couple.

By the time the group of them returned to the city of Lille, it was already night.

Tonight, at the warm invitation of city officials, the two attended a grand dinner together.

In the brightly lit hall, Agnes seemed to be treated like a "hostess". She was dressed up and wearing the jewelry necklace that was given to her two days ago. This amazing beauty naturally attracted the attention of the audience. Marvel.

However, for her, being noticed and envied by others was not something worth boasting about. She just followed Aigron silently and rarely took the initiative to speak. She would only say a few words when others took the initiative to come over and say hello. words, and he was extremely humble in his words, as if he felt guilty about his status at the moment.

The more she did this, the more she left a good impression on people as a humble, simple and unpretentious person. People came up to say hello to her one after another. Some ladies even took out postcards or silk to ask her to sign a souvenir. .

Because many of these people were local celebrities or their family members, Agnes readily agreed to their requests and kept signing her name on various carriers. In her opinion, this was tantamount to canvassing votes for her lover, so she did it well. Very serious and hardworking.

It wasn't until the climax of the dinner that her hard work finally came to an end - because the dance party had begun.

As the most noble dance partners in the room, Aigron and Agnes naturally took the lead.

Although Agnes is not good at dancing, she is agile after all, and during this period of time, the two of them often attended various banquets and dances when they were on tour, so she gradually developed it, although it is not very good, but Already able to keep up with Aigron's dance steps easily.

The two people danced in the vacant space in the hall. The young people danced with them in pairs of men and women, while others chatted and talked around, staring at the enviable pair in the center.

"I always feel that you are working very hard today, Agnes." Aigron teased with a smile while dancing with his arms around her. "Don't be tired."

"Because I don't want to hand you over to others, haven't you noticed? The ladies next to you are still eyeing you." Agnes also smiled and replied, "Maybe you want me to stop here so that one of them can The lucky guy gets the honor of a lifetime?”

Although she said it with a smile, there was lingering vigilance in her eyes, and her hand was held tightly. It was obvious that she was not joking.

It turns out that she can be jealous too...

Jealousy means valuing. If she doesn't care about herself, why should she care about who she dances with? Egron certainly knew this.

However, he suddenly recalled that when Agnes and Alice sneaked across the border to visit him in Switzerland, he had planned to dance with Agnes, but was forcefully stopped by Theresa.

History seems to repeat itself.

No, it’s not so much a repetition, but rather, “love” is connected.

Under her strong persistence, Teresa finally chose to give in. So how will Agnes react when history repeats itself? Suddenly he felt curious.

But he soon discovered that this didn't seem to be what he should think about on this occasion, and he didn't have time to think about it anymore.

"How is that possible! Although they are all beautiful, they are not even half as good as you." Of course Aigron would not give any other answer. "Besides, I don't want anyone else to hold your hand and dance. I'd rather hold you like this all the time... So let's compete to see who can't hold it up first!"

"I won't lose!" Agnes seemed to be interested and looked at him stubbornly.

Then, the two people did what they said. When every dance music played, they kept dancing and participated in it as if no one else was around, while others looked at them with admiration. They both had a sense of beauty and strength at the same time. dance and cheer for them from time to time.

Since the two were almost evenly matched, they almost lost their strength in the end and both were defeated. It was only then that they were freed from this indulgent entertainment.

In the midst of exhaustion and joy, they looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

And the deeds of the two of them during their stay in Lille will become a legend that will be passed down forever and be talked about by the locals.


While Agron and Agnes were dancing in the banquet hall, Theresa, who was far away in Paris, finally welcomed the guests she had been waiting for.

After receiving the news that Austria wanted to send her brother Albrecht to visit her, Theresa immediately found Prince Talleyrand and hoped that he would accommodate her.

Faced with such a request, Talleyrand certainly would not be embarrassed. He immediately obtained the entry permit for Prince Albrecht and others as quickly as possible.

After receiving permission, this small delegation that was ready to go immediately set off, passed through the territories of several German states and finally entered France, and then came to Paris non-stop.

After they arrived in Paris, Teresa almost couldn't wait to summon her brother to the Tuileries Palace to see her long-lost relatives.

Three years have passed since she ran out of the country and found Aigron. During these three years, Teresa almost never saw her relatives again. Only when she followed Aigron into Switzerland secretly, she went home briefly and I stayed for a short time, but it has been more than a year.

Although before she made up her mind, she already knew that this was the price she had to pay for her decision, but it was still a pain for Theresa, who had loved her family since she was a child.

Now, this pain can finally be alleviated.

Under the guidance of the attendants, the young prince was brought to Theresa.

Theresa looked carefully at her eldest brother.

Today, Prince Albrecht is over 16 years old and has become a little adult. The soft outlines he had in childhood have become a bit harder now, and there is a thin beard above his lips. Although his face is He still looked a little immature, but there was already a bit of royal majesty in his eyes.

And his height has grown a lot after being away for more than a year. He is now as tall as his sister. It is obvious that he will become a tall and handsome young man in a while.

According to the tradition of the Habsburg royal family, he was sent to the military school for education, so he wore the military uniform of a cadet. He did not wear any medals on the simple military uniform, but no one would doubt that the prince would be the heir to Archduke Karl in the future. , will definitely become the commander-in-chief of the army, commanding thousands of troops.

"Abbott!" After carefully looking at her brother, Teresa shouted his nickname excitedly, and then hugged her brother to vent her joy.

She was originally calm and calm, but these days, while she was pregnant with Liujia, she had to deal with Prince Talleyrand and a group of celebrities and dignitaries, which accumulated a lot of mental pressure. At this time, she finally saw her closest relatives, her The pressure was released all of a sudden, so it seemed completely different from before.

"My sister..." Prince Albrecht was also very excited, but after all, he knew that his sister was pregnant, so he just hugged her gently, and then helped her sit on the sofa together.

"It's great to see you... It's a pity that mom and dad can't come over!" Teresa sighed softly, but she didn't complain too much about this unchangeable thing, "Are they okay?"

"They are all fine, and their lives are as peaceful as ever. They have nothing to worry about except you," the prince replied.

"I made them worry..." A trace of shame flashed in Theresa's eyes, "Well, originally I wanted to rest, but now I have too many things to do, and I am the only one left in Paris, so Even if I wanted to rest, I wouldn’t have the chance..."

"That's what I say, but I hope you will take more care of your body. Giving birth is a terrible experience." The prince persuaded his sister.

"Hmph, you are obviously still a child, but you have learned to talk like adults." Teresa glared at her brother, "After I left, did you do anything naughty and cause trouble to your parents?"

When it comes to "causing trouble" for parents, there is no one better than you... the prince thought to himself. But of course he didn't dare to talk to his sister like that.

"How dare you? We all work hard to complete our studies seriously. It's not like you haven't experienced dad's strictness."

The two siblings chatted happily, but after a while, the prince's expression suddenly became a little strange.

"What's the matter, brother?" Teresa asked.

"It's nothing..." Albrecht shook his head, but there was still a little hesitation on his face.

After a moment, he couldn't help but ask, "Who is...that Miss Agnes? I saw this person in the newspaper after I came to France."

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