Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixty-one, propriety

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"Who is that...that Miss Agnes? I saw this person in the newspaper after I came to France."

After entering the border line, in this era without trains, Prince Albrecht and his party naturally had to stop and rest for a few days. Along the way, out of the novelty of traveling abroad for the first time, the prince naturally admired the various places along the way. The local customs and customs, and also collect newspapers to read to entertain the time on the road.

However, he was shocked as soon as he saw the newspaper, because the newspaper published a large amount of news about the Roman King's tours in various places. However, the focus of these reports was not the celebrations in various places to receive the Roman King or the activities where the Roman King had fun with the people. But it was Miss Agnes de Nordlyen who was accompanying him.

In the series of reports, Miss Agnes's origins and various deeds have been exposed so thoroughly that the prince is familiar with them.

This was of course difficult for the prince to accept, and he felt deeply unfair for his sister.

In fact, Prince Albrecht has always admired Aigron in his heart. When the marriage was in the process of being planned, Aigron had visited Teresa's house many times. The young prince at that time was attracted by Aigron. Impressed by Long's swordsmanship and grace, he not only hoped that their marriage would come true, but even regarded him as an eldest brother in his heart.

Aiglon's escape was a great shock to him, but compared to Archduke Karl's resentment, he felt that this was what the King of Rome should pursue, so he was not that angry in his heart, but felt sorry for his sister's experience.

Later, my sister insisted on fulfilling the engagement, and relied on her stubbornness to finally make her parents give in, and then came to the King of Rome to get married. This was a legend that was staged in front of his eyes. As a member of the royal family, he was even more impressed by it. .

Now, my brother-in-law and sister are about to become the supreme rulers of France, and my sister will also become the most powerful woman in Europe. What an honor is this? He also secretly cheered for it.

However, the originally colorful legendary story was dimmed by the gossip in the newspapers. He was shocked to find that his proud brother-in-law actually had another lover, and he took her lover around without any scruples, in a high-profile manner. Show up.

It's not that Albrecht couldn't accept the reality that his brother-in-law had another lover. After all, as a member of the royal family, he had long been accustomed to all kinds of affairs in the palace. It was very "normal" for his brother-in-law, who was about to become a king, to have a lover. matter.

However, he still felt that his brother-in-law had gone too far.

Even if you like romance, even if it is a historical tradition for kings to have mistresses, and even if no one will hold you accountable for it, there is no need for you to be so high-profile, right? Where do you put my sister?

Because of this resentment in his heart, and because he was young and energetic, he couldn't pretend to be indifferent in front of his sister, so he simply asked her directly.

And his question made Teresa's original joyful mood disappear, and the smile on her face became heavier.

"Really? Has there been news about her in the newspapers? I am in the palace and have limited mobility. I can only read official briefings every day, so I don't know much about this kind of thing."

"To be precise, it should be said that the newspapers have been reporting on her." Albrecht replied softly, "And it seems that they are indeed very close."

Teresa frowned and wanted to say something, but after a moment, she just sighed softly, "Now that you know everything, what else do you ask? Yes, they are indeed lovers. The relationship, and this relationship lasted for a long time, as far as I know, they had already had an affair with each other when His Highness just escaped from Austria."

From Agnes's perspective, she and Agron came together "purely by chance." Even when they were in Greece, she never thought of being the lover of the King of Rome; but from Teresa's perspective,

The situation was completely different. In her opinion, Miss Agnes had been deliberately approaching His Highness under the instigation of her family. As soon as His Highness escaped from Austria and hid in Switzerland, they took the initiative to pick him up. Therefore, becoming His Highness's mistress is also the result of the family's deliberate operation - although Miss Agnes herself does not seem to have so many conspiracies, she is also willing to be a pawn.

It is precisely because of the gap in information and perspectives between the two sides that they have come to oppose each other due to a combination of circumstances. It may take a long time and some kind of opportunity for all these misunderstandings and mistakes to be solved. , and what will happen then?

"Have you acquiesced in this matter?" From his sister's helpless tone, the prince seemed to understand something.

"Yes, I quarreled with His Highness several times at first. I wanted to keep them away from each other, but he seemed to be fascinated and refused to let go, and even fell out with me. Then I thought about it carefully. , I think our husband and wife should not break up like this, so I acquiesced to this result." Teresa replied with a wry smile. "Does Dad know about this now?"

"I don't know yet, and I haven't written to my parents to tell them, but since French newspapers have already reported it one after another, how could they not know? I'm afraid it's only a matter of time." The prince answered.

The two siblings suddenly fell into a brief silence.

Of course Theresa was not as calm and calm as she appeared on the surface. In fact, in her heart, making such a big concession was equivalent to cutting out a piece of her most cherished treasure and giving it to others. How could she not feel uncomfortable? But now that it's a done deal, she can only accept the reality and pretend that none of this happened - as long as it doesn't happen in front of her eyes.

She didn't want to vomit her bitterness in front of her brother, because she knew that it would be completely impossible to solve the problem, but would intensify the conflict. She was about to become the queen of France, but her brother was a Habsburg prince. If his brother had to fight for this matter, If he caused trouble, not only would he not be able to gain sympathy from the French, but it would actually make them feel disgusted and think that the prince was causing trouble, which would lower their opinion of Teresa.

Therefore, she could only pretend to be nonchalant in front of her brother - her family couldn't help with this kind of thing, so she had to solve it on her own.

And Albrecht also knew that now that it was a done deal, even if his parents knew about it, they could only sigh and curse his son-in-law secretly, and they could only do nothing to help his sister.

After all, a married daughter is like water thrown out. This principle can be applied in any era or place.

Moreover, according to the customs and standards of this era, the most they can do is blame the son-in-law for not being low-key enough. They can't come out and scold the son-in-law for being ignorant and ungrateful, right? This will only make their family even more shameless, and they will be ridiculed as small-bellied chickens.

Although monogamy has been practiced in Europe for more than 20 centuries since Roman times, kings have never had the obligation to be loyal to their wives. This has been the case since ancient times, and people have unlimited tolerance for this. , no one would think anything was wrong - the newspaper reports about the two people are clear evidence of this.

A loving, harmonious, happy family like Archduke Karl and his wife are quite rare among royal families in various countries.

The prince also knew the reality of the situation, so he did not want to ask his brother-in-law to be loyal only to his wife, but he felt that at the very least, his sister could not be publicly robbed of the spotlight by others. This would be too much, and it would be too much for him to do. My sister feels worthless.

"At least we should let her know some sense of propriety...? Now the outside world only pays attention to their nationwide tour, making her seem like a queen. Is this ridiculous? I think you should take care of it, sister." The prince muttered softly. , "There are some things she shouldn't touch."

"Abbott, thank you for your concern, I will take care of this matter." After a moment of silence, Teresa finally spoke again, "As you can see, I am pregnant and cannot move around now, so I asked Miss Agnes to help His Highness patrol on my behalf to gain support from the people. Judging from the current situation, she has done a pretty good job, which is very beneficial to His Highness and me... In this kind of situation Under the circumstances, what reason do I have to scold her? It will only make me look small-minded, and I don’t want to become a laughing stock in other people’s eyes. So, let’s leave it as it is, and wait until they come back to discuss everything. Your Highness and I will We are a couple, and no one can steal my spotlight. If I worry about this all day long, then I will be too incompetent..."

"Even if she has this role, isn't it too high-profile?" Although his sister patiently explained, the young prince still felt a little unhappy. "The reports about her now are as if she is a queen. The newspapers It is full of complimentary words... The more I read, the more angry I get. These are obviously the treatments you deserve, and only you deserve them. How come she dares to accept them calmly? She is so disrespectful!"

"What can the newspaper say for the sake of sales? It's not something she can control. From what I know about her, she doesn't like to be in the limelight, and she won't take the initiative to show off her status to the outside world." Theresa's reaction was Very calm, "When they come back, things will calm down, and you don't have to worry too much."

When his sister said this, Albrecht was a little discouraged.

He grew up with his sister, so he naturally knew his sister's character very well. He knew that although his sister usually had a good temper, she was actually a very stubborn person at heart. She insisted on marrying the King of Rome after he fled Austria. She even risked her life to force her father to make concessions, which is a concentrated expression of her character.

His sister's current generosity and calmness were completely different from the reaction he expected, and it also made him lose the reason to pursue further.

Of course, instead of resenting the fact that "brother-in-law actually has a mistress", he was more resentful that Miss Agnes could actually steal the limelight from his sister, leaving the two people who were the most suitable in his mind to be tarnished.

"Do you really think this is good?" He couldn't help but ask again, "In other words, what if nothing has changed after returning to Paris, and people continue to pursue the mistress but leave you alone? What to do? Is everything you have done for His Highness not worth the flirting of a woman who appears out of nowhere? "

"Abbott, you're asking too many questions." Teresa frowned, "This is a family matter between His Highness and I. Although you are my biological brother, you shouldn't say more. I understand. Really? If you say any more, you will be trying to sow discord between me and His Highness!"

After scolding her brother, she changed the topic again, "I believe she will understand what is good and what is bad. Of course, I may also admit the wrong person. Maybe the situation will be worse than I imagined, then I will respond accordingly, There’s no point in worrying about it now.”

Then, before her brother could speak again, she gave the prince another look, signaling him to end this unpleasant topic.

Although the words were harsh, it was for the sake of her younger brother. Although she was not much older than her younger brother, she had been practicing for a long time. She knew what was appropriate, and she did not want her younger brother to be involved in the turmoil - she had to resolve her own affairs. That's it, no need to bother your family anymore.

"You can stay in Paris during this period. I will ask Prince Talleyrand to make it easier for you. You can enjoy yourself here and no one will disturb you." Theresa changed the subject. "However, you must keep a low profile and remember not to cause any disputes with others. Although you are my brother, you are still a foreigner in the eyes of the French. Once something happens, you will not only get into trouble, but also It will also put me at a disadvantage in terms of public opinion, do you understand?"

"I know, sister. Don't worry, I will never cause you any trouble. My father also told me before I left. If I dare to discredit you, I will be locked up for a year after I return." Albrecht answered quickly. "I'll just treat this time as a trip. Anyway, there are enough novel things for me to be interested in for a long time."

Then, both of them deliberately avoided the unpleasant topic and began to chat about some household matters and some interesting things that happened in Austria after Theresa left. After the daily chat continued for a while, Theresa finally lost her energy. , so he was ready to rest, and Prince Albrecht resigned to his sister knowingly.

However, although he avoided talking about it, the young and energetic prince was actually still entangled and grievances about what had just happened.

His sister has always been a representative of perfect women in his eyes. Even if her noble royal status is put aside, her character, talent and intelligence make her the best among her peers and the grandson of kings and grandsons from all over the world. It would be a lifetime honor for any young master to marry her. Who is that Miss Agnes who dares to compete with her sister?

The princess has a very noble status in the eyes of others, but in his opinion, she is just a servant. Since a servant dares to compete with his master?

Because he was extremely angry about this, he didn't want to turn a blind eye to it like his sister said.

When they come back, he must kill this woman's majesty and make her understand what it means to be measured.

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