Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and sixty-two, family affection and support

After receiving her brother, Teresa felt extremely tired. On the one hand, her energy was really limited now, and she would get tired easily if she couldn't handle many things in a day. On the other hand, the news her brother brought to her made her suffer a huge mental burden. blow.

During this period of time, although Prince Talleyrand had reported news to her every day, they were all official briefings and summaries, and he would not show her private newspapers at all, so although she knew that Agnes would inevitably accompany Agron on the tour. It would arouse the attention of the outside world, but I didn't expect that it would attract such attention.

If you think about it carefully, given Agnes's personal qualities, it is not unusual to receive such treatment. It can only be said to be expected.

But even though it was expected, she still felt a little pain in her heart.

Because, as my brother said, those are things that should be enjoyed by her and only by her. This is a transgression, even offensive.

She couldn't lose her temper in front of her brother, but in her heart, wasn't she aggrieved?

However, now that the deal is done, even if she feels unhappy, this is the result of her promise. She doesn't want to regret it, so she can only swallow this bitter drink.

However, she has made up her mind that if there is a similar nationwide tour in the future, she will never let anyone except herself enjoy this kind of treatment, and it will be useless for anyone to raise conditions.

Full of resentment and entanglement, as well as the loneliness of having to stay alone in the empty room without her husband, Teresa kept tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, until she finally fell asleep in the middle of the night.

The next day, Teresa received news of the arrival of another wave of guests-Princess Augusta of Bavaria and her party also came to Paris.

Since the departure time was almost the same, the two groups of people came almost in front of each other.

In terms of biological relationship, Princess Augusta is the widow of Prince Eugène and the adopted sister-in-law of Aiglon and Theresa. She is much older and can be regarded as half an elder, so Theresa Naturally, he did not dare to neglect. As soon as the princess and her entourage arrived in Paris, he summoned them to the Tuileries Palace to meet him.

Princess Augusta did not come alone. She also brought her two sons-20-year-old Augusta and 14-year-old Maximilian. Obviously, she not only came to congratulate her adopted brother on his victory. , and also want to find a future for their sons.

The princess and her two sons were soon brought before Theresa.

Because Theresa had visited Bavaria with Eggron before,

He also met Princess Auguste, so the two of them didn't seem unfamiliar when they met, and the atmosphere was cordial and relaxed.

"Your Highness, I am very happy that you can come all the way to see us at this time. For us, there is nothing more important than the bond between relatives. It is a pity that my husband is not in Paris now, otherwise he would definitely You will be happier than me." Teresa greeted the other party with a smile.

"You are too polite. We took the liberty to come when you are so busy. I was afraid of delaying your important event." Princess August also smiled and said polite words, "I am very happy at this moment, fate is still favoring me after all. You and your wife, I believe that when you ascend the throne, my deceased husband’s spirit in heaven will also be moved to tears!”

"In our hearts, Prince Eugene has always been the one we learn from and respect. In order to live up to his spirit in heaven, we will always use our power carefully so that our empire can continue."

"Yes, I also hope that your happiness can last forever!" Princess Augusta couldn't help but sigh with emotion when she thought of all the great changes that had happened before.

She had witnessed the peak of Napoleon's career, and she herself was a proof of this "peak" - if it weren't for Napoleon's rapid rise, as the eldest princess of Bavaria, she would have been an unknown European Jeanne de Beauharnais would never marry in ten lifetimes.

At the peak of that emperor's career, more than 100 million Europeans became his subjects or subjects of vassal states. This was an unprecedented first time in European history. Who could have imagined that in just a few years, After that, will all this melt into the sunshine like dew?

Things in the world are unpredictable, and she has witnessed everything completely.

Princess Augusta did not sigh for long. After all, people can only live in the present. Now that her adopted brother has risen again, he can naturally become a new "investment" object. For the future of her children, she is also necessary Become friendly with the couple.

"Last time you came here, I introduced my children to you, but this time please allow me to introduce them to you again-" A smile appeared on her face, and then she put her two sons behind her. Augustus and Maximilian pulled in front of Theresa, and then solemnly introduced each other again.

Although the two children are not very young, especially the eldest son August, who is already 20 years old this year and is even slightly older than Theresa, they still behave respectfully in front of Theresa and completely respect her. She was treated as an elder and a future queen.

Before coming, Princess August had already given many instructions to her two sons, asking them to show due respect when meeting the Agrons. If you don't move around, there won't be much family affection left. Only by correcting your attitude can you hope to get their support.

And Teresa was very clear about Princess Augusta's intentions.

Of course, she would not be angry at the other party's intentions. After all, it is natural for a mother to consider her children. If she were to change places, Teresa herself would come over to get closer to her relatives, even if it was just for some trivial things. Hopefully she'll give it a try too.

Moreover, although Aiglon and she have returned to Paris, they are still alone after all and need trustworthy people to help them. The relatives of the Bonaparte family are too ambitious, but the relatives of the Beauharnais family are just right. It's just right, he is capable, and as a person with a foreign surname, he doesn't have too many demands.

Therefore, she also put on a very friendly and friendly attitude when facing these two "nephews".

The two young men were naturally flattered by Teresa's hospitality. They had grown up under their mother's strict education, and naturally had no problems with their knowledge and etiquette. Moreover, because of their relatively "delicate" social status, their The social circle is also relatively narrow, and I am quite sensitive to this in my heart. They were naturally very happy to see Theresa, a Habsburg princess and future Queen of France, so kind and gentle.

"You have very outstanding children. I envy you very much, Your Highness. I believe that Prince Eugene will be very happy in heaven." After greetings for a moment, Teresa looked at Princess Auguste again. "Since Aigron has not returned yet, you can live in Paris. I think he will have a lot to say to you."

When she said this, she specifically added, "Moreover, Aiglon needs help from others now. If the two highnesses are interested in giving him some help, he will be grateful. In my opinion, , it would be best for them to stay in Paris. I believe that such outstanding children will have a great future in the future. What do you think?"

Hearing Teresa say this, Princess Augusta was quite moved and almost cried.

As a widow, all her thoughts were devoted to her children, and their future was also her hope for the future. Of course she was willing to ask for help for the sake of her children.

She didn't expect that before she asked for help, Teresa took the initiative to ask for help. With her intelligence, she could certainly see that Teresa was trying to save face for her, and she used a different way to express her willingness to support her in a tactful way. These two brothers.

Most people in high positions are strict and harsh, and there is not much affection between relatives. However, Princess Teresa can do things in such a polite and courteous manner, which naturally makes Princess Augusta grateful.

"Of course, if my sons can be of some help to you and your wife, that will be enough to make my late husband and I happy." She nodded and agreed.

While being moved, she couldn't help but doubt Maria's previous attacks on Teresa. Now there was no way she could believe that the gentle, considerate and magnanimous Princess Teresa in front of her could be as ruthless and ruthless as her sister said. She felt there must be something fishy about selfish and mean people.

However, it seems that it is too late to regret now - because she could not resist Princess Maria's request before, she asked her sister to mix with their group and come to Paris together.

Although she didn't know what Maria wanted to do, she still vaguely felt that something was inappropriate.

However, it was all settled now, and she had no way to tell such a thing directly in front of Teresa.

So now she can only hope that nothing big will happen, so as not to embarrass herself.

Teresa didn't know what the sister-in-law was thinking. At this time, after politely receiving the other party's family, she felt that she had almost done it. In addition, she had other things to deal with, so she After a while of pleasantries, he hinted to the other party that the interview could be over.

"Before you came, I had already asked someone to find a place for you in Paris." Teresa said politely, "You have been to Paris many times before, but they were all 20 years ago, and your The children have never been here, so I think this city will definitely bring you a lot of novel experiences. Before His Highness comes back, you might as well have a good time..."

Logically speaking, it would be best to put them in the Tuileries Palace, but Teresa is not the nominal owner of the palace yet, and Prince Talleyrand and his staff are still here, so it is not convenient to put them there. Outsiders came in; and living in the palace was surrounded by guards, which made it inconvenient for the family to travel, so Theresa simply let them live outside.

Originally, Prince Eugène still had an old residence in Paris, but as time has changed, the residence has either changed owners or been split up. The grand and exquisite buildings carefully built by dignitaries in the imperial era have always been It is a favorite among builders. Since it is difficult to find a buyer for the whole purchase, they often tear down these precious materials and build houses everywhere.

Therefore, she could only ask someone to find another residence for the princess and her family.

But it was not difficult for Teresa at the moment. Soon the steward rented her a large villa on the Champs Elysées, which was worthy enough for a foreign prince to live in - as for the rent , it is just hanging on the accounts of the palace office, without Princess Augusta having to worry about it.

Since Theresa said this, Princess Augusta naturally knew that she should leave, so she thanked Theresa humbly, and then left the palace with her sons.

For her, the next thing to do is to wait and see. If the Agrons really ascend to the throne as they wish, then their family will participate in their coronation ceremony as relatives and let their sons stay in the palace to support the couple. For service, she can just go home alone.

As a mother, she was of course reluctant to say goodbye to her sons who depended on each other for their lives, but this was a precious opportunity to re-glorify the Beauharnais family. The spirit of her deceased husband was probably very happy to see her sons continue to serve the heirs of the Bonaparte family. , so she had to endure the pain - anyway, she could visit relatives from time to time to meet her sons.

All this has been planned in her plan, and her sons have been warned many times by her. She believes that nothing will go wrong, but now she is worried about another thing.

Under the guidance of the steward, Augusta and his party were taken to a villa on the Champs Elysées near the Louvre. Paris is now a place where princes and nobles from all over the world hang out, and her neighbors include many foreigners. However, she has no intention of saying hello to her neighbors. She just lives in this villa with her children and servants in a low-key manner.

After sending away the stewards of the palace, she dismissed her sons, and then called a maid to her side.

"Maria, are you satisfied now?" Then she asked her sister with a straight face.

That's right, Maria did not disclose her identity this time and enter France with her through official channels. Instead, she pretended to be her sister's maid. It was impossible for any official to dare to carefully inspect Princess Augusta's entourage when entering France, so She succeeded easily and entered Paris without anyone noticing.

"Thank you, my sister, I am very satisfied." Maria showed a grateful smile, and then tried to hug her sister.

Princess Augusta shook her head slightly, and then made a gesture to stop her sister's actions.

Then, she looked at Maria seriously and warned her, "Maria, I know that you have been willful since you were a child. As a sister, I have the obligation to tolerate you, but accordingly, you must also respect me. I don't know what you are fighting for. Idea, but for my sake, please don't cause any trouble. This is very important to me and my children. If you still have some family affection, you must listen to what I say."

"I understand, sister." Maria assured her sister again, "Don't worry, I will never make it difficult for you."

"If that's the case, that's fine." Princess Augusta nodded, but added uneasily, "If you treat your promise rashly, then not only will I not forgive you, but your brother will also not forgive you." Not yours - this is related to the interests of our country, remember."

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