Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seventy, both soft and hard

Latest website: "Mr. Durene, then I also have a gift for you."

After hearing Aigron's words, the big factory owner immediately held his breath and waited for his "reward".

As the largest factory owner and one of the richest tycoons in the city of Lille, Mr. Maxime Dulainy's fortune history is quite typical. He was originally from a local small shopkeeper family. His family was not wealthy but he was wealthy. It's a bit of savings.

Originally, under the social hierarchy of the Kingdom of France, he could only live a mediocre life. He would inherit his father's small shop and then run it with painstaking efforts and then pass it on to his son. As an unknown droplet, he would solidify in history. In the long river.

However, France's greatest "class upheaval" in centuries opened the door to class advancement for millions of people.

This door looks bright, but in fact it is also extremely dangerous. Countless people have died in front of it. Only a few people can rely on their own brains, wit, sense of smell and luck to walk through this door and step into the world in one fell swoop. Among the top of society - and Maxime Dureny is one of them.

After the outbreak of the Revolution, in order to raise money, the government confiscated the properties of churches and fugitive nobles everywhere, and then auctioned them off at low prices.

In this round of auctions, the government, which was in urgent need of money, had originally set the bid price very low, and most of the newly appointed commissioners were also of mixed quality. Many of them only needed to stuff a little money to pass the unimaginable process. Buy everything he wants at a low price.

Maxime Dureny, who was still very young at the time, saw this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he sold almost all his family's savings, bought at low prices while bribing him heavily, and secretly purchased a large amount of land and jewelry (to be given to Agnes). The necklace he obtained during this period is also his most proud collection).

During that chaotic period, many people seized this opportunity and took advantage of it to become rich. However, most of them stopped when they reached this point, dazzled by their sudden luck and just wanted to He lived the life of a small landowner by guarding his property; however, Maxime Dulaini was unwilling to stop there. The collapse of the originally strict class society overnight inspired his extremely strong desire.

Now that a few hundred previously unknown civilians gathered in Paris can serve as a Constituent Assembly to determine the fate of the country,

Then why can't I become rich and the most respected rich man?

Driven by this "arrogant" ambition, after the situation became somewhat stable, he took a second gamble with his swollen net worth. At this time, the value of the land and jewelry he bought increased again. He used these properties to mortgage loans everywhere, and then bought several textile workshops. Over the next 30 years, he devoted himself to the management of this industry. During this period, he gradually expanded his scale and merged with peers, eventually making himself the leader of the entire industry and possessing almost countless wealth.

The factory is his kingdom, and the workers are his servants. The looms weave not only cloth, but also the ambition of a commoner to climb to the top of society.

However, after reaching the pinnacle of businessmanship, Maxim Dureni gradually began to feel that his road had almost come to an end.

Yes, he is indeed very wealthy and well-respected locally, and even local officials are very friendly and polite to him because of his wealth; but he does not really hold power, even if he can speak out in his own factory , but outside of the factory he could not interfere with the municipal government. After leaving the local area, no one knew that there was someone like him in the world.

In the eyes of most people, his current achievements are enough for him to lie down and rest. However, Maxim Dulaini, who is slowly getting older, still refuses to be satisfied. His ambition makes him unwilling to be "famous". He ended his life as an industrialist.

In other words, he wants to squeeze into a higher circle and become a big shot in the entire country.

However, when he first had this idea, it was during the period of the Bourbon Restoration Dynasty. The Restoration Dynasty valued rank and blood just as much as the old dynasty before the revolution. He was born as a commoner and had no hope of squeezing into the power circles of Paris. , he is not willing to leave his factory and career behind, simply elect a member of the House of Representatives, and play an insignificant, noisy little role in the parliament.

Faced with this dreary deadlock, Mr. Maxime Dulaini can only choose to continue to wait. He secretly hopes that the current situation will change - only a major change in the current situation can break the inherent power structure and social hierarchy, allowing him to See the hope of class rising again.

The changes in times after 1789 once allowed him to climb to the top of a commoner's reach. He was looking forward to another change in times that would allow him to climb to places beyond the reach of mortals.

Finally, in 1830, the "change of circumstances" he was looking forward to came quietly.

The decadent and outdated Bourbon royal family has once again been overthrown, and this time their replacement will be the young heir of the Bonaparte family.

He didn't really like the Bonaparte family, but he remembered the fact that the emperor had made many civilians high-ranking officials and nobles.

Now that the King of Rome has returned, the existing power structure has been broken. He needs collaborators and allies, and he will definitely reward these collaborators with heavy rewards.

From that time on, he followed the news from Paris every day and cared about every move of the King of Rome. After the King of Rome began to tour the country, he even looked forward to it, waiting for the King of Rome and his entourage to arrive. That day.

He finally waited for that day.

Of course, Mr. Maxime Dureny is by no means a fool. He has been dealing with government officials for decades, and thus has a deep understanding of the essential logic of political operations - there are too many people who want to cling to the King of Rome today. There are too many. He must show enough sincerity and strength to be favored and remembered by the future emperor.

And, pillow style is often useful.

Therefore, on the first day that Aigron and his team arrived in Lille, he had someone secretly give Miss Agnes the most valuable jewelry in his safe, in order to win the favor of the "Queen of Shadows".

Sure enough, his method had immediate results, and his name was soon remembered by the King of Rome.

However, the next development was a bit beyond his expectation. The King of Rome did give him a message, but the content of the message was to come to his factory to resolve the protracted labor dispute.

Although he was confused by this, since this was His Majesty's order, he had no choice but to obey it, so he reluctantly gave the factory a day off, and then respectfully greeted the King of Rome and his entourage.

After paying tribute to Aiglon, he waited with a little anticipation and pride for the "gift" given to him by the young man in front of him.

Aigron did not show off, but immediately stated his plan, "In view of your support and sincerity to me, as well as your deep involvement in the local area and your contribution to the development of our country's industry over the years, I hope you can Next, serve as the head of the Nole Provincial Election Preparatory Committee for me, and help me win the support of voters in the next national election, what do you think?"

Maxim Dureni knew that the King of Rome hoped to hold a popular election after a nationwide tour, and then use the national authorization to legitimately ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. This was already an open secret throughout the country.

The so-called "Norl Provincial Election Preparatory Committee" is equivalent to the stronghold of the Emperor's Party. His Majesty's giving of this "gift" means that he believes that he is the biggest supporter of this province, and this "recognition" is equivalent to saying that he will be the leader of the province in the future. The local government has huge political resources, and can even rival high-ranking officials to some extent.

If he were an ordinary businessman, he should have been satisfied with this, but Maxim Dulaini felt a little disappointed in his heart.

A province is not the stage he wants. If he just wanted to dominate this province, he could have done it a long time ago, so why bother trying to cling to the King of Rome?

And the disappointment that flashed across his eyes for a moment was immediately caught by the keen Aigron.

"Are you dissatisfied, sir?" he asked gently.

"No... Your Majesty! I'm very satisfied!" Although Aiglon's attitude was gentle, Maxim Dulaini couldn't help being startled, and quickly shook his head to express that he had no such intention, "Thank you for your appointment, don't worry. , I will definitely manage things well for you in this province, and all the people in Noor Province will support you and any candidate you designate, Your Majesty!"

"I also believe that you will be able to do a good job." Aigron smiled, "In addition, there is no need to hide your disappointment. I know that the election committee is only a temporary job, and the scope of influence is too small. For someone like you, People with high ambitions will definitely find it difficult to be satisfied, so you might as well regard this as a 'test'. If you can indeed settle the election in Noor Province for me, then I will have more things to rely on you in the future - "

Maxime Dulaini felt a little happier. Although kings would always go back on their word, at least he still had something to think about.

However, before he could recover, Aigron changed the subject again.

"But before that, I have one more thing I need your help with, sir."

"What do you mean?" Maxim Dulaini became energetic again.

"Set up your colleagues for me. I believe that as the chairman of the guild, you have such influence." Aigron answered bluntly, "In this arbitration, I have decided to support the workers' demands. In order to Minimize the negative impact and convince other factory owners to accept and implement my arbitration."

Maxim Dureni was not surprised by Aiglon's "arbitration result". After all, he knew that the King of Rome now needed to win over the people, and he would definitely make a ruling in favor of the labor side. However, as a representative of the employer, What motivation does the largest factory owner have to accept this arbitration?

"Your Majesty, I ask you to think carefully about your decision." He immediately said the words he had prepared, "Although our industry has developed tremendously over the years, compared with our British counterparts, it is still very low. Weak... So in order to maintain reliable profit margins and obtain funds to continue developing the industry, we must insist on lower costs. It is true that it is a good thing that you are so kind to your people, but if you blindly indulge the unreasonable demands of the workers, it will only It will cause the whole country to suffer greater losses, and sooner or later you will still face complaints."

"While you were complaining to me that profits were thin and the industry was unsustainable, you easily gave my lover jewelry worth enough for tens of thousands of people to live for a year." Aigron said abruptly.

Maxim, who was talking endlessly, was suddenly blocked by his words, and he didn't know how to respond.

"Mr. Durene, it is true that I don't know much about this industry as you do, but I also have my own sense and judgment. In these years, the entire industry has accumulated a lot of profits, and your property will increase by more than 10% almost every year. Under such circumstances, how can an additional subsidy of just 4 sous make it unsustainable for the industry? Even if this subsidy is restored, you can still significantly expand production capacity and purchase new equipment. I believe this is not difficult for you; As for the factory owners who can’t even afford these, they shouldn’t exist in this industry in the first place! It’s better to close down the business as soon as possible and let you merge.”

"Even if I personally can bear it, I believe it will be difficult for my colleagues to accept it... I have no confidence in convincing them, Your Majesty." Maxime Dureni tried to continue to resist. "Besides, all my property was earned through honest management. This is not a sin, Your Majesty."

"It's normal that you want to keep costs down. You can even hope that your workers will work for you for free. This is a natural idea from your standpoint... However, society cannot just operate according to your wishes. Sir." Aiglon replied, "Have you ever thought about how much it cost me to do this? You made a lot of money, but those hungry and cold workers will rise up in despair and I will use the entire legal machine to quell it. Resistance, how much do I have to pay for this? In addition to money, they will curse me and think that I should be responsible for all this injustice. How much have I lost for this? If there is a settlement, I am afraid I have more reason to let you concession."

His words left Maxime Dulaini speechless for a while. After all, although he is a successful businessman, he has not yet entered the political field. Compared with Aiglon, who has been studying debate since he was a child, he is like a child. .

Under Aiglon's gaze, veins began to appear on his forehead, looking aggrieved and angry but not knowing how to refute.

"This is my will. Regardless of whether you are willing to agree to my request or not, I will carry it out. It's just a different method." Aigron continued, "Of course, I don't want to, and I can't, be used by property owners. We regard them as enemies. If you stand in front of me and solve the problem for me, it will really save me a lot of trouble. So, Mr. Durene, please do me this favor. I accept your kindness. What do you think? "

After looking at each other for a moment, Maxim Dulaini finally seemed to understand that this was an irreversible decision.

"Your Majesty doesn't seem to have given me any other choice." He replied aggrievedly. "That's a lot of money!"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Aigron couldn't help laughing.

He smiled slightly, and then extended his hand to the other party.

"This will never be a simple loss, because I will not treat you badly. When the National Railway Company raises shares next time, I will allow you to have preemptive rights... By then you will find that you are making more money than before. Even easier, sir."

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