Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seventy-one, clinging

"You will find it easier than ever to make money, sir."

Aigron's words made Maxim Dulaini doubtful.

As a well-known industrialist, he certainly knows what a railway is, and he also knows that this thing is being rolled out on a large scale in the neighboring island country.

Judging from the British approach, this so-called "railway" should be a profitable business.

However, when it is introduced to France, will it really be profitable? Or even if it can make a profit, how big can the profit be? These are all unknowns, and because he doesn't quite understand them, he can only be skeptical.

Agron is also well aware of the other party's ideas. Before new things are implemented, they will definitely arouse doubts. This is an objective law.

However, as a successful industrialist, he must have a keener sense of technology and new things than ordinary people. As long as he sees some profitable prospects, he will definitely devote himself to it enthusiastically - back then This is how he used all his wealth to buy factories without hesitation and finally became a millionaire.

Such a person would definitely be more receptive to Aigron's own plan than others.

So he patiently explained to the other party, "As the economic center closest to the United Kingdom and the largest industrial city in the north of our country, Lille is very important to our country. Therefore, after the introduction of railways and steam locomotives, I plan to Build relevant factory facilities in Lille and turn it into our initial railway center. Of course, at the same time we will also build a railway from Paris to Lille - and if the situation permits in the future, we will also extend this road to Belgium. We will go within the country to expand our economic advantages..."

Then, he briefly described to the other party the huge advantages of railways in passenger and freight transportation. This will definitely be a hugely profitable business.

More importantly, building railways requires huge funds. It is unbearable for the government to bear such huge expenditures. Therefore, Aiglon will establish a national railway company and then launch bonds in the Paris financial market in the name of the company. Using external investment to solve financial problems - historically the French have done the same thing, so Aigron is extremely confident in this.

There is no doubt that this process will not be as smooth as imagined. After all, people will always naturally reject and be wary of new things. However, in this era of strong monarchy, he can forcefully promote it with his own authority and willpower. Many things, and regard it as one's "merit".

However, his personal willpower alone is not enough. He cannot be king alone. He needs capable people to execute his will. During his experience during this period,

He has already discovered several similar talents.

Beauvain, the banker in Paris, and Durene, the industrialist in Lille, are the best among these talents.

Although they don't know each other, they are essentially the same type of people - they are ambitious and sharp-sighted. They seized opportunities in the changing situation after the Great Revolution, stood out from the common people, and embarked on a career path that ordinary people can climb. the peak position.

They are calm and pragmatic, as well as smart and cunning, and they are cruel to eat people without spitting out their bones. But on the other hand, they have energy and execution ability that are beyond ordinary people, and they are able to control the rush in this era of rapid expansion of productivity. of torrent.

If he wants to raise funds externally, he needs Bowangs, and if he wants to develop industry, he needs Durenes. Only such a group of financial and industrial and commercial giants can help him quickly bring his empire into industrial society. Have the power to change the world structure.

Precisely because he needs people like Dulaini, he is very polite to the other party. He hopes to make the other party agree with his point of view and then show enough enthusiasm to complete his will.

After his brief description, Maxime Dulaini finally relaxed his attitude. As an industrialist, he certainly has the adventurous spirit of investment. Since the future emperor himself said that it can make a lot of money, why not give it a try? ? Anyway, he already has strong capital now, and he doesn't need to gamble all his wealth like in the past.

Even if you lose money, it's still money spent to make the emperor happy - how many people want such an opportunity but can't find it...

"Your Majesty, I understand what you mean. Since you have given me such a warm invitation, it is my duty as your loyal servant. As long as the bonds are listed across the country, I will be the first to subscribe and strive to set an example locally——"

After he figured it out, he immediately agreed with his head held high.

Then, he also stretched out his hand and shook Aigron's hand.

Seeing that the other party was so sensible, Aigron felt very happy, thinking that he really knew people with his sharp eyes.

Inadvertently, he has achieved all his goals today - he has adjusted labor disputes and made arbitration to protect labor rights; he asked Maxime Dulaini to help him resolve the arbitration case's management coordination. , and pulled him into his own interest group; he also helped the future railway company find an investor with strong funds.

By any standards, this is considered a great victory for him - now, he is in the honeymoon period with the people of the whole country, and the whole country is looking forward to him making a difference. All classes and interest groups are because of their relationship with him He is not deeply involved but is deeply in awe, so he is willing to obey his will and make various compromises.

Of course, he also knows that this "honeymoon period" will not last long after all. People are forgetful after all. He must use his high popularity and high prestige, which he does not know how long it will last, to quickly lay a foundation for the new dynasty to govern. .

Judging from the current situation, he did a pretty good job.

In a good mood, he revealed more information to the other party. "I am going to let Duke Nordlien be the first general manager of the National Railway Company. He is Miss Agnes's father and is also well-known in Paris. I will introduce you to him in a while. From now on, you two There will be many opportunities for cooperation - sir, the doors of the Parisian social circle will be open to you and you are welcome to become one of them. As long as you stand out in this emerging industry, you will definitely become a well-known big shot in the country. One thing is certain.”

Maxim Dulaini was not touched by the threats and inducements in front of Agron, but his words made him feel warm.

As an industrialist whose career has reached its peak, his greater wish is to continue to climb up the social ladder. If he can be related to the family of a Paris duke, it will definitely benefit him in the future. many. Parisian society will also have its place.

Although he is rich, he is still only a local rich man in Lille, and in this era, the information is not so well-informed, so he does not know the Duke's ability and reputation, and only has a vague concept of "Parisian dignitaries" , but this is enough.

What's more, that Duke is Miss Agnes's father...

During this parade, the relationship between His Majesty and Miss Agnes has been known to everyone. It is conceivable that she will become His Majesty's favorite concubine in the future. Her words may be more effective than others in front of His Majesty, and if I can be with If the Duke maintains a good relationship, it means that he can truly climb the line with Miss Agnes and finally have a "direct channel to Tianting".

Isn’t this much better than spending a lot of money to elect a bad congressman?

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. At this time, the temptation of interests in the railway company's plan was put aside by him.

At this time, he has determined that the priceless necklace is his most worthwhile investment.

"Your Majesty, I am very grateful for the opportunity you have given me. I will do my best to cooperate with the Duke's work. If he needs any help in business or manpower, I can help." He immediately confirmed it.

Then, he made another request in a low voice, "Your Majesty, can you be extra kind and give me some free help? If possible, I would like to meet Miss Agnes and ask her to introduce me. To her father, I believe that through this method, His Excellency the Duke will pay more attention to me."

Of course, Aigron agreed to this request.

Then, the two people discussed the details of the upcoming labor negotiations, and then Agron asked the guards to call Agnes into the room.

While Aiglon and Dureni were talking secretly, Agnes stayed in the factory and visited various machines and equipment under the guidance of the factory manager. All of this made her feel novel. After hearing Aiglon's call , she rushed to Aigron.

"Agnes, you have already met this gentleman just now, but now I would like to introduce you formally. This is Mr. Maxime Durene. He is the owner of this factory and the most famous local man. Industrialist... By the way, that necklace was also given to you by him."

An ordinary woman would be ecstatic about this gift. Although Agnes instinctively liked the necklace, her mood was also very complicated. On the one hand, she felt that she was overstepping and taking Teresa's. On the one hand, after seeing the shocking poverty in the slums, she felt even more guilty for this extravagant gift.

However, although her mood was complicated, she had received a strict etiquette education after all, so she still bowed and thanked the other party cordially, "Thank you for your gift, Mr. Durene, I like it very much. However, it is too much for me after all." It’s so valuable… You’d better not be so generous in the future, otherwise I will suffer the consequences.”

Although Maxime Dulainy already knew that Agnes had an approachable personality, he still felt a little flattered by Agnes's kindness at the moment. He quickly saluted Agnes. "Miss Agnes, you don't have to mind. Although jewelry is valuable, it is nothing compared to you. Only a beautiful and noble lady like you can truly make the most of it if it is worn by a beautiful and noble lady like you. If you keep it, It's in my safe, that's just letting it gather dust!

You are not only beautiful but also have a generous heart. I believe that the contribution you can make to the country and people far exceeds its value. It would be better to say that it is shining because of you. "

His stream of compliments was delivered so eloquently that Agnes was both happy and a little embarrassed.

"You are serious..."

Although she was still a little uneasy, now that the deal was done and Aigron had clearly ordered her to accept these gifts, she could only keep them in her pocket. Because of this, she also felt a little bit fond of this industrialist who gave such a heavy gift. apology.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Aiglon expressed his request on Maxim's behalf.

"Agnes, Mr. Durene likes to invest in emerging industries. After I just told him about the idea of ​​the railway company, he became interested and wanted to invest. And I just told him that the scheduled company president The manager will be your father, so he will be keen to get to know the Duke personally and provide him with whatever help he can with his future work."

"Really? That's great." Agnes nodded happily immediately after hearing this. "Thank you, sir!"

She was worried about what would happen if Aigron had promoted her father to such an important position and caused a big mess because of his unqualification. Now she could see a solution.

——Wouldn’t it be nice to find enough capable helpers for my father?

Since this Mr. Durene is an extremely successful industrialist, he must understand industry and management. If he can help her father, she will not have to worry about her father bringing trouble to the family and discrediting His Majesty.

"In order to gain the Duke's friendship, can you write a personal letter and introduce Mr. Durene into your father's living room as a family friend?" Aiglon asked again.

"Of course..." Agnes agreed immediately without any hesitation.

Seeing that his wish was fulfilled so easily, Dulaini, who was watching, was also secretly excited.

His class jump plan has taken a huge step.

It was obvious that as long as Miss Agnes spoke, her father would treat her as a distinguished guest, and if she became the Duke's honored guest, he would become an instant celebrity in Paris.

Success is so simple. What I have been unable to achieve for more than ten years has now been solved easily...

When he thought of this, he looked at the beautiful Miss Agnes with gratitude. This girl was now his political protector - although she didn't know anything about it yet.

From now on, as long as you make this young lady happy, it will be equivalent to getting a ticket to the highest stage, and you must not let go.

He made up his mind and continued to inquire about Miss Agnes's preferences, and then went around to collect gifts to please her. Although Miss Agnes had just made it clear that she did not like too expensive gifts, he just ignored her.

There are three types of power. One comes from prestige. The founding leaders often had this kind of power. Even if they threw away all their titles and went into seclusion, they could still respond to a hundred calls;

One comes from position, which is brought about by a mature system. Once you retire or leave your position, you will be gone. Power is just the halo given by the system.

There is also parasitic power. A person may not have any position or institutional status, but he is very close to the person with the highest power. This kind of "close" influence often brings great power, a certain kind of power. In a sense, he has become an extension of the person with power.

Agnes has now embarked on this path unknowingly. She does not even need to deliberately manage any power. Many people will naturally gather around her and gain access to the highest level by pleasing her. that power.

This will be another burden for her.

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