Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seventy-two, interest groups

In the game between Aiglon and Maxime Durayni, both parties can be said to be happy with each other. Aigron got everything he wanted, and Durayni finally found an opportunity to have a glimpse of the fame and fortune society in Paris. Circle, complete what he has always wanted.

However, in essence, Aigron is engaged in a "class reconciliation."

Class contradictions are natural. Especially in this era, exploitation is particularly deep and cruel. Therefore, the resentment of the lower class towards the upper class is naturally extremely deep. As a country with an emperor and nobles, the empire will inevitably continue this sharp class opposition. status, it is impossible to fundamentally solve the problem.

However, in the face of heavy class contradictions, blind suppression is unsustainable. If you want to maintain the rule of the empire without triggering violent unrest, you have to find ways to create "incremental wealth."

As society continues to have incremental wealth, even if the distribution of wealth is seriously uneven and even if exploitation remains cruel, people's living standards are still improving little by little. People at the bottom also have hope of improving their lives. This is the only way he can path of.

Similarly, capitalists like Durene, due to the limitations of the times, are still full of yearning for the glorious "upper class" at this time, so as long as Aiglon opens the door to the aristocratic world for them, they can pay with satisfaction. It’s a big price, and it doesn’t matter even if you suffer losses.

However, this mentality will change sooner or later with the evolution of society. Capitalists who are driven by profit will only support the empire wholeheartedly after seeing the benefits of real money.

Therefore, for Aiglon, the biggest task of his empire is to create incremental wealth, bring jobs and bread to the people, and make the economy prosperous, so that all classes of society will heartily support his rule.

On the other hand, if he cannot do these, then the people who cheer him today will cheer him out tomorrow, just like those unlucky monarchs in French history.

Following Agron's instructions, Agnes picked up a pen and paper and wrote a handwritten letter to her father, introducing Mr. Durene and explicitly asking her father to treat him as a distinguished guest and to treat him as a distinguished guest. In the future, we should refer to this gentleman's opinions more often in our work affairs.

After getting this letter, Mr. Durene walked out of the office happily. This letter will be a stepping stone for his future, and it also means that he automatically becomes Miss Agnes's "accomplice", and his current The task was to comply with the wishes of the King of Rome and help him convince other factory owners in the guild to restore the original 4 sous subsidy.

For him, although this means that he has to spend more money in operating costs every year, it is not an unbearable blow. His annual profits are more than enough to cover this expenditure.


As a local industrialist who has been in business for more than 30 years, he knows the ins and outs of the industry better than anyone else, and he clearly knows that most of his peers can afford it.

Although there are some small workshops with meager profits, as His Majesty the King of Rome said, enterprises that cannot afford even this deserve to be merged, and there is no pity.

Now, he will return the favor and help the King of Rome convince the entire industry to accept His Majesty's arbitration.

Even the rhetoric is ready-now His Majesty the King of Rome has sided with the workers. Not to mention the possibility that he may forcefully intervene with administrative power, even if he does not actually intervene, the workers will obviously have greater motivation to fight. If the struggle continues, every factory owner will bear heavy losses. In this case, it is better to settle the dispute now.

Moreover, His Majesty will never blindly favor workers. He will also protect the interests of employers. He will maintain local order and allow the industry to enter a prosperous cycle as soon as possible.

Although this rhetoric is not perfect, with his prestige and the intimidation of the King of Rome, even if some people have complaints, they can only accept this arbitration.

At this moment, Dulaini was very excited, not only because he was excited about the opportunity to realize his long-cherished wish for many years, but also because he finally met the "Ming Master".

Although he had racked his brains to give gifts in order to get close to the King of Rome, he did not know who his majesty was and whether he could control the unpredictable current situation of the country.

Now he was not worried at all. Although the conversation between the two people just now was not long, it was enough for him to feel the King of Rome's clear thinking and keen insight, as well as his determination to be responsible for everything.

What's even more surprising is that he seems to have a good understanding of the emerging industry and has a grand blueprint for doing something big.

These things are the key to letting this country get rid of the haze of the past and move towards a new era of prosperity.

After such a private exchange, Dulaini suddenly doubled his confidence in the future. His aging body now regained its past vitality. He wanted to participate in such a huge undertaking, which also made the entire era Leave his name on the scroll.


After sending Durene away, Agron and Agnes were left alone in the room.

"Agnes, the special trains I promised you in the future will probably be manufactured in Mr. Durene's factory." Agron said with a smile. "It will carry you and me across this vast land, admiring the scenery that we dominate and change along the way. Our magnificent career begins here."

As usual, Agnes always seemed a little confused when Aigron expressed his emotions, but she was easily infected by Aigron's excitement.

"Really? That's great. I also think Mr. Durene is a very capable person. He should be able to handle the tasks assigned by you..."

"It's not enough to do well, you have to be excellent. I only recognize those who are truly intelligent." Aigron said, joking again, "Besides, you will also be busy in the future - you will be in the future There are more smart people like Mr. Dulaini who will join the national railway company led by your father, and you are their real supporter in their eyes... The gift that makes you uneasy today may not be useful to you by then. It’s just an ordinary object to you.”

Agnes was not excited about the vision described by Agron. On the contrary, she only felt uneasy.

On the one hand, her understanding of herself has not changed because of her current prosperity. She knows that she knows nothing about the world of people and business management, and she has no interest in learning;

On the other hand, she is also afraid that she will arouse the suspicion of others - after all, she seems to have received too much because of her current status.

"It's best not to be like this... Your Majesty, you know that I have little knowledge and I can't help others much, nor can I be a backer. They can just do their jobs well with their father. Why should they think about anything else? I I don’t care what gifts others give me, and I won’t look at anyone differently because of it, and they don’t need to flatter me.” Agnes shook her head quickly, indicating that she had no intention of getting involved.

Oh, what a silly girl...Aigron thought to himself.

Since ancient times, in any country, small business has been about management, while big business has only been about politics, because the resources controlled by the government are unmatched by any enterprise. The government can not only collect taxes and print money, but also use the national Credit is used as a guarantee to borrow money, and you have almost unlimited credit.

Because of this, big businessmen are destined to rely on the power of the government to have the opportunity to carve up or monopolize commercial resources.

Therefore, when an industry develops to the point that it affects the national economy and people's livelihood, it will become a "mountain" or "vested interest group" within the hidden government. The richer the industry is and the more control it has over resource allocation, the more it will privately Close contact leads to mutual prosperity.

Not many people can understand what the so-called "National Railway Company" actually means, but Eggron knows that as long as he uses the state budget to feed this monster, it will expand into a terrifying one in a short time. A giant beast with countless assets and wealth.

It is conceivable that such a company with huge funds and budget, and even special legal status, will become a huge interest group.

It is not a bad thing to have interest groups. As long as human society exists, there will be various interest groups. The key is whether such interest groups are conducive to the expansion of productivity.

For Aigron, since the purpose is to cultivate an interest group anyway, why not just leave it to someone he can trust?

Precisely because Agnes had no desire for power or ambition, he was even more willing to let Agnes serve as the spokesperson and "backer" of this interest group, while her father was at best a talkative person standing in front of the stage.

Even if Agnes doesn't want to be involved at all and doesn't care about such huge interests, in the end, the people around her father will still let her play this role passively.

It's all predictable.

Of course, Aigron didn't want to say such complicated things to Agnes. He just smiled and gave the girl a kiss, "Yes, I know that your simplicity and integrity will be praised even by God..."

After a brief intimacy, the two of them tidied up their appearance, then walked out of the room together and walked to the factory building where labor and management had just gathered. At this time, the original representatives of management had been called by Du Reni for a "face-to-face interview." , at this time, the representatives of the laborers were left uneasily staying in place.

As soon as Aigron saw them, he walked quickly in front of them, and then said his arbitration result with a smile.

"Fellow representatives, I have good news to announce to you. After the negotiation I just had with Mr. Durene, he has agreed to restore the original allowance. Your demands have been met!"

His words were not loud, but they completely ignited the audience. The originally anxious representatives immediately became excited. Some people laughed loudly, while others took off their hats to Aigron.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"I knew His Majesty was on our side!"

After much chatter, these cheers and thanks converged into a slogan, "Long live the Emperor!"

Seeing such a cheering scene, Aigron was also quite happy. Today, he finally achieved his goal through hard and soft tactics. He even dared to confidently say that his support rate in Lille can reach 90% at this moment.

The world is so strange. Some people will never be satisfied no matter how much others give them. They just feel that everyone owes them the same thing. But for some people, even if you return what they have lost, they will not be satisfied. If you don't give anything, he will be grateful.

The suffering of life will make people cautious, and dealing with the difficult situation at hand has exhausted all their energy, so even a little care will make them grateful.

"I said that I am a friend of the workers and will always be, and I do what I say." Aigron waved his hand with a smile, "However, gentlemen, since I have made a decision on this dispute Arbitration, then I ask you and the people you represent to obey the arbitration, abide by law and order, bid farewell to all disturbances, and allow our country's vital industries to operate at full capacity. To defend the country, I need soldiers, and for our economy, I also need Your hard work. Let’s work together to build this country!”

His words immediately triggered another burst of applause. For the workers who rose up to protest, their demands have been resolved and they now need to return to work for their own livelihood.

Although the fatigue and hardship of life will not be reduced by half, at least the income you deserve is preserved, and this is more effective than any slogan.

Amidst the cheers and applause, Aigron finally ended his "performance".

He has achieved everything he wanted.

Of course, now is not the time to be arrogant and complacent. Although he feels that he has done a pretty good job, compared to the expectations and responsibilities he carries, all this is still far from enough. He must continue to listen to public opinion and dress himself up. Become the representative of public opinion - and this is his greatest source of legitimacy.

After completing the arbitration, Agron took Agnes to finish today's inspection and returned to the mansion where he was temporarily stationed.

Just like before he came, he was welcomed by the residents along the way. However, perhaps because his "arbitration" was spread, compared with the last time's mentality of just watching the excitement, the citizens at this time Their cheers for him were much more fervent and sincere.

When he returned to the mansion, he found that Agnes seemed to be worried, so he casually asked her what she was thinking.

"Your Majesty, after seeing what you did today, I think I should not be indifferent to the extremely poor people. I have to do something."

"Then what do you want to do?" Aigron asked.

"I...I haven't thought about it yet." Agnes replied with some embarrassment, "But I will work hard for it, maybe by donating money, maybe by building a welfare home or something... This can be regarded as atonement, after all. I got so many things that I didn’t deserve.”

Agnes was a bit dumbfounded by Agnes's reasons. After all, she still hadn't gotten over her guilt, so she desperately tried to find psychological compensation.

But let her go, it's a good thing anyway.

"You'll have many, many opportunities to do these things if you wish." He kissed her tenderly in appreciation.

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