Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and seventy-nine, destined cause and effect

Under the reception of senior officials and other officials, Aiglon's parade entered the city of Rouen.

On the surface, the warm reception he received was not much different from other places. There was no shortage of salutes, cheers and feasts. However, Aigron could always see a sense of alienation in this enthusiasm that was not found in other places.

It is obvious that the people here do not have much respect and love for the Bonaparte family and the King of Rome. They just accepted the monarch and government given to them by God and continued to live their past lives with a calm attitude.

Because of this sense of alienation, senior officials were worried about Aigron's safety, worried that someone would risk the world's disdain and cause trouble, and secretly advised him to keep a low profile and leave as soon as possible, but Aigron rejected the senior officials' suggestion without hesitation. ——At this critical juncture, Aigron must not allow himself to show political cowardice. If he actively alienates the people out of fear, it will be tantamount to destroying his own foundation.

Of course, he was not a reckless person who was desperate for his life. Now that he had been reminded, he secretly increased his vigilance.

And Agnes was even more nervous than him. Although Agron asked her to be by his side as a "guard", it was just a pretense to keep her by his side, but she was very serious and believed that she shouldered the responsibility. She was naturally extremely nervous about the responsibility of protecting Aigron at this moment, fearing that something might happen to her Majesty and her lover.

However, nothing major happened in the next few days. Agron took Agnes everywhere to attend celebrations, meet celebrities from all walks of life, and also attended Mass in the church and interacted closely with the people. But nothing unusual happened. Nothing happened.

Although some people here are close to them and some are cold and distant, they generally maintain due etiquette and respect the King of Rome and the people around him. It can be seen that they are not opposed to becoming subjects of the Bonaparte family again. ——As long as you can live a stable and peaceful life.

In the past few days of interaction, the distance between Aiglon and the people became closer and closer, and the cheers he received became louder and louder.

All kinds of good signs make the worries of senior officials seem like unnecessary worries.

Time passed quietly, and the highlight arranged by the locals for Aigron and his party also quietly arrived——

On this day, a grand religious procession will be held throughout the city. The team holding the icon will parade around the city of Rouen, and then re-enter the city, parading all the way to the church named after Joan of Arc next to the square to commemorate the memory of those who died in Rouen. This martyred girl.

And for such a grand event, the "Saint Girl" is naturally indispensable.

The highly anticipated Miss Agnes,

She will once again go into battle, acting as the incarnation of the saint, leading this grand religious procession.

Aigron and his entourage will also participate in the procession throughout the process, surrounded by thousands of people, and will hold a requiem ceremony for Joan of Arc at the final destination as kings.

This is not the first time they have done this along the way, so they are now familiar with the road, and Rouen is also a city with a very strong religious atmosphere. Various processions carrying icons or crosses are also common, so in just a few days, they The route was planned and almost all the citizens of the city were organized and mobilized.

The entire ceremony was large-scale and carefully planned. In this way, Aiglon will leave unforgettable memories in the hearts of local people for one or two generations, and at the same time bind himself to the ancient source of patriotic spirit. Together.

In the afternoon, under a clear sky, this huge parade gathered outside the city and began their grand performance.

At the front of the line were several monks wearing white robes and crosses. They held incense burners in their hands and sprayed the censers as they walked forward, singing hymns to praise God and opening up the procession.

Next came the parade of knights, wearing shining and exquisite armor, carrying lances and riding horses slowly following the monks. Although they were not many in number, they were well-organized and fully armed, making them People suddenly feel like they have stepped back in time to the Middle Ages.

In this small team of knights, almost everyone focused on the girl. Against the background of the armor, her face was solemn and solemn, but her beautiful facial features and long braids made people distinct. You can feel the charm of a girl. Although she is being watched by everyone at the moment, she does not hesitate or waver at all. She firmly holds the tricolor eagle flag with both hands and leads the team forward.

There seems to be endless enthusiasm hidden in her thin body, and her eyes seem to be shining with fearless light. She seems to be waiting for the call of the motherland at any time, to go through fire and water to resolve dangers.

Before, people in Rouen City had heard rumors about the actor playing Joan of Arc through newspapers and word of mouth, and they were all looking forward to it. However, only when everyone saw it with their own eyes, they could feel that An intuitive touch.

Agnes dressed up in this way, as if a saint had arrived in Rouen again, obviously meeting the expectations of the audience. Warm cheers could not be heard. Especially the ladies and ladies were very excited to see it, and from time to time they would throw bouquets and handkerchiefs into Throw them to the side of the road, hoping that the saint can step over them.

On the one hand, in this era without movies and TV, the masses have a pitiful lack of entertainment, so they are easily impressed; on the other hand, large-scale events themselves have a "hypnotic effect". When the masses are involved in them, It is easy to be moved and infected by the emotions around you.

Amidst the warm cheers, this huge parade moved forward slowly, and Aiglon also rode in an open carriage, surrounded by mounted guards, following Agnes's team, enjoying the people together. cheers, followed closely by a choir composed of boys and girls, and a large number of people participating in the parade on foot.

Along the way, the marchers chanted holy chants, sang hymns, walked slowly, and sent blessings to every corner of the streets and alleys of the city. It’s obvious that a parade of this magnitude will become a celebration for the whole city and will certainly be the talk of locals for decades to come – which is also Aigron’s purpose.

Such a lively atmosphere and such pious singing not only infected the surrounding residents, but even Agnes in the team was deeply moved.

Although the residents here are conservative and closed-minded and somewhat alienated from their loyal Majesty, they are simple and pious and full of love for their country and God. According to her values, this is very respectable.

Because of this, she worked harder than usual. She waved the flag gently and controlled the pace of the knights around her, just like a musician conducting a symphony on the stage.

She wholeheartedly wants to use her own efforts and piety to let the people here understand that His Majesty will also be God's agent on earth and the protector of France. They and His Majesty are one.

This was indeed quite hard work, and during this slow progress, sweat began to appear on her forehead and body.

Fortunately, although it was already summer, Rouen was very close to the sea after all, and the weather was quite cool. There was a cool breeze blowing everywhere she passed, otherwise Agnes would have suspected that she was going to suffer from heat stroke.

This parade, with the cheers of the citizens lined the streets, bypassed the city of Rouen, and then entered the city, passing through the streets and alleys, heading towards the square.

After several hours of marching, it was already evening, but the enthusiasm of the citizens had not diminished at all. People lined up along the roadside everywhere to applaud and cheer for the parade.

As the sky gradually darkened, the marchers took out the prepared lanterns, and the little lights gathered together, like a long dragon.

Agnes is a little tired now, but she still keeps her spirits up and continues to lead the team with full will. Now that the parade has come to an end, they will parade all the way to the church named after Joan of Arc next to the square. Then it was Aiglon who took over the entire celebration.

Only the last bit of distance is left... Fortunately, God has blessed us, and nothing has gone wrong so far. Agnes couldn't help but feel happy secretly in her heart.

But even so, Agnes did not give up her vigilance. Although others seemed to be immersed in her performance, her eyes were actually wandering around, observing any suspicious signs on both sides.

At this time, she was passing through a street. The windows everywhere were hung with white or colored silks to pay tribute to His Majesty. However, Agnes frowned slightly.

Although her eyesight had always been very good, when the sky slowly faded into darkness, the torches everywhere were swinging up and down in the air, making her feel a little absent-minded and in a trance.

But even if her eyes were distracted for a moment, the feeling in her heart did not become invalid.

She has competed with others in swordsmanship for many years and faced life and death many times, so her ability to perceive danger is much stronger than ordinary people. At this moment, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

She suddenly raised her head and looked to the right, and among the lonely figures, there seemed to be a humanoid outline shaking there, and the humanoid outline's arms were leaning forward, and there seemed to be something in his hands...

Damn it! In an instant, Agnes came to her senses.

Someone really dares to commit such a heinous crime!

His Majesty! She wants to protect His Majesty.

She must never let anyone harm His Majesty at all, because this is her duty.

She had not yet formed a coherent thought in her mind, but her body was already moving.

Although her body was already quite exhausted after a long parade, at this moment, the strength she didn't know where came from made her kick her mount tightly, and then she rode forward with all her strength.

Almost at this moment, she was already standing between the person in the shadow and His Majesty, and at this time, the others had not reacted.

Then, Agnes continued to gallop on her horse, rushing towards the heinous villain in her eyes.


A loud noise rang in her ears, and then Agnes felt a strong wind passing in front of her, causing her cheeks to hurt.

She was lucky enough to escape the bullet, but she didn't seem to be aware of her luck at the moment. There was only incomparable hatred and awe-inspiring murderous intent in her eyes.

In just a breath, she had already galloped towards the person in the shadow. Then Agnes subconsciously dropped the flag in her hand and pulled out the weapon from her waist.

The weapon she wears is a riding sword, which was originally just part of a complete "outfit", a prop for her to play Joan of Arc, but even so, it is still a weapon that can kill people.

This is not Agnes' usual weapon. It is different from the stabbing sword. It is not very convenient for thrusting and is more suitable for chopping. But no matter what, it is a weapon for killing people.

Agnes barely hesitated after pulling out her riding sword, reining in the horse's head and swinging it down heavily.

Blood burst out immediately, followed by a horrifying wail and scream, and only then did Agnes realize what she had done.

A man was already lying in front of her, screaming, and his arm and a pistol fell beside him.

Of course she would not feel pity for this, because for such a heinous villain, this punishment is a matter of course.

What she is more concerned about is the other side...

She looked back.

And just when she suddenly charged forward, Aigron seemed to have noticed something.

He subconsciously looked up and found a window suddenly opened.

Before he had time to look, his body instinctively jumped out of the open carriage and rolled directly behind the carriage.

And just as he jumped out of the car, an unknown object was thrown from the window towards the carriage, and then exploded suddenly before landing.

Amidst the huge explosion, the carriage shattered to pieces, and some of the guards who were caught off guard were hit by shrapnel and fell down.


Screams suddenly shot up into the sky, and people were running around like headless flies.

"Your Majesty!" Andre Davout was also decorated, but regardless of his own safety, he anxiously approached the carriage.

"I'm fine, Andre!"

[In the original history, on July 28, 1835, Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orleans, who had become king, went out to inspect the National Guard. As a result, he was assassinated by a republican, Mark Fieschi. My friend has been planning for a long time. He and his co-conspirators built a simple launcher filled with muskets, which can be operated by a single person to produce a volley of guns.

When King Louis-Philippe was on tour, he rented an apartment, hid upstairs, and opened fire through the window as the king's team passed by. In a short period of time, he fired hundreds of bullets, and the king luckily escaped. This was a vigorous assassination, but the civil and military officials around him were not so lucky. A total of 18 people died in this assassination, including French Marshal Edouard Motier.

This unlucky marshal spent half his life in the army, survived the hail of bullets, and gradually became a marshal from the bottom. He was also named Duke of Treviso by Emperor Napoleon. However, when he got old, his boat capsized in the gutter and he became the king's scapegoat for no reason. …

Of course, the assassin also paid a price. According to records, Mark Filsch broke two fingers due to the recoil when he fired. He was later arrested and sent to the guillotine. His trial also became a sensation.

Since Zha Ai robbed Louis-Philippe of the throne in the new historical line, it is not surprising that he suffered similar disasters in the cause and effect...]

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