Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty, weighing and stubbornness

"I'm fine, Andre!"

Hearing Egeron's response, Andre Davout almost cried with joy.

Over the past few years, he has been following Aigron, and has received the greatest trust and reuse from Aigron. The relationship between the two of them is not just that of superiors and subordinates, but a relationship that is more like family.

For him, Your Majesty is not only the benefactor to whom he must be loyal, but also his spiritual support. As the captain of His Majesty's guard, he is also obliged to protect His Majesty's safety.

But at this moment, His Majesty suffered an assassination in front of him. How could this not make him angry and ashamed?

"Your Majesty..." His usually calm voice now trembled and completely changed its tone, and he quickly moved closer to the wreckage of the carriage.

At this time, he finally saw Aigron hiding behind the carriage. At this time, Aigron's body was covered with debris and mud, and he looked quite embarrassed, but there were no signs of injury on his body.

"Don't panic, I'm fine." Compared to Andre's panic, Aigron was much calmer.

At the beginning, because the senior official had been vaccinated, he was mentally prepared for the possibility of unexpected events, so now he quickly accepted the reality. Even though he looked embarrassed now, at least his reason was still functioning.

"Control the scene and stop the chaos." He immediately gave the order.

Andre moved towards him, covering Aigron with his body, not giving the assassin a chance to attack again.

Then he loudly ordered to the surrounding guards, "Your Majesty is safe and sound. Everyone, please stop moving and protect your Majesty!"

Because he had been serving as the captain of the guard, Andre was quite prestigious among his subordinates. Under his loud command, the originally panicked guards gradually regained their composure.

Then, under Andre's order, the guards fired at the window where the bomb had been thrown, and other windows that were not closed were also controlled.

Aiglon raised his head and looked at the window opposite where the bomb had just been thrown. Because the light was too dark at the time, he couldn't see clearly, but it seemed that there was no one in the window. It seemed that the hidden assassin had left after throwing the bomb. escaped.

Then, under Andre's cover, he slowly stood up from under the carriage and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Because of the attack just now, the people who were originally following this parade fled in all directions, easily causing congestion in the narrow streets.

Some weak people were squeezed to the ground by the chaotic crowd and then continued to be trampled. They were already unconscious. The lanterns originally held by people were also scattered on the ground in large numbers, like scattered chess pieces.

Aiglon had no time to pity the trampled victims, and his eyes fell on Agnes in front.

At this time, Agnes also turned her horse's head to face him again. Her originally bright armor was stained with blood, and she was holding a blood-stained riding sword in her hand. Her eyes were full of murderous intent, and her whole person Tight like a cheetah locking its prey, both ferocious and elegant.

Although she played the role of Joan of Arc before, it was just an exquisite imitation. Although she was beautiful, she did not have the charm of Joan of Arc. However, at this moment, people can feel the immersive and stubborn character she was at that time. She has the charm of an invincible girl who saves the country - even just a little bit.

This time it really came to life... Aigron suddenly had an unrelated thought.

And right next to her mount, an assassin with a broken arm was wailing.

The girl was also looking at him at the moment. After confirming that he was safe and sound, the girl's face showed an expression of relief, and the original murderous aura was diluted a lot.

This expression, more than any words, was enough to prove her feelings.

"His Majesty!"

Agnes rode her horse back to Agron's side, then dismounted and stood in front of Agron, and Agron hugged her without hesitation.

Under the hard and cold armor, beating is a fiery heart.

"Thank you." He thanked Agnes sincerely. It was obvious that there was more than one assassin. Someone threw a bomb from the window sill and someone shot in the crowd. Agnes stopped one of them, which is equivalent to making a meritorious service. .

"Why do you need to thank me? This is my obligation!" Agnes replied without hesitation, "Your Majesty, this place is too dangerous, let's evacuate first..."

Aigron looked at the chaotic scene around him again and nodded with a heavy heart.

"Your Majesty, where are we retreating to?" Andre asked at this time.

Aiglon hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "Since our procession has only the last bit left, let's finish it and go to the church."

Aiglon made this choice, on the one hand he wanted to hide in a safe place nearby, and on the other hand he also wanted to show the outside world that no matter what accident happened, his determination was unshakable.

Now that the assassination has really happened, the most important thing now is to prevent the assassination from causing too much chaos. Rather than revenge, it is more important to let people know that a despicable conspiracy cannot change anything. He will rule this country. No one can stop it.

Now that he had the order, the guards naturally obeyed silently, so they surrounded Aigron and walked the rest of the way to the square together.

Although they were on high alert as if they were facing an enemy all the way, fortunately, no accidents happened, and they finally entered the small church. In addition, the assassin who was seriously injured by Agnes was also bandaged briefly by the guards and died. Brought them together.

Originally, this was the end point of Aiglon's entire celebration procession. Together with Agnes, he would face the well-dressed guests and the crowd gathered in the square outside the church, enjoying their cheers and tributes. , but it was completely silent at this time, and there was no one except for the lonely candles here and there.

And where he was attacked just now, there was only a mess and a shocking and tragic scene.

The guards surrounded the area tightly, and no suspicious person could approach. At this time, Aigron finally had time to think about how to deal with the current situation.

Before, he and Agnes spent a lot of effort to win people's hearts. However, the chaos and bloody massacre caused by the assassins greatly frustrated his efforts, and the "popular" image he worked hard to create was smeared, but It is conceivable that this incident will soon spread throughout the country through newspapers, letting everyone know that he encountered the fiercest resistance.

But on the other hand, this is not an opportunity. He can take the opportunity to show his unswerving will and force everyone who has not made a clear stance to draw a clear line on this incident.

Under the dim candlelight, after some thinking and weighing, Aigron gradually clarified his thoughts.

"Andre." He greeted his guard captain.

"Your Majesty." Andre immediately bowed his head and obeyed the order.

"First send a few capable people and rush to Paris immediately to report the incident to Theresa and Prince Talleyrand. At the same time, be sure to let all newspapers publish my statement so that all French people know that I am safe and sound. .”

For Aigron, information is the most valuable asset. He must seize the right to start the news to stabilize people's hearts. As long as everyone knows that he is safe and sound, there will be no change in the current political situation.

Then he added the order, "Then, you send someone to contact the senior official, and then call him over. Make sure to ensure his safety. Now I need him to stabilize the situation."

"Yes!" Andre accepted the order, and then he quickly arranged the manpower, and everything was arranged by him in a short time.

Taking advantage of this brief gap, Aigron looked around.

This small church is inconspicuous, and its furnishings are not much different from other churches. Although it is named after Joan of Arc, there are not many traces of her - but perhaps this simplicity and simplicity is just right. That's what the girl wants.

Aiglon's eyes fell on Agnes next to him. At this time, she had taken off her bloody armor, but she still had a bit of blood smell on her body. She stared blankly ahead, seeming to be in a trance.

"Agnes?" Agron called her, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm a little bit sad, your Majesty... what you had expected to happen finally happened." Agnes replied in a low voice, "This is so unfair. I have witnessed with my own eyes how you work tirelessly for the benefit of the people. You can I am worthy of anyone, but you have suffered such a disaster! I dare say that if something unexpected happens to you, it will be an indelible loss to our country and our nation, so how can they do this?!"

If someone else had said this, Agron would have just thought that the other person was deliberately flattering him, but Agnes must have said this from the bottom of her heart, so this actually made Agron a little proud. After all, everyone wants to be recognized by the person they like. .

"If you want to wear the crown, you will have to suffer the consequences. There is nothing you can do about it. I have already been bearing the price." Aigron replied in a calm tone.

The speaker was unintentional but the listener was intentional. Agnes immediately thought of another thing.

"My master once made such a big mistake and swung his sword at you, and now I have helped her atone..." She smiled bitterly, "But I still hope that nothing like this will happen again in the future. When I saw someone pointing a gun at you, I was almost scared to death! That feeling was even scarier than when I was being pointed at by a weapon."

Although Agnes was not very familiar with the flirting techniques of Parisian ladies, her simple and honest way of expressing her feelings was more useful to Agron than any other language skills. This really touched him.

"I won't die. God will definitely take care of me, otherwise I wouldn't be here today." He seemed to be comforting Agnes and hypnotizing himself, "And you will always stay with me. By my side until the day our lives end!"

After he finished speaking, he hugged Agnes and kissed her heavily to vent his accumulated tension and thank her for her unconditional loyalty; Agnes, who was still frightened, was equally enthusiastic She had too much tension that needed to be released.


Not long after, the senior official Baron Collot was brought over by the guards.

Originally, he was scheduled to attend an event held at the church in the evening, so he waited nearby. After hearing the news of the assassination, he was almost shocked and almost fainted.

Although he did not have much loyalty to Aigron, he certainly knew what consequences he would face if the Roman king unfortunately died in his jurisdiction.

Fortunately, while he was still in a state of confusion, the guards sent by Aiglon found him, and then informed him that His Majesty was safe and sound and that he had been summoned.

The ups and downs in his mood made him almost collapse, but he still immediately followed the guards to the church.

Then he saw Aiglon in the church.

"God bless you!" After confirming that Aigron was safe and sound, he shouted, "Your Majesty, just hope you are fine..."

Although he looked relieved, to be honest, he was a little dissatisfied in his heart - I warned you a long time ago about the danger, but you just didn't listen and insisted on doing it willfully and turned it into a people-friendly performance. Are you satisfied with it now?

Of course, he would not dare to say such words no matter what, so he could only keep scolding those heinous traitors.

However, Aigron was not in the mood to appreciate the other party's performance, and he quickly got to the point.

"Sir, I'm sorry that I brought such an unfortunate incident to Rouen. Please restore order as soon as possible, and then count the names of the victims of this storm for me. I will provide the injured and dead victims with Corresponding compensation, and I also want you to tell the people here that this unfortunate incident will never affect my view of Rouen and the glorious Normans. I still love this place and love them."

Aigron's calmness and lenient attitude surprised the senior official, but he was also relieved - after all, if His Majesty gets angry, no one will get any good results. "Okay, Your Majesty, I will get it done as soon as possible."

"Regarding this assassination incident, I will have people investigate it carefully, so you don't have to worry about it. But now I have one thing that requires your cooperation - please take the lead in signing a statement with the officials of this province to severely condemn this despicable behavior, and resolutely distance itself from any party or force involved with it. This province will never use any violent means to confront the legitimate government——"

Aiglon talks eloquently, this is not a discussion but an order.

And senior officials soon understood Aigron's intention. He wanted to organize a nationwide demonstration of loyalty.

But even if he saw it, it didn't matter to him, after all, he was happy to take it out

Anyway, he knows that his political career is almost over, and now he just wants to protect himself wisely and get out of the vortex as soon as possible.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I will write this statement immediately!"

"Very good." Aiglon nodded approvingly, "Then, finally, please make arrangements after you go back, and reschedule a public event as soon as possible to complete this celebration. I will never bow to any conspirators, and I will continue Facing the people here, neither swords, guns nor bombs can separate me from the people!"

This Majesty is really... stubborn. thought the baron.

Even a little admirable. If only they had been so brave...

"Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed and accepted the order.

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