Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty-two, the real enemy

Under the instruction of Prince Talleyrand, the government made the attack on the King of Rome in Rouen public that day, and naturally it caused an uproar.

Although the announcement stated at the beginning that the King of Rome was safe during the attack, this public assassination still shocked everyone's heart - although the King of Rome had previously been entangled with the Duke of Orleans due to the assassination, he was still concerned about the assassination. Most of them are just unfortunate incidents that happened in foreign countries, and times have passed; however, this incident happened openly within the country, in broad daylight, which once again reminded people of the chaos and massacre. The demon shadow still hasn't said goodbye to this land.

At this moment of reckoning, Aigron has painstakingly developed a persona of "energetic and far-sighted" through his domestic tours. The people are expecting him to sweep away the chaos that has lasted for decades. Leading the country towards stability and prosperity, under such circumstances, the assassination against him becomes even more intolerable.

Therefore, after the news came out, letters of condolences were sent like a snowflake from all over the country, and the surge of public opinion also pushed officials from all over the country to quickly express their stance - after Prince Talleyrand, as the head of the government, issued a statement severely condemning the assassin. After the public statement, provincial officials and senior military officers also issued statements one after another, resolutely drawing a clear line from any conspiracy that violates the law and shakes national order.

These letters of condolences and statements of loyalty flew to Paris like snowflakes as the news spread. After some inspection, some of them were forwarded to Aiglon.

At this time, Aigron was reading several letters with great interest.

Most of these letters were written by ordinary civilians, and their content was very simple. They only comforted the King of Rome not to be intimidated by a few young people. I was eagerly looking forward to your Majesty's early arrival. These letters have crude grammar and simple words, and are almost worthless from a literary point of view, but they contain the most sincere and simple expectations.

The people are on my side. He was convinced of this again.

Public opinion is like the tide, rising and falling. Even if he is loved today, he may be reviled tomorrow. But at least for now, he can use public opinion to do many things and put the country on the track he has set.

Coercing officials from various places to write letters expressing their loyalty is just one of the less important things.

While he was still reading these letters,

His guard captain Andre Davout walked up to him.

"Your Majesty, the arrested assassin has already received the results of his trial."

During that attack, an assassin was seriously injured by Agnes and fell into a coma. He was then controlled by Agron's guards. After he woke up, he was severely interrogated. In order to prevent the information from leaking or being silenced, Andre-Da Wu personally oversaw the interrogation, and the results finally came out today.

"Tell me, what is going on?" Aigron asked.

"There were actually three assassins in this group. In addition to the one who was caught and the one who threw the bomb at the window, there was another one who was also mixed in the crowd. However, he did not fire. He must have been afraid and retreated on the spot, or he was not aware of the situation. Miao ran away." Andre reported the results of his interrogation to Agron, "These assassins are republicans. They are friends. They often meet in a cafe in Paris, and later formed a small group there, and then based on Your whereabouts were reported in the newspapers, and they came to Rouen in advance to stay there, rented a small room, stored weapons there, and carried out their despicable plan during the official celebration."

"Are there any supporters behind them?" Aigron asked the question he was most concerned about.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there is no clear instigator behind them. They tend to be republican in their political views but have not joined any party groups. They are closer to anarchists, and no one has given them funds or "Other support." Andre replied, "They don't seem to have any personal hatred for you, but they are just trying to end the French monarchy by assassinating you - because they believe that the reactionary King of Bourbon will kill you every day when he is on the throne. It will increase people's favor towards the republic, but you are different. You are young and popular. If you really ascend the throne, maybe the monarchy will not be able to leave this land for the next few decades... so they want Kill you and let the country get rid of the monarchy as soon as possible."

This reason made Aiglon slightly shocked, and then he couldn't help laughing. "What? Even the assassin admits that I am loved by the people? This is good news."

Andre couldn't help but smile bitterly.

To assassinate the king for this reason is indeed dumbfounding.

"Are you sure that the content of your interrogation is true and not a lie to deceive you?" Aigron asked seriously after laughing for a while.

"I'm not 100% sure that this is the truth, but judging from my interrogation process, I think this is not a false confession. The captured assassin is not professional." Andre said confidently. Guaranteed, "and other circumstantial evidence can also prove this."

"Very good." Aiglon nodded.

Andre did not speak anymore, but continued to stand in front of Aigron, waiting for further instructions from His Majesty.

He knew that there was no inevitable causal relationship between "the truth that was investigated" and "the truth that was announced." No matter what the actual situation was, it all depended on Aigron's own mood in how he wanted to characterize the incident.

And Aiglon himself was also thinking and weighing.

Although he is now popular among the public, he still has many political opponents lurking. If he is willing, he can use this assassination incident to make a big fuss and label a group of people he dislikes as "anti-party" and then arrest him. Or exile.

However, using the same trick twice in a short period of time would be a bit difficult to convince the public. This would weaken his credibility. Besides, now that he is already on the stage, there is no need to use this kind of trick to teach others. He has too many ways to exert his power - if he wants to exclude dissidents, why should he make any more counter-attacks to put everyone in danger?

"If this is the truth, then let the whole country know the truth." So, after a moment, Aigron made a decision, "That's good. Our country is indeed tired of the fierce turmoil now. After a few nights, The blind actions of seniors are better than a well-planned conspiracy."

After a pause, Aigron said his final solution, "The arrested assassin will be imprisoned first, and the other two accomplices will be tried together after they are captured, and they will be dealt with fairly."

The so-called fair trial, of course, has the only option of the death penalty - not only did they fail to assassinate the King of Rome, they also blew up the guards, and in the subsequent panic, several innocent citizens died in a stampede, so as long as they go to the trial court, they will No chance of survival.

Aigron's calm and gentle handling made Andre somewhat dissatisfied. After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but give advice to His Majesty.

"Your Majesty, although they were not ordered by the party, it is obvious that they are radical republicans, and there are many similar radicals in Paris and elsewhere. This assassination gives us a warning, why don't we Why not just kill all these people? Now it is justifiable to punish them. Even if they are not directly involved in this matter, they at least gave the assassins moral encouragement. Even if they are not killed, they will be exiled to the Caribbean colonies or to South America. Guyana, and no one will say that you wronged them..."

"If it is for realists and those who are only interested in profit, the guillotine and exile are certainly useful, but for idealists, what is the meaning of these?!" Aigron shook his head and flatly rejected Andre's proposal. “Arresting them and deporting them will only elevate them into martyrs and further spread their ideas, which will not help.

Thoughts cannot be cut off by a sharp sword. For historical reasons, republicanism has been deeply rooted in the soil of our country. Aren't these ordinary people who dare to assassinate me proof of this? If I arrest and exile 300 people, I will only let another 300 or 500 people fill their vacancies. Because this kind of thinking is extremely terrifying, we should try our best to downplay them now instead of showing fear... "

Aigron's words made Andre feel a little baffled, but since this was His Majesty's will, he could only obey. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Aiglon waved his hand gently, letting the other person leave his sight.

The truth behind this assassination incident is surprisingly simple, but it also contains extremely profound historical logic.

In this era, everything that was originally handed down from the long Middle Ages, such as the royal family, feudalism, and the church, etc., have all decayed. However, new ideas and new trends have become stronger day by day. Aigron overthrew the old royal family, and it was absolutely He is not afraid that these dying old antiques can make a comeback, but this assassination made him understand that in the future, in addition to the royalists, republicanism will also be his great enemy, and may be his real enemy.

Compared with the old era, which has been tired of the people and is destined to die, the ideas of the new era have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. France has already given birth to a republic, and many people still miss it.

Moreover, ideas are the most vital things, and it is simply impossible to eliminate them by violence-Aigron only needs to exile a few hundred royalists to prevent people from fighting for the royal family, but exile a few hundred republicans. It doesn't help at all.

The fight with the royalists was an internal conflict between the feudal lords for the right to rule. There were few participants, and others did not care much. But the fight with the republican ideas was destined to be a long battle, and it might last throughout his reign. In this struggle, all people are both spectators and participants, and there is no room for negligence on his part.

In the eyes of radical republicans, the kings of the Bourbon family and the emperors of the Bonaparte family are also the same breed, thieves who sit on the throne and suck the people's anointing.

This is like a tug-of-war game. The more Aigron goes against the grain and uses violence to suppress them, the more he proves that what these republicans are saying is right, and it will actually make them more popular among the people.

In this era, if you want to keep the people away from the rhetoric of republicans, there is only one way to go - to lead the country to prosperity. Only in this way can the monarchy appear to be worthy of being preserved.

Use the new wealth created by the vigorous development of the industrial revolution to bribe the property-owning class, and then rely on the cooperation between the property-ownership class and the aristocratic class to form the backbone of the dynasty to consolidate rule. Finally, use part of the social welfare to appease the people and ensure the stability of the bottom class - -This is the ruling strategy finally explored by various European dynasties, and it is also the only feasible strategy.

Because he was soberly aware of this, not only did Aigron not want to expand the persecution of those republicans with great fanfare, but he hoped to handle this assassination incident in a calm and low-key manner.

In this way, under his instruction, the assassination storm in Rouen City quickly subsided. The truth investigated by Andre was quickly passed on, and the pursuit of the two assassins on the run also followed. Expand.

Of course, there is no need for Aigron himself to worry about these follow-up matters.

Thanks to the efforts of local officials, the last interrupted celebration was re-arranged. In just a few days, the grand scene reappeared, even on a larger scale than before.

The previous attacks and victims did not extinguish the enthusiasm of the citizens. On the contrary, this historic event gave people a more sense of "participation". So this time, almost the whole family went out to avoid missing out on the events of the next few decades. Talk.

And this is what Aigron wants.

Of course, this time his security work was much more like facing a formidable enemy. Not only were soldiers stationed on both sides of the road to maintain order, but every house along the street was also closely guarded, leaving no opportunity for assassins to take advantage of him.

He, Agnes, and his grand parade regrouped and almost repeated the city-circling celebration according to the previous route. Although there were also huge crowds of people and thunderous cheers this time, the mood of the crowd was different this time. Much more passionate.

And this time, Agnes, who was once again in battle, carrying the flag and leading the charge, felt the strange enthusiasm. As soon as she mounted her horse, she was almost surrounded by fanatical citizens. Even if the knights next to her tried to drive them away, they still couldn't. People still gathered here regardless, wanting to catch a glimpse of the "saint".

That night, she galloped on her horse, stopped an assassination attempt on the King of Rome, and captured an assassin. This "feat", in a small way, meant she fulfilled her duties and protected the king; in a big way, she protected the entire country. Country, this kind of feat is worthy of praise even if it happens to a man, let alone a girl?

Agnes, who was already very popular, became a legend after this "escort". Those who witnessed it praised her vividly, and folklore quickly made the exaggerated statements of those who witnessed it become even more exaggerated.

Now it seems that she is no longer the actor of the saint, but has become the representative of the saint. The girl was embarrassed by this passion, but she didn't know how to get rid of it.

In the end, she could only wave the flag, and then, surrounded by people, she walked slowly forward, leading everyone towards Joan of Arc's church.

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