Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eighty-three, in memory

Current location: 183, in memory of 183, in memory of

In a warm atmosphere, the grand parade marched toward the square along the predetermined route. The previous assassination incident seemed to have been forgotten by people and turned into an insignificant episode. What people want to see most now is the contemporary "incarnation" of the Saint, leading lost sentient beings to the place of martyrdom of the Saint to pray to God for forgiveness and salvation.

Surrounded by his own guards, Aigron slowly followed behind, witnessing this grand ceremony with everyone.

Compared with the "lively" last time, this time it was much more passionate.

The religious atmosphere in Normandy was originally very strong, and because Joan of Arc was martyred in Rouen, legendary stories about her have been widely circulated in Rouen for hundreds of years. When people truly recognized that Agnes was qualified to become that Their religious enthusiasm was completely aroused when they saw the shadow of the saint, and it was this enthusiasm that prompted people to desperately gather beside and behind Agnes, following the saints of the past and moving forward together. , some even had tears in their eyes, singing hymns along with the children in the choir.

More and more people sang hymns, and the entire procession was soon enveloped in high-pitched and unified singing, creating a solemn atmosphere.

Although he was upstaged by Agnes, Agron didn't mind. After all, to Agron, as long as the people here were moved and supported him, the reasons didn't matter at all - besides, he specially treated Agnes. She was promoted just to make up for her own shortcomings, and to use her to help herself win over the votes of conservative people.

From an effect point of view, this trick is really good.

So he happily played the supporting role of Agnes and followed her towards the place of martyrdom of the saint.

For Agnes, the situation is much more complicated.

She is shy by nature and has never liked to express herself in front of people. Although she has gradually become accustomed to being the center of attention during this period, this kind of solemn and worshipful scene at this moment still makes her feel uneasy.

Because she thinks from the bottom of her heart that she is not worthy of this.

I am just an insignificant mortal, even an immoral person. How can I be qualified to be regarded as the incarnation of a saint, and how can I be qualified to receive such attention? She has been questioning herself like this in her heart.

Precisely because of her guilty conscience and embarrassment, she did not dare to look directly into the eyes of others. She could only endure the torment of her conscience while riding forward. However, in the eyes of others, she seemed to be unmoved by external objects, which made her appear more solemn.

Under the guidance of this "focus without distraction", they passed through the not-so-long streets and arrived at the square in Rouen.

Hundreds of years ago, it was in this square near the market that the real Joan of Arc was escorted to a firewood pile and then burned alive as a witch. She became the most famous victim in the Hundred Years' War and also the woman who fought for the war. Martyrs who gave their lives to save their country.

And hundreds of years later, her former stigma has long been washed away, and no one will laugh at her or curse her anymore. Thousands of people, under the guidance of her descendants and her actors, have performed with the most pious With a demeanor, he came to the place where she was martyred, chanted her name, and commemorated her glorious deeds.

Agnes walked to the center of the square. It used to be filled with firewood and grease, and the fire was soaring into the sky and filled with the smell of death. However, now it was filled with flowers, the fragrance of flowers was overflowing, and there was no smell of blood.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the cross standing in it and the faith it represents.

Agnes stopped her horse, and then, under the gaze of the people behind her, she placed the tricolor eagle flag she had been holding next to the cross, letting it flutter in the breeze.

At this time, Agnes was also infected by the solemn atmosphere, and her eyes were a little dazed, as if she saw the terrifying fire among the flowers.

I saw the girl standing proudly in the firelight.

How should she look at me at this time? Agnes thought.

Will she accuse me of being a noble but succumbing to the traitors, betraying the remaining lineage of the Capetian family, betraying my duty of loyalty, and turning my allegiance to the usurper?

No, it won't! Agnes answered decisively in her mind.

Although what I am carrying is no longer the fleur-de-lis flag symbolizing royal power, but the tricolor flag symbolizing equality, is the difference really big?

In the years when the country was ruined and people were in ruins, she did not join the army to protect the private property of her family, but she fought for her motherland and the people living on this land who were moaning in the war. Thanks to her efforts, everything she defended has survived. Even though the Valois and Bourbon families have disappeared, future generations still remember her and commemorate her. Isn't this enough?

I believe that even if she has a soul in heaven, she will not be angry but feel relieved when she sees this scene.

Because the entire country's territory was preserved, the nation survived the war, and was united under a new flag... Isn't this everything you want?

Compared to the so-called "personal allegiance", doesn't the entire nation have more weight?

Agnes kept asking and answering questions in her heart. Gradually, she finally got rid of that feeling of shrinking and dared to raise her head and look head-on at the girl who lived on the boundary between reality and illusion.

Although I am as humble as dust compared to you, although I am useless and cannot govern a country or lead an army, although I am morally filthy and may not even be qualified to come to heaven to see you... But even so, I I will also follow your footsteps, spend the rest of my life fulfilling your ideals, and use my life to defend this country. We will fulfill our duties and never let your nightmares happen again.

Our current Majesty is stronger than the one you are loyal to. We don’t have to be afraid of being invaded by foreign enemies and sweeping away half of the country. We don’t have to be afraid of fratricide and civil war between royal families. We have overcome the desperate situation and can usher in a new era... …This is what he promised us, and it is also the destination that can be reached in this world.

I firmly believe that it can be done. This belief comes not only from my preference, but also from what I have seen and heard around him, his knowledge and vision, his willpower, and what he has done all along... This makes me firmly believe in this, so if you have a spirit in heaven, you must be able to see it, right? Isn't he better than anyone to whom you owe allegiance?

So please rest in peace...because we are here.

Please continue to bless us, for this country and this land!

After saying this silently in her heart, she gently raised her head, and then suddenly discovered that the firelight in the sky had disappeared, and the girl on the other side gently smiled to herself. Was that comfort or expectation? Maybe a bit of both.

That was all Agnes wanted.

Although she knew that this must be her own psychological effect, she still couldn't help but burst into tears. At this moment, she was convinced that she had been pardoned and blessed, and had found the path she needed to follow from now on.

She wanted forgiveness and redemption, and now that she had it, she wasn't shy about passing it on to anyone else.

Under everyone's gaze, the golden light of the setting sun fell on Agnes's body. The cross, the tricolor flag and the flowers covering the ground, together with the girl who laughed and cried simultaneously, were both pious and humble, and full of hope. It constitutes a picture that is enough to shake people's hearts.

"Damn, it's so beautiful! How great it would be if I brought Edgar over and asked him to draw this scene!" Aigron sighed in his heart.

The poet side in his heart was stimulated again, and he was almost completely immersed in it, forgetting that he was the real "director", and just wanted to solidify this beautiful moment and keep it in his collection forever.

It's a pity that the side of the emperor quickly overwhelmed this emotional impulse, and he regained his rationality.

Then, in full view of everyone, he crossed the line of guards, walked to the center of the square, and walked to Agnes's side.

Although it seems casual, his position is exquisite. He stands in the middle of the eagle flag and the cross to express the harmony and unity between "faith" and "empire".

Agnes also noticed his arrival, so she withdrew her gaze and turned to face Agron. Then she knelt down on one knee to show her loyalty to the king.

Although no one urged them, the people who were hypnotized by the "group will" were fully immersed in it, so that many people subconsciously followed them and knelt down on the ground, and then they woke up in surprise, and slowly returned to the scene. Climbed up.

Aigron also put his hands on Agnes's shoulders and helped the loyal follower up.

Then, under the flying eagle flag, he faced the people again and began to deliver his prepared speech to the people.

"Today, we French, all of us, are gathered in the square of Rouen. None of us will forget that exactly 399 years ago, one of the noblest and most loyal girls in France was martyred here. . Her life was extremely short, and she was on the battlefield for only more than a year, but she finally brought a bloody war that lasted for a hundred years to an end - and it is the end we hope to see, because of her, from The bloody craze in Albion was finally stopped, and the endless killing and plundering finally came to an end. She was like a meteor streaking across the sky, bringing hope to this land that was once swallowed by despair... It was precisely because Because of her, our country has survived and we can exist in the world.

Of course we must be grateful for her kindness, but this does not mean that we will regard her as a god from generation to generation and dare not look directly at her. On the contrary, this is definitely not what she wants! She was born in response to the people's prayers and expectations, but she does not have a proud family background or title. She comes from

Current location: 183, in memory of 183, in memory of (2/2)

You and me, and ultimately you and me, her only creed is piety and patriotism, and she does not hesitate to use her own life to practice this when needed. Other than that, she wants nothing... We love her, Precisely because she is a member of the people, and only all the people on this land write our history, she is each of us! "

After saying this, Aigron turned to look at the eagle flag beside him, and then raised his hand to point to it.

“In the not-too-distant past, many people once gathered under this banner. We once had ideals in our minds and sharp swords in our hands. We created glorious achievements that others could not imagine. It is because of you that every ordinary person A common man who was not afraid of life, death, or artillery fire, and created this miracle. Each of you is a part of the miracle... And I firmly believe that this miracle is still rooted in the deepest heart of each of us. As long as it is stimulated again, it will burst out again, and then let us create miracles again. That was the miracle of 1429, that was the miracle of 1805, and it will also be the miracle of 1830 and 1840!"

Through carefully prepared words, Aiglon deliberately hid part of Joan's attributes, trying hard to emphasize that "as an ordinary person, he is patriotic and willing to give everything", and then through the replacement of the subject, he elevated others. to this position.

However, this is not a lie, because so far, only fifteen years have passed since 1815. In other words, even in the city of Rouen, there are many people who have served as soldiers for the empire. Maybe they have shed blood on a certain battlefield - so it seems reasonable to say that they also shed their lives and blood for the country like Joan of Arc.

As long as he deliberately does not mention the difference between defending the country and foreign aggression, anyway, the empire is about to be resurrected now, and the right to speak is in his hands.

Of course, Aigron also did not want to speak too sensationally and explicitly, so as not to arouse the panic and fear of other European countries (especially the country across the Taiwan Strait), so later on, he deliberately lowered his tone.

"God teaches us to forgive, and suffering is also part of our way to salvation. Joan of Arc's martyrdom here should not leave us with hatred, but remembrance and remembrance. We forgive all our former enemies and are willing to work with Everyone can coexist in peace. Today, the era swallowed by war and blood has become a thing of the past. We cherish the peace that Joan of Arc won for us back then. We will also cherish the peace we have now, and we will use the miracles we once created. Use those driving forces to build a prosperous future that belongs to us, and this is the best way for us to comfort her - we will never forget our faith, we also love peace, and now, the empire is peace!"

"Long live the Empire!"

Just after he finished his sentence, a large group of people shouted out with him.

Next to him, Agnes glared at him secretly, because she was actually not satisfied with Agron deliberately dragging the saint to make tiger skin for herself. It's so pitiful that the girl who has been dead for hundreds of years can't live in peace now.

But what can be done? This is what he wants to do, and he is also an "accomplice".

"You will definitely forgive me..." She prayed secretly in her heart, and then shouted out, "Long live the empire!" No pop-ups, timely updates!

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